WHEREAS, i.he City Council of the City of Anaheim, by
Resolution No. 92R-237 on November 17, 1992, designated a
Redevelopmeiit Survey Ar.ea for redevelopment study purposes; and
WHERE~18, the California Community Redevelopment Law (Health
and Safe~y Cade Section 33000 et seq.) pr.ovides that the Planning
Commission may select a r~develo~ment project ar~a Lrom within the
b~undaries of a survey area, and then to formulate a preliminary
plan L'or the redevelopmnnt of the ~e].pcted proposed projec~ area;
WHEREAB, the Community Redevelopment Commission of the City oE
Anaheim received and approved the Preliminary P].an far the proposed
Commercial/Indust;rial Redpvelopm~nt Pr.ojecL on November 25, 1992.
Bec~ion 1: The P).~nning commissinn hexeby SP_Y~C~S and
designa~es as ~the propo~ed Project Ar~a for the
Commercial/Industrial Redevel.opment Project the area withfn the
Redevelopmen~ Survey Area ~hown on the "Yroject Area Map", attached
hereto as Exhibit A~nd incarparated by referencF herein, and as
more p3rticular3.y described in ttie "Legal Descr.iption of Project
Area", attached hereta as Exhibit B and incorporated by reference
herein. In the event that ii: is neces~ary for. clarifiaation
purposes to make minor, technical changes to the houndaries
des~ribed in Exhibit B, the Planning Commission hereby finds and
determines that any such minor, techr.ical change .for alarification
purposes does not materially affect the boundaries selected and
desiqnated hereby.
~,~ction~: The Planninq Commission hereby approves the
"Preliminary Plan for the Commercial/Industrial Redevelopment
Pxoject" in the form attachEd hPr~to as Exhibit C and incorporated
by reference herein.
uct ~S 3: The Ch~irm~n of the P1~, ning Commission ia hereby
au~horized and directed to submit e Preliminary Plan to thp
Anaheim Rec~evelopment Aqency. ~~.'
i~ ~
PASSED~ APPROVED AND ADOPTE ttYis 2 day of ~~;.•mbcr i
1 ~L.
19 9 2. l~ ~J NZW ~C%li~'~' •` _
-t- rc~~~~-ias
' ~~ ~~ °-- /
I, ~anet I,. Jonsen, Secretazy nf ~he Anaheim City
P~.anning Commis;sion, do hareby certi:Ey ~that the foregoing
resolution was p~sssd and adapted at a meeting o~ the Anahr~im Cii:y
Planntng Commission hel.d an Deaember 2, 1992, by tt~e following voi;e
ot the members ttiereof.:
IN WL NESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this ~
~._~ - day of~ '' ~1'.1..~- 19~2.
~~ ~ ~
, / ~
CR1678MS.wp -2- PC92-148
91 168.26(P,)
I 1-23-92
(SUB AREn 1)
That portion of Section 34, Township 3 South, Range l0 West together with that portion
of Sections 2, 3 and 4, Township 4 South, Range lU West in the Rancho San Juan l,a~an
De Santa Ana as showr on the m:-p recarded in [iook Sl, P;-Se 10 of Miscellaneous Maps
in the office of the Courcy Rec~rder of Orange Caunty, C;sli~orniu des~ribed as follows:
Beginning at the centerlin~ intersection of Raymond Avenue anu Romneya Drive as
sl~own on Tract No. 2U22 recorded in Book 5R, P:-ges 24 and 25 of Miscellaneaus Maps
in the office of said Co~n[y Recorder; thence North OQ°41'?U" West 135.q1 feet along
said centerline of Raymond Avenue to the 5outhcrly line of said Tract No. 2022; then~~
East 201.77 feet along said Soutfierly line to the Northwesterly corner of Lot 8 of said
Tract No. 2022, suid corner being ~he TRUE POINT C1F BEGINNING; thence South
IOS.UO feet along the Westerly line of said l_ot 8 to the Northerty line of Rornneya Drive
(6d,00 fect wide) as shown on Tract lVn, 1875, recorded in Bec~k 62, Pages 4'~, 44 and 45
uf Miscel~aneuus Maps in the office of saicl County Recorder; thence South 89°Sl'00"
East li0.U5 feet alon~ s.tid Northerly line tc~ the Northerly prolangation of the Easterly
line oE' Briarwaod 5treat (60.QG fee~ wide) as showri ~n said Tract No. 1825; chence 11c~ng
said Northerly prolonga~ion :ind ~aid Easterly tine the following courses: South
00°32'30" East 156.32 feet to the beginning of a tangent curve concave .F.asterly having a
radius of 450.00 feet, Southerly I 16.37 feet along said curve through a central angle of
14°49'00" and South 1°O21'30' East 172.4U feet to the EascGrly prolongation of the
Nonherly line of I,ot 14~~1 of s:tid Tract No. 1825; thence South 74°38'3U" West 280.00
feet alang said Easterly prolonga!ion and said Nr, ~,iierly line to the Fasterly linc of East
Street (7~J.00 feet wide) as showr on said Tract iao. 1A25; thence South ~S°~-'3Q" East
463.6Q feet along said Easterly iine; thence South 9°lU'49" ~ast 9'1.92 feec to the Easterly
line of said Ea~t 5treet (60.G0 feet wide) as shown on said Tract No, 1825; thence South
1S°2i'30" East 1n3.4~1 fcet along said Easterl,~ line ro the Westerly prolongation of the
Southerly line oi I.ot 135 of ~aid Tract No. 1825; cl~ence South 89°SO'3U" f:as[ 10.38 feet
along said Westerly prolongati~n co a line parallel with and Easterly 10.00 feet from said
last mentioned Easterly linc; thence South I S°21'30" '~ast 210.66 fect along said parallcl
line to a linc parullel with and Southcrly 53.00 feet from the cencerline uf La Pnlma
Avenue (60.00 fcet wide) as shown on said Tra~ct No. 1825; thencc West 24I.6$ feet
along said last mcntioned parallel line t~ a{inc parallel wich and Weste~ly 193.00 fcet
fmm the centerline of said East Streec; chence IVorth l S°Qb'25" West 23.82 feec along said
last mentioned parallcl line ro a lin~: parallel wich :+nd Soucherly 30.00 fcet from said
centerline of La Palma Avenue; eh.nce West 297.28 feet :itong said last m~ntioned
parallel line to a line parallel wich and W~sterly 480.UU feet from s;-id centerline of East
Street; thence South 1 S°06'25" East 23.82 fecc atong said last mentioncd parallel line to a
line paraltel with and Southerly S3.Uq feet t'rom sa~d centerline o~ La Palma Avenue;
thence West 87$.G7 feec alun~ said I~st mentiuned parallel line to thc Easterly line of Lot
9, Block D of Tract No. 592 as sh~~wn on the map recorded in Book l9, Page 3 0;
Miscellaneous Maps in che office of ~aid Counry Recorder; thenct Narth 15°?2'30" Wcst
ExEit~rr r~ ~~l 1G3.2G(A)
L.~GAL I~ESC[t[PTION, C;ITY OC- ANAHEItii 1 1-23-92
21.64 feet along said Easrerly line to ;: !ine parallel with and Southerly 32.50 ~eet from
said centerline of La P;~lma Avenu~; thence North 8y°37'S3" V~'esc l 10U.22 f~et along
said lust mentioned parallel line to a line p,irallel with ~u~d Westerly 30.U0 feet from thc
centerl'sne of Olive Street ;is shown on Parcel Map No. 81-267 filed in Book 167, Pages 8
and 9 of Parcel Maps in ~he office oi suid Councy Recorder; thence North UO°05'OS" West
692.50 feet along saicl last mentioned parallel line to the Northerly line of I,ot 28 of the
Schaffer-Oswald Subdivision as shown on the m,tp recurded in Book 7, Page 41 of
Miscellaneous Maps in che office of said C~~unty Recurder; ~hence West 396.65 feet
along said last mentioned Northerly line and the Westerly prolongation thereaf ta a point
on the Easterly line of °1tt Street as described in Parcel 5 of Resolution No. 84R-1S8 uf
the City Council uf the rity of Anaheim recorded April 27, 1984 as Instrument No.
84-174a77 of Ufficial Recurds in ti~e office of said County Rec:order, said Easterly line
teing a curve concave Nurtherly havi~7g ~i radius of 59.SU fee~, a radial line to said point
bears South 79°47'07" East; thence Southwesterly and Northwesterly 165.71 feet along
said curve through a central an~le of l59°34' l4" t~ the Northerly line of the Gresswell
Subdivision as shown on the map rec;orded in Book 6, Puge 47 of Miscellaneous Maps in
the office of said County Recorder: thence West 140.38 feet along said last mentioned
Northerly line and the Westerly prolangation thcreof to thc Easterly line of Lot 23 of said
Gresswell Subdivisiun; chence Seuth 65.(~ fee~ ulong said I;tst mei~~ioned Easterly line
and the Southerly pr~longati~n ~hereot' ~o the Norcherly line of Lo~ 21 ~t' saicl Gresswell
Subdivision; thence Wesc 11U.09 feet along said lasc mentioned Northerly line to the
be~inning of a non-tangent curve concave Nurthwesterly having a r~dius of 42.50 faet, a
radial line to said curve bears South 58°02'03" Eust, said curve being a po:tion of the
Southeasterty line of k~arcel 1 of s;iid Resolution Na. 84R-158; thence along said
Southeasterty I~ne, the f'ollowing courses: Southwesterly 10.44 Peet along said curve
chrrugh a cennal angle of 14°04'48", Souch 46'02'45" Wesc l.17 feet to che beginning of
a t~ngent curve con~ave Southeasterly having a radius of 54.38 feet, and Suuthwesterly
43.72 feet along said curve tt;rough :- centrll angle ~t 46°03'4S" to the Westerly line of
said Lot 21; thence Soutli f~°Ol'~~" East 579.43 feet along said last mentioned Westerly
line and the Soucherly prolangation chereof to the Norcherly line of Lot I0, Block D,
Tract No. 422 as shown an tlie m~p recorded in Book l5, Page 48 of Miscellaneous Maps
in the offica of.said County Kecorder; thence Nor[h ~9°37'53" West 395.19 feet along
said l~st mentioned Northcrly line ~nd the Westerly prolongation the~eof to the centeriine
of Anaheim B~ulevard: thence North 15°2l'00" West 2.60 feet alon~ said centarline to
the Easterly prolongarion of the Northerly line of Lot 9, Bloc:k B, Tract No. l43 as shown
on the map z~ec~rded in Book I 1, Page 38 of Miscellaneous Maps in the office of said
County Recorder; thencc North 89°37'S3" Wesc 606.75 feet along said Eastzrly
prolongation, said last mentionPd Northerly line and the Westerly prolongation thcreof to
the Northwesterly corner of f.ot l, Blo~k A af said Tract No. 143; thence South
15°21'00" East 2.60 feet along ~hc Westerly line of said Lot l co che Bas[erly prolongaci~n
of the Northerly line of Lot 28, Blc~ck A~f Trace No. 374 ;is shown on [he map recorded
in Book 15, Page Z of Nliscellaneous Maps in the office of said County Recorder; thence
Nonh 89°37'S3" West IQ84.2~i feet along s:~id E;~srerly prc~longation and said last
mentioned Northerly line ro the Nor~hwes[erly corner ot said Lot 28; shence South
E;{HIBI'I' Q ~)I168.26(A)
(SUB AR~A 1)
15°21'00" East 21.30 feet along the Westerly line of said Lot 28 co a line parallel with znd
5outherly 53.U0 feet from said centerline of L;~ Palmu Avenue; thence North 89°37'S3"
Wes[ 21U.43 fee[ alon~ said last meiltio~~ed pur,~lt~l line co the Sc~ueherly prolonga~ion af
thc Easterly line of Parcel 2 as shown on the map filcd in Book 52, Pagc 41 of Parcel
Maps in th4 office uf said County Recorder; thence alang said Southerly prolonga;ion and
said last mentioned Easterly line, che following courses: North l5°22'07" West 474,89
feet and North QU°2U'10" West 13.68 feet ro the Southerly line of Lo[ I, Tract No. 1326
as shown on the map recorded in Book 4?, P;ige 34 of Miscelluneous Maps in the office
of said County Recorder; thence North 89°39'4U" Eas[ 1U.25 feet along said last
mentioned Southerly line ro the Easterly line of said Lat l; thence North 00°20'lU" West
251.34 feet along said last mentioned Easterly line and r.he Northerly prolongatian theraof
to the Northerly line of Lot 34 of said Tract iJo. 1326; thence South 89°39'40" West
10.25 Feet along said last mentioned Northerly line to a line parallel with and Westerly
10,25 feet from said last mencioned E~isterly line; thence North 00°20'Ip" West 109.66
feec alang sai~+ last mencione~l parallct line io the beginning uf a tangent curve concave
Southwescerly having a rndius of 15.00 fcer thence Northerly nnd Westerly 23.56 feet
alon~ said curve tt~rough a central angle of 90°QQ'10" to the Northerly line of Lot 35 of
said Tract No. 1326; thence South 89°39'40" West 32p.00 feet along said tast mentioned
Northerly line and the Westerly prolong~ttion thereoF to the Westerly line of Lot 13 of
Miles Rancho as shown on the map recorde~i in Book 4, Page 7 of Misr:elianeous Maps in
the office of said County Recorder; thence North OU°32'40" Wesc 503.52 feet atong said
last mentioned Westerly line co the Norcherly line of said Lot 13; [hence North 89°39'4Q"
East 18.80 feet ~long said last mantioned Northerly line; thcnce South OU°32'40" East
155.00 feec; thence North 89°39'4U" East 74.24 feer thence North pU°32'40" West 205.00
feet to the Wes~erly prolo7gation of che Southerly line of l.ot 1 of Tract No. 2302 as
shown on the map recorded in [iook 76, P:tges ?9, 3U and 3l of Miscellnneous Maps in
th~ office cf said County Recorder; ~hence North ~9°3y'4U" EaSt IU7.(.~U feec along said
Westerly prolongation, said last mentioned Sautherly line and the Easterly prolongation
thereof to che Easterly line of said Tracc No. 2302; thence North OU°2U'2~" West 420.00
feet alung said last mentioned Eascerly line; chence NoRh 8~°39'4U" East 120.00 feet ta a
line parallel with and Westerly 60,00 feet from the centerline of Harbor Boulevard;
thence No~~ch 00°20'20" West 100.00 feet along said lasc mentioned parallel lin~; thence
North 89°39'40" East 15.Oq feet to a line parallel witti and Westerly 15.00 feet ~rom said
last mentioned centerline; chence Norch 00°20'20" West 767.W feet along said last
mentioncd parsllel line to the boundaty of the Anaheim City Limits, said boundary being
che Northerly line of the Riverside Freeway (lntersta~e No. 91); thence atong said
Anaheim City Limit boundary, the folluwing courses: thence North 89°39'40" East
345.00 feec along said last mennoned Northerly line; thence South 88°11'09" Eas~ 531.48
feec along said last mentioned Nonherly tine; thence Souch 88°36'49" Easc 419.36 feet
along said last rnentioned Northerly line: thence North 89°48'30" E~st 110.00 fett to a
line parallel wich and E~isterly 30.00 feec from che cencertine of Lemon Streec; thence
N~rth 00°11'30" 1'~est 18i5.00 feet along said las[ mentioned parallel line to the
centerlint of Orangethorpe Avenue; thence North 89°4?'UU" East 20.00 feet along said
last mentioned centerline to a line parallel with ;ind Easterly 3U.00 feet from th~
EXfill3l'1' k3 ~~I lb;i_-~(,i:Ai
~.ECiAL UESCRIP"I'10~. (:l"1'Y' Of' r\~Af lEl'~1 I l.?i.~)2
centerline of Lemon Screec ; s shuw~i or~ ~he map filecl in Buok IU, Page 37 of Parcel
\laps iR the r~ffice of said County Recorder; chence Norch W°1 I'3U" Wese I:iz2.33 feet
along said last mentioned parallel l:n: to the tiortherly line of Tract No. 4961 as shown
on the map re~orded in Book 2il'l, Pa~es 37 ~nd 38 of ~iiscellar,eous Maps in che office
of said Councy Recorder; thence \or!h 89`42'll" Easc 1606.54 feec alorg sa~a last
mtr,tioned Korthcrly line and thc Easterly prolongation chereof to the Westerly line of the
two S.U:5 acre parceis as shown ort the map recorded in E3ouk 38, PaKe 3 of Record of
Survcys 4n the office of said County Rerorder; thence leaving said Goundary of the
Anaheim City Limits. Suuth (x)'19'09" East 1269.52 feet ulong said laxt mentiuned
';lesterly {ine to a line p:ualiel with and Northerly 53.00 feet from the centerline of
Or: ngethcrpc Avenue; Ihent'c !'rorth K9°42'fx)" East 8Kb.15 fett ~long said I;+st menrioned
para:iel iine to the Wesccrl~ line of the lJniun P:-cific R..~.r~:id, said line being parallel
with and Westerly 1(iO.lXi feet from the Westerly line ot Tract ho. A7U3 as shown on the
map recorded in Eiook IG9, Pa~es 2S and 26 of Miscell~neous Maps in the office of said
County Recorder; tlienre :+iong said ~'ester~y line of the U~ion Pacific kaiiroad, the
f~lluwins courses: tiorth 00°SO'10" West 394.5() f~eec to the beginning of a tangent curve
concave Westerly having a radi:~s of 16~)3.87 feec, `or~herly 177.38 Eeet along said curv~
tfirough a central angle of 6'~l()'~U" ro the be~innir~g of :+ com~ound curve coneave
Westerly having a radius of 930.37 feet and Nonherly 201.U6 fect along said curve
~hruugh a central angle of 12°22'S5" ca said twundary of ttie Aneheim City Lir.~its, said
bc~~indary being on the Easterly prolong:-tion of che tiortherl~• line of said Tract No. ~961;
•hence along Anaheim City Limis boundary, the following courses: thtnr.e vorth
R9°42'l l" EaSt 211.65 fcet along said last men~ioned fasterly prolongacion co the
Non~~erly prolongat'son of the Westerly line of said Tr.+ct ~Yo. 4703: ~hence South
00`50'lU" East i74.71 feet aiung said ~1'artherly prolongation to a point on a curve
concave So~~theastcrly having a radius of 369.2.9 feec, a radial line to said poins bears
North 58°27'19" We~-, said curve being corcentric wich and N~rthwesterly 20.00 feee
fr~cn th~t certain curve shown as being concave Southeasterly and havii~~ a radius of
349.29 feec for a ~ortion of ehe boundary o( sTid Tract {~e. 4703; then.~ {~onheasterly
3;5.13 feet along s~id curvc through a rc~~~ral angle of S8°12'69'~ to a line parallel with
and Nonherly 2~.00 f:et from the {tiurthc~ty line of said Tr~^.t No. 4703; ~i:ence h'onh
89°44'SO" East ^39.56 kee along said last mencioned pacal - :i~ to : I~re parallel with
and Weaterly 30.GU feet fr~t,m the cen-erline of Raymond Av- ~-. ~he~ce South OA"46'45"
East 1369.IS feet alorg said iast men~ioned parallel line ~~ a linc parallel with and
5outherly 53.00 ket from said centerlin~ of Orangethorpe Avenue: thtnce Ieaving said
boundary of ttic A~~rheim Cic~ '~mits, So~~th 89'42'I4" `JVcs~ IOSh.29 fce~ along said last
rnemic hed parallel line t~ a lin~ parallel with s+nd Ea,tcrly IyK.lxl fcet from the Vtieuerly
~inc of P1nel Map f~o. 84•14"t u shown on the map (iled m Bwk 15A, Pagex I chrou~h ~
uf f'~v~eel ~1aps in the offi:s of sa~d County Kecorder, thence Soeth UO'49'21 "' ~ast .~A
ieet ~long ssid last m~~uioned F:vallel line t4 a linc parellcl with and ~c~u~herly 6U.W tec~
tram said centcrtinc of Orange~horpt Aveaue: ehcr~cc S~.uth Ky4A2'!~ We~t 198.0O feet
along zaid last ~rsemioned ~arallel I~nc to nc~ ~cmtierly p:olongati~n of ~a~d Weztctly line
c~f caid Parcel ~t~n ~o. n9• ~42: th~nce Sau~h 4:)°~y'2l" E~ast 2239.aa feet along ~aid last
~7enunned ti~rnhesly prolcng:~uAn. ~a~d Litic men~~c~r~cd ~~e.tcrly Gne ancl tFie Snu~hctly
~.~,s,~ _ ~ ~1 H
E~Iilf3lT I3 ~ll ic,y.?c,~A>
LEGAL DESCRIPTIOy, CITY OI~ :\ti:~HEl~t I I•23•`~2
orolongation thereof to the beginning ot' a~an~ent rurve ror~cave Eastcrly having a radius
of 5679.65 fect, said curve being the Nartherly continuatiun of tl~at certain curvc shown
as being concave Easterly and having ~ r:+dius of 567y.G5 fcet for the Westerly line of
Trac~ No. S7Q3 as shown on ehe map rerorded in Book 2O9, Pages 26 and 27 of
Miscellaneous tit,:ps in che ottice oi s:iid Counry ftCCUrder; thence Souche~ly 1 I 19.19 feet
along said curve +,vougli a central ~nble of 11°17'25" to the Southerly line of s~ic: Tract
No. 5703; thence South 89°52'2U" East 7~)8.66 feec along said last menuoned Sou,nerly
line to the ~Ycstcrly line of the land describcd in P:~rrel ti'o. B 1~12U9.01 of the deed to the
Orange County Fluod C~~n~rol Uistrict recorded in Boui: 5651, Page 219 of Ot'ficial
P.ecords in ttie office of said C~~unry Recorder, thencr along said I:is; mentioned Weti~~:rly
line, the following cou~ses: North W° 14'4U" East 373.1 S feet to the btginnirg ~f A
tangent curve concave Easterly having a r.idius of IU33.()() feet, and Nurtherly 185 OS feet
along said curve ~hrough a ~encral angle of 10° I S'S1" ~o the Southerly line of Kenwood
Avenuc as described in the Quitclaim Ueed to the City of Anahcim recorcled in F3ook
7675, Page 519 of Official Records in ehe officr of ,a~d County Recorder, thence Notth
89°37'S3" West 3.l9 feet along said I:ist mentioned S~x~therly line tu the E:-sterly cc,rner
of the land ctescntxd in the deed to the City ol Anaheirn recorded in 9ook 9U96, Page 18
of Official Records in :he office uf said County Re~:order, the Southerly and Westerly line
of said land being a curve concave N~rthexsterly having a radius of 4U.OU feet, a radiaf
linc to said corner bcars 5outh 55°!S'S1" Ea~t: ~hence bVesterly ~nd Northerly 122.2i feet
along said curve through a central a~gle of 175'U3'(13" to ehe Westerly line of the land
described in the deed to the Ci~y of Anahc~m rcro:ded in f3ook 751b, i'age I 17 of Official
Records in ttu offiee of said County Rec~rdcr: chence a~ong said last mentioned land. tht
foilowing co~arses: North 00°14'40" East 22.9G fect and South 89°37'S2" East 85.38 feet
co the beginning of a non-cangent :urvc ~oncave Soucheasterly having a radius of 1033.00
ftet, said curve being the W~sterly line of sa~d P~rcel B 1• 12(19.01, a radial lint to said
curve bears Nortn 75°51'45" W%ese: thence con-i,~uing alAng said laat menlioned West~ly
linr. the following couises: Northt:~sterly 516.00 feet :i~o~~g ~:iid curvt through a centra!
anglL uf 2S°37'l4" and horch 42°45'29 Easc 56.~7 feei ~o a line parallel with and
Westerly 45.()(l feet from ihe cencerlire of Easc S~rce~ as shown on the map tilzd in Book
11, Page i2 of Parcel Maps in tt:~ office of s:~~d Councy Rrcorder; thence North
89°18'40" East ~5.00 feet to the NonF~er;y protor~g:~~ion of en= wcsirrly lir~e of Loe a8 of
said Tracc Pio. 2022; tfience Souch 8°59'3()" Ea~i y~.2'I ket to the N~rtherly tennim~s of
that certain course shown as "South ?°43'(X?" We,~ 99.36 !eet" for a portion of tht
Southerly line of said Rivetside Freeway iln~ent:ue tio. 91); t}unce South 7°43'00" Wr,st
161.79 ~eee along said cour~e and the Sou~herty prolongation iher!of tu the 5outhwesterly
corner of said Lot 48: thence South (X)'41':U" E:~.t 2R4.16 feet aiong che Westerly tine of
i.ots 43 tl~rough 47 of said Tract No. 2A2: co ~he tx~~nning of a tangene curve cnncave
\orthe~cttrly having ~ radiu~ of I S llO fcer. thenrc loulh![ir and F.asterly 23.3K feet
alon~ said eurve Ihro~gh a rcntr.~l .~r~lc ul 1i9=1:+'~i(1" w ihti Suutl+crly I~ne ~,( ~aid Lot 43:
t~r~r~- 1 •!:t
F..KIIIBIT [3 `il lG;~.26(A)
LEGAL DESCRIPTION, CI"f1 UF ~~~~fi[:I~S ~ I-23•y~
thence Es~st b1.63 iect along said last mentioneJ Southerly line to the Northerlv
prolongation ot' thc Westerly line of Lot 1(3 of ~aid Tract No. 2(122; thence South tGU.00
feet alon~ said tiortherly prolungation :tnd said last mentioned Westerly line to the
Southerly Ilne of said Lot 10; thence Ease 81.25 t'eet along said last men[ioned S~~ucherly
line and the Easterly prolongation ttie~eof to the tnie pnint of beginning.
Contains an area of SU2 acres, mure or less.
~~~n~nu ~%p~*
_ ~ , ~~~~'^a' ~AA
AMES E3. DUNLAF', LS 189 ~~~
* _ Mp. 4159 i i
i'S:`.11-1 iR
I 1-2d•92
(SUt3 AREA 3)
That portion of Se:iiuns tU, ll, 14, I5, 22, 23 ;-nd 26, T'ownship 4 South, Range IU
West in ;hc Ranch~~ `ian Juan Cajon dr. Sa~~ta Ana as shown on the map recorded in Book
51, Pa~e IU of !~tiscellaneous ;~taps in ~I~e uffice of the C_'ounty Recorder uf Or~nqe
County, Californi:i, desrribed as foliows:
t3cginning at the intersertion of ~he centerline of Balt Road (~f variable width) with the
centerlinc of Lemon Strcet (of variable width) as sliown on the map of Tract ~10. 2090
recorded in Iiook 61, Pages 38 and 39 of Miscellaneuus Maps in the office of said County
Rerorder, chence Norcli 15°23'45" Wesc 211.89 fee~ along said centerline of Lert~on Street
as sho•.vn on the mup tiled in Book l8, P~ge 4Z oi' Rccord of Surveys in ths ot'fi~e of said
County Recorder to che Wes!erly prolongation of the Nor;h~~rly -ine Qf that certain 1.674
acrc parcel sl~own on said Record of Survey; then~e North 74°20'~ S" East 227.22 feet
along said prolongation and Northerly tinc; thence North I S°23'45" Wcst 120.00 f~et to thc
Southerly line of Parcel 1 as shown on the map tiled in Book 41, Page 21 of Parcel Maps
in the office of said County Recorder, thence South 74" 19'00" Wcst 227.22 fett along said
Southerly line ancl ~he Westerly prolongatic~n tfiereof to said centerline of Lemor~ Street as
shown on said ~'arcel h1ap, thenct Norch l5°25'UG" West 368.66 feet atong said centerline
to thc Westerly prolongation of thc Sautherly line of Tract No. 3222 as xhown on the rnap
recordeci in book 97, Page l9 and 2U of Miscellaneous Maps in che office of said County
Recorder; thence North 74°19'W" East 235.00 feet aleng said prolongation and said last
mentioned Southerly ~ine to the Easterly line of Loc 9 of s~id Tracc No. 3222; thence Nureh
iS°25'00" West 635.U2 ~eet along s:tid Eascerly linc, che Nor~herl; prol4ngation thercof
and the ~Yesterly Iine of Lo~s 1 I through 18 of said Tr~ct Mo. 3222 ~~ a line parallel with
and Southcrly l 1.p0 fect from the Norchcrly lint of sa~d Tract No. 3222: thrncc South
74°27'45" Wes: 24.25 feet al~ng said parallc! line to tl~c Sou~he,rly Frolongation of the
~asterly line of Parcel l as shown on the map filed in E3ook 38, Page 19 of Parcel Maps in
the office of said County Recorder; thtnce Norch I S°25'00" West 443.23 feet along said
prolongation, said I~st mentioned Eactcrly linc and the t•lonherly prolongati~n thercof ro the
Nonheriy line of' Vermonc Avenue (bb.(?U feet widt) as shown on the rnap uf T~act No.
;194 recordtd in Boc~k 38. Pages 1 and 2 of Misceliancous Maps in tt~e affice of said
Councy Recorder; chence Norch 74°21' l 5" East 67.U0 feec alortg said last mentioned
Northcrlv I~ne to the Southerly prolongation ~f the Wcsterly line of said Tract ~'o. i 194;
thence [~facth 15°51'14" West 1"4.40 fcCC a!onb said prnlon~ation to the Souttierly line of
said Tract No. l 194; thence Nor~h 74°21'IS" Easc 17y.02 fee~ along said last mencionod
Southerly li~ie co the Suuchcrly prolangatio~ of the Westerly tine of Lot 22 of said Truct
No. l 194; thenc:e Nurth 15°3b'SS" Wese IGt.?3 fcec along said prolongation to the
5outt~west corn~r of ~1id Lot 22; thencc along thc ~ouchcriy lir.e of sai~ L~t 22 ar.d the
Sou~herly and Southeasterly lines of Lot 21 of said Tract No. 1194, the following courses:
~Yorth 74°22'03" Easc 99.00 fecc ;~ tne beginni~g of :: tangcnr curvc eoncave Northwesterly
havin~ :- radius o~ 15.0!1 fcci, and Ncnheasterty ~.43 fect : Iong said curve through a
~cnv:il ~ngle of 32° 12'49" to;i line parsl!el HEth and Wtsterly a7.W feet `rom thc renterline
PC:r2- t •Ix
EXfitBl'f l3 ~~116~i.?c,~Ai
of Anaheim Boulevard (of v;iriable width), formecly Los Angeles S~reet, as shown on said
map of Tract No. 1194; ~hence North t 5°36'S5" Wese 479.38 feet along said par~llel line t~
a puint on the Northeasterly line of l.o~ 10 of said Tract No. 119A, sa-d Northeasterly line
being a curve concave Southwescerly, having a radiu~ of 15,0U feet, a radial line to suid
point brars North 16°36'S6" E;ist; thence :+long said Northcasterly line and the Norcherly
fine of saicf Lot lU, the followinb courses: We,terly 8.d4 feet along said curve throu~h a
central angle of ~2° 14'S3" and South "14°22'03" West 42.00 feet tu the IVorthwcst corner of
said Lot lU, said co~ner being on the Southerty prolongation of the Westerly line af Lot l
of said Tract No. I 194; ihence Nunh I5''3h'SS" West 151.52 fer.t ;~lun~ said prolongation
and said I:ist rt~entiuned Westerly line ~o the NoRherly line ef said Tract yo. l 194; thence
Suuth 74°22'45" West 249.34 feet along said la.r•~ mentianed Northcrly line and thG
Westerly prolongation ttiereof ~o the Easteriy line of Tracc h'o. 11 :+s shown en the maF
recorded in Book 9, Pagc i 1 ~: '~isceilaneous Maps in the office of said County Recordtr,
thence Noct:~ :5°51'14" West 325.U0 feet alonti said last mensioned Easterly line and tlu
Nurcherly prolongation chereof to che Southeriy line of Lot I, of Tract No. 1 I256 as shown
on the map rccorded in Book 487, Pages 41 and 12 of Miscellaneous M.aps in the office of
said County Recordcr, said last mentioned Southerly line Fxin~, pr~rallel w-th and Northerly
32.W feet from the centertine of South Street (of vuri~bie width) as shown on said map of
Tract No. 11256; chence along Sai~i last mentioned Southerly line, the Ensterly line uf said
Lot 1 and the Northerly prolongation thereof, the following cour.~es: North 7a°22'00" East
146.18 feet and Norch IS°30'32" West 1~6.yU fee.t to che Southerly line c~C Lot 8 of the
Stueckle Subdivisiun as shown on the map recorded in E3ook 8, Page 43 of Miscellaneous
Maps in the office nf said County Recorclcr; thence atorc~ said last menrioned Soucherly line
an~ thc Easterly line of said Lot 8, ttic following courses: North 74°22'00" Gast 2.SA ftet
and Nonh I S°30'(?0" Wcsc 17Z.88 fcet to the So~rtherly linc of Stuecklc Avenuc (60.00 feet
wide) as ~hown on said map of che Stucckle Sutdiv~sion; ti~ence Souch 74°22'00"
4~14.48 feet along said last mentioned Southerly line and the Westerlv prolongacinn thertof
to ehe Wescerly line of said Lemun Streec (56.(~ feec wide), said Westcrly line being
parallel with and Westcrly 31.25 fcet from the centerlinC of s;tid Lecnon Street as shown on
the map of Tract No. 212 recorded in Book ! 3, Page 1 of Miscellaneous ~iaps in che oftice
of sa;d Councy Recorder; thence vorth 15°28'30" West 465.42 feet ~long said last
mentior~cd Westerly line to a line p;irellel with and fYortherly 38.25 feec from the centeriine
nf Water Street (60.W feet wids) a~ shown on ,uid map of Tract No. 21%; ~hencc North
74°x5'00" East 3b3.31 feet along said lasc mcnrioncd p:uatlel line to che Southeast comer of
Lo~ 31 of ~aid Tract No. 212; thence Nonh I S°3U'Op" West 274.25 feet ;iloag che Easterly
line of said Lot 31 and the Northerly prolongation thercof to the Northerly line of Lot 24 of
said Trsct No. 212; thence alang the boundary of said Tract No. 212, che following
courses: South 74°25'OQ'' Wes~ 25.()0 feec, Norch IS°30'QO" West 148.00 feet, South
74°25'00" West 86.00 feet und S~u~h 15°3U'UU" E:-sc ~38.00 feee co che Easterly
prolon~ation ~f the \ortherly linc of Lot 9 of said Tr:!ct No. 212; thenc~ 5outh 74°7.5'00"
Wcst 283.32 fce~ along said {~rulongation, ~aid I:,sc memioncd Northcrly line and the
Westr:rly pralongation thereof to said We:terly line of Lecr,on Streec, said Westerly line
bcing ~l~o the Easterly linc of Block A of Tract Nn. 365 a~ ~hown on tlu map rerorded in
Eiook i5. !'agc 14 of tili:::cllaneous Maps in ths uffirc of said County Rccorder, dicnce
PC~I' -1 ~18
C.X1-i1131`I' i3 ~)l IGH.?6~.r~)
L~.GAL DESCRII'TION ~ 1'~`~'~~~
along said las~ men~ioned Easterly line and the Northerly line af said Block A, the
following courses: N~rth 15°28'3U" West 184.'1 Feet and South 74°?4'45" West 213.15
feet; thcnce Northerly 8H.16 feee on •~ direct line co ;- point on che Suutherly line of that
certain p:acel of land shown on the map tiled in aook 75, P:tge 32 of Record of Surveys in
the office of said Councy Recorder, distant South 74°25' 1~" West 'Z 12.y5 feet from said
Westerly line of Lcmon measured along s:tid Southerly line; thence South 7a°25'18"
Wes~ 1.51 feet along s:tid last aientioned Saucherly line [o tlie Westerly line of said parcel
oi land; thence North 15°?8'33" West 184.34 feet along said last mentioned `Nesterly line
and the Norcherly prolonga~iun thereof co a line p~:ralleE with and Nartherly 34.75 feet from
5anta Ana Screet (of vari:tble width) us shown on Lue Line Adjusunent Plat No. 101
recorded luly 29, 1982 a~ Instrument No. 82-2G23y9 of Official Records in the office of
said Coui~ty Recorder, said Lot Line Adjustment Plat No. Itll being a porti~n of the Mary
Strobel Estate as shown on the map recorded in Book 3, Pages 7G and 77 of Miscellaneous
Records in the office of the County Recorder of Los Angeles County, California; thence
Nonh %4°56'15" East SS.96 feet along said parallel line to che Wescerly line of Parcel 2 of
said Lot Line Adjustment Plat No. lUl; thence aiung s:+id last mentioned Westerly line •~:nd
the Southerly line of said Parcel 2, tl~e following courscs: South I S°W'W" East 5.00 feet,
Kortti 74°55' I S" Eatit 65.UU ~~:et, South I S°(x)'()Q" East 3.U8 feet, Nurth 74 56'15" East
~53.50 feet, N~rch l5°0()'UQ" '~esc U.41 feec, Noreh 74°56'15" East 4d.0U feet, Nonh
l5°00'00" Wcsc 1.67 fcc~ and Norch 74°56't5" East 6.00 feet to said Westcrly line of
L.cmon Svect as shown on said Lot Line ~djus~r.unt Plat No. 101, said Westerly line being
Westerly 31,25 feet Erom said centerlin~ o( Lrinon Su•eet: thence Norch 15°UO'00" West
215.36 feet along said 11~'esterly li~e co ehe Soucherly line of L~c 9 of said Mary Strobel
Estate; thence So~ith 7~l°56'15" Wesc 93.50 fee~ alon; said last mentioned Southerly lint to
the Easterly lin~ of Lot 11 of said Marv Scrobel Gstate; thence al~ng said last mentioned
Easterty line and che Northcrly linc of said I I, the f~llowin~ courses: North IS°00'00"
'Nest 14d.2A fcec and Souch'74°56'! 5" `.~ese 30.8U feet co a line ~arallel with and Westerly
! 55.55 feet from said centerlinc of l.ernon Street; thence North l5°(YJ'W" West 102.80 feet
along said pacallel line to a line parallel wich and Norchcrf;• 77.80 feet from t~ie centertine of
F_Im 5treet ~50.00 fect widc); thcnce North 74°56'tS" Easc 124.3U feet along said parallel
linc t~ ctie Westerly line of said l.emon Sereet, suid Wescerly line txing Westerly 31.25 fGet
from said ccncerline of Lemon Strect; thencc North I S°OU'(}0" We~t 5.95 Feet along said
WestG~ly line to a line parallel with and Norcherly 83.75 feet from the cencerline of said Elm
Sseet (49.50 fecc wide); thence North 7~°56'IS" Ea.t I 1G.75 feet :slong said p:vallel line;
thence South 15°00'q0" East 59.00 fcet t~ the Northerly line ot said Elm Srreet (49.50 feet
wide); thence North 74°56'!5" Easc I 18.37 lect along said last msntioned Northcrly line to
a line p~uallcl with and East~rly 70.12 fect from che Easterly line of Lot 56 ot che Original
Town Lats af Anahcim as sFown on the map recorded in Book a, P~ges 629 and 630 of
Deeds in ~he office of said County Reeorder ut' Lo. Angeles County; thence North
15°pp'00" Wcsc tSt.50 feet along said paraflcl line to ti~e Southtrl; lin~ of Lot SI of said
Ori~in:il Town L.c~ts; ttienc:e South 74°56'IS" Wcsc 7(?.12 fecc along said lasc menrioned
Southerly line ro ihe Westerly lii;e of ~aid l.u~ 51; tt~ence Nunh IS°(x)'l?0" West 198.38 feec
along said last mention~d 'JVesterly linc :ind thc tiunt~erly prolongation chereof to ehe
~cnterline of Broadw:iy lof variable widch), ,aid ~tnterlint b~:ing par:+lte! with and
;~c:-.'.-1 •is
cxt-tt~i~~ ~ ~~i i!,~.~c,~,~,
Southerly 33.00 feet from the Southerly line of L~~~ a8 of s:iic! Origin;~l 'i'own Lots, said
centerline being also shown on Parcel Map No. 90•224 filed in Dook 256, Pages 3 through
11 of Parcel Maps in the office of said County Recorder of Orange Caunty; thence North
7S°76'31" East b20.22 feet along said centerlin~ ~~ the Northerly prolongation of the
Westerly line of Lot 4, Block N of tlie Cencer'1'rac:t ,.~s shown on the map recorded in Book
14, Page 13 of Miscellaneous Records in the ~ftice o~ said County Recorder of Los
Angeles County; thence 5outh 15°3U'W" Eas~ 15G.75 fee~ along said pr~longation ;u~d said
last mentioned Westerly I;ne tu the Southerly line of said Lot 4; tnence Norch 74°3l'45"
East 36.24 feet along said Ictst mencioned South~srly line to a line parullel with and Easterly
2U.00 feet from the Lasterly line ut' Lot I ot' the Kunig Subdivision as shown on the map
recorded in Book 6, ('a6e 2U of Miscelluncous Ntaps in the office of the County Recorder
of said Orange County; thence Soutl~ I S°3U'Of)" East 17U.OU feet along said parstllel line ta
the Northcrly line of Lot t 3 c~f said Konig Subdivision; thence Sauth 7~3°3Q't}0" West I.00
:cwt al~ng the Westerly prolongation of s;tid lat rr,entioned Norsherly line; thence S~uth
15°3U'UO" East 2UU.Q!) feet to the Wesceriy prulongation of che Northeriy line of Lot 17 of
saicl Konig Subdivision; thencc Nonh 74°3U'c~" E:t~c 216.9G feet alung prol~ngation, said
last ntantioned Northerly line and the Easterly prolong~-tion thereof to x line parallet with
and Easterly 2.W fect from the Easterly line of Claudina Street (60.(~ fect wide) as shown
on the Amende.d Map of thr. Cencer Tract !•ccorded in Boak 1, Page 91 of Misceitaneous
Maps in the office of said Countv Rec~rder ~~ Orange C~unty; thence South I S°28'45"
East 50.00 feet; thence South 74°3U'UU" West 1.0~) foot to said E~sterly Iine of Ctaudina
Sueet; thence South l5°28'45" E;ist 69.SU feet ~long suid lusc mentioncd Easterly line tc the
Northerly line of Lot 23, BlaGk M of said Amended Map of the Center Tcact; chence North
74°30'00" E~st 669.16 fcct along said Northerly line and the Easterly prolongation thectof
to the Westerly line of Bloc:k A of the Laird Subdivision as shown on the map recorded in
Book 6, Page l2 of Misctllaneous Maps in the of~ce of s;tid County Recordtr of Orangc
Counry, s:ud Westerly line being parallcl wi~h und E~~serly 24.~5 fect from :he centerl~~~e of
Olive S~reet (58.50 feat wide); thence South IS°18'30" Ease 170.25 feec along s::ae1 last
menci~ned Westerly line to the Southeriy fine of said [31ak A, said S~~therly line being
parallel with and Northerly 35.25 feet from said centtr-ine of San;a Ana Street (60.OQ feet
wide); thence North 74'30'00" Eust 635.00 feet along said parallel line to the Easterly iine
of Block B of said Laird Subdivision; ehenct Norch IS°18'30" West 142.12 feet a1~nE sa~d
last mentioned Eas~erly line ro a linc pa-uttcl with and Souttierly 10.(~ icet frorn the
S~utherly line of Loc 2y, Block F of the Ho~cl del Campu 'l'ract as shown on the map
recorded in Book 24, Pages 69 and 7Q uf Ntiscell:-neuus Records in che office of said Los
Angeles Courity; thcnce North 74°30'(~" Eaxc i85.(k) feet along said paralle! line co the
Southerly prolcnBation of the Fasterly line of said t_ot 29; thence North IS°18'30" West
210.04 fect along said prolongation, said I:ist mentioncd Casterly linc an~ c'~e Northerly
prolonsatiun thcreof to che IVortherly line of Lot .',6, Block F ~f said Hotel del Cumpo
Trsct~ thr.nce South 74°30'QO" West 185.W fett alun~, said la,t enertioned Northerly line
and the Westerly prolcmgation thereof to said E;istcrly line of Block B of the Laird
Subdivision; thence North 15°l8'3U" Wes~ ~?6.25 feec along said lasc mentioned Easterly
line and the Norcherly prolongaeion thPreof tu said centcrline of Rru:~dway; thence Norch
7~°30'00" East 728.UU feet :slong ~;iici cen~erlinc ~o ch~ Nortnerly prolon~ation of thc
I~Xi~il[31'C 13 `.~l IhK.2lilr~)
LEGAL DESCR[E'"i'lON ~ ~''-'~'y~
(SUB AREr~ 2j
Westerly line of Block D of the Lorelei 1'ract :is shown cm the nap recorded in Bo~~k ?9,
Page ?.4 of Miscellaneous Record~ in the oftice of saici !~ounty ~tecorder of Los Angeles
County; thence South 15° l8'3U" Eust 777.75 feet ctlon~; suid ~rolon;ation and said last
mentioned Westerly tine tu the Soutlierly line oF said Block D, said Soucherly line being
parullel with anct Northerly 34.75 fee~ from said centerline of Sanr- Ana Street; thence
rlorth 74°30'00" East 788.U0 feet along said parallel line ro the Northerly prolon~ation of
the ~asterly line of Lot l8 of Tract No. 3251 as shawn on the map recorded in Book 100,
Pages 17 and l8 of Miscellaneous Maps i~ ch: affice of said County Recorder of Orange
Counry; thence South 15°3U'UU" East H34 29 fee~ alonb said Nurtherly prol~~ngution, sa~d
last mentiuned Easterly li»e <<nd che Soucherly prolong:ttion thereof to ~he Southerly line of
Water Street (16.50 feec wide) as shown on che map filed in Book. 27, Page 18 of [tecord
of Curveys in the office of said County Recorder of Orange County; thence North
74°22'35" East ?lb.W feet along said las~ mentioned Southeriy linc and the Easterly
prolongation thercuf ro the [:nst°rly line of E;~st Street (of varixble width) as shown on the
map of'I'ract No. 2652 recorded '.n Book 78, Pages 24 :u~~d 25 of Misceituneous Maps in
the office of s~~id County Recordcr of Orange County, said Easrerly line bein~ parallel with
and Easterly 33.W feet frorn the centerlii~e of s;~id E:-st Street; thence South 15°22'S5" East
847.57 feet alon~ said Easttrly line to u line p~irallel with und Southerly 30.(~ feet from th~
centerline of Souch Saeet (of vari;ible width) as shown ~n the map of Tract No. 3042
recorded in IIouk 92, Pages 3 and 4 of Miscellaneous Maps in the office of said C~unty
Recurder of Ora~ige Councy: ~hence Souch 74°2~'16" i SG.Ui! fee~ along said parallel
lint; thence South 15°22'S5" East 3fl0,()0 feet; thence. South 74°28'16" West 25.SU feet;
thence South 15°22'SS" East 100,00 feet; thence North 74°28'l6" E:tSt 214.50 feet ta said
Easterly lint of East Street; thence South i5°22'S5" East 23U.01 fect along said last
mentioned Easterly l•.ne to the Easterly prolongatiun of the Northerly line of said Tract No.
3Q4'1; thence South 74°28'41" West 582.9U feet along said prolongation and said last
mcnticned Northerly linc to the Westerly line of Tru~•t No. 3U42; thcnce~ South
15°23'44" East 725.99 f~et alon~ s~id I:tst mentioned Westerly line and thc Southcrly
prolongation th~reof to the Souther~y line of Vermont Avenue (66.06 feet widt) as shown
on said map of Tract No. 3042; thence Souch 74°29'OS" West 803.'/3 fcet along said last
mentioned Southerly line to tt-e Westerly line of Or.inge Street (50.00 feet wide), being also
the Acchison, Tapeka and 3an~a Fe Railroad Company right of way, as shown on the map
of Tracc No. 1681 recorded in Book I25, P;~ge~ 28 :+nd 29 ot Miscellancous titaps in the
office of said Counzy P.ecurder of Orange County; chence Nnr~h l5°24'03" Wesc 692.91
feet along said last mcntioned Westerly line; thencc Souch 74°27'S7" West ~10.0~1 °t ~o
the Southeast corner of said Tract No. 16b1; chence I~arch 15°24'U3" West 630.c.~u Fce~
along the Easterly line of sai~1'fruct No. 1681 to the N~rt'~erly line of's:+id'fract No. 1681,
said Northerly line being parallel with and Southerlv 3U.Ul) ftet from said centerline of
South Streer thence South 74°27'S7" West 3!xi.()U t'e~~- along said Northc~rly line [~ thc
Northv~est corner of said Tract No. If~BI; ttience alon~ th~ Southerly ~ine of said South
5ueet, t!u follawing ~ourses: South 15°2~1'U3" East 2.UU fee~ aiong chc Wcsccrty line of
said 'trac- No. 1681, Sotuh ?4°2i'S7" Wes~ 1?:).07 fee~, ~onh 15°31.'U3" West 2.00 ~'eet,
Sauth 74°27'S7" West 372.64 feec, Souch ! 5°33'Q3" Easc 2.(.'~ feet, Sou~h 74°27'S7" Wesc
G5.00 feet, Nor~h l5°32'03" Wesc 2.UU c'e~: ;-nd ~ou~h 7~°27'S7" Wes, l 19.50 feet co the
L';C[-lII31't' E3 y I I t~~.?6(A1
Southerly pralonbation of the Easterly line oF f3lock D of Tract No. 372 as shown on the
map rec~rdeJ in Book l5, Page Ib of Miscellar,eous Maps in the office of said County
Recorder of Orange County; thence North l~°30'00" West 827.'l7 feet ~long said
prolonga:ion, said iast mentioned Easterly line and the Eascerly line of Block D of 'tract
No. 373 as shown on the map recorded in Book l5, Page 49 of M~scellaneous Maps in the
office of said County Recc~rder vf Urange County ro the ~~ortherty line of said last
mentioned Blo~k D, said Northerly line be-ng parallel witt~ and Souct~erly 21.75 f'eet from
the centerline of s;tid Water Stre~t (of v;tri;~ble width) ;ts shown on said map of Tract No.
373; thence South 74°24'00" V~'est 14U.QQ feet along said last menti~ned Northerly line to
the Southerly prolongation of ttle Easterly line ot' Trart No. 49? as sho~vn on thc map
recorded in Book 17, Page 38 uf Misceilaneous M;ips in the oftice of said County Recarder
of Orange C~unty; thence along said prolong.ition, s;ud last mentioned Easterly line and the
Northcrly line ut' said'1'r;~ct N~~. 497, the folluwii~~; ~ours~s: North l S'3l'30" West 398.0$
fee~ ro the be~;innin6 of a non-tan6ent c:urve concave Westerly havin~ a rxdius of 423.14
feet, a rudial line to said curve be;trs North 57°21' l 3" East, No~~therly 69.11 feet along slid
cucve through a central angle of 9°21'29° and South 74°24'00" West 77U.37 feet to the
Norchwest corner ot Lot 7 of said Trtct No. 497; ~hence concin~.iing South 7~°24'W" West
20.00 feec; thence Soutl~ l5°3U'(Hl" East 470.6d t'eet co che Northerly line of 3l;~ck A of
said Tract No, 373; thcnce 3outh 74°24'QU" Wesc ~8.73 fect along said last mentioned
Northerly line to a linc parallel with and E:«terly 14U.39 feet from said centerline of
Anaheim Boulevard; thence South -5°3U'Ut)" East 3fi4.G.5 feet;~long said parallel line to the
Northr~rly !ine of Lot l, E31acK A of said Tract No. 372; tfzence Nonh 74°24'W" East 2.50
feet alnng said last mentioned Northerly line; thence South IS°3U'00" East 10U.72 feet to
the Northerly line of Lot 3, stiid Block A ot' Tract No. 372; thence 5outh 74°?4'00" West
U.50 feet alon6 s:iid last mentioned Nurtherly line; thenre Suuth IS°3U'UO" Casc 1SU.00 feet
to the Norcherly line of Lut 6, said Ala:k A of 'Cract No. 372; thence Nurch 7d"O24'Oq"
East 0.5~ feet aiong said last rnentioned Northerly line; thence Souch 15°30'Ot~" East
107.75 feet to the Southerly line of Lot 7, said Bloc;k A of Tract Na. 372; chence South
74°24'W" Wesc 2.50 feet along said last mentioned Southarly line; then;.e South 15°30'dU"
East 1~6.75 fe~t to a(ine parallel with and Southerly 32,q() fee~ from said centerline of
Sauth S~reec; thence South 74°38'OU" Wese 94.39 feet along said parailel line tA a line
par;illel with and Gast~rly 47.OU feet from said cenrerline ot Anaheim Boulevard; thence
South i5°30'00" East G72!)9 feet along s;~id parallet fine ro the Southerly line of Valencitt
Avenue (6I.00 feet wide) as shown o~ the map of Tracc No. 22l rccnrded in Boc+k 13,
Page 4 of Nlisccllane~us Maps in ti~e office of said County Recorder of Orange County;
thence South 74°29'S0" West 1 Z,25 fece ;~long said la~c mentiontd Suutherly line to the
Eastcrly line of suid An;~t~eim Quulev;u'd, s:iiJ E:iscerly linc t~cinb p:u~allcl with and Eastt,~rly
34.75 feet fTOm said centerlint of An;iheim Roultvard; thence along said last mentioned
Easterly line, the follawing courses: South !S°3()'UU" East 47.(~J feet along said paraltel
line, North 74°29'SU" East 1U.25 fcet, SQuth 1 S°3Q'OU" East 9~t.(?U feet, North 74°29'S0"
East 2.00 feet, Sauch IS°3U'UO" E:~st 144.bH fcet, South 74°29'SQ" Wcsc 12.25 feec, Soutl~
15°3r'00" E,~~~ SU.QO feet, :vurth 74°29'Sf~' Ea~t 12.25 feec, Suuth 15°3O'OU" Easc SU.00
feet, ~o~:tl~ 7a'29'S0" Wesc 12.25 feee, Scuth 15°30'UU" E~s~ 6U.t3() feec, Nor~ti 74°29'S0"
Cast 12.25 t'ee~ und Souch l5°3U'UO" East 16K.31 t'crt te ~he hortherly line of s;~id Vermont
{'C92- id8
~xti~~rr s ~~~ 1h8.2F,c~>>
LEGAL DESCRIP"1'!OV l 1-24-9~
CI'I'Y OFA~lAHE[Ivl PROJECI' f30UNU,'~f21'
Avenue (of variable width), forn~erly E3road Street, suid ~ortherly line being parallcl with
and Northerly 35.SU feet from ~aid centerline ot' Vernion~ Avenue; thence North 74°29'SU"
East 162.00 feet along s;-id l;tst men;ioned Nurtherly line tu the Northerly prolon~ation of
the Westerly line of Lot l6 of Tract No. l?45 :ts shown on the map recorded in Book 43,
page~ 26 and 27 of Miscellaneous M;ips in ti~e office of s;-id l~ounty Recorder of said
Orange Cuunty; thence South 1S°32'15" East 13S.SU t'eet along said prolongation, said last
mencioned Westerly line an~ the Westerly line ot Lot l5 of said Tract No. 1245 to the
Easterly prolongation of che Northerly line of Lot 1 of said Tract No. 1245; thence South
74°28'00" West 159.00 feet along said prulongation and said last mentioned Northerly line
to said Fasteriy line of Anaheim Boulev;~rd, ~;tid Eas~erly line being p;-rallel with and
Easterly SO.UO feet from said centerline uf Anaheim Boulevard; thence along said Easterly
line, the following courses: South 15°32'l5" E~titit 169.SQ feet, N;,irh 74°28'00" East 3.00
feet, Souch 15°32'15" E;ist 56.SQ fee~, South 74°28'UQ" West 3.UU feet, South 15°32'1S"
East 385.12 feet, Norch 7A°27'45" E;SSt 3.()!1 feet ;ind Sauth ; 5°32' l5" East 57.25 feet to
the Northerly line of Parcel 1 as shuwn on the map tiled in Fiook 60, Page 3 of P~ucel
Niaps in the oftice of said County Record~r of Orarige County; thence North 74°13'45"
East 160.55 feet along said I,~st mentic~ned Northerly line and the E~sterly prolongation
thereof to the Westerly line or l.ot 5 of Tr:tc~ No. 1379 :+x shown on the m~p recorded in
Book 43, Pag~s 6 and 7 oi Miscellaneous Maps in che ot'Fice ot' ~aid Coun[y Recorder of
Orange County; thence South 1S°32'l5" Eas; 89.U0 feet along said last men-ion~d Westcrly
line and the Wescerly line of Lot 4 of said Tr;ict No. 1379 to the Southerly line of snid [.c~t
4; thence Nonh 74°27'4,5" Eust 161.50 feec along said I:~st mentioned Southerly line and the
Easterly prolongution thereof to the Westerly line of Lot 22 of s:~id 'i'ract No. 1379; thence
South 15°32'15" E:isc 152.28 feet along said las~ mentioned Westerly line, the Westerly line
of Lot 4l of said Tract ~o. :379 and thc Southe;rly rr,~long;~tion thereof ro the Southerly
line of said Tracc No. 1379; th~nce Sat~~h 7A°27'~1:~ ' Wes~ 2K•(X) feee ;-long s~id last
mentioned Southerly line; thence Southerly y9.73 feet on ;i direct line [o a point ~outh
74°13'~5" West 90.85 fcet from the Scuthwest corner of Lot 42 of said Tr:-ct No. 1379
measured al~ang the Wc:stcriy prolong~uion of tt~e Southerly line of s:iid Lo[ 42; thence
Nonh 74°13'~35" East 3.35 feet along s;i-d prolongation to the centerline of said Claudina
Street (6U.U0 feet wide) as shown on the map of Tract No. 3373 recorded i~i Book 117,
Pages 1 and 2 of Miscellaneous titaps in che office of said Cou~ty Recorder of Oranga
County; thence South 1S°32'15" E;tst 213.44 feet along said cen~erline and the So:~therly
prolongation ther~of to the Northerly line of Lot l of 'Cract No. 10013 as shown on the
map recorded in Book -124, Page~ 37 and 33 of Miscellaneous Nt;~ps in che office of said
County Re~order; thence along said lasr ~iencioned Northcrl; line, the ~Nesterly,
Southwesterty and Southerly lines of said Lot l, the following cou~~e~: South 74'13'35"
West 9.Q0 feet, South 15°32't5" Fa,c 14Q.54 fe~~, South 6U 32',~" East 21.21 feet and
N~rti~ 74°27'45" East 754.22 fcet io the Ea~terly terminus ot' said las~ mentioned Southerly
line; thence continuing North 74°27'~5" East 96.W fee~ along the East~rly prol~ngation of
said lust mentioned Southerly line to the Fasterly line ot' the Southern Pacific Railroad
Com any ri ~ht of w;t ~(6U.UQ f:~t wide); therre Soutii 15°29'ZQ" Easc G275 feet along said
lasc men:ion:d Easterly line co ~he Northerly line ot Katella Av,,nuc ('.20.W feet wide) as
shown or. the map tiled in Book 88, Page 23 of Par_•rl Maps in the offic: of said Counry
EXHIBIT l3 ~)l lti;{.?6(A)
LEGAL DESCRIf'"CI()N 1 ~-~4-y2
Record~r of Orange County; thence North 89°S3'S:~" Fast 71 I.16 feet along said last
mentioned Northerly line ro the Northerly prolong,uian of ~he Eusterly line of Tract No.
5U84 as shown on the map ~~corded in Boolc 1K4, Page~ 38 and 39 of Miscellaneous Maps
in the office of said County Recorder of Urange Councy; thenc:e South 1°06'48" East
719.85 feet along said prolongation ctnd s;~id la~t mentiuned Eusterly line ro the 5outheast
corner of said Tract No. SU84, said corner being also the Northwese curner of Parcel Mzp
No. 79-230 as shown on the m;tp filed in E3ook 13a, P:~ges 4U and 41 of Parcel Maps in
th~~ uffice ~f said County Recorder of Oran,e County; thence South 1°17'03" East C 1G97
fect along the Westerly line of said Parcel Map No. 79-23U to the Narthcrly line of Gene
Autry Way (of varia5le width), Formerly Pacif-c~ /lvenue, as shown o~~ said Parcel Map
No. 79-230, said Nurtherly line being parallel with and Northerty 45.00 feet frnm thc
centerline of said Gene Autry Way; thence South 89°SR'45" East 193.15 feet along said last
mentioned Northerly li,ie ~o the Northerly prolunbation of the Eusterly line of Santa Cruz
Street (64.01) feet ~vide) as sho~vn on ;he map fileu in Book 125, Pa;es 32 through 3S of
Parce! Mups in ~he office oi scjid Counc,y Recorder oF Or:snge Coun~y; thence e~long said
prolong~~rion, ~aid last mentioned Eastcrly lin~ ,-nd ~he Northeusterly line of said Santa Cruz
Street, the follawing courses: South U'Ql'IS" West 165.54 feet to the beginning of a
tangent curv~ concave Northeasteriy having a radius of 118.OU feet, Southeasterly 84.14
fect atong said curve ehrough a cen~r;il :u~gle of 4Q°S l' I S", South 4U°SO'00" East 1114,SS
feet ro the beginning of .; tan~ent curve concave Suuthwesterly h;~vinb a radius of 182.00
feet, Southeasterty 129.b7 feet along said curve through a central angle of 4U°49'15" and
South 0"00''l5" East 38.23 feet; thence continuing Soucn U'(H)'4S" East 136.00 feet to 2 line
parallel a~itii and Southerly 3U.QU feet from the cencerline of Orangewood Avenue (of
variable width) as shown on the m:tp filed in Rook 128, Pages 4 and 5 of Parcel lVlaps in
the office of said Cour.ty Recorder of Orange County, said par,~llel line being aiso che
boundasy of thz City of Anahein~ ati establisf:ed by Annexation No. 78 (Katella
AnnexatioR); t:~ence South 89°59'1S" Wesc 700 feet al~ng said parallel line and said
boundary as established by s;sid Annexation No. 78 to an angle point in said boundary;
thence leaving said boundaiy Westerly 255 teet on a direcc line ~o die Sascerly terminus of
the Nonherly line of P~ucel No. 1 ss shown on the mup filed in Book 43, Page 15 of Pascel
Maps in the office of said County Recorder of Orange Countp, said Northerly line being
paraUel with and Southerly 4U,U0 feet fcom said centtrlin;; of l~~angewood Avenue; thence
South 89°58'S0" West 382.G2 feet along said parallel line to thc Westerly line of the
Southeast quarcer of said Section 26; thence North 1°20'00" West 40.U0 feet along said las;
mendoned Westcrly line to thc center of said Sec:~ion 26 us shown on the map of Tract No.
3017 recorded in Book 138, Pages IS ar,d 1G of Miscellaneous M;-ps in the office of suid
County Recorder of Orange County; thence N~rch 0°U2'2U" East 379.90 feet a!ong the
Westerty line of th~ Northeast quarter of sa~d Section 26; ~hence South 8K°4U'28" East
161.80 teet ro a point on thc Southwesterly linc of that cer;ain eastment for road and public
utility purposes to tt~e City of Anaheim recorded luly 3l, 19R7 as Instrument No. 87-
436934 of OFticial Records ~n che oftice of s:.~id County Racorder of Orange County, said
Southwesterly line being a cucve conc;tve Southwesterly having a radius of 205.tNJ feet, a
radial line !o said point bears Nortt~ G9°50'SS" Eas~; ~hence alung said la~t mentioned
Souchwesterly line, the tullowinb cuurse,: Nur~hwe,c~rly 5?.lii te~c alo~~g said curve
E:C.1-iIBrr a 9 l t68.?Gl~)
through a eentral wngle of 14°35'U4", North 34°44'06" West 9U.87 feet to die beginning of
a t~ngent curve concaae Southwesterly havin~ a rudius of 955.~U fee~, North~vesterly
79.51 feet along suid curve through a central angle of 4°46' I 3" und North 39°30' 19" West
172.48 feet to the South~rly line of P~trcel 2 us sl~own on tlie map filed in 13ook 62, Page S
of Parcel Maps in the officc of said County Recorder of Oran~e County; dience along said
last mentioned Souchcrly line, the following courses: North 8H°44'Ol" West ?88.37 feet
and So:~[h 0°Ol'47" West 21.93 t'eet to tha Northerly line of said Tr,ict ~o. 3017; thence
along said lasc men~io~~.:d Northerly line, the !'ollowing courses: North88°41'US" West
280.07 feet, South 0°I, ,:" West IO.OU feet and North P8°41'OS" W~ss~ 20.OQ feet to the
Southerly prolongation ef the Westerly line of said last mentioned Yarcel Map; thence along
said prolongation, said Westerly I~ne and the Nurtherly line oti s:tid iast mennoned Parcel
Map, the following courses: Norch U°Ol'47" E:~st 563.7 I fcet snd South 88°44'O1" East
161.07 feet to the Easterly tern~inus of said lnst mentioned Northerly line; Ihcnce continuing
South 88°44'Ol" East l43 feet co ~he cencerline oF ~he S;tnta Ana Freeway (Interstlte 5);
thence along said centerline, the following courses: North 41°U2'03" West 1002 feet,
Nor~h 40°50' 15" Wesc 1229 feet, Norch 3~''S5'S2" We~~ 7S 1.45 feec and Norch 4Q°52'20"
Wcst 2290 feet to the Northerly line of ctie Southea~c quarte~ of said 5ection 22; thence
Nortii 89°56'U8" East 1110 feec along said last mentioned IJortherlv 1 ine to the East quarter
corner of said Seccior~ 22, s:iid corner being on ;i lin~ p;ir;~llel wi~h :ind Easterly 29,00 feet
from the Easterly line of Block I of Tract No. 419 as shown on the map r~corded in Book
16, Page 2 of Miscellaneous Mups in the office of said County RecorderofOrange Councy;
chence Nonh 0°06'OU" West 352.8() feet along suid par~illel linc to the E;tscerly prolongaaon
of thc: Southerly line of suid Tract No. 419; thence Norch 89°54':i0" Wes~ 32 l.60 feet along
slid prolongation and said ltist mencioned Southerly tine to the Easterly line of Block 2 of
said Tract No. 419; thence Norch U°U6'OU" W~s~ :i6U.UU feet ~long said last mentioned
Easterly line und the Northerly prolon~ation thec•cof to the Northerly lineoF Midway Drive
(60.00 feet wide) as shown on the m;ip t"iled in Book 34, P;tge 21 of Record of Surveys in
the office of suid County Recurder of Oranbe Counry, said Norcherly line bein~ Northerly
32.00 feec from the centerline of said Midway Drive; thence South 89°54'30" East 177 feet
along said last mentianed N~rtherly line to the Wascerly line of chnt cercain 1.326 acre
parGe! of land shown on said last mentioned Record of Survey; thence North 6°48'30"
West 31S feet ;tlong said last mentioned Westerly line co the Eascerly prolongation of the
Southerly line of Tract No. 2495 as shown on che m1p recorded in Book I l5, Pages 8 and
9 of Miscellaneous Maps in the office of said County Recorder of Orange County; thence
S~uth R9°55'46" West 77.17 feet along said prclongat~on to the Easterly line of said T:act
No. 2495; thence North 0°13'36" West 334.08 feet ;tlong said last R~enuoned Easterly linc
ro the Southerly line of Tracc No. 2637 c~s shown on the map rerorded in aook R0, Pages 1
and 2 of ivliscellaneous Maps in the office of s:+id County Recorder of Orange County;
thence Souch 89°59'46" West 4U.85 fee~ :tiong s;tid I;~s~ mentioned Southerly line to the
Easterly line of 1_ot 3 of said 'I'racc No. 2637; thence North U` 13'40" West L61.00 feet
along said Inst mentionecl Easterly line and the Northerly prolonga~ion thereof to the
Southerly line of Tract No. 32U3 .+s shown on the map rerordcd in Book 95, Page 23 of
Misceli;u~eous M:~ps in the office ot'said Cour~y Rrcordcr uf Ora~~~e Cuunty; thtnce North
89°59'46" East 24.?5 feet along said lasc ~Tien~ioned South~rly line to the Easterly line of
GXti1l31T E3 `ll 16~s.3(>c~l
l.EGAL DE5CRIP'1'IOti I I -24-y2
Loc iO of said Tract No. 32U~; thenc~ along saic! last mencioned Easterly line and tht
Southerly line uf Lot 8 of said Tract No. 3?U3, the followin~ courses: North 0°00'14"
Wesc 130.G6 feec, North 1?°22'SS" Wes~ 2G.69 feet and Norch 72°37'OS" Ea,t i W.00 fe~t
to che Easterly line of said Tr;~cc ~o. 32l)3: thence along tiaid last mentioned Eascerly line
and the North=rly line of saiQ "1'ract tio. 32U3, the following courses~ horth 17°?2'S5"
West 330.2U fcet anu South i~9°54'24" West 385,26 feet ~o the Southerly pmlongation of
the Easterly line of Iris Screec (S~.(x) fcet wi~e) as shown on said map of T~art No. 2090;
thencc North U°f3'aU" West GIU.30 fret along tiaid prolong;~tion a~d saiu last mentioned
~asrerly line to ~he SuuU~erly li~ir ut ~aicl E3~11 Ituad, ~a~d Soutl~erly line brng p~rallei with
and Southerly SU.UO feee from said c:entcrline of B:ill Road; ~henrc along said last
mentioned Southerly line, the following cours~s: South 89°55'35" West IR7.04 feet,
South ~~°13'4U" East 3.0;) feec, Sou~h ~9°SS'35" Wesc 66.00 feee, Norih U°13'40" Wesc
3.U0 feet and South 89°55'35" West 132.Uf1 feec to ~hr Northwest ~;orner of Lot 53 of said
Tr2ct No. 2090; thence 4untinuing South K9°55'35" We~;t 4.30 ieet to the SoutFerly
pr~longation of ~aid centerline of Lemon S~rer-• thence Nor~h ~ 5°23'4.5" Wes~ 51.84 feec
along said prolongation to the point of beginnir,g.
Contains an area of SU9 :~cres, mure or less.
~,~,~~~~ "UAv
~ J y , ~pC'WAP ~`~~
AME5 B. DI;NLAP, L~t r~4189
~.63b96 *
~ _ ~10, 4159 ~'I
rr.s-~-~ ~x
Crhibit C
City ot Anaheim
tar tbc
Prcparcxi by thc
Flanninq Commucion of ti~c City of Anaheim
in coopetalion usth thr,
Maheim Rodevclc~pment /igcnc}
Pc:!~.'. -1 ~t t?
i 11997Jse
I'lil:[.1M111NARY l'I.AN
tor t6e
I. INTRODUC'I'ION ...................................................................................................................................1
II. DESC_'RIPT'ION OF "fHE BOUNU.4RIFS OF'I'HE PROJECC ARFA ......................................1
AND ST'ANDARDS ............................................................................................................ ...................1
A 1.,and Uses .....................................................................................................................................1
H. Layout of Principal Strce~s ........................................................................................................1
C:. Population Densities ................ ..................................................................................................1
D. Building Intcasitics and Standards ............................................................................................2
RFDEVELOPMENT LAW ..................................................................................................................2
V. CONFORMANCE TO THE GENEKAf. PL.AN OF 1'HE CI'lY ..................................................3
F..ufuhit A Projr.ct Arca NYap
Fxhibit B: I.cgoi Dcscriptir~n of Project Arca
PC:J: - I .18
for the
~, jjVTROpUC'I'[ON
This Prcliminary Plan h~s bcen prcpareci to fu1G11 the requiremcnts of S~ction 33322 to 33325
inclusive of thc Health and Safety ::ucte of tn~e State of Califocaia concerning the selection of a project area
and the formulatiun of a preiiminnry plan. This preliminar}r Flan wnsists af t~xt, a map and a legai
Thc bounddric:s oC the Project Area are as shown an the Project Area Map which is attached a.a
Exhibit A to this Prclimin~ry Plan, and as describcd ia the Legal Description of Projcr.t Area, which is
attached as F~thibit D to tnis Preiiminaay Plan.
The follow~ng general statemcnts regarJiug land uses, layout uf principal strc~ts, populatiors
densitics and building intensitics and standards arc proposcd as tbc bnsis for the redevclopmtnt of the
Projcct Area.
a 1~lld Uscs
It is p~oposai that, in gcneral, the land uses [or the various properties in thc Proj~ct nr--s+
sheU be as describcd and dcGncd in thc policies, goals and I~~nd uscs of the Gencral Plaa. Such Us~ea may
• Commcrcial
• lndustrial
• Kcsidcntial
• Public%Kecrc:ational
Such uscs may, in ccrtain axcas, bc implemented and further dcGned in apeci6c plans
approved and adopted fay the Planning Ccimmitsiort. Within any area, alternative uscs may be estAblishcd to
the actent aod in the manner prcwidc4 by thc Gencrel Plan and local coclca and c~rdinances.
B, j~~ut of Princio I S~ tcests
It ia propoacci tha~ in gencral, the layout af thc principat streets for the Froject Atca be as
ahowo on the Project Anea Map. In accorcf with the Gencral Plen and local coda nrxf ordinanccs, e~d~ting
atresta within the Projc,ct Area may be clos.-d, widened, realignod or o~hecwisc modi6nd. aad additionai
atrccts may bc crcatcd as ncu~asary tor propcr pc~destrian or vehicular cireulation.
C. Ycuulatjon Dcesiti~
It is propos~d that, in gcncral, the poputation dcasity t'or any reiidcntinl uses pcrmittcci
within the Projcct r~lrca, if any, shall bc as dcscn'bccl and ~icfincd in the Gcncral Plan es it it or as it may be
amendcci, or ~s ~thtiwisc providui in Jocal ccxfes and ordinanccs.
PC92-1 •18
I). f3uil~line [ntensitics and St ~dards
It is pro~osed tl~at, in gcncral, building intcasities bc cc,ntrollc:d by prcx;cdures anJ criteria
cstablishcd in the Gcneral Plan, ~pccific plans, a~id lorAl codes aud ordinanc~s. Such criteria tnay include
limits on: (1) the percc:ntage of ground area cavcred by buildin~ (land coveruge); (2) thc ratio of tot<<l
tloor arca for all storie:s of the buildit~gs to aresu of the building sites (floor arca ratio); (3) tUc size and
location of buildable areas un building sitc~s; and (4) the Ueigh:s of bu~ldings, Land coverage, sizes and
locations of buildable areas should be limilecl as necessary and fes~.sible to prnvide adequuts open spacc,
parking, acccss and other :~mcnitics.
It is proposcd that building stxn~lurda should generally couform to thc building
requiremen~s of applicable state statutes and local codes aad osdinances.
IV. 'rr NMkNT O~Tii ~G PUI~POSES F CAI.[~.RM,~f~htMfJj~ITY nEDE~k1.OPNtENT
Ccrtain goals and objectives have been ideatiFied in cc~nnection with the Pro~ect, thc
accomplishment of which will attain thc purposes of the Cali[ornia Community Redevelopment Law. In
general, thc goal~ and objectives of. a redevelopment prngram in the Project Area are as follows:
1. The climination And preveation of the spread of blight and deterioratian; and the coaservation,
rehabititation and redevcl~pment nf the Proje:ct Arca in accord with the General Flan, specific
plans, the Redeveiopment Plan and lc~cai codc:s and ordinanees.
2. The achisvement of aR environmen~ ref]ecting a h:g,u Ievel of concem for architectural, landscape,
and urban design and land usc principles approprinte for attainment of thc objectivcs of the
Rcdcvclopment Plan.
3. The provisian for increasecf sales, business license, hatel axupancy and other Cees, taxes aad
rcvcnues to thc City.
4. '11~e provision for ta~c incrcment to provide funds a~ nccessary ta .''inainre public improvements and
dcvclopmcnt program which cannot bc uaamplishcd through cxistiqg pablically funded progrnms
or by thc privatc s~ctor acting alone to climinate bli.ghtiag ir.fluenc.e~ in the Project Area.
5. Thc reteniion of as many e~osting busincsxs as pc~ssble by means of redevelopment and
rehabilitation activitica and by ~cncouragng ~nd assisting thc coopcration and participation of
owncrs, businessea aad public ageacies in thc revitalization of tae Project Arsa.
6. Thc crcation nnd dcvelopment of local job opp~rtunitia and the preserv~tion of thc area's e~dsting
employraent basc,
7. The establishmcpt of modern, convenient industria! and somm~rcial arcas to se~ve the ncada of the
l:ity. '
8. 'Il~e elimination or art-eGoration nf certain enviroomeatel daGciencies, iacluding substandnrd
vehicular circutation rystems; iuadequate water, ac.wver aad:torm drainage syatems; inaulTicient o~-
strcet parfong; and ot6er simil~r pubtic improvements, facilitie~ and utiiities d~ficiencies adversely
affccting thc Project A-ca.
4. 11~e encouragcment of invcstmsnt by thc private aecter in the development and reclcvelopmcnt of
chc Projcct Area by climinating impcdimenis to such devclopmcnt and redcvclopmen~
10. "I~c expansi~n of thc cc~mmu~ity's supply oE housing, including opportunitics for low- and
malcr~tc•inc:omc houscholdc.
PC~12 -1 38
11. To climin.itc blight thruugh abatcmcnt or calc conp~iancc, rcconstruction and nssembly of parccls
into marc dcvclopablc sitcs for more compatible uscs.
12. To impcove public parking, other public facilities, services, utility linac, lighting, public safety and
public transportation.
13. To expand and upgrade the hqusing op[x~rtunities in th~ ~mmunity to eliminate blight r+nd
improvc housing stock and standards for the present population.
14. To cacourage maximum participation of resideats, business pcrsons, property owncrs, and
cor imuniry organizations in the rcdcvelo~ment ~f the Project Area.
1S. 7o rcplan, redesign and dcvcl~p area,e which are stagnanl or impropcrly used.
Redcvelopment of the Projcct Area pursuan¢ to this pceliminary Plan and thc above guals anJ
objectives will attain thc purpwcs of the California Cummunity Reclcvelopment Law: (1) by thc
elimination of are~s suffcring from r.conomic dislocation and disuse; (2) by the replanning, redr.sign and/or
recievelopment of arcas which are stagnant ~r improperly utilized, and which could not be accomp{ished by
private enterprise acting alone without public pArticipation and assistance; (3) by protecting and promoting
sound dcvelopmcnt anc~ ~°.c:evelopment of blighted areas and the ~eneral ~velfare of citizens of the City by
rcme<tying such injurious cc~nditions through the cmployme~~ of appropriatc means; and (4) through the
install~tion of new or replucement of existing public improvements, facilit~~,~ and utilitic~s in aceas which are
currently inadequately servcd with regard to such improvements, facifities and utilitiea.
V. ~NF_.O~t~NC[; TO TII~ GCNE[t_~1,E~OF TET lE ~1TY
lbis Preliminary Plan fully conforms to thc General Pian oE the City of Anaheim. In general, thia
Preliminary Plari is inteaded to act ns a flc~able conce.ptual guide. ar.d to continue to confonn to the
General Plan as it may be maliGed and/or implemented by future amendments and speci~c pians,
Ie is proposed that Crie principal purpuse: of the Projcc;t be. the cl'u~ination und prevention of bJight
through ~ssistance and encouraRcment of private rchabilitation ancf dcvelopment efforts; through selcceivc
land acquisition, clearance and dispositiun for private rcdevclopmcat; aad thraugh provisioa n~
r~placement of new or existia~ public improvemeats, faciliti~ nnd utilities withia And sen~ing the Proju:t
Arw. Direct Agency activity will occur only when sutTicient Gnancial resources are available and such
action will producc cffective aad imm~.diatc redevc~opment results.
The impact uf the Project upon residents thereof and upon the surrounding neighborhocxi, a, weP
as upon busincs~ owners and tenants within the Projcc~. Arca and thc surrouading aeig6borhoc~d, will, in
generat, bc in the areas of inct~.~sed and improved vehicu{ar and peclestrian traff"ic circulatin~, enb~nced
shupping opponunities, incrcased cmploymcht anJ economic dcvelopment oppartunitir.s, and improvcd
cnvironmcntal yuality. To tbc extent that thc acquisition o; praperties for rcdcvelopment oc for puhlic
improvemenu, facilities or utilitiea purposes rcqUirea thc acquuit~on of occupied buildinga Incated nn such
pmpertirs, the Project may cau~ diaplac:cment of occupants. Occups~nt~ so duplaced would be entitled to
relocation benefits and ac~istHnce, as provided under the State Relocaaon Act.
'I'hc impact of the Project will be considcred in dctail by the Agcnry in the Project Enviroamental
Impact Report.
3 , i'c:~?-1~38
91 1 ti8.?h(A)
l l -? 3 -92
EXH[dtT I3
(SU}3 AREA 1)
That portiori of Section 34, lownship 3 South, Range 10 West together with that portion
of Sec~iuns 2, 3 and 4, Township 4 South, Range lU West in the Rancho San Juan Cajon
pe Santa An;-;is shown on the -tutp recorded in 13ook 5l, P:~Se lU of Miscellaneous Maps
in the office of the County [~ecorder of Orange Couiuy, C;-lifornia described as follows:
E3eginnir,g at th~ centerline intersection of [Zaymond Avenue und Romneya Drive as
shown on Tract No. 2U22 recc~rded in Book SK, Pages 24 and 25 uf Miscellaneous Maps
in the office of said County Recorder; thence North U()°41'2U" Wesc 135,01 feet along
said centerline of Raymond Avenue ro the Southetly line of said Tract Nu. 2022; thence
East ?01.77 feet along said Southerly line to the Northwesterly corner of L~t 8 of said
1'r.ct No. 2(~32., said corner being ~I~e TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; thence South
105.00 feet along the `Nesterly line uf said Lo~ 8 co the Northerly line of Romneya Drive
(60.00 feet w~de) as shown on Tr:ict No. 1 R25, recorded in E3ook 62, Pages 43, 44 and 45
nf Miscellaneous Maps in the office ~f ~aid Counry Recorder; thence ~outh 89°Sl'00"
East 12U.05 feec alonb said Northerly lii~e to che f~ortherly prolon6ation of the Ensterly
line of Briar~ -~nd Streec (60.00 fee~ w~de) as shown un suid Tract No. 1825; thence along
said Nor~herly r~~~longation and said Eusterly line the following courses: Sauth
(?0°32'30" East 156. ti2 feet to the beginning of a tangent c:urve concave Easterly having a
radius of 450.00 feet, Soucherly 116.37 feet along said curve through a central angle of
14°49'00" and Sou~h IS°21'.!cl" Eas~ 172.4U feet to [hc Eascerly prolongatio~i of the
Northerly line of Lot l44 of saie "Cract N~. 1825; thence South 74°38'3U" West 280.00
feec along said Eascerly prolongation and said Northerly line to the Easterly line of East
Streec (70.00 f.:e~ wide) as shown on said Tr;~ct No. 1825; thence Souch IS°21'30" East
463.60 fee; ato~g said Easterly line; thence South 9°lU'~i9" Gast 92.92 feet ca the Easterly
line uf said Eas~ 5treet (60.00 feet widc) as shawn on said Tract No. 1325; thtnce South
1S°21'3U" Easc lA?.44 feet alnng said Easterly line to che Westerly prolong~tion of :he
Soucherly line c° Loc 135 of said Tr;sc~ No. I825; tliencc Suu~h R9°50'3U" Eaxt 10,38 feet
al~ng said Wescerly prolongation to u line parallel wich and ~as~erly 10.00 feet from said
iast menti~ned Easterly line; thence South l5'21'3U" ~asc 210.66 fcet along said parallel
line to a line paraltel with and Southerly 53.00 feet from the certerline of La Palma
Avenue (60.00 fect wide) as shown on said Tract No. t R25; thence West 241.68 fcet
along said last mentioned parallel line to a line p~lrallel wi~h and Westerly 193.00 fee[
from the centerline of said East Screet; thence Horch I S°p6'25" West 23,52 feet along said
last mencioned parallel line to a line p:-rallel with xnd Sou~hcrly 30.U0 fcet from said
certerlinP of La Palma Avenue; the7ce West 397.2R feet ;+lonb said tast mentioned
parallel line to a line parallcl ~vi~h :~nd Westerly 480.UU feet from said c~ntcriina of East
Screet; thence South l5°06'25" East 23.82 feet along said last mentioned parallel line tn a
linc parallel with and Southerly 53.UU feec t'rorn said centerline of La Palma Avenue;
thence West 878.67 feet alon~ said la~t mention~d p:~ra(l:l lint to the Eusterly line of L.ot
9, Black D of Tract No. 592 as shown on the map recorded in [iook l9, Page 3 of
I~1iscellaneous Maps in the office of said Councy Recorder; thence Nurth l5°22'30" 1Vest
PCS):'- l48
E\HII31'I' B ~)1 16~i,'?(ilr~)
21.64 feet along said Easterly line to a line p;-r,illel with and Suutherly 32.50 feet from
said centerline of La f'alma Avenue; th~nce North S~~°37'S3" West l 100.22 feec along
said last mentioned parallel line ro a line parallel wich and Westerly 30.00 feet fro~~ the
cencerline oFOlive Street as shoa~n on Farcel Map No. 81-267 Filed in Book 167, f'ages R
and 9 of P.ucel Maps in the office of said County Recorder; thence North UO°OS'OS" `Veat
69?.50 f~et along said last mentioned parallel line ro ti~e Nurtherly line of Loc 28 of the
Schaffer-Oswald Subdi~ision as shown on the mup recorded in Eiook 7, Page 41 of
Miscellaneous Maps in chz uffice oF s~id Cuunty Recordei~; thence West 396.6~ feet
along said last mentioned Northerly line and the Westcrly prolungatiun thcreof to a puint
on the Easterly line of Patt Street as described in Parcel 5 ot Resolurion No. 84R-158 of
the City Council of ;he City of Anaheim recorded April 27, 1984 as Instrument No.
84-174~77 of Official Records in the oftice of said County Recorder, said Easterly line
being a curve concave Northerly having a radius oF S9.SU feec, a radiai line to said puint
bears South 79°47'U7" East; thence Souchwesterly and Northwes~erly i65.71 fect along
said cun~e ttirough a ce,ntral angle uf l59°34'i4" to the Northerly line of the Gresswell
Subdivision as shown on che map recarded in Book 6, Page 47 of Miscellaneous Maps in
the office of said County Recorder; chence Wesc f 40.38 feet along said last mentioned
Northerly line and thc Westerly prolongution thereof to the E;-stcrly line of Lot 23 of said
Gresswell Subdivision; thence South FS.(~ fcet along said last mentioned Easterly line
and the Southerly prolonga[ion there.oF to the Northerly line of Loc 21 of said Gresswell
Subdivision; tlience West I 1C1.09 feet alorg said last mentioned Northecly line to the
begi-ining of a nan~•tangenc curve concav~ Northwesterly having a radius of 42.50 feet, a
radial line to said curve bears South 58°U2'03" East, said c: ~ e being a panion of the
5outheasteriy line of Parcel 1 of said Resolution No. 8A[t-15R; thence along said
Southeasterly line, the following courses: Southwes~erly 10.44 feet along said curve
thro~~gh a cencral :~nble ~f 14°04'48", Souch 46°02'45" Wesc 1.17 feet to the beginning af
a tangent cur~e concave Sou~heasterly having a radius of 54.38 feet, and Southwes~erly
43.7? fe:,t along said curvs ehrough a central an~le uf 4b°O:i'45" to the Wes;erly line of
snid L.ot 21; thence South ()(1°Ol'00" East 579.43 feet ~lang said last mentioned Westerly
line and che Southerly prolongation thereuf to the Northerly line of Loc 10. Block D,
Tract No. 422 as shown on the map recorded in Book t5, P;tge 48 of Miscellaneous Maps
in the office of.said Caunty Recorder; thenc~ North 8y°37'S3" Wesc 395,l9 feet along
said last rnentioned Nonhe~ly linc and the Westerly prolongation thereof t~ the centerline
of Anaheim Roulevard; th~nce North 15°2l'00" West 2.60 feet along said centerline to
the Eas;erly prolongation of the Nortiierly line of l.oc 9, Bloc:k B, "fracc No. l43 as shown
cn the map recordcd in Br~ok l l, Page 38 of Misceilaneous Maps in the office of said
County Recnrder; thence North R9°37'S3" West 606.75 feec along said Easterly
prolongation, said last mentioned Nc~rthr.rly line ard the Westerly prnlongation chereof to
tl~e Norchwesterly corner of Loc l, Block A of s;iid Tract No. l43; thence South
15°21'00" Easc 2.60 feet along ~he Wes~erly line of said Loc 1 to che Easterly prolongation
of -he Northerly line of Loc ?8, Block A of Tract Na. 374 as shown on the map recorded
in Bouk 15, Page 2 c~f Misceilaneous Maps in the office of said Coun~y Recorder; thence
North 89°37'S3" V~tst 1l)84.26 feet ;+long s;iid E:-sterly prolong;-tion and said las;
mentioned Northerly line ro the Nurthwesterly corner ot' said Lut 28; thence South
E,'~-lll3l'r B ~~I 1GS.~G~A)
PAG~ 3
1S°21'00" Eas[ 21.30 feet along the Westerly line of said ~ot 2S ro a line purallel with and
Southerly 53.OQ feet from said centerline of Lu Palm,~ Avenue: the~ce North 39°37'S3"
Wesc ? 10.a3 feec along said last mentioned par:iliel line ~u the Suutherly pr~longa[ion of
the Easterly line oF Parcel 2 as shawn on the map filed in Book 52, Page ~.'. uf Parcel
Maps in the office of said County Recorder; thence :tlong xaid Southerly prolongltion aiid
said last mentioned Easterly line, the following cours~s: Nprth 15'22'07" West 474.89
feet and North QU°2U'10" West 13.68 feet to the Southerly line of Lot l, Tract No. 132b
as shown on tl~e map recorded in Buok 42, page 34 ot' Miscellaneous Maps in :he office
of said County Recorder; thence North 89°39'40" East lU.?5 fee[ along said last
mentioned Southerly line to the Easterly line of said Lot 1; thence North OU°20'l0" West
251.34 feet along said last mentioned Easterly line and the Northerly pmlongation thereof
ta the Northerly line of Lot 34 of said Tract No. 1326; thence South 89°39'40" West
10.25 feet along said las~ mentioned Northerly line ta a line parallel with and Westerly
10.25 feet from said last menci~ned ~asrerly line; thence Norch 00°2(1'lq" West 109.56
feet along said last mentioned parallel line to the be~iniiing ot' u t,tngent curve concave
Souchwesterly having a radius ot 15.0() feec; thence Norcherly and Weste:ly 23.56 feet
alonb said curve through a central an~le of 9U°00'10" to the Northerly line of Lot ~~ of
said Tract No. 1326; thence ~outh 89 39'40" West 320.U0 feet along sa~d last mentioned
Nortlierly line and the Westerly prolong;uion tf~ereuf to the Westerly line of Lc~t 13 ~f
Mil~s Rai~cho a~ sha~vn on the map recorded in Book 4, Page 7 of Miscellaneous Maps in
the offir.e of said County Recorder; thence North UU°32'40" We~t 503.52 feet along said
l~st mentioned Westerly line to the Northerly line of s;tid Lot l3; tfience North 89°39'40"
East 18.80 feet along said last mencioned Northerly line; thence Suutli UU°32'd0" East
155.00 feet; cl~ence North 89°39'4U" East 74.24 feec; thence Nor[h 00°32'40" West 205.OQ
fect to the ~/es[erly prolongution ot' the S~utherly line of Lot 1 of Tract ho, 2302 as
shown on the map recorded in Rook 76, P:tgrs ?9, ~U ;+nd 3~ of Miscell;-neous Maps in
the office of said County Recorder; thence North 89°3y'4U" East I()7.W feet along said
Westerly prolongatiun, said last mentioned South~rly line ar~d the Eastarly prolungation
thereof to the Easterly line of said Trac~ No. 2302; thence Norch 00°2Q'2Q" West 420.00
feet al~ng said iast mentioned Easterly line; chenr.e Nonh 89°39'~iU" East 12Q.00 fee~ to a
line parallel with and Westerly 60.CU feet from the centeriine of Harbor Boulevard;
tt-ence North OQ°20'20" Wesc 1U0,00 feet ~ long s;sid last mentioned parallel linc; thencc
North 89°39'40" East 15.00 feet to a linc parallel wich and Westerly 15.00 fset frAm said
last mentiorted centerline; thence North OU'2U'2U" West 76T.U0 feet along said Is~st
mentioned parallel line ta the boundary of the Anaheim ~ity Limits, said boundary being
tl~e No~therly line of the Riverside f'reeway (lnterst;tte No. 91); thence along said
Anaheim City Limit boundary, the following courses: then~e North S9°39'40" East
345,()0 feet along said l;isc mentioned Nartfierly line; thence Suuch 88°l 1'09" East 531.48
feex along said last mentioned Northerly line; thence South 88°36'49" East 419.36 feet
along saicl las~ mentioned fvorcherly line; thence North 89°48'30" Cast 110.00 feet to a
line p~u~aliel with and East~rly 3U.00 feet from the c~nterline of Ltrtlon Street; thence
Nortii 00°(1'30" West 1815.00 teet along said last men[ioned parallel line ~o the
centerline of Orangcthorpe Avenue; thence Norch 89°4~'U(?" East 20.00 feet along said
last mentioned centerline ro a line parallel with ;~nd Ea,teriy 3U.00 feEt from the
CXHIE311' E3 ~Jl Iti2{.261:~)
(SUR AR~A l)
f'AGE 4
centerline af Lemon Str~e[ .SS 5I10~411 Ofl IIIC mup tile~l in Buok It), P~~ae 37 of P:lrcel
Maps in the uffice of said County Reco-•der; thence ~orth UO°11'30" West 13?2.33 feet
along said :ast mentioned parailel line ro the Nurtherly line of Tract No. 4961 as shown
on the map recorded in Book 2U7, Pages 37 and 38 of Miscellaneous Maps in the office
of said County Recorcler; thence North 89°4?'11" ~ast 1606.54 feet a[ong said last
mentioned Northerly iine and the Easterly prulongation thereof co che Wes~erly line of che
two 5.025 acre p:uc~ls ;ts shown on th~ map recorded in Book 38, Page 3 of Rec~rd of
Surveys in the offir.~ of said Coun~y Recorder; thence leaving said boundary of the
Anaheim City Limits, South 00° 19'0~)" E.ust 1269,52 feec along said last mentioned
Westerly line u~ a line ~a~c~llel with and Northerly 53.OU feet from the centerline of
Orangethorpe Avenue; thence North R9°~?'00" East 8R6,15 feet along said last mentioned
parallel line to ~he Westerly line of che Union P:icific Railraad, said line being parallel
with arid Westerly 160.OU t'eet trom ihe Wesc~rly line of Tract No. 47U3 as shown ~n the
map recorded in Book 169, Pages 25 and ?6 of h4iscellaneous Maps in the office of saicl
County Rec~rder; chence along saicl Westerly line of ~he Unior~ Pacific Railroad, the
following ~:ourses: North UU°50' l0" West 894.8() f~et tu tlie beginning of a tan~ent curve
concave Westerly having a radius of 1G93.87 f~:et, Northerly 177.38 feet along sa~d cu:~ve
throu~h a cenaal ~+ngle of 6°OU'OU° cu ihe beginning of ,~ campound curve concave
Westcrly having a radius of 93U.37 feet and Northerly 201.Ub feet along said curve
through a central angle of 12°22'S5" to said boundury of the Anaheim City Limits, said
boundary being un ~he Easterly prolong~tcion of the Northerly line of said Tract No. 4961;
thence along su~d Anaheim Ciry Limit boundary, the foUowing courses: thr.nce North
89°42'll" East 211.65 feet along S;~id lusc mentio7ed Easterly prolongation to the
Northerly prolongation of the Wescerly lin~: of xaid Tract No. 4703; chence South
~0°50'lU" East 174,71 feet along said Nortlierly prolongation to a point on a curve
concave Southeasterly having a radius of 369.29 feet, a radial line to said point bears
North 58°27'19" West, said curve beinb conc:entric wich and Northwesterly 20.00 feet
from that certain curve shuwn as being conc:ave Soucheascerly and having a radius of
349.I9 feet for a portion of the boundary of said Tract No. 4703; thence Northausterly
375.13 feet along said curve through a central angle of 58°l2'Q9" to a line parallel with
and Northe~'.y 20.00 feet from the Northerly line of said 'T'ract No. 4703; thence No-•th
89°a~t'S0" East 939.56 feet along said last mentioned p:-rallel line to a lint parallel with
and Westerly 30.U0 feet from tlie centerline oC R:tymond Avenue; thence South 00°4b'45"
East 1369.15 feet along said I~tst mentioned parallel line to a line parallcl with and
South%rly 53.00 feet from said centerline of Orangethorpe Avenue; thence ICaying said
bounciary of the Anaheim Ciry Limics, Soath ;~9°42'14" Wcst -056.29 feet along sa-d last
mentioned parallel line to a line parallei wit'~ xnd Ea~terly 198.UU feet from the Westerly
line of Parcel Map No. 89-14Z as shown on che map filed in F3uok 25(), Pages 1~hrough 6
of Parcel Maps in the offic~; ~f said County [Zecurder; thence South 00°49'2:" East 7.00
feet along said last mencioned parallel line co :t line p;trallel with and Southerly 60.00 feet
from said cencerline of Orangethurpe Avcnue; thence South 89'4?.'lh" West 198.00 feet
along said last mentioned par;,llel line tu che Nurtherly of said Westerly line
of said Parcel Map No. 89-142: ~hence South UO°49'2l" East ?2.'~9.54 feet along said last
mentioned Northerly prolo~gat-on, said las[ mencioned Wesrerly line and the Soucherly
EXHIE~IT Li ~~l ;6;i,3blr1)
LEGAL UESCRIPTION, C1'fY O[~ ANAF{C111 1 l•23-92
prolongation thereoF to the beginning of a tangent curve concuve Easterly having ~ radius
of 5679.65 feet, said curve being the Northcrly continuatiun of that certain cucve shown
as being concave ~asterly and havin~; a radius of 5679.65 feet for the Westerly line of
Tract No. 5703 as shown on the map recorded in [iook 2Q9, Pnbes 26 and 27 of
Miscellaneuus Maps in the office of s;-id County Recurder; thence Southerly 1 l 19,19 feet
along said curve t}~rough a central angle of l 1°17'25" to the Southerly line of said Tract
No. 57U3; thence 5outh 89°52'?U" East 798.66 t'eet along suid last mentioned Southerly
line to the Westerly line of the lard described in Parcel No. Bl-12U9.01 of the deed to the
Orange County Flood Control Districc recorded in Book 5651, Page 219 of Off'tcial
Records in the office uf said Counry Recorder; chence along said last mentioned Westerly
line, the following courses: North QU° 14'40" East 378. l8 feet to the beginning of a
tangent curve conc:ive Eascerly having a i•:-dius of IU:~3.OQ feec, ;ind Northerly 185.U5 feet
along said curve throu~h a c:entrul angle ot' lU°l5'S1" ~o the Sou~herly line of Kenwood
Avenue as described in the Quitclaim Deed to the City of Anaheirn recorded in Book
7675, Page Sl~~ of Clffici.~l Recards in ~he office of suid County Recorder; ~hence North
$9°37'S2" West 3.19 fzet :tlong s;~id L-st mentioned Southerly line to ~he E:~sterly comer
of the land described in che deed to ci~e Cicy of Anaheim recorded in a~ok 4'096, Page 18
of Official Records in the affice of said County Recorder, the Southerly and Westerly line
of said land being a curve concave N~rthe~-sterly having a radius of 4~.~U feet, a radial
line to said corner bears South SG°1S'Sl" Easr ~hence Westerly and Northerly 122.21 feet
alung said curve through :i central ;ingle of l75°U3'(?3" ta che Westerly line af tha land
described in the deed to the City of Anuheim recorded in Bouk 7516, Pa~;e 117 of Ofticial
P.ecords in the office nf said County Recorder; thence along said last mentioned land, the
following .:ourses: North 00°14'40" Eust 22.96 feet anci South 89°37'S2" Eas[ 85.38 feet
to the beginning of a non-tangent curve conc:-ve Southeasterly having a radius of 1033.00
feet, said curve b~ing the Wescerly line of said P~rcel B1-l?U9.U1, a radial line to said
curve be~-rs North 7S°51'45" West; tl»nce continuing ulong s~tid last mentioned Westerly
line, the following courses: Northe;~sterly S 16.OQ Feet ;~lonb s:tid curve through a central
angle of 28°37'l4" and North 42°45'29 Eas~ SE.87 feec co u line parallel with an3
Westerly 45.GQ feet from che cen~erline uf Eas~ Screec as shown on the map tiled in Bouk
11, Page 12 of Yarcel Maps in the office of said County Recorder; chence North
89°13'40" East $5.00 fect to the Noctherly prolongation of ~he Westerly line of Lot 48 of
said Tracc Ne. 2022; thence Souch 8°59'3U" East 97.29 fe~t to the Northerly te~tinus of
that certain course shown as "South 7°43'UU" Wesc 99.36 feet" f'or a portion of the
Southerly line of said Riverside f•'reeway (lnters~;t~e No. 91); thcnce South 7°43'00" West
161.79 feet along said coursc :tnd the Southerly prolongation chereof to the Southwcsterly
corner ~f said Lot 4~; chence Sou~h OQ°4l'2U" East "tri4. l6 feet along the Wesrerly line of
Lots 43 through 47 of said Tract No. 2022 to thc beginning of a tangent c~irve concave
Northeasterly having a radius of 15.O0 feet; chence Southerly nnd Ec-scerly 23.38 feec
along said curve through ,~ ~~i~u':il anglc uf 89°l8'~lU" tu th~ Suutherly line uf said Lot 43;
FXHIB[T l3 9l 1G~.26(A)
LEGAL UCSCR[P'fION, Cl'I'Y OF A\'~I-li:l~4 I 1-23~N2
thence E,-st 67,63 feet along said last mentioned Soucherly line to the Ncrtherly j
prolongation of the Westerly line of Loc lO uf s;iid Tract Nu. 2022; thence South 160.00 i
feet along said Northerly prolongation and said last mentioned Westerly line to the ',
Southerly line of said Lot lU; thence Eas[ R 1.25 feet along said last mentioned Southerly ~
line and thP Easterly prolongation thereof to the true poinc ot beginnins. ;
Contains an area of SU2 ~icres, more or less.
~~n ~AP~D ci~~,,.
f [~ ``'~'
~~~ .~~~~1'^`~• ~
ANIES B. DUNLAP, LS 189 ^ ~ ~~~~~ o~
~,. ~a~
* _ N~. ti189 zi
9l 168.ZG(A)
~ 1-2~1•y2
~Xf-iI31 i B
CI"('Y OF ri\r1FiEl11
(SUB Af2EA 2)
'I'hat portion of Sectiuns lU, 1 I, 14, I5, 22, 23 and 26, 'I'owmhip 4 5uuth, Rangc 10
West in the Rancho 5an Juan (:ajon de Santa An~ as ihown on ~he m:ip recor~led in Buok
51, Page IU uf `1is~•ellaneous ~i:-ps in the offire o!' the County Ftecorder ~f Oran~e
Cou~ty, Cal~fornia, ciesrntkd as foliows:
Beginning at c.~e intersec~ion of che centerline of Ball Road (of varia~le width) with the
centerline of Le~7on Street tof v:iriab{e width) as shown o~~ the map of Tract No. 2090
tecorded in Bu..~k bl, Pages 38 and 39 of Misrellancous yfaps in the offict of said County
fteco~der: thence \orth IS°23'45" West 21 I.R9 feee :+I~~ng said centerline of Lemon Street
as shown on ~he map tilec: in Book IS, Page 42 of Recurd oF Surveys in the ofPice of said
County Recordrr io the Wesrerly prn!engation oE th° horcherly line nf tha- cer,ain ~.674
acre parcel sho~~n on said Rec:ord ~ Survey; thence :~orth 74°20'IS" East 227.22 feet
along said prolongacion and Nortturly ~~ne; thence Nonh IS°23'45" West 120.W feet to the
So~therly line of Parcel I as show~ on the nap filed in Book 4[, Page 2{ of Parcel Maps
in the of~ce of said County Recorder, thence South 74° 19'00" West 227.22 feet ~long said
Southerl~~ line and the Wcster~y prolongation therrof to .~id centerline of Lemon Street as
show~ on said Parc:el ~tap; thence Nonh IS°25'i~" West 368.66 feet along said centerline
to the Westerly prolongation ot' the Southerly lir,e of Tract No. 3222 as shown on the map
recordtd in book 97, Pagt 19 and 'lU of ~tiscellaneo~s ylaps in the offr. of said County
Rccorder: thence. tionh 74°19'0~" East 235.00 `eet alonR said prolongatior~ and said last
mentiancd Soucherly line t~ ~he Easterly line of Loe 9 of ~aid Trace No. 3222; •henct North
15°25'00" Wcst 635.()2 fect along s:~id Ca~terly line, chc Nortl~erly prolongati~n thercof
and the Wr.sterly linc ~f Lots I 1 thraugh 1 R of sa~d Tract ~o. 32?2 to a i;ne parallel with
and Southerly I~ 00 fect fror.~ the ~inrcherly line o( said Tract !~o. 3222: ~henre South
74°27'45" Wcst 24.25 ftee along said paral~el line w the Souehcrly pr~longation of the
~asterly line of Parcel 1 as shown on the map filed in E3ook 38, Page l9 c~ Parcel Maps in
the offire of said County Rerorder; thenc~ tiortt, I.S°25'O()" Wcst 443.23 feet along said
rolangation, said last mtntiarted Fasterly line :+nd tlu Nonhcrly prol~ng~tion thc~reof to the
~onherly line of Vrrmont Avenu~ (65.(K) f~ec wide) ax shown vn th~ map of Tract N~.
1194 recorded in Brx~k 38, Pagec 1.ta~d 2 a~ '~liscellaneous tilaps in ~he of~ice of said
County Itecorder; thenre North 74°21' 1~" East 67.(~ fcet aiong said last rnemionecl
Northerly line t~ the Southerly prolongat~~;• ~f th~e Wesccrly line of said Tra~t No. I 194;
thcRCe Nonh IS°S1'14" Wcst 2~9.~3U fee~ :+:~- ~,r~cf prol~ng~~ion w the Southerly lintof
xaid Trxt E~o. 1194; thcncc ~vorh 'la°Z1'15 East 975.02 fcct alonq said la;:t ma~tioned
5ourhrrly ~ine to che Southerly prol~ngat~or, of che Wezterly line of Loc 22 of said Tract
~"o, 11ya; thrnce ~orch 15°?~i'SS" Wesc IE~I 23 feec alor.g said prolongaei~n ~o ihe
5authwe~t co~ncr of saic Loc ~2; ~hence alerg che S~~u~herly line Af said Loc 22 and che
Southerly and SouthC~~tetly lines of Lot 21 of said Troct `o. I 194, che following courscs:
tiunh 74°22"A3" f_ast ~.GU leei tc the tr.ginning of r ianVent rurve cancave ti~rthwe~terly
having a radius o! 15.(?q fcet, and ~'onhea~tcrly K a3 fe:t :ilvng Said rurve thmugh a
~enrta! an~le of 32~12"~9" to a lint para~IPl with and We.tctly 47 tl~) (ect fr~~ thc cen~crlinc
~~~:~y: _ t ~t s
f:Xllll3l'1' l3 `~I lt~:i.:c,i;\i
LEGAL DGSCItIF'"1'IUI~ l l-~-l-~~,
AtiAFiE1~11:O~1~tERCIAL l\DUS'i'Rlr\L Pl2UJE:C."f
;Sl'Ei AREr\ 2)
f'AGI: 2
of An:-hcim E3oul~vard tuf variable width), t'urmerly Los Angeles Sree[, as shuwn on said
map uf Tract \o. 119~1: !hence North 15°3fi'S5" Wesc 47~).3ti feet alon~: said parallel line ro
a point on the Northeasterly linc of Lot 10 of ~ai~i Tr.irt No. ! 194, said Northeasterly line
bein6 a curve concave Sowhwes~erly, havin~ a raelius of IS.UO t'eet. a radial line ro said
point bears tionh 1G°36'S6" East; thence :~long said Nurcheasterly line and the yortherly
line af ~sid L.ot lU, the tollowing courses: Wcs~erly K.a~3 teet alung said curve through a
central angte uf 32' I~i'S3" and South 74°22'U3" Wes- dl•(`0 feet to the Northwest corner of
s~id Lot IJ, said corner being on the Suutt;erly prolungation of the Wesrerly line of Lot 1
of s~id Tract No. I 19~: chence Nunh I S":~G'SS" West 151.52 ieet alun~ said ~r~longation
and said last men~ioned Westcrly line tu che Nonherly line of said Tract No. l 194; thencc
South ~4°22'45" Wcst 249.34 fect along s:+i~ last mentioned Nocthtrly line and the
~Vesterly prolongation thereof to the Easccrly lin: c.` Tract Nc~. l I as shown on the map
re:corded in E3ook 9. Page 1 l of ~lisccl!aneuus Maps in the office of said Cuunty Recotder,
thence :~'orth IS'S~'14" West 325.0O feet along ~aid last mentioned Easterly line and thc
;~onherly prolungation ehereuf to ~he 5outherly line ~f Lot l, of "Cruct No. I 1256 as shown
on the map re:orded in Ba~k 4;17, P;~ges 41 and ~3 of Mixcellaneous Maps in the office ut
said County Recorder, said last rnentiuned Suutherly line txing parallel with and Nenherly
32.00 fcct frorn the centerl+ne of 5outh Street (of v:+riable width) as shown on said map of
'fract i~o. 1125G: thence slong said last men~ioned Sou~herl~ linp, the Eusterly line of said
Lc>t 1 and the Northerly prolongation thereuf, the follow~ng ~outse~: North 74°22'UO" East
14b.18 feet and tionh l5`'3U'32" Wr~ ~!'iG.SU fcet to ine Souttierly linc of Lot S of the
Stueckle Sutdivision as shown on thr ;nap r~conied in Buok 8, Page 43 of Misceilaneous
`laps in the office of said County Recorder; thence along said laxt mec rioned Southaty line
and the F.asterly line of said l.ot 8, ttie follow: ing courses: Nonh 74 22'00" East 2.5U feet
and North 15°30'UO" West 172.88 fcet to ttie Southerly line of Stueckle A.venue ~60.00 feet
wide) as shown on said map of tha Stueckle Srbdivi:,ion: thence South 74°22'W" West
4d4.48 fee~ along said last mentioned 5outherly line and the Westerfy prolungati4rs thercof
co the Westcrly line of ~aid Lemon Street (.56.(~ fccc widc), said W~sterly line being
par;+tlel with and Wester~y 31.25 feet from the centerline of ~:+id Lemon Sereet as shown on
thc map of Tract No. 2l2 recorded in E3ook 13, Page 1 of Miscellaneous Maps in the nE'Fice
of said County Recorder; thence ~rit~ 15°7S'3U" West 465.42 feee atonq said last
mentioned Wesccrty line to a line p;uallei with anJ Northerly 38.25 fect from thc centtrlint
uf Water Strctt (6U.W feet wide} as shown un .aid m~p of Tract No. 112: thcnce ivo-th
74'25'00" East 363.31 feei along said lasc men~ioned pc~rallel lins ta thc S~u~he•rst corner of
Lot 31 of saii Tract ~10. 212: thence N~~rth l S°3U'00" W~st 2', ~.25 fecr alnng the Easterly
line of said Lot 3l ar~d the Noctherly prolQngation thercof to the Nortlurly line of Lot 24 of
said TraCt No. 217: thcncc along thc bound:try of said Trart No. 2l2. ~he fallowing
co~rses: Suuch 74°25'O(3" West 25.(1Q feet, ~orch !5°3~)'(10" West 148.A(l feet, Soueh
74~25'(H)" Wcsc BG.W fece :~nd South t5`3U'(1U" Eas~ 4K.(10 fcet to the ~astcrly
prolangauon of the ~oreherly line of Lot y af .~id Tract 10. 212: thence South 7~i°25'00"
West 283.32 fcet along said proiongation, ~:+id la~t mentionCA Nurthcrly linc and tlie
Vlesterly pr~l~nga;ion thersof co said Westerly iine of Lerru~ Scrcet, s~id Westetly line
being als~ thc Cast~rly line of [31o~k A of Tract ho. 3h5 1s shown on the map rccurded in
l3a~k ~5, Pagc 14 ~~f ~!is~ellancuus ~1aps in the ~ffire of s:~id Couney Iteconl~r; thcnce
P(:il: -1 ~~ S
E~HIE3l'r Ei ~)1 -G;i.2b~:',!
LEGAL UESCRIP'"f'(Q\' I 1-'~3-~)2
Pr1GE 3
along said last mentionr.d Easterly line and the Northerly line of said l3lock A, the
following courses: North l S°28'30" ~L'est 184.73 feet :ind South 74°24'4S" West 213.15
feet; thence NorthPrly 88.16 feet on a direct line to :i point on the Sou:herly line of that
cenain p:ucel of land shuwn on the map tiled in Book 75, P;ige 32 of Record of S~rveys in
the ofCce of said Counry Recurder, dist;~nt South 74°25'18" Wes~ 21Z.y5 Feet from said
Westerly line of Lem~n ~treet meusured alon6 said Sou:heriy linc; thenre Soutlt 7~1°25'18"
West 1.51 Feet along said last mentior~ed 5nutherly line to the Westerly line of said p.ucel
of lar.~; ttien~e North 15°?~':~3" West 184.:54 fect ;ilon~ said last nentioned ~1'esterly line
ana thc lvonhcrly prolungation thereof to a line par,illel wi~h and Northcrly 34.75 fcet from
Santa Ana Street (uf v:sriable width) :-s shown on Loc I.ine Adjustment Plat No. l0l
rrcorded luly 29, 1982 as lnstrument No. 82-2623y9 of nfficial Recards in the office of
said C~uiity Rccordcr, said Lot Line Adjus~rnent Plat No. 101 being a ponion of the Mary
Strobel Estate us shown on the map recorded in Book 3, Pages 7b and 77 of hliscellaneous
Records in the officc of the County Recorder of Los Ang~les Cuunty, California; thence
tionh 74°56` IS" East 55.~6 feet aiorg s.tid p:-rallel line to che V- estccly line of Parcd ?. of
said i.~t Line Adjustment Plat No. lUt; thence along said I:~st mentioned Westerly line and
thc Southerly linc of said Parcel 2, che foll~~~~-i~zg courses: South 15°(K)'OU" Easc S.W feet,
Nonh 7~°56'15" Easc 65.UU feec. 5ou~h i~'t}(Yl~" Easc 3.UK t'eet, Nonh 74°56'l5" East
43.Sq, North I S'UU'00" West U.41 t'eet, North 74°S6' i S" Fast 44.UU feet, North
IS°OU'W" West I.o7 feet and horth 74°56'15" E;ist 6.00 feet to said ~Vttterly line uf
Lemon Svicet as shown on said Lot Line Adjustmeiit Pl:it No. iQ!, said W~sterly li~e bcinq
Westerly 31.25 feet from said c;enterline uf Lrmon Su~er.t: shence Norch l5°(~'W" West
215.36 f'cet along said Westerly line tu t~~e 5outherly line of Lot 9 of said Mary ~trolxl
Escate; thence 5outti 74°S6'15" Wcst 93.50 feet along said last mentioned Southerly line to
the ~asterly line of Lot 11 of said Mary Strobel Estnte; thence ~lon~ said last rnentioned
Casterly line and thr Northerly line of said Lot I!, che following courses: Nonh 15°00'W"
lNest 1d4.24 feet and S~uth 74°56'15" West 30.8U feet to a line par~llel with and Westtrly
I55.55 fcet frorn said centerline of Lerrxm Strect, thcnre North tS°(1U'(~" West {02.80 feet
along said par:+llel line ro a line par~llel with and Northecly 77.60 fcet from the centcrline of
Elm Screet (SO.W fert wide); thence North 74°Sb' I S" Easc 124.:~U feet along said parallel
line to the Westerly line of said !.cmon Street, said Wcsterly line txing Westerly 31.25 fecc
frorn said ccnterline of l.~cmon Scrcet; thenre Nonh I S°W'()0" Wcst 5.95 fect along said
Wescerly line to a lin~ parallct with and fvoRherly 83.75 t'eet from the centerline of said Elm
Stnet (49.50 feec w~de)~ thence {~erch 74°56' 1 S" [:a,t I Ih.75 feet :tlong said paraUel line:
th:nce South 15°UO'40" ~ast 59.UU fect to the Nor.herly fine ~f said Eltt~ Smeec ~49.50 teet
wide); thencc North 74°Sb'l5" ~ast I 18.37 fect ~long suid last men~ionecf Nor~hcrly line tc~
.; ~ne pa-allc! with and Easterly 7U.12 Fect from ~he Easterly linc of Lot 56 af thc Origir~al
~ r~wn Lotx of Anahcim as shown on the map recordcd in Eiook 4, pages 629 an~ b3A nf
:;etds in the office uf sa:d Cuunty R~rorder of Lor. Angcles County: thence honh
IS°QO'IX)" Wtst i81.5d feet alung s~id parall~l line to ihe Southerly linc cf l.ot S1 of said
Original 'i'own Lo~s: thence Sr,u~h 74°56' I S" Wrst 7c).12 feet ;-long s;iid last mentioned
Southerly lint to the Wescerly line uf .aid I..ot ~ l; chcncr Wnh 1 ~°(H)'UO" West 198.58 fcet
af~ng sa~d last m.ntioncd Wc~tcrly linc ;+nd ~hc lortherly prolQngation tliereof ro thc
eentcrlinc of Broac:way (of variablc width). ~:+i~1 rcncerline tx~in~t parallel with and
I'l:!): - i ,1 ~I
L''X1-{IF31'T I3 ~)I lb!i.~blAj
LEGAL DE5C~IP"fION l 1 •?~•y?
(SUB r1REA 3)
Suuthetly 33.00 feet from the Souchrrly line of Lot -18 ot s;~id Original T'o~vn Lots, said
centerline being ulso shown uri Parcel M:ip No. 9(i-224 filed in Book 256, Yages 3 throukh
11 of Yarcel h1aps in the office of said County Recorder of Oranbe County; thence North
75°2b'31" East 62Q.22 feet along s~tid centerline to the IVor~hr.rly prolongation of the
Westerly line of Lot ~, Bla:k N uf the Center Tract ;is ~~hown un the map recorded in Buuk
14, Page 13 of Miscellaneous Rer.nrds in che office of said County Recorder of Los
Anbelrs County; thencP South i5"30'(~" East 156.'15 feet along said prolongation ;u~d said
last rnentioncd Westerly line to the Souttirrly linc of s~id Lo~ 4; chence North 74°31'45"
East 36.24 feet along said List mentioned Sou~herly line to a linr parallel wich and Easterly
2UAl} :'eet fr4m the Easterly line ot Lu~ I of ch~ Kunig Subdiviswn as shown on the map
recorded in Book 6, Page 2U uf Miscellaneu~s Maps in the office of the County Record:.r
of said Orange Counry; thence Suuth 15°3t)'UU" East 170.00 feet along said parallel line to
tt-e Northerly linc of Lut l3 of s;-id Konig Subdivision; ~hence South 74°30'lH)" West l.W
fout along the Wester~y prolon~;«ion o( ~;~id lat mrntioned Northerly line; thence South
15'30'W" Gast 2U0.f~ feet to the Wescerly prolonkn-iun of thc Northerly lin of Lot 17 of
said Konig Subdivision; thenc:e North 74°3U'0()" E;iat 216.y6 feet along prolongation, saict
last mencioned Nur~herly line and tlie E;~sterly prolong;ition tf~ereof to a line parallel with
and Easterly 2.(i(? feet from the Easterly lirt ot' Claudina Street (fiO.W feet wide) as shown
on che Amended Mnp of ~he Center Tract recorded in 9ook I, Page 91 of bliscellaneous
M;lps in the office of said County Recoraer of Orange County; thence South 1 S°2$'45"
Cast 50.00 feet; thence South 74°3U'W" Wesc I.QU fooe to said Easterly line of Claudina
Streec; thencc Souch I S°28'45" East 6y.5U feet alang ~:-id las~ mentioned Easterly line to tt-e
Northerly li~e of l.ot 23, Block M of said Amended Map of the Ccnter'Tract; the~ce Notth
74°30'W" East 669.16 feet along said Northerly line and the Easterly prolongation thereuf
to the Westtrly line of E31ock A of thc Laird Subdivision as showr, on the map recorded in
Book 6, Page l2 c~f Miscellaneous Maps in tlie office of said Cauncy Recorder of Or~nge
County, said Westerly line being parallel with and E~stcrly 24.75 ftet from the centtrline of
Olive Strcec (58.50 t'eet wide); thenc:e South 15°18'30" ~ast 170.25 feet along said lasc
mentioncd Westerly linc to the ~outherly line uf szid Blcx:k A, said Southerly line bcing
parallel with and Norcheriy 35.2 ~ ftet from said centerline ot' Snnta Ana Street (f~U.00 feet
wide); chence Nonh 74°30'~'J" Fast 635.W feet alon~ said parallel iine to the Easterly line
of Block B of said Laird Subdivision; thence horth I S°18'30" West 142.12 feet along said
last mentioned E~stcrly iine co a line p~r:~llel with ;t~-d Southsrly I(l.()Q feet from tlu
5outherly line of Loc 2y, Bloc:k F o( ehe liocel del Campo Trace as shown on the map
recorded in Sook 24, Pages 69 and 70 of Mistellaneou~ Recocds ~n the office of said Los
Angeles Caunty; chence Norch 74°3()'(b" E:~sc IKS.(x) fetc alon~ sai~ parallel linc co thc
Southeriy prolongation of the ~ascerly line of said Loc 29: thence North IS°IS'30" Wext
210.00 feet al~ng said prolongation, s:+~d I:ist mentioned Eas~erly line and the Northerly
prolongation thsrcof to the hortherly linc of Lo~ 36. Block F of ,~id Hotel del Campo
Tra~r, thence South 74°3i~(?0" 1~Yest 185.Qt? feec along said last mentioned ltiortherly linr
and the Westerly prol~ngatiun thcreof to caid Eastcrly line of E31uck B ot' the
5ubdivision; chcncc North 1 S°! K'3U" Wc~t 426.2~ lecc ~long said last mcntioncd Eastcrly
line and the Northe:ty prolangation chereof to said centerlinr. of I3road!vay; ehenc~ North
74°3A'00" East 723.UU feet alo~~ ~:~id renterline to th~ tior~herly pro(ongation of th~
Pc'~~~ - : •t:i
E:\f I1f31'C B ~I l l i~,ti.?ht:\ )
LL"GAL DCSCfZIPI'!O~ I I •2-t-~)2
(SUE3 r~RE:1 ?)
Westrrly line of Bluck D of the Lorelei "Cract as shown on the rnap reror~i~d in Book 29,
Page 2a uf ti1iscellaneous Records in the uftice of saici Counry Rerorder ot Los Angeles
County; thence South 15°l8'3U" Cast 777.75 fect :-long said prolongatio~i und said last
mentioned Wcsterly line ro the Soutl~erly line of s;tid Block D, said Southerly line being
parallel with and Northerly 34.75 feet frorr~ said c~nterline of Santa Ana Streer, thence
Nurtfi 74°30'OU" East 788.OU feet :~long s;tid p:~rallel line to the Northerly prolongation uf
the Easterly line of Lot 15 of Tract No. 3'_'S 1 as shown un the map recorded in Buok 100,
Pages ! 7 and 18 of ~lisceilaneous :~ia~s in [he ofFice of said County Recorder of Orange
Counry; thencc: So~th IS°3U'UU" East K3~.2~) fr~t ;~lunb saiu Northerly p:olongation, said
last men~ioned Easterly line and the Southerly prolongation thereof to the Southerly line of
Water Street (1G.50 fect wide) :+s sl~own on the rn;ip f~led in Book 27, Page 18 of Record
of Surveys in the office uf said Councy ftecorder of Orange Count~~; thence Nonh
7~l°22'35" East 216.UU fcet alung ~aid last mentioned Southerly line and the Eastcrly
prolon6ation thereuf to the }~asterly line aF East 5treet (of variable width) as shown on the
map ot Tract No. 2ti52 recurde~i in F3uok 7K. Pages 24 and 25 of AlisceUaneuus Maps in
the oftic:e of said Cuunty Recorder ot' Oran~;e Cow~ty, said Easterly line being parallel with
and Easterly 33.(X) t'eet from ~he centerline of said Easc S~r~et; thence South IS°22'S5" East
847.57 feec along said East;rly line ro~t line p:tr;illel with and Sou~herly 30.(~ fee~ from the
centerline of South Street (of vari;iblr width) as shown on the map of Tract No. 3042
recorded in Book 92, Pabes 3 and 4 of MisceUaneous Maps in the oftice of said County
Recorderof Orange Cuunty; thenc:e South 7~3°2~'lG" 156.UU teet along s~id purallel
line; thencc Scuth l5°22'S5" East 30U.(Hl feec; thence South 74°28'16" West 25,SU feer
ttience Souch 15°22'S5" East lUU.OU fect; thence Narth 7~t°28'l6" E:~st 214.SQ feet ta said
Easterly line cf East Strcet; thencc South IS°22'SS" East 23l).UI fcct along said last
mcntioned Easterly line to the Eastcrly prolong:itiun of the Nonherly line of said Tract No.
30~2; thence South 74°28'4l" West 582.9U feet along ~aid prolongacion and slid last
mcntior,cd Nortrerly linc to che Westerly line ot' said Tract No. 3O4'2; the.~ce South
15°23'~34" Easc 7?5.99 feet alona said last mr.ntioned Westei9y line and ~he Southerly
proiongation chereo~ to the Southerlp line of Vermonc Avenue (66.OU ~ee~ wide) as shawn
on s;-id map of 'I'ract No. 3042; thence South 74°29'US" ~Vest 8Q3.73 feet along said last
mcntioncd Soutiurly line to the Westerly line of Or,-nge Street (SQ.00 fccc wide), being also
thP Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railro;+d Company right ot' a~ay, ;~s shown on the map
uf Tract No. 1681 cecorde~i in Book 1?5, P:-ges 2K ;uid 2y ol' Miscell:-neous ~7aps in the
office uf said County Recorder uf Orange County; thence North 15°24'03" West 6~2.91
fcet along said last a~entioncd Westcrly linc; thence South 74°27'S7" W~st 210.(~ fect to
the Southe~st corner of said Tract No. 16K t; thence North ! S°24'(}3" We:~~ 630.UO feee
~long the Easterly line oE ~•+~~ Tract No. l6Kl ro ~hc tiorthcrly line of said Tr~cc No. 1681,
said Northerly line bcinb parallel wi;h and Soucherly 3U.Q() feet from s;~id centerline of
Sou~ti Strece; chence South 74°27'S7" We,c 3(K).l)U t'ecc along said Norcherly lin~ c~ che
tibrthwcs- ror;ur nf said '1'r:-~c ho. I hK I; chcnce along the Southerly linr uf said South
Strcr.t, the tollowing ~~urses: Souch I.5'24'(13" E;ist 2.OU ftet along the Westerly line of
said Tract \o. 1681, South 74°27'S7" Wes; I ~U.U7 fcet, i~o~th I 5°3?'J3" `Ncst 2.00 fect,
South 7~i°?7'S7~' West 3'l?.(rl feec, So~ith I S°32'03" East 2.(?fl feet, South 74°27'S7" West
b5.(?0 fcet, \orth 15'32'U3" Wes; 2.(X) teee :~nd South ?4'27'S7" Wcse I I~).SQ tcec c~ the
f~Xt-ILUI'I' E ~)I li,ti?c,~,-1)
LEGAL DESCR[PT[UN ~ ~'=`~'`~~
Southerly prolong:uion of the Eascerly line ot' Qlurk U ot '1'r:irc Nu. 372 as shown on the
map recorded in (3ook lS, Page I~ ot Nlisceiluneous ~~laps in che ot't~ice of s:iid County
Recorder of Orang~ County; thence North l5°30'00° West 827.27 feet along said
prolongation, said last mentiuned E;+sterly line and the E:isterly line of Block D of Tract
No. 373 as shown on the map recorded in Book 15, Pa~e ~ly uf' 1~liscellaneous Maps in the
offiee of said County Kec~order ~f Oranbe Cuunty to tlie Northerly line of said lasc
mei~tioned Lilock D, said Northerly line being p;-rall~.l with .u~d Southerly 21.75 feet from
the centerline of said W:tter 5treet (of variablr, width) :ts shown on said map of Tract No.
373; [hence South 74°24'OQ" West 1a0.00 fcet nlonb :.,iid Inst mentioned Northerly line to
the Southerly prolon~;atioi~ ot' the Eascerly line of Trart No. 4N7 as shown on the map
recorded in Book l7, Pag~ 38 of MiscelL~neous Maps in the oftice uf said County Recorder
of t~range County; thenc~ alunb sui~ prolondatiun, said last mentioned Eatiterly line and the
Northerly line ot s:ud Tract No. 497, th~ 1'ulluwinb cuur:cs: ~orth I 5°31'3Q" West 398.03
feet to the be6inninb of a non-~ang~ne curve cunc:~ve Wescerly having a radius of 423.14
feet, a radial line to said curve bc;-rs North ~'1°2 i' 13" Easc, Nonherly G9. I I feet along said
curvc through a central angle of 9°21'2~)" and Souch 74°2d'OQ" West 77U.37 feet ro tha
Northwest corner af l.ot 7 of' said Traet No. 497; thence continuing Sauth 74°24'UU' W est
20.W feet; thence Sou~h IS°3Q'QU" E;~sc 47O.64 fer.t ~o che Nor~herly line of Block A of
said Trac:e ho. 373; thence Souch 74°24'UO" West ~K.78 feet along said last mentioned
Northerly line to a line parallal with and Easterly ldU.3~) feec from said centerline of
Anahcim E3oulevard; [hence South ! 5°3U'UU" East 364.G5 fer~ ;~long suid par~llel line to the
rJ~reher!y line of Lot 1, Q!ock A of said Tract No. 372; thence North 74°24'UO" East 2.50
f~et :ilong said Isst mentionec~ Northerly line; thence South l5°3U'00" East t00.72 feet [o
the Norcherly line uf Lot 3, s~tid Block A ot'Tra~t No. 372; tt~ence South 74°24'00" West
U.50 fcet along s:tid last mentioned Nurtherly lint; thc~ir~ South I S°3U'UQ" East 150.Q0 feet
to the Northerly tine of Lot 6, said Block A of Tr:~c[ No, 372: thence North 74"024'00"
East 0.50 feet along said last mentioned Norcherly line; ~hence South l5°30'QO" East
1U7.75 fcet to ~he Southerly line of l.ot 7, said Bloc:k A of Tract No. 372; ~hence South
74°24'00" West 2.5U fcet along said last mentioned ~outherly linc; thcncc South 15°30'00"
E:tst 106.75 feet to a line par~llel with and ~outherly 32.(X) feet from said cr..n~erline of
South Strcet; thence S~uth 74°38'UU" West 9~i.39 fee~ alung said par~Uel line to a line
par,~llel with and F.asterly 47.Q() feec from said centerline of Anaheirn Boulevard; ehence
South IS°30'(?U" East 672.99 feet :-long s;iid p:+rullel line ro~tie Soucherly line af Valcncia
Avenue (61.00 feet wide) as shown on ch~ map of 1'racc ho. 22! recorded in Bauk l3,
Page 4 of Nliscellaneous hlaps in the office of said Councy Recorder of Orange Cnunty;
thence South 74°29'SU" Wcst 12.25 feet along ~aid last mencioned Southerly l~ ~ ro the
Easterfy lin~ of said Anahcim Qoulev;u~d, ,aiJ Ea.ierly line brinb p:valtCl with ur :asterly
3~.75 fe~t from said centerline of An;iheim Eioulevard; thence along said last ntioned
Easterly line, thc foliowing courses: Sou~i 15°3U'UU" East 47.UU fee[ along s.•: parallel
line, i~orth 74°29'S0" East lU.2S feet, South 15°3l1'(x)" Ea~t y4.U0 feet, Norch 7~i''?9'SU"
East 2.W f~et. Jo~uf~ l5°3U't)U" E:~st 144.68 feec, S~ueh 74°29'SQ" Wcst 12.~5 feet, South
15'30'00" Ea,t SU.QU feet, f~urth 1~°?y'S()" E;~,t 12.25 feet, South IS°3U'(lU" East SU.QO, South '14°29'SO" We,t 12.25 feee, Souch I S°3U'()c)" Easc 60.U() Erec, ~orth 74°29'S0"
East t2.25 fcec :ind Souti~ I S°3(?'Ul)" East 16$.3 i ittc co [he Northerly linc of said Vem~onc
EXf-{lt3['I' f3 ~I I l6ii.26(AJ
Avenue (of vari;~ble ~vidth), funnerly~ Bro;~d Strert, said Northerly line being ,,ar~~llel with
and Northerly 35.SU t'eet from said renteriine of Vennont Avenue; chence Norch 7a°29'S0"
East 162.UU feet ulong said last m~ntiunrd Northerly line tu the Northerly prolongation of
the Westerly line of Lot 16 of "Crctet No. 1345 ,is shown on the mup recorded in B~uk 43,
Pages 26 and 27 of Miscellaneous M:ips in the office of said Co~mty Kecorder of said
Orange County; thence Soud~ l5°3?'1 S" Ea~~ l~S,SU Fee~ ;tlong ti;iid prolong;uion, said last
mentioned Wescerly line and the Wes[Crly Gnr oC Lot IS of said Tract Na. 1245 to the
Easterly prolongation of ~he Nurtherly line of Lot 1 of said Tract No. 1245; :hence South
74°28'00" West 159.t?U feet along said prolong,~tion and s;~id last mentioned Nnrcherly line
to said Easterly line of Anaheim E3oulevard, said Easterly line being parallel with and
Easrerly SU.OU feet from said ccnterline of Anaheim Boulevard; thence along said Easterly
line, the following courscs: Soutf~ t S°32' 15" E;ist 169.SQ feet, North 7~l°28'QQ" East 3.00
feet, South IS°32'l5" East 56.50 Feec, Snuth 7A°28'00" West 3.UU Feet, South l5°32'15"
East 385.13 feet, North 74°27'4S" C:tist 3.OU and South 15°3?'15" East 57.25 feet to
the Noctherly line of Parcel l:ts shown un thc n~ap Filed in E3ook 60, Page 3 of Parcet
Maps in the office of s~id County Recorder of Oran6e County; thence North 74°13'45"
East 160.55 feet along said las~ mentioncd Northcriy line and the Easterly prolongation
thereof ro the Wescerly line of Lot S of Tract N~. I:i79 ;is shown on the map recorded in
Book 43, Pa~es 6 and 7 of A".iscellaneous Maps in the at't'ice of said County Recorder of
Orange Caunty; thence Soutfi l5°32'15" ~ast 89.U~ feet along said fast mentioned Westerly
linc and thc Westerly line of Lot 4 of sa~d Tr;~ct No. 1379 to tt~e Southerly line of said Lot
A; thence North 74°27'45" East 161.50 feet along s~id las~ mencioned Southeriy line and the
Easterly prolonga~ion thereof to ~he Westerly line of Lot 22 oF s;~id Tract No. 1379; thence
South 15°32'IS" East 152.28 f~et ;~long s;iid last mentioned Wtsterly line, the Westerly line
of Lot 41 of said'fract No. 1379 and the Southerly prolungation thereof to the Southerly
line of said Tr;-c't No. 1379; tfience South 74°27'45" West 38.(x) feet ;ifong said last
mentioned Suutherly line; thence Southerly y9.7:~ feet un a direct line to a point Souch
74°13'45" West 9U.85 feet from the Southwest corner of Lot 42 ot' said Tract No. 1379
measured ylong ttie Westerly prolonb:-tion of the Southcrly line oF said Lot 42; thcnce
North 74° l 3'4S" Easc 3.R5 fett along s;ud prolongation co th: centerline of said Claudina
Street (60.OU t'eet wide) as shown on the map ot' Tract No. 3373 ~ecorded in t3ook 117,
Pages 1 and 2 of tiliscellaneous Maps in tha oftice of said County Recorder of Orange
County; tnen~e South 15°32'15" East 213.44 feet alung said cencerline and the Southerly
prolongation thereof to the Northerly line of Lot 1 of Tracc No. 10013 as shawn o~ the
map recorded in Book 424, Pnges 37 :~nd 38 uF Miscell;-neous M:-Fs in the uffice of said
County Recorder; thence along said la,c mentioned Nortt~erly line, ~he Westerly,
Southwesterly and Southerly lines ot said Lot l, che fallowing courses: South 74°l3'35"
Wes[ 9.00 feet, Souch l5°32'15" ~asc l4(?.54 feet, South 6O°32'l5" East 21.21 feet and
lYorth 74°27'4S" East 754.22 feet to the Ea~terly cerniinus of ~aid last mentioned So~therly
line; thence eontinuing North 74'27'45" E:tst 9G.UU feet ;+long the Easterlv prolongation ot
said last mentioned Southecly linc to thc Ea`terly line ot' ~he Southern~Pacif;c Railroad
Company right of way (60.(~ feet wide); chencr Suuth I S'2~)'2Q" Eust 6275 feec along said
last mentiancd Easteriy line to the Northerly line of Katell3 Avenue t 120•W feet wide) as
shown on the map filed ~~ Baok SR, F'age: ?3 of P':~rcel Maps in che office of said County
E!~(-IIBI"l' L3 9l 168.26(A)
LEGAL DESC[tIP"CIO~ l 1-24.92
(~UE3 AREr12)
Recorder of Orange Councy; chence North 89°~:~'S~i" E.~st 71 I.16 feet along said last
mentioned Northerly line to thc '~ortherly prolong;uiun of che E,isterly line of Tract No.
5084 as shown on the map recorc.ed in Book 1H4, P;~ges 3K and 39 of Miscellaneous Mups
in th~ office of said County Recorder of O;an~e County; thence South I°06'48" E:;st
719.8~ :'•~et along s~iid prolongatien and sairj lnst mencioned E.uterly line to the Southeast
rorner of said Trart Na 5084, said corner being also the Northwest corner of Parcel Map
I~[o. 79-23U as shown on the map fil~d in Baok 134, Pa~;es 4U and 4l of Purcel Maps in
the office of s.iid Count, Recorder of Or;~n~~~ Cuunty; thance South 1°17'03" East 614.97
feet alc~ng the Wesrerly line uf said P:ircel Map No. 79-23U co the Northerly line of Gene
Autry W'ay (of variable wi~lch), form~rly P;tcifico Avenue, as shown on sai~~ Parcel Map
No. 79-230, said Northerly line bein~ parallel with ancl Northerly 45.00 feet from the
centerline of said Gene Autry Wuy; thence Suuth 89°58'45" East 193.15 feet along suid last
mentioned Nur[herly linc to the Northerly prolongation ot' ~he Easterly linc of Santa Cruz
Street (64,OU feet wide) ~ts shown on the m4p filed in Baok 125, Pages 32 through 35 of
Parcel Mups in the office of s;tid County Recorder ot Or:tnge Cuunty; thence along said
prolongation, s:iid last men~ioned E;jsterly line und thr Nor~he.-s~erly line of tiaid San~a Ccuz
Street, the folluwinb courses: Sau;h U`O1' l5" West 165.64 feet to the beginning of a
tangent cuive concave Northeasterly huving u r;idius of 11 R.UU feet, Southeusterly 84.14
feet along said curve through a cenu•al ;~ngle of 4U°51' 15", South 4U°SO'OU" East 1114.55
feet to the beginning of ;~ t;~ngent curve cuncavc Suuthwesterly huvinb a radius of 182.00
feet, Southeasterly 129.67 feet along said curve throubh a cenval angle of QU°49'15" and
South 0°UO'45" Eas[ 38.23 feet; thence continuing Suuth U°OU'45" East 136.00 feet tu a line
parallel with and Southerly 3U.UU feet from the ccn~erline of Orangcwood Avem~e (of
variable width) as sh~wn on the map filed in Book 128, P;tge~ 4;~ntl 5 of Parcel Maps in
the office of said Counry Feco~der of Orange County, s:-id;tllel line beino also the
bnundary of the City of Anaheim as establi~hed by Annexation No. 7~ (Katella
Annexacion); thence South 89°59'IS" West 70U f~:et al~ng tiaid parallel line and said
bound~ry as established by said Annex;ttion No. 78 to an ungle point in yaid boundary;
thencc; leaving said boundary We~terly 255 fe~c on a direct linr. to the Easte:ly terminus of
thc I`;ortherly line of Parcel No. 1 as shown on the map filed in E3ook 43, Page 15 of Par+rel
Maps in the ot'ticc of said County Rec:order of Orange County, said Northerly tine bcing
paraUel with and Southerly 4U.W feet fcam said cei~cerlinc ot' OranKewuod Avenue; thence
South 89°58'S0" West 382.62 feet along said p;~rallel line to the Westcrly lirte of the
Soucheast quarter of said ~ection 26; thence lYorch I°20'(Hl" Wcsc 40.00 feet along said lasc
mencioned Westerly line to the center of sai~l Seccion 26 ~ts shown un the map oFTract No.
3017 recorded in Book 138, P;iges IS and iG of hliscell:snec+us h1aps in the office of said
County Recorder of Oranke County; thence Narch ()°U2'2U" Easc 379.90 ftet along the
Westerly line of the Norcl~east quarter of said Section 36; thence South 8K°40'18" East
161.80 feet to :t point on the Southwe,terly line of ch;-t cercain c:tsement for road and public
utility purposes to the City of Anaheim recorded July 31, 1~)87 ;is lnstrument No. 87-
43C934 of Ofticiat Records in tl~e ott'ice of s;tid County Recorder of Urange County, said
Southwesterly line being a curve concave Sauthwesterly h;tving a radius af 2U5.00 fee:, a
radial line ro said point bears Nurth G9°.SO'S;i" East; thencc along said iast mcntioncd
Southwesterly line, the iOIIU'.Vlllb CUUI'5~5: ~~VI'lI1wC~fCfIY S~.IH ICCI JIOII~ SAId CUNe
f'C92- l48
CXHIE3IT B 9l 16H.~
1..EGAL DESCRIf'1'ION l 1-24-~~
(SLB AitEA 2)
through u central angle of 14°35'U4", North 3a°a4'U6" West 90.~7 feet to thz beginning of
a tangent curve cuncave Southwesterly having a r;~dius of 955.~0 feet, Northwesterly
79,51 feet along said curve through a cen~ral angle ot' 4°46' 13" ;~nd North 3y°3U' 19" West
17?.48 feet to the ioutherly line of P,u•cel 2 us shown on ch~ map filed in Book 62, Page 5
of Yarcel Maps in the office of said County Recorder of Urttnge County; thence along said
last mentioned Southerly lin~, the following courses: North 8R°44'Ol" West 288.37 feet
and South U°Ul'47" West 21.~~3 t'eet ro the Nurtherly line of s;~id Truct No. 3017; thence
along said lust mentioned Northerly line, thc; following courses: Nor[h ~8°41'US" West
280.U7 feet, Suuch U°U1'47" West 10.0U fee[ and North 8H°4l'O5" West 20.U0 feet tn the
Southerly proloizgation of the `Vesterly line of said last mentioned P.~rcel Map; thence along
said prolongation, said Westerly line and the Northerly line of said last mentioned Parce!
Map, the follnwing courses: Norti~ l)°Ol'47" E:ise 563.71 fe~t :~nd South Y,8°44'Ol" East
161.07 feet to tne Easterly tern~inus of sui4 I:tst mertiuned Northerly line; thence continuing
Suuth !i8°~4'Ol" East 143 feet to the cent~rline of the Santa Ana Freeway (fnterstate 5);
thence along said centerlire, ihe fol{owing courses: North 4l°U2'U:~" West IOU2 feet,
Nor~h ~l0°50' 15" West 1329 Feet, Nurch 39°55'S2" West ?S 1.a5 feec and North 4U°52'1.0"
West 229U feet to the Northerly lin~ of the Sou[heast quarter of s.~id Section 22; thence
North 89°5uU8" East 1 I lU feet :tlong s:tid laxt mentioned Northerly line ro the East quar!er
corner o~ said Section 22, ti:-id corner being on ;~ line p;ir;tllei with ;~nd E;-sterly 29.Q0 feet
from the Easterly lin~ of f3lock l uFTract Na 41:~ as siiown on che m~ip recorded in I3ook
16, Page 2 of Miscellaneous Maps in the office of s;+id County Recorder uf Orange County;
thence Narth 0°06'00" West 352.RO feet along said par:illel line to the Easterly prolongation
of the Southerly line of said Tr;~ct No. 419; ~hence Nurch 89°54'30" ~Vesc 321.60 feet along
said prolongation and saicl last i~~encior.ed Souttierly line [o che Easterly line of Block 2 of
said Tract No. 419; chence North U°06'00" Wetit 36Q.QU feet al~ng s;iid last R~entioned
Easterly line and the Northerly arolongation thereot'to the Northerly line of Midway Drive
(6U.00 feet wide) as shown on che m;ip filed in [iauk 34, Pabe 21 ot Record of Sucveys in
the off'ice of said County Recorder of Or;u~ge Coun~y, s;~id Nur[herly line being Northerly
32.00 feet frorn the centerlinr, of said Midw:ty Griv~; thence South 89°S4'30" East 177 feet
alung said las~ mentioned fNorcherly line co che W~s«rly line of th;u cert;-in 1.326 acre
parcel of land stiown on said t;~~t mentioned Rerord ot Survey; ch~nce N~rth 6°A8'30"
West 315 feet ~long said last mentioncd Westec•!y line to thc Easterly prolonga[ion of the
Snuthcrly line of Tract No. 2495 as shown on the map recorded in Book 115, Pages S and
9 of Miscellaneous Maps in thc office of said Councy Recorder of Orange County; the,nce
South 89°55'46" West 77.17 feet along said prolongation tu the Easterly line of said Tract
No. 2495; thencc North 0°13'36" West 334.U8 feet alonb said last menuoned Easterly linc
to the Southerty line of Tract No. 2637 ;ts shown on che map recorde:i in Book 80, Pages 1
and 2 of Miscellaneous Maps in the office ~f said Counry IZecorder of Orange Couney;
thence South 89°Sy'46" West 4U.85 feet :~long suid last men~ioned Sou;herly line ro the
Easterly line of Lot 3 of said Tract Na. 2637; ~hen~e Nor[h 0°13'4(l" Wesc !61.00 feet
along said last mentioned Eascerly line and the Nor~herly prolongation chereof to the
Southerty line of Truct No. 32U3 as shown on thr map rerorded in Book 96, Page 23 of
Miscellaneoas M;~~s in the office of s:iid County Rrcorelrr uF Orange Cuunty; thence North
89°59'46" East 24.25 feet :tlong s;tid I;~sc mention~d Sou~herly line cc, the F~scerly linc; oF
L'XElll3l'I' f3 ~)l IG~i,26(A)
PAG E 10
Lot 10 of said Tract No. 3203; thence along said l,~sc mentioned E;tsterly line and the
Southeriy line of Lot 3 of s.~id Tract No. 32U3, the f~~llowing rourses: North 0°00'14"
West 130.66 feet, North 17°22'S5" West 26.6y feet and North 7?°37'US" E;~st lUU.00 feet
ro the Easterly line of said'1'ract No. 32U~; thence along tiaid I:~st mentioned Fasterly line
and the Northerly line oF s;tid Tract No. 32U3, the following cuurses: North 17°22'SS"
West 330.2U feet and South 89°54'24" West 385.2b feet ro the Southerly prolongation oF
the Essterly line of lris Srrect (54.UU feet wide) .l5 SIIUWiI Ofl tiillCl Tllup of "Cl;-et No, 2U90y
thence North 0°13'=lU" West 61U.30 feet :ilon3 s;~id p~•ulong;ttiu~~ uncl s;~id last mencioneG
Easterly line to [he Suucherly line ut'said f3all ltuad, ,;~id Suutheriy line beinb parallel with
and Southerly SU.00 feet from said centerline oF BaU Road; chence along s~id last
mentioned Southerly line, the following courses: South 89°SS'35" West 1R7,04 feet,
South 0°13'40" E;tst 3.U~i fect, South 89°55'35" West 66.QU feet, Nocth 0°13'40" West
3A0 feet and South 89°55'35" Wese 132.UQ feet to che ~lor[hwrst corner of Lot S3 of said
Tr1ct No. ?U9U; thence continuin~ So~~th 89°SS'3S" Wes~ 4.3O feet tc~ the Southerly
prolongation of :;ctid centerline of LNmon Su•eet; thence North IS°23'45" West Sl,R4 f~et
along said prolongation to the point uf beginning.
Con;ains ;-n ;-rea of 5U9 acres, more or Iess.
/'''~ - a:.~-!~t~" i ~~~0 \.A'~D RU~,`~
~ ;~ ~ApL~VU1P `~'0~
(, AMES B. DUNLAP, LS ld 8y
u ~,p. 63496
* „ No. 4YB9 ~~