Resolution-PC 92-149~~~.: ~ ~,a~~~~ A RESOl.U710N 0~ THE ANAHEIM CIN PIANNIN~a COMMISSION RE~OMMENDING APPRCIVAL OF AN AM~NDMENT TO SPECIFIC PLAN N0. 88-2 (The Summ!t of Anaheim 1~llls) WI-IFREAS, on November 1, 1988, the Clty Councll approvod Specific PIAn No. 88-2 (SP 88•2), and on December 16, 1988 adopted Ordinence No, 4976 ~:dding a new Chaptor 18.72 to the An~heim Munlc!pal Code (cont~ining Zoning and Developmont Standdrds for said ~pecific Plan) and adoptec) Ordinance No. 4377 implemonting tho Sper,ffic PIAn Zone. Specltic Plan No. eA-2 nrovidas fAr the developmert of up :0 2,117 ro~ldential unita, 5 acros of commerolal uses, a 12-acre park sRe, a 10•acre elementary school, enct approximately 169 ecres uf open space In the Summlt of ,Aneheim Hllls; and WHEREAa, Devolopment Aroa No. 205 of SP 8&2 is aurrently d~slgnated for the developm~nt of 10a m~ltiple•iRmily dwellinq unit~, consisting of condominiums, towrhouses, townhouse/stackad ilats, stacked flats, and/or raw houses; and WH~REAS, Developmont Area No. 206 Is currently c7esi~nated for the development of elth:;r sintile-family "attached" or'detached" dwellinq units; and WHEREAS, on October 9,1989, Planninq Commission epproved TentativeTr2ct Map Nos.14075 (a 4•lot, 108-unit air-apace condominium complex subdivision wfth 2 open epace lots in Development Araa No. 205), 14079 (a 36-lot, singlo-famlly rattached resldentiai subdNision with 2 open opace lots in Dovolopmont Area No. 206) and id074 (A 38•lot, single family attached resldential subdivls~nn with 2 open space lots In Development Area No. ?.06); and that sald tentatlvo tract maps havo not yet been recorded; and Wh~EREAS, on Fobruary 13,199c~, Gity Councll adopted Ordinance No. 5094 amendin~ Sectio~ 18.72,~70.049 ot the Anah~im Municipal Code (estebiished urular Ordinance No. 4976) peKaining to the development st~ndards for fivo Development Areas Including Na. 206; and WHEREAS, the pot~loner now reque3ts amendmont to Sectlons 18.72.U70.040 (established under Ordfnance No. ~1976 and amended by nrdinance No. ~094) and i8.72.A70,050 (establlshed under Ordinance 4976) in order to amend the Zoning and Development Standards for Development Areas Nos. 2Q, and 206 to create a single development area ~dent(iled es Oevolopment Area ?.05 and whioh will contain a 270-unit resfdentia! condomfnlum development; and, further, that the petitfonor also requests transier of 163 rosidentl~l units irom Oevelopment Area Nos. 104, 105, 202, 203, 206 and 2U7 to Development Area Nos. 204 ancl 205 to just!ty the proposed 270-unit deveiopme:.t; and WHEREAS, the proposeci deveiopment standards for the modffled Qevelopment llrea No. 205 are contained in Section III of the document s~bmittod by the petftionAr tftled "The Summit of Anahefm Hills Specific Plan (SP 88•2). Specific Plan Supp~ement No. 3, City of Anaheim' and dated November, 1992 (attached Exhlbit A); and WHEREAS, the City Planning Commissfon dld hold a pubilc hearing at tho Civic Center in tho City of anahelm on June 29, 1~92, at 1:30 p.m., notlce of sald publfc hoaring having been duly gNon es required by law and In accordanca with the provisfcns of the Anaheim Municipal Code, Chapter 18.03, to hear and consider ovidenc:e for and aflainst said proposed amendment to Specitic Pian and to invostigate continued tolhieg uly 9 rJuly 27QAugust tOn Qctobert5nNavamber~2 andt0ecomibep t4I( 1992 rPlann ng Commission meetings; and CR 1691 MS.wp -1- PC92-149 ~ ~nr ., WHEREAS, sAld Cnmmisafon, after due Inspection, investigatlon and study macle by kself and in its beh~lf, and efter duA considorailon of all evid3nce and reports offerad at said hoaring, doe~ find and determine the iollowing facts: t. That the modifiud Devolopment Area Na. 205 complles wRh the maximum reaidentlal density permitted by both the City of Anaheim General Plan and The Summit of Anahelm Hills SpeaHic Pl~n. 2. 7hat, with the exoeption of the provlainn for clustered detaGhsd singie-famlly dwellings. tho propased dovelopment standards are Identical to the exlst(n~ standards. 3. That no ~ne Indicated thelr oresence at s~id publfc hearinp in oppositior~; and that na correspondence wns received in oppositlon to tho subJ~c4 potit(o~, C~L FORNIA ENVIRONA4ENTAI= ol_ A~ITY ACT FINDING: That the Anaheim City Planning Commission hqs revtewed the proposed amendment to Sections 18.72,070.040 and of the Anahelm Municipal Codo In order (a) to combine Develupmant Area Nos. 205 and 206 In one new devolopment area (No. 205), (b) to ostablish development standards for said new development area, and (c) to pormit the transfer ~f 163 units from qevelopment Area Nos. 104, 105, 202, 203, 206 and 207 to DevAlopment Area Nos. 2G4 and 205, ta devel~p a 27Q-unit condominium complox on an irregularlv~haped percel of land consisting of approximately 28.9 acres locetai at the southeaat comer of Wolr Cenyon RoAd and Oak Canyon Road, and havlnfl t~ppraximate frontages of 1700 feet an the east side of Weir Canyon Road and 1850 feet on the south side of Oak Canyon Road (Gevelapment Area Nos. 205 and 206 oF Specifi~ Plan 88-2 'The Summit uf Anaheim Hilis"); and does horeby appruve ths Ne~tlve Declaratlon upon finding that the declaration roflacts the indopendent judgement oi the lead agency and that It has considerad thc~ Negat(vo Declaratlon toge4h9r with any commonts received durinq tho public rovlew process and turther findin~ on the basfs of tha initfal study Rnd any comments received that there la no substantial evidonce that the pro~oct will have a significant effect on the onvlronment. ~IOW, THEREFORE, BE 17 RESOLVED that the Annheim City Plannfng Commissian doet+ hereby recommRnd approval of ihe fallowin{~: (a) Combine Deveiopment Areas No. 205 and 206 into ono modffied Development Area tJo. 205 to dovelop e two hundred sevenry (270) unft resfdential condominium compiex; (b) Amond Section t8.72.070.040 pertainfng to "Residential Development Standards tor Development Area Nos. 103, 104, 203, 206 and 207 - Hfliside Medium" oF the Anaheim Municipal Code (adoptad under Ordinance No. 4976 and amended by Ordinance No. 8054) to delete ail referonces to Development Area No. 206; (c) Amond Ssctfon pertaining to "Residentfai Devolopment Stondards for Development Aroa Nos, 201 and 205 • Hllis(do Ivledlum' (adnpted under OrdlnancQ No. 4976) In its entirety to delote Subsections A through 1 and replace them wkh new Subsections A through P(as shown in Section III on pages 6 through 14 of the document suhmitted by the petitioner, tftled ?he Summit of Anaheim Hlils Specitic Plen (SP A8-2). Spociffc Plan Supplement No. 3, Ciry of Anahelm' datocl November, 1992, and attachod hereto as Exhlblt A); erxi (d) Trnnsier one hundred sixty three (163) rosidentlal units from Develo~ment Area Nos. 104, 105, 202, 203, 206 and 207 to Development Area Nos. 204 arsd 205; Upon the following condftfons whfch are hereby tound to be a necessary prerequislte to the proposed use ot the subjact praperty in order to preserve tho satety and gonoral welfare oi the Citizens of the Ciry of Anahefm: .2. PC52-Y 49 ~ ; ~.~ . ~~ ,. t. Th~tt the dev~loper shatl be subJect to all applicablo condRloi~s of Ordtn~nce~ ..o. 4977. 2. That epproval oi ti~is appllcaNon constitutos approval ot the proposed roquoat oMy t~ th~ ext~ant th~t it compl!es wnh the Aruihelm Municipal Zoninp Cale end any other applk;aWe ~Iry, State pnd Fedorel retiula2lons. Approval does not inc~udo any action or flndi~ga e~s to compllanco or appro~wl bf the requust reqerdfnq any other applica~le oNinance, rog~dation or requlrement. BE IT ~URTFIER RESOWED that ths Anaheim Ciry Plannlnfl Commission doea hereby find anci dotarmine that adoption of this ReaduHon la expr9asly predicateci upon eppHcanYs compllance whh each and all of the Conciltlons herelnabovo set forth. 3hould any su h condRlon, w erry paR thereot, be declared Invalid a uneniorc~aWO by the 8nal judpment of any ~R of competent Jurladlctton, than thls Resdut(or, and nny approvals heroln contained, shall be deep~ed,null and vok). THE FOREGOINCi fiESOLUTIVN was ad~Ste~i/at tFy~PIa~IJ1Sy ('•ornmisslon meAtl~q ot December ta, 1992. /~ ~ / ~/ • CHAIRMAN, ANAHEIM rRl' PiANNI~lCi COiuIMISSION ATTEST: ~ r,r~.:~J~ - ~ CAETARY, ANAHE~ PI.ANNINCi COMMISSION .~~ ; ~ ,~ SYATE OF CAJFOHNIA ) COUPITY O~ OAAN4E ) sa. CITY OF /WAHEIM ) 1, danet L Jonsen, S~~eUry d the /1r~heim Ciry Planntrq Cc~mmission, do h~eby certMy that the foropoins resdut~on wes pass~+d and aCoptoO et a meetirq d the Annhefm Gty Planning Commisxbn held on December t4, 1992, by the fWlaM:w vote ot tlw~ membsrs thg-ed: ~ AYE3: COAIMIS3IONER3: BOYOSTIiN, BRISTOI. HENNINdER, ME83E, PERATJI. TAIT, ZEMEL NOES: COMM13310NERS: NONE AE38EKT: COMMISSIONEFiS: NONE IN WITNESS VYFIEREOF, I havA heretmto sat my harx! thls ,~~ dsy d . ' 1-i2~'~iQ 2,{~ . 1992: 3' «i:stu~---f ~ ' ' ~~ l , rSECRETAHY. A IM r.fTY PL+INNINCi COMMISSION , ~ ~3• PC42•149 E:chibit "!," THE SUM~IIT ~-~' ANAgI~I11~ ~~~,I,S Nove~ber, 199Z ~~ ~,n~„~,,ro ti ~a~o ti"~',s~a . ~~ ~ rt:~~~-~a~~ TABI.E OF CANTENTS -..---. Section p~e~ Section I - Introduction Z ' Section II - Revised Devetopment Plan and Revised Erhibit 10 to the Summit of Anaheim Hills Specific Plan (SP 8&2) 4 Section III - Section Developmer~t Areu 205 • Hillside 11~fedium 5 rtvf~ed 11•10•92 I i'c:'.1"?- I•S9 TF-IE SUI~4MIT OF .4I`'AHEIM HILYS SPECIFIC ~LAN MODIFICATIONS TO ZONIh'G AND nEVEC.OPMENT STANDARDS FOR DEVELOPMENT r~REAS 101, 2Q5 AND ?OC AND DENSITY TR,A.NSFER SECT[ON i. iNTRODUC'TTON 'I'tiis Supplcment to the adoFted Summit of Anaheim Hills Specific Plan (SP $8-2) has been prepared to amer,~l SP 85-2 Development Areas ZO5 and 2(-6 Zoning and Development Standards tn: a) amend the Developmen: Plan to combine Uevelopment Areas 205 and ZOC into ane Development Area to be called "Development Are:i 205"; b) amend the Zoning and Devclopmcnt 5tandarJs fur the combined Specific Plan Development Area 205 (forrrerly Dcvelopment Area ZOS and 20G) to provide a greater variery of product types within such Dcvcl~pment Are~i uf the Summit of Ar~aheim Hills; c) transfer density from "Hillside Niedium" Dcvelopinent Areas 1Q4, 202, 203, acid 207 io "Hillside titedium" Uevelopment Are:- 2()5 (forrr.e~ly Development Areas 205 und 20G); and d) tiransfer density fro~n "Hillside L~w Medium" Development Area 105 to "Hii;side I.,aw Medium" Develupment Area 204. 'I'his Supplement does not prnposrd any increase in ov~rall dweiling units ar dCnsity, ur any in~rease in dweliing units or density wi;hin any of :hc affected 1~evelopment Areas. Section II u~daces tl~r adopced Dcvelopmc:it Plan tc~ reflect the Density Tranafer ~ {'C.~ ~ _ ~ ,~ c~ Request ~ontained herein. Section III amends the Zoriing and Developrneni Standards for the combined Speci~c: Plan Devc~lopc~ient Area 205 (formerly De.velopment Areas 205 and 206) ta allow the develap~rient of condominium units ~nd sin~le family detached dwelling urits. (Cade currently permits the develnpment of sinble family attached or detached dwelling units in form~r Development Area 206 and condominium ~nits, ap~rtments or community apartments in the former Development Area 205.) These Amendments are designed to be consistent with the Specific Plan and the Ciry of Anaheim General Plan and are also dcsigned to respnnc; to a broader sector oE the housing market, to retlect cu:rent and projecteci market conditions znd to off~r a preater vlriety uf product .rype within thz slevelcpmEnt. 3 I'C~?. _ 1 ~ly SECTIOPf II. R~VIS~D DCVLLOPNICNT PI.AN This section incorpor~tes the update to the adopted Develoament Plan to refle•ct the Density Transfer Request contained herein. The followins is a summary of the rzquested density transfers: THE SUMMIT OF ,~NAHEIM HILLS SPECIFIC PLAN No. ot DU's No. uf DU's No. of DU's per this No. of DG's pcr Density pcr Dcnsity Dcnsity per Specific 'Cransicr Tra~~sfer Trunsfer d Usc,Catceo~ D.~ Product Plan No. 4R•2 No. 39-Q1 0. 89••02 e u at Hiliside Low 101 SFD 210 213 213 213 (up to b.0 DU/AC) Hiliside Low•Mcdium lb2 SF'D 153 153 153 153 (up to 5.0 DU/AC) 105 SFD 168 165 1Crl 163 204 SFD 22G 22b 286 2$7 Hillside l~tedium 103 5FA 143 148 148 148 (up to 16.0 DU/AC) 104 SFA 23G 236 230 178 ?.01 ATT 306 306 2~13 243 202 ATT 296 29( 29U 273 203 SFA 118 118 l15 1l3 205 ATF•• 5Q~• 9U~ 108 270 20G 7b 76 70 (A) 207 SFA 9ff 9Q 9b 7~ 2.117 2,117 2,771 2,117 NOTE: SFD - Single-family detached units SFA - Single-famiiy sittached units (paired homes) ATT - Attached multiple-fa~nily units (condominiums) ' - Changes in the number of units approved for the Otvelopment Area. (A) - For~ner Deve!opment Area 206 has been combincd wit.h Developmcnt Area 205. ~ PCJ2-149 SECTION III. SCCTiON 18.72.070 ~t~SID~NTIAL DEVCI,OAMENT STA,NDARPS .050 DC~TLOPN[E1VT ARCA 205 • HI~.LSIDE M~DIUI~ The purpose of this Zoning and Development 5tandard code amendment is to incre~se the variety of product types permitted in tlie former Developmeiit Area 20f and in the combined I~evelopmerit Area 205. The Specific Plan, as amended by Supplement No. 1, currently states for Developmeni Ares 206: "These Developmei2t Areas provide for the arderiy development of single family attachec9 units, or within Developtnent Area I~1as.10~1, 203, 206 and 207, single•family detacl~ed units, in the medium density ran~e. Attached unit developm~nt shall utilize the standards of the City of Anaheim's RM-3Q00 (SC) Zone (Residential Multi-F~mily Scenic Corridor Overl~y Zone) e~ccept as provided below within Sections A through J and as mo~i~ed by the variances referenced herein. I?etact-ecf unit development shaU utilize the standards of the Cityr of Anaheim's RS-5000 (SC) Zone (Residential Single-family Scenic Corridur Overlay Zone) except as provided below within S~ctions K throu~h V;' The Specific Plan currently st~tes for Develapment Area 1.05: "This zone provides for tt~e urderly devNlopment of sin~le-family attached and muiti-f~mily dwelling units in the rnedium density range including community apartments, apartments, condominiums, tawnhouses/stackcd flats, ar row houses. The stand~rds af the P.M-3000 fSC), (ResidentiaE Ivfulti-i'amily 5cenic Corridor Overlay Zone) s}~all ap~ly for the develapment of condominiums, townhouses, townhouse/stacked t7ats and row hauses except as pravided belaw within Section A throubh I ~nd as modified by the variances ref.erences hetPici. The Specific Plan for the combined Development Area ^O5, a.s amended by this Supple~nent Ivo. 2, would state: 5 res2-ta~~ "'I'his zone provides for the order.ly development of sinSle-family ~letached (ciustered) dwellinb ur~its or multi-family dwelling units, in the medium density range. The standards of the RM-2400 (SC) Zone, (Residential Multi-Family Scenic Corr's~or Overlay Zone) ~tiall apply for the developm~nt of condominiums, townhouses, townhouse/stacked flats and row h~uses except as provided below within Sections .A through F and as modified by the variances reference~ herein. The standards of the RM-3U00 (SC) Zon~ (Residential Multi-Family Scenic Corridor Ovsrlay Zone) shall apply for the develapment of single-family detached (clustered) dwelling.units excspt as provided below within Sections G throu~h V:' p, Buildin ~md Structural IIeieht Lir it~~tions Maximum overall height of any building shall be thirty-five (35) feet and two (2) stories measured trom the hi~hest portion of the structure to the ground floor elevation directly below thlt point. However, within ane hundred and fifty (150) feet of any single-family detached llevelopment Area, except where separated from such Deve3opment Area by an arterial, the maximum height shall be twenry-six (26) feet and nvo (2) stories, exclusive of the rouf and measured as stated above. (Replaces,011.,012, and .013) B. Maximum Site Cove u The maximum coverage by a1T residential and accessory buildings shall not exceed fifty-fivs percent (ti5%) of the Uuilding site area. Recre~-tional-leisure area buildings anci facilities shall not ne inclnded in the calcuiation of coverage. (Replaces 18.32.Qfi2.U20) C. Stcuctural Se.tbac',cs anci Yard ReRuirements 1. Setb~~ck af Buildin s~.~'~nt ta i¢hwav5 Streets or Allevs, On arterials and expressways (Oak F-~ills Drive and W~ir Canynn Road) :he building setback shall be twenty-five (25) feet trom th~ ri~ht-of-way to the buildinb. This axea cnay include E~c~~2-149 open pa: king anct vehicular accesswnys and the landscaping are.a of seven (7) to Pourteen (14) ftet as indicated on the Circulatic~n Plan. (Replaces Section and Section, 011. and .~12) 2. Parkine Area L.andsca in Adiacent to Oak Hills Urive ~nd Weir Ca~~on Road A minimum ten (10) foot screen planting shall be provic9ed adjacent to arterial and expressway right-of-ways. This may inc:lude the landscaping are~ of seven (7) to fourteen (14•) feet i as indicated on the C:irculatior~ Plan, and walls or berms up to three feet hibh. ~ (Added ro Section 18.32A63) ~ 3. Minimum I_andsca ed Arca Adjacent to Oa Hills Drive and ~ Weir Canxon Roac1,~ : Ntinimum landscaped area, including sloped areas shall be a minimum of seven (7) feet for dawnslope canclitions and fourteen (14) feet for upslope conditions, var~ing bstwesn conditions as shrn:-n on the Circulation Plan. (Added to Section 13.32.063) 4. Reclaired Im~rovement of Yards and Setb~ c Areas Yards ancJ setback ar~:as for condominium, townhouse, townhouse/stacked tlat, stacked flat and row hou~e developments Shall be landsc~ped an~i maintained either by individual !ot owners or a homeowners associatior., as apprapriate. (Replaces first sentence o£ Sectiun 18.32.()63.027) D. Required Recre~ttion Leisure Area The minimum private or cumman recreation-leisure space r~quirement wiil be seven hun~ired fifry (7~0) square feet per dwelling unit. Such recreational leisurP s~ace may include both balconies ac~d patios. The 7 PCJZ-Ll9 minimum ar~~~ counted shall be ten (10) feet by ten (10) f~et exclusive of driveways. No additional open space shall be required. Patios shal] have a minirnum square footage of two hundred (20Cj sc~uare feet with a minirnum ten (10) foot dirnension and balconies shall be a minimum of fifty (SU) feet with a minimum five (5) foot dimensior.t. (Replaces Sections I3.32.063.031, .032, .~J321 and .0322) E, Si~n Reeulations-Advertisin Jc~and Identificafion Entrance monumentation/signage, both neighborhood and community, shall bs permitted as provided for in Section 18.72.100 (Sign Regulatiens) and shown on Exhibic 16. (Replaces Section F. Re~~ired Site Screenine 1. Except as otherwise provided herein, a solid der,orative rype masanry wall, landscaped earthen berm, and/or 1ny combination thereof, totaling not :ess than six (b) feet in height, shall be provided along and immediately ldjacent to the applicable site Uoundary line or 1ot line of these Residential Development Areas for that portion abutting an expressway or a commercial area. The height of any such wall and/or berm shall be measured from the t~ighest finished grade ]evel of the building pad of dwellin~ units located riearest any such abutting baundary and shall be subject to the revi~w anci apgroval of the Planning Commission or City Council. 2. In cases where there is an intervening slope bink or view opportunity, the height of site screening may b~ reducecl to five (5) feet, and may be constructed with so;id materili, open metal work, and/or plexiglass, or any combination thercof based on view and sound attenuation conditions. (Replaces 13.32.0~8) 3. Any fencing located in u rnsnner which may obstruci the view from a public ri~ht-of-way shall c~nsist of decorative open-work materials or as re~uired for sound attenua.tion as approved by the City Engineer. Pc:92-1dJ 4. Any ~val! rec~uired adjacent to ~n arterial highway shall be construc:ted either alonb and arljzcent to the property line separating such development from the arterial highway, ~~r at the top of the slope adjacent to said arterial highway, whichev~r is the tiigher elevation. The top of said wall shall b~ a minimum of five (5) feet ubove the elevation of the building pad of dwellin~; units closest to the arterial highway, re~ardless of whether the wall is constructed on the property linc; or at the top of the slope. The wall may be constructed wi:h solid material, npen mc:tal work, and/or plexigl~ss, or an;• combination thereof, based on view and sound attenuati~~n conditions. (Section 1, 2, 3, ~i~d 4 replaces the first paragraph of 18.32.068) 5. Site screening up to seven (7; feet. in"'nei~ht rnay be permitted by the Planning Commission for sound attenuation purposes basecl an an acoustical sound study. (Modifies G. Permitted PrimarxUses and Structures Detached (clustered), attached or semi-attached one-family dwellings includin~ biit not limited to condominiums, community ap~rtinents, townhouses or other forms of clustered dwelling~, subject to the provisions foi• Residenti~l Plannecl Unit Developments as prescribed in suhseGtion .051. (.Rep~aces ~~ctiori T8:3I:02G~.QT01"' H. Minimum Lot Width All lots shall have a minimum width of nct less than thirty (3~J) feet measured fram the minimum secback line of ten (10} feet, expect where the building is located farther back than the required minimum setUack line, the width sl~all then be measi~red at the actual setback line provided. A site plan shall be requirsci to demonstrate actual building ]ocation. When the width is mcasured at the minimum yetback line, no site plan shall be required. (Replaces first paragraph uf Section 18.31.061) F'C9'1-149 I. Site Developn~ent Standards ~or detached (clustered) one•family dwellings, the provisians of this RM-3000 Zone shall apply. (Replaces first sentence of Section 18.i1.060) J. Minrmum Buildin~Site Area ~er Dwellin~Unit Detach~d (clustered) one-family dwellings: rivo thousand four hundred (2,~300) square feet for each dwelling unit inclusive of any roadways which are not part af the through circulation system. (Replaces Section J. Buildin~,~n~i Structural Hsight Limit~tions Maximum ov~rall height of ~ny building shall be twenty-six (26) feet me~sured from the hiShest portion of the structure to the ground floor elev~tion directly below that point. (Keplaces Section 13.31.06'L.Q10, .Oll, .012 and .013) IC, iV(aximum Site Coverage The m~simum coverage by aU residential :~nd accessory buildings shall not e.xceed fifty-five percent (55%) of the building site area. Recreational-leisure area buildings and facilities shall not be included in the calculation ot coverage. (RePlaces L. Structura! Setbacks and Y~rd IZequirements 1. Setback of Buildinss Adjacent to Hi~hwn ys Streets or Allevs. On arterials and expressways (Oak Hills Drive and Weir Canyon Road) the building setback shall bs twenty-~ve (25) feet from tt~e right-of~way to the building. This lrea may include ~Fen parkin~ and vehicular accessways and the landscaping area of seven (7) to fourteen (14) feet as indicated on the Circulation Plan. 10 PC92-149 (Replaces Section 13.3~3.()52.020 and Section, 011. ~nd .012) 2. Parkine Area Lands aRn~„(Adjacent to Oal~{' is 'vt e a~ Weir Canvcm Ro~~d A minimum te. (IU) foot screcn pl~nting shall be provided acljace~it to arterial a~tid expressway right-af-ways. This may include thc landscaping area of seven (7) to fourteen (14) feet as inQicated on the Circulation Plnn, and walls or berms up to three feet bigh. (Added to Section 18.31.063) 3. M'r~imum ~ dsc~~d Are~~d'a~ cent ~ O~k iil~ 'v a Wcir Cany~n Rc~~ d i ~finimum landsca~ed area, including slcped areas shall be a minimurn of seven (7) teet for down~lope conditions and faurteen (l4) feet for upslope conditions, varying between r.andition4 as shc~wn on the Circulation Plan. (Add~ed to 5~ction t8.31.063) 4. Rec~ui~ed (m~rovemNnt ~ Yards and Setback At~,~~ Yards anJ setback areas for detacned (cluatered) one family ~lwellings shall be landscaped and ntaintained either by individual lot cwncrs c~r a homeowners aasociation. as appropriate. (Replaces Crst sentence of 5ection 18.31.~J63.(126) 5. c u' g~1,~~,~ ~'~ eisur re~ An hny buildin~t sit= r,n wliich there ~se located detached (clLSaeredl une•family dwclling units, tltere sh~li be pruvided a minimum ,~f twclvc hundred (1200) squ~re fect ~i private or curnmoh re;resuianai-Icisu:e space for ~ach dwelling unit. 5uch recrcaticmal-leisure space may include bath balconiea and patios. 'i'hc mi:~incum area cauntcd sh;~li be ttn (10) feec by cen (1O) feet excl~sive nf drivr.ways. ;~o ac:ditinn~l open spz~e shali hc teqvireJ. t~c:~J : • i ~t~ (Repl~ces ~econci, third and fourth sentenses of Section G. rivate Recreational-Leisure Ar a The minimum area of private recreatianal-leisure space shall be six hundr~~a (600) square feet, with a m9nimum ten (10) foa~. dimension. When a balcony is provided, the minitnurn a:ea of the balcony shall be fifty (50) feet, with a minimum ~ve (S) foot dimension. The area of private recreational-leisu~e space provided shall be counted toward the reyuired recreational- leisure sp~~ce. Any tequired recreational-leisure space not provicicd in private outdoor living areas shall be provided fior in cornmon recreational-leisure area. (Replaces Section 7. C~mmon Itecrea ie~ ~- eisure A,.,~eas Where privatc outdoor living areas do not satisfy the required recreational-l~isure space, the remainder of the required recre:,tionat-leisure space sli~ll be provideci in common recreational-leisure space. (Replaces Eirst sentence of Sectinn M. 4ff-Street N~Lkin a-~y'_ t c~adin~ Re~c u~re c tti 1. For detacheci (clus:ered) one-fsimily dwelling units the provisinns af this "R~vi•30()0" Zone shall appiy. For detached (clusteted) one•family dwelling units, thc follouing shall apply: (Replaces first parngt~ph of Section 18.31.OGfi) 2, yiinimum ti~mber, Typc and Dtsign of Parking Sp~cps. 'i'he minimum number, type :ind de.sign af parking spaces sh~ll cnmply with tl~e r~eq~~irements of Sectiun 1~.OG.OSU.012 c~f the Anaheim 1-funicipal CorJe. (Ferlaccs Sec:ti~tn 18.31.(K~Ci.U10) 12 r~:~- ~- t ~~~~ N. Siyn Re~!u~~icic~ns-Acivertisin~smd Identifictitinn Entrance monumentatic~n/signage, both neighhnrhoo~l and community, shall be permitted as provided fnr in Sectiun 13.72.100 (Sign Regulations) and shown on Exhibit 16. (Re~laces Section 15.31.UG7.030) F. Rec~uired Site 5cref.nin~ 1. Except as othecwise provided herein, a solid decnrative type masonry wall, landscaped earthen berm, and/or any combinution therec~f, totaling not less th~n six (6) feet in height, shall be provided alonB Znd immediately adjacent to the applicable site boundary line or lot line of these Residential Development rlreas for that portion abuttir.g an expressway or 1 commercial area. TI-~e height of any such wall and/ur berm sh~ll be mea~ured from the highest finished grade level uf the building pad of dwelling units located nearest any such abutting boundary and shall be subject to the revie:w and approval of the 1•lanning Commission or City Council. 2. In cases where ther~ is an intervening slope bank or view opportuniry, the hei6ht of site ~creening may be ~educed to ~ve (5) f~et, and may be constructed with solid material, open metal wark, and/nr plexiulass, or any combinatian tnereof based on vicw ancl s~~und :~ttenuation cunditions. 3. Any k'encing loc~ued in a cnanner w;~ich m~~y obstruct the view frnm ~ public ri-~ht-c~C=w;~y shall consist of decorative ope~i-work m:iterials c~r as rec~uired f~r sound attenuatiun as hnprovPd by che Ciry Engine -r. 4. Any wall required adjacent to an arterial highway sh~ll bc eonstruc:ecf e~:t~er alang and adjacent to the property iine separating such de~•elopment from the arteri7l highw:~y, or ~t the top of the slape adjarent to s:-id arterial highway, whiehe~•er is th~c higher el~vation. Ttte top of sa3d wall shall be a minimum cif fiv~ (5) fcet abuvc the elcvation of the b~~ilding pad of dwelling units c~osest ta cl~c artcrihl highway~ regarcllcss of w~.ether the w~ll is ennstructeci on thc pr~~erty line or at the tap c~f thc sinpe. 'I'hc wal! m~y be const~ ucted with sulid mac~rial, opcn mrcal wa~~k, and/or plcxiglass, or any 13 t~r,~~? - t~n combination thereof, based on vicw ;ind sound attenuatian conditions. (Section 1, 2, 3, ~nd 4 replaces the first paragraph of 18.31.Ofi8) 5. Site screening i:p to seven (7) feet in height may be pexmitted by the Plrnning Commission for saund attenuation pur~oses based on an acoustical sound study. (Modifies 1~ I'C9~-t~t9