Resolution-PC 92-154, . -~:~ . H~SO,~U710N N0. PC92-154 A RESOLUTION OF THE ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING ~OMMISSION AMENDING CERTAIN CONDITIONS OF APF'ROVAL 4F CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 3552 PERTAININa TQ 1'IME UMITATION WHEFlEAS, on t~ctober S, 1992 tho Anehelm Cfty Planning Commisslon approvecl Conditional Uso Permft No. a552 under Resdution No. PC92-118 to permlt a vdloyball club wNh acc~asory uses; Including a semi-enclosed reataurant, nightclub wtth on•salo alcohc~l, billlerds, fftnesa cerrter, praahop, and Indoor/outdoor conces~lon stands wlth weber of parmitted outdoor uaes on proparty located on the north side af OrangewoaJ Avenue, approxfmataly 1300 feot east of the centerline of State Cdlege 9oulevard and furcher dr~sGribed as 2~t t East Orangewoal Avenue; and WH~REAS, sald Resdution N~. PC32-118 includes the follrnving condRlon of approval: •1. That sub~eci use is granted for a poriod oi two (2) years to expire on flctobar S, i994; p:ovided, hrnvever. tiiat the petitfoner may request extenslona of time In connectlon wlth Plenn(ng Commissfon ~ublic heprings.' WNEREAS, the petftioner has raquegtod to amond said conditton of approval to extend the timo Ifmitatlon trom twa (2) years to sovon (7) yoars; and WHEREAS, ti~e Ciry Planning Commisslon d(d hald a public hoa~(ng at the Givic Centor In the City of Anaholm on Decornber 14, 19J2, at 1:30 p.m„ notlca of saki public hearing h~vin9 been duly pNen us required by Inw end In accord~nco with tho provistons of the Annhelm Munlcipnl Codo, Chapter 18.03, tn hoar and conslder evidc~nce for und a8aln~t sa(d proposad amendniertt and to Investfgate and make iirulings and reaommondations in cornoctlon therewith; and WH~R~AS, satd Commisslon, aftor duo InspACtlon, InvestiUeifon anti atudy made by Mself and in Its behelt, end attor due cunsiderat(on M alt evi~onco and repa-ts oflered at sald haering, does Bnd and determ{n9 the following fucts: t. Tha~ ~1ie Initial Invostmont by the petit(oner (including tha payment af Stadlum Area Assessment fees) provides an incentivo lor the petKioner to operate e non-c~Ffensfve fecfl}ry due to the Planninp Commisslon's ablliry to terminate subject oporetion N tt beccmes detrfinental to tho area. 2. That the petliloner agreod to several condfti~ns relHted to the sa~e and consumptfon ui aicoholic beverages rocommended by the Police Department. 3, that tl~~ seven year ~wriod requestad by the applicant Includes the time r,ecessnry to complote all the Improvements proposed for the property. 4. That no ono ir~fcatal th31r pre3ence at saW public hearin~ in opposftlon; ar~d that no corraspondence vras receNed In opposftlon to the sub~ect p9tftinn. A IF IA ENVISI M1N ENTA~ ~UALITY,'~~G" _F~N!?ING: That tho Anahaim City Planning Comml.ssfon has reviewed the proposal to amend Conditio~ No. 1 0! Resdutlon f~o, PC92•116 tu extend tt~o time Ilrnftation irom two (2) yoars to seven (7) y~iars and doea hereby find that the NegatNe Daclaretlon ~rc~fously dpprovod In connoction wfth Conditir,nal Use PermR No. 3552 Is aoequate to sorve t~s the requtred environmontal documentatlon in conne~tion wfth thls request. CR1696MS.wp "~' P~"~~ NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Anahelm City ~Ianning Cammlaslon doos hereby amend Conditlan No. 1 of Rosolution No. PC92-11r, to read as idlowa; `i. Thet subJect use Is grented for a p~arlod of sovon /7) years to expire on Oc:tobor 5, 5999; provldecl, however, that !fie petitloner y requast extenslons ot time ;n connection wkh Plannlna Comr,~lasian pubtlc h rl s." . 7HE FQREGOING RESOLUTION was adopted t P!a Inp mlasion n~~oeting of december tb, if~32. , CHAI MAN, ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING MMISSIC ATTEST: _ _ ~ ~~~^ ~.:1 G_',a~. ~ ~ ...~, ,~ SE ETARY, ANAHE!~~IFY PLANNING COMMISSION L% STATE ~F CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss. CIIY ~3F ANAHGlM ) ~ I, .lanet L Jensen, Ser,retr~ry of the Anaheim City Pianning Corttmission, do hereby r,ertify that the toregoing reaotut'on was passod nnd e~dopted at e meeting ot the Anahefm Ciry Planninv Commisslon held on December tA, 1fKJ2, by the 4ollowfng vote ~f tho msmbers thereof: ~ AYES: CQMMISSIGNER8: BOYDS7UN, BRISTOL, HENNINGEH, MESSE, PERAZA, TAIT, ZEMEI. NOES: COMMI:;SIONERS: NQNE ' ABSEP7T: COMMI;iSIONERS: NONE ~~7 IN WITNESS WFlEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this ~~~ day oi ; E;f~ -f~_.G/z~, 1 !~9r 3 ~~~ ~ . , __~' ; ~ -~, . :~ , ~ECRETAHY, ANAHF,I~CITY PUNNING COMMISSION ~ ,/ .2. PC92-154