Resolution-PC 92-153,-w.+'k ~,`^. , F~.SOl.U71qN NQ~~-1~ A RESOLUTION OF THE ANAHEIM CITY PLANNI~lG C~fNMISSIO~d 'tHAT PETITION FOR CANDITIONAL USE PERMIIT N0. 3572 BE GRANTED WFlEREAS, the Anahofrn Cfty Plannln~; Commission did receive a verliled Petltlon for Conditional Use Pormit for certain real property skuated In 1hA Ctry ol Rnaheim, Counry of Orange, State of Celltomla, descrlbed as: PARCEL A: PARCELS '1 AND 2, IN THE CITY OF ANAI-IEIM, AS SHQWN ON A MAP RECOtIDED IN BOOK 41, I'AGE 21, OF MISCELLANEOUS MAPS, IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUN7Y RECOFlDER bF SAID C~JUNTY. PARCEL B: LOTS 10, 12, 13 AND 14 INCLUSlVE OF ThiACT IVO. 3222, IN THE CITY OF ANAHE~M, AS SHOV-IN ON A MAP RECORDED IN BOOK 97, PACiES 19 AND 20, OF MI~CEUANEQUS MAPS, IN THE OFFICE OF TfiE COUPVTY RECORQER OF SAID COUNTY. WhIEREAS, the City Planning Cortimisalon did hold a publfc hsaring et the Civic Center in the City of Anaheirte on Docember 14, 1992, at 1,30 p.m., notlce of st~id publlc hoaring having bean duly given as roquiraf by law and In accorclance with tho provlsions of tho Anahelm Munlcfpal Code, Cliapter 18.03, to hear and consider evtdonce tor and againat sald proposed conditlonal use permit and to investlgato and make Iindfngs and rocomrnenciations in connACtfon therewfih; and WHEREAS, sakl Commfsslon, aiter due Inspection, Invostigatlon and study made by ltseN end in its behelt, and aftor due consideration of all evldenco and report3 oHered at sald hc~ring, d~es find an~ cletermfne the following iacts: 1. ThAt tFra proposed use Is properly one for which a condftlonal use permlt is euthorizod by Anaheim MuntcfpAl Code Sections end to permft a mobile medlca~ unk (MRI trailer) wflh waNer ot the following w~der nuthoi~ty o( Code Section 18.08.080: Sec i ns 18,06.6y0.0211 - u1(nlmum nu~qer of o~rkina snac@~. ~ q1~~Q (~ requlred; 4~ proposed) ~t~46.06~.0;~Q 2. That the parkinp dernond atudy submkteci by the petNlonor (dated October 19, 1£i92) and substanttalinu th6 proposed parkin~ walvor has been reviewed And approved by the Clty Traitic e-rJ TranapoRet~on Manager, end that approval ol sald waNor fs co~xfitfuned upon relocation of the MF11 trall¢r to a locatfon acceptnWa to the 7raNic and Transportatinn Mane~or and the Z.oninfl DNisi~n; 3. fh9t the parking weNer wlll not cause an Increase tn traHic congeatlon In ths Immedlato vlciniry nor edversely aNect any ad~oin-np land uses; 4. Thnt tho grarriin~ of tho parking weNe~ under the conditfons Imposer! wAI not be detrtment~-I to the poaco, healtN, ssfety or gongtal wt~lfaro of the citl~ona oi tho City of An&hofm; 5. TF~t the proposed use Is properiy one 1nr which e condhfonal uae pormlt ~a authorized by th9 Zoninn t:odo, end that aaM use la not I(sted thereln as being e permitted use; CR16UaMS.wp .~ . ~~`-t ~ m.-ra V":", , ti. That the proposed MRI trailer will not adversely aHoct the ad~olning lend uses and tho growth and dev~lopment o( the area In which ft Is propased to be located bocauae said traller will bo connected to a permanent powor source thoreby ollminating tho noed ~ar a powor generator and elfminating any potentl~l adverse nolse Impacte; 7. That the size and shape of the site for the proposed use is adequate to ellow the tull dovetopmont ot the proposed usR In a manner not detrimental to the perticuler Area nor to the peace, heatth, ss~ety and general woifare; e. That the tre(fic generated by the prnposod use wil! not impose an undua burden upon the streets and highways ~lesigned and improved to c~rry tho trafflc In the area; 9. Tha! the granting of the condRlonal uso permit under the condftions lmposod wi'~ not be detrimcntgl to the peace, health, sefety and general welfare of tho citizens oi the City ot Anaheirn• and 10. That one concerned person Indiceted his prasenco et s~id publfc heartng; and that no r,orrespondence was received In oppositlon to the sub~oct petitlon. CAIIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL ~UALI~GT FINDI~iG: That the A~aheim City Planning Commisslon has revlewed the proposei to permk a mob(le mcdlcal unit {MRI traller) with wssive~ of minlmum number oF parking spaces on property cor-sisting of two parcols; Parce! A Is an Irregularty shaped parcel of land consistinp of epproximat~ly G.3% ecrex having epproxlrnate iront~ges oi 583 teet on the west sida of Anahelm Bouleverd and 368 feot on the east afde of Lemon Street, having a maximum depth oi approximately 527 feet and {ocated approxlmately 340 and 370 feet north of tho centedina of Eiall Fload; and Parcel B is a rectangulArty-sl~aped pnrcel of lar~ consisting n( approxlmately 1.34 ecrea, having an approxlmato irontage oi t80 teet on the west sid~ ot Anaheim Bouleverd, havinq a m~cimum dapth of approxlmately 327 teet ancf located apprnximately 1,030 foat north of the cuMerlinu of Ball Roed; end daea hereby approve the Nogatfve Declaratlon upon tinding that the declaretia~ re0ects the Independent judgement of the load agency and that !t ha~ consfdered the Negat(ve Declaratlon together with any commonts recalved during the public revfew process ancf turther ltndfng on the basls of the Inltlal study a~id any comments recefvad ttwt thore Is no substanttal evidence that the pro)ect wlil have a signHicsnt eHect on tho environmont. NOW, THERE~ORE, HE IT RESOWED that the Angheim Chy Pianninq Commisslon does heraby gront aubJect Petition for Condttional Uso Pvm~N, ~~pon the idlowing conditions whkh ara hereby tound to be a necessary prerequisfte to the propoaed use of the subJect propeRy (n cxder to preserve the safey and peneral weliar6 of the Cfti~ens ol the City nf Ar~ahelm: t. That the MRI treiler shall be delNered to eubJect properry no later then 9 p.m. on Thursday civenln~s and shall bo romoved no later than tU p.m. nn SuncSay wenings. 2. That the finnl spoct~c IocaNnn ot tha MRI trailer shaP be sub~c+ct to rovlew and appravat by the TraN~ and Tiansportatlon Manager. 3. That the MRI traller shall er~tor end oxft sub~act propony iram Anaheim F3oulevard a~ly. 4. That tho MRI traNer shall by cax~ected to a pernanen: power sour~e. 5. Thet cubJect property shM be devdoped ~~~b~taMlaily !n accordance with ~lans end apecMicutiw~s submittai to the Chy of Anahelm by thu petR(oner ar.d which plans ere on fAo with the Ptannlnfl Aepertmer~c merked Exhiblt Nas. t throuph ~. B. 'fhat Condftiun Nos. 2, 4 antf 5, abrn+e•menttoned, ah2.tl be complotHd within a period oi nfney (90) days trom tho dnte of th~a rc~solution. .2. PC92•153 i~~~ ~I~. 7. 7hat approvai of thls application constitules approval oi 4he proposed roquest unly to tho ~xtsrn tlu~! It c~mplles wlth tho Anahelm Municlpal Zanfng Code end any other eppllceble Clry, State and Fecfera! regulatlons. Approval doos not include any actlon or ~indlnps as to cumpllance or apprAVe! o} the request regarding any other appll~;ablQ ordinance, regulatlon or requlrement. BC IT FUR7HER R~SOLVED that tho Anaheim Ciry Planning Commisalon ~oos heroby (ind ar-d determine that adoptfon of this Rosolutian Is expressly predicated upon eppUcant's compliance wkh each and all of the conditlons hereinabova set fanh. Shauld any a h condftlon, or any part thereof, be declared Invaiid ar unaniorceablo by the rir~l Judgrnent o( any ourt of cnmpotent Juri~diction, then thia Resotutlon, and any t~pprovals hereln contalned, ahall be de ~lnull end v. THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION wps a~at e PI Ing Commission meeting pi ~ocAmber 14, 1992. ~ A'REST: _ sa..: ~ CRETARY, AN , EIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION ;~ / v STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) CQUNTY OF ORANC,E ) ss. Gf'IY OF ANAHEIAA ) ANAHEIM CITY F'LANN1Nt"G COMMISSION I, Janet L Jensen, Secrotary of tho Anaholm Ciry Planning Commisslon, do hereby cortHy that the ioreqoing resdutlon was passed and adoptad ot a meeting oi the Anahelm ~ity Plonning Commtssion held on qocembor t4, if~J2, by the idlowing vote ot tha members thereof: AYE~: COMMISSI~NERS: BOYDSTUN, BRISTOI„ HENNINGER, MESSE, FERA7A, TAI'T, ZEMEL NOES: COMMISSIONERS: NONE ABSENT: C~M~1IfISSIONERS: NOPJE IN WITNESS WHEREOF, 1 have her~unto ~et my harxf thls ,,'~1 ~,~ day ol ~ ,.,~ ;f'~~;~,, ~~_.- ,~~ f _ ,s~r~ ~:, CRE?ARY, ANAWEIM CITY PLANNINCi CAMMI3810N ' ;~ ~. P(:412-t 59