Resolution-PC 92-16~~ RESO,~,UTION ~0. PC9 -1 A RESOi~JTION Or THE ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMJSSION THAT ~ETITIUN FOR CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT N0. 3484 DE GRANTED WHEREA~, the Anaheim City Planning Commiseion did receive a ver.ified Petition £or Conditional U3e Permit for ceztain real propdrty oituated in the City of Anat~eim, :ounty of Orange, State of Califori~ia, deecribed as: LOT 1 OI' TRACT NO. 6383, IN 1'HE CTTY UF AN.4HEIM, C~UNTY OF ORANGE, STATE O~' CALIFOkNIA AS SHOWN ON A MAP RECORDED IN BOOK 244, PAGE 48 OF MISCCLLANEOUS MAPS, RECOADS qF ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNI7~. WHEREA5, the City Planning Commiesion did hold a public haar:ng st the Civic Center in the City of Anahoim on January 13, 1~92, at 1s30 p.m., not.ice of eaid puhlic hearing t~aving bgen duly given ae reauired by lak and in accordance with the provlsione of the Anaheim Muni:ipal Code, Chapter 18.03, to hear and r~nsider avidence for a~~d againat oaid proposed conditional uoe pormit and to inveotigate and make findings and rocommendatione in connection therewith; and that aaid public hearinq wae continued to the February 10 and February 24, 1992 Planning Commiesion meetinqa; and WHEREAS, suid Coromisstan, after due inepection, invoetigation and etudy made by itsel.f and in its behalf, and after, due c~noideration of all evidence nnd reporte ~ffered at said heariny, does find and determino ttte following factBs 1. That the proposed uee is properly one for which a conditi~onal uee parmit ia authorized by lnaheim Municipnl Code Soction ? to pormit un automobile servico statio~ with waiver ofs SCCTION 18.6~.063.011 - Dfinimum front vard eetb~ck. (Required: 50 feet along Raymond Avenue and 5 feet along Orangefair LanQ; (Proposed: 47 ~e_,gt along Raymond Avenue and ~eot along Orange:air Lane) 2. That the roqueated waiver is minimal amounting to setbacks which are onl,y G8 nnd 10'b smaller than required by Code, nnd that eaid waiver is horeby grantad on thQ basic tt~at there are apeci.al circuinetancQe applicab'e to the property ssuch ae aize, ahapo, topography, .l~cation and aurroundings which do nat apply to other identically zoned property in the same vicinity; and the-t etrict application ot tt~e Zoning Code dAprives the proporty of privilegoe enjoyed by other propQrtier~ in the identical zono un~i ala~aificntion in the vicinity. CR1426MS -1- PC92-16 3. That the propoood uae ie properly one for which a conditional use permit ie nt~thorized, and that tho proposal coneieting oF a gaeuline oer~~ice station ie both a continuation of an existing uee and a lesa intense uno becauoe the prior sutomobile repair faci].ity ie beinq diacuntinued. 4. That the propoeed uoe will nct advereely af£ect the adjoining lAnd uees and the growth and development of the xrea in which it ie propoeed to be located. 5. That the size and ehapA of L•he sita Eor tho proposod uee ie adequate to allow tha full development of the pr~posgd uae in a manner not dotrimental to the particular zrea nor the peace, health, nufety, and goneral welfare. 6. xhat tha traffio generatiod by the propcaed uee wi11 not impoee un un~iue burden upon the atreeta and highwaya deaigned and improved to carry the hraffic in th~ ar~a. 7. That the granti.ng of tha conditional uee permtt undor the conditions imposed will nol be detri.mental to the pear,e, hea.lth, safety and genezal we).~are of tha citizene of the City of Anaheim. 8. That reviAed plans substantially reduc3d the roquoaiRd fr.ont yard uetback w~iver and it now appllQe only to the eavo overhang of the pzoposc•d caehier building and not t.he bu~lding iteelf; 9. Thet no one in9icated their preeence at said public heariny in oppositi~~ns and that no carrespondence wae seceived in oppooitien to the subjecL• paL•ition. Cj~,NIFORNI~ ENVIRONMENTAL OUALITY ACT FINDING: That the Anaheim City Planning ~ommission haa reviewed the proposal to permit an automobile aervice eCation with waiver of minimum front yard a~tb~cko nn a rectangularly shaped parcel of land coneioting ~. approximately O.G1 ac.re locuted at the ecuthwest corner of Or.angefair Lane and Raymond Avenue, having approximate frontagen of 135 feet on the eouth eidR of Orangefair Lane and 163 feet on the weet side of Raymond RvenuQ and further described a~ 1431 North Raymond Avenuel and doee hereby approve the N9gative Doclaratian upon finding that it hae cons~dered the Negnti•~e Declaration together with any aon~ento raceivod durin~ tha public review process and furthe.r finding on the basis that the lnitial atu~y and any commente rQCelved that there ie no oubetsntial evidence that the projact will have a eignificant effect on the environment. NOW, THF.REFORE, BE IT AESOLVED that the Anaheim City Planninq Commiosi~n doae hereby grant eubject Petition for Conditional Use Permit, upon the :ollowing conditions which are heroby found to bo 3 n6cossary prerequieite tc ~ha propnaed use of tho eubject propozty in order Lo preaerve tho eafaty and general welfare of the Cit.tzens of tha City of Anah~im: 1. That prior to influance of a buildin~ permit, the legal property ~wner ~hall irrevocably after to dedicate to the City of Anahslm a corner cutoff at the intersection of Orai~gafair Lane and Raymond Avenud for atreet i~provement purposea (conatruction of sidewalk ~ceess ramp). _z_ PC92-16 2. * That, in canforn~ance with Anaheim Munic~pal ~~de Section pertaining to ramoval of cl~sed eervice etatio~s and any asoociate~ subterranean facilitiea, an unsubor~inatad agreement shall be rocorde~ with tho Office of the Orango County Recorder agreeing to ramove the eervice station etructurAe in the event that the etation ie closaa for n period of twelve (12) coi~aecutivo months. A eervice 9tation shall be considered cloeod ~uring any month in which it ie o~en for ~eee than fitteen (151 days. A copy of thd recorded agreenent ohall be eubmitted to the 2oning Aivieion. 3. * That traeh etorage areas shall be refurUiehad ta comply with approved plans cn Eilo with the Maintenance Departm~nt. 4. That a Plan Shaet for eolid waste etorage and collec*ion and a plan for rocycling ehall be submitted to the Department o~ Maintenance £or review and approval. 5. That no outdaor 9tozage of, dieplay of, or work on vehiclas or vehicular pszts ehall bo permitted. 6. * That the pr.oqosal shall compl.y with all oi.gning requiremente of the ML "Ind~atrial, Limited" Zur.e; pr~vided, hawever, thr.t the exiNti-ig freeway sign ehall be roplacecl with a maximum, oiyht (8) foot high monumant aign. Sign waivers may be obtained if a variance is approved by tho City Council, Planning Conunieaion or Zoninq Administrator. 7. That minimum fifteen (15) yallon sized trees, planted on maximum twenty (20) £c+ot centere and includ.+'.ng aporopriate irrigation facilities, shall be 1 inetalled and mainta~ned al~ng the SO'JTH und WESx property linae. ~ l II. That a land~cape and irrlqation p'_an for subjact property aha11 bo j aubmitted to the Zoning Diviaiori for review and appraval. Any decieJ.on made by the Zonii~g Divieion regarding said plan ma}• be appealod to the ~ Planning Commiesi~n snd/or. City Council. 9. That t-ny trae plantod on-sito shall be replaced in a timely manner ir. the event that it is ramoved, damagQd, dieaasod and/or dead. 10. Thnt tho owner oP s~ibyect pxope:i:y ehall aubmit a letter requeet~ng termingtion of Variance No. 20~7 (waivinq the maximum number ef freeatandin~3 aigne and permittod lucation of freeetanclirig signe) and Conditionul Use Permit No. 2707 (permitting an auto r~patr ahop in an e~c.ieting s~rvico etation) to the Zoning Uivision. 11. That subject property shall be developed .~ubstanti.ally in accordance wii:h plans and specificationa aubmitted to tho City of Anaheim by tho petitioner and which plane are on file with the Planning Department marked Rev±sion No. 1 of Exliibit Noo. 1 through 4, includinq the speciPic Rigns shown on seid pl.ans. 12. That prior co issuance ~f a building permit or wi.thi:~ ~ period of one (1) year frorti the date of thie resolution, whichov~r ocrurs £ir5t, Condition N~e. l, 2, 3, 4, 7, 8 and 10, above-ment'.onod, ehall k~e complio9 with. Ext9nsione for furthoz time to comp?.ete gaid conditicna may ho granted in accordar.ce with Section 18.03.U90 c~f the Anaheim Municipal Code. _3_ PC92-16 13. That prior to tinal building and zoning insp~ctione, Condition Noa. 7 and 11, above-mentiion~d, ehall be complied wit•h. .14.~ That approval oF thie application cunstituteo nppioval of the proposed request only ta the extent that it compliea with the Anaheim Municipal Zoning Cude and arty other applicabla City, State and Federal regulationa. Approval doee not include any action or findinge se to complisnco or approval of ~he request regarding any other appllcable ordinance, rngulat ion or requirement. Conditione maskad with an aaterisk (*) aro requized by eatablished lawe, codee, r4gulatione and agreementa and are, theref ora, not auUject to negotiation. DE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Anaheim City Planning Commieaion doos h~reby Find and deter.mine that adoption of thie Raeolut.ion ie expreealy predicated up~n applicar.t'a compliance with each and all of the conditiona hereinabove eeti forth. 5hould any euch cond~tion, or any part thereof., be declared invalid or unonforceable by the final judgment of any court oE aompetent juriediction, then this Reaolution, snd any approvalo herein contained, shall ba deomed null and void. THE 'oREGOING RESOLUTION was adopted at the Planning Cortunifiaion meeting of Februarv 24, 1992. ~'. ., ~~~~ ~~ / ~~ ~ CHAIRMAN~ ANAHEIM CTTY PL NNI COMMISSION ATTESTs /J > / --~ '--~ ~- ~-7- -•- ~~-C~O~.•,.-/ ~~~ ~ CRETARX~ ANAHGIM•CI~X PLANNING COMMISSZON ~--~ i c.~ STATB OF CA.LIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF' ORANGE ) sa. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I, Janet L. Jensen, SacretRry oE the Anaheim City Planning Commiseion, do hereby certify that the foregoing reso].u=1on was pasaed and adopted at ~ meoting of the Anaheim City Planning Commiesion hnld on February 24, I992, by the fol.laking vote o£ tha membera thereofs AYESs COMMISSIONERS: flQUAS, BRISTOL, HkLLYER, HENNINGER, NESSE~ PFRAZA, ZEMEL NQLSt COMMISSIONERS: NONE ~ ABSENTs COMMISSIUNGRS: NONE IN WITNESS WH~REOP, I havo lierounto aet. my hand thie ~? ~3/[,cC day ~ of D: ~~. , 1992. ~ ,/ , ~/ ~~7/f~L. ,i~ Ly'~.~~.t/.;u'-',v~_~ ,i - S~CRETARY, ANA~ IM CITY PLANNING COFIMISSION ~ -4- PC92-16