Resolution-PC 92-2R '50LUTION NU. PC9'l_?, A RESOLUTIQN OF THE ANnHE3M CITY PL~ANNIi•JG COMMIS5IOK THA'T PETI~ION FOR VARIANCE NU. 4155 HF3 GRANTED WHER~}1S, the Araheim City Planning Com~ieoi~n did K~3CC'tt'Ga n vprified Petition fur Variance for certain real pr:operty ~i~u~ated ii- the Ci:y of Anaheim, County of Orange, ~tatP of Cali{ornia descrLbed a~: PARCEI, A: PARCEL 3, IN THJ~' CIT't OF AVAH::IM, COUNTY OF ORANGE, STATE OF' CRLIFORt~IA, F~S SHOWN ON A MAP FSLEU IN BG~OK 80. PAC;~ 5 CF PARCEL MAPS, IIV THE OT~'FICE OF TH~: C~UPITY RECORDER Or SAID COUNT`l. PARCEL Bs PARCEI~S 3 AND 4, IN 'PFii3 '«ITY OF AIdAHEIM, COGNTY OF OAARGE, SiATE Q~F CALIFORNIA, P.S SIiOWN AN A MAP FIL-,D :N BOOK 2U8, PAGES 4:? F1ND 43 f1F PARCFL MRPS, IA1 THf, OFFICE OF THE COUi1TY RECORDE'_t OY SAID ~.OUNTY. PARCEL C: PARCELS 1 AVD 2 SN TiiE ~:ITX Cf' ANAFiEIM, COUNTY ~~F ~RANC=G, STAZE L`F CALIFORNIA, AS SHOWN OK A MdtP FILED IN R~:~UK 245, PAVES 49 AND 50 QF PARCEL M7~PS, :N TFi~. OFFICE OF THL' ~:OUNTY REG::Rp}iR QF SAID COt]NTi . PARCEL D: TH7.T PORTION GF P/~RCEL 3, It~ TFi[~ CITY OF ANAt{EIM, 11S SHOWN OfJ A MAP FTLF.D IN BOOK 245, PAG£S 49 A:lU 50 OF PARCEI, MAPS, ZN THE OFFTCE OF TIfE CQUNTY RECORUER ()8 SAID COUfJTY . WHEREAS, the City Planninq Comrt~iseio;i did hald a public hearing at the Civic Center in the City of Ansheirt: o~ Septembe:~ 23, .1991, at 1s30 p.m., notice of aai.d public hearing havinq beFn duly givon ns required by l~;w and iti~ accordance with the provisions of the Anahctim Munic:ipal Code, Chapter 16.03, to hear and consider evidance for r~nd againet said proposed varianae and tu investignte and mak4 findingo and reconuner.dation~ in c~~nr.ecti~n th~r~with; and that eaid public hearing wae continued to the N~vember 4 and December 16, 1992, and the January 13, 1992 Planniny CQnunie~ion m~atingn; and WHEREA3, said CommieaLon, a~tPr dua lnspaatiqn, invice~iyution and study made b~~ itself and in its behaaf, and afLEr. dve conal:derati~r. oE all evidenco and reporte offer~d at. said hoariny, doeo find and determins the fo:lowing fact3: 1. That the peCitioner propoRes walvers o. the following to estaUlioh a 13-lot RS-tiS-22,000(SC) single £ami1~ zeaideritial oubdivieion: SeccioiLlB 04.Q80.U20 - ~~?gui.red stz~i;~~v^~en_. s• and 19.?.3+,100 (Conutruc.io,n~of stxeer,~mprovemr.nr.s fo~a 24 £oot wide roa.w~y for C~untry Hill Road raquired; nane proposed) CR138bMS -1- PC92-2 2. That the above-m~ntione~9 waiver i~ hereby granted on the basia that there is no reaeonable rolationeh.ip between the noeci for the required deJiceitian and Lr.;E~rovements and tho type of development pro;ect on whi.ch ouch requiremen~s ara im~,osRd. 3. "'hat there are exceptional or extraurdinaL•y circumstancee ux conditiuns applicable to thQ property involved or to the lnr.endad uae of the prop~rty thai; do n~t apply generally to t.he property or class ~f uso in the samo vicinity and zone. 4. That the reque3ted variance ia neceasary for tho preserv3tion and enjoyment of a aubetantial proporty right possessed by other property in the aar~e vic:init~ and zone, and clenied to the property in question. 5. That the requeated varianc~ will not be matorially ~etrimental to tlic public welfare ar injurious to the property or improvements in euch v.irinity and zone in whfch the property ia located~ 6. That three (3) people in oppoeition and one person in lavor indicat~~a tY~eir prQaence at said public hearing; and that no correspondenco was received in oppositi~ri to subject petf.tion. CAL:I'ORNIA EPIVIRONDIENTAL_QUALITY ACT FIND G: That the Anuhoim City PLanning Commias.ton has reviewed the pr.oposal for watvor of reguir.ec] etreet i.mr~roveme~ty to e3tabliah a 13-lot RS-HS-22,OQ0(SC) aingle fami].y reaidantia.l ~ s~bdivi~ion on an irregularly-sFiaped parce: of land consiating of anproximately ' 11.4 acroa, havi.ng a frontage of aopruximately 670 feet on ttie east sidg of Country Hil.l Road, I~~ving a max;.murr ~iepth of approxiroately 1, 339 feet, and being located approximately 830 feat Eaot of the interaection of Country Hill Road and . Vista Del Sol; and does hereby approve a mitigated Negative Declaration and , adopt the Miti.gation Monitoring Program puraunnt to Section 21081.6 of the ! Yublic Resourcea Code on the basis that the Plnnning Cortuniasion has coneidered ? the propoaal with tlia mitigated Negati.ve Declaration t~nd Monitcring Prograin, ~ together with any commenta raceived during the public review proceea and furthec I firidiny, on tlle baois of the Initial Study, that ther~ is rio subatantial evidence th~t the project will have a aignificant effect on the environment. N047, TEiEREFORE, BC IT RE°ULVED that tho Anaheim City Planning Commission does hereby grsnt subject Petition for Variance, u~on Che following conrlitions which are hc~reby fou~id to be a necea~ary prerequiaite to t1:a proposocl uc~e of the subject propPrty in order *o preserve tha ~afety and genexal. welfare uf C1:~ Citizens of tho City of Annheim: .. That subject property ~zhall ba developed subetantially in acc~rdance with ~lans <1nd specifications eubmitted to the City of Anuheim by the petitionor and wt~i.ch plans are on file witl~ the Planning Department marked Rovision No. 3 of Exhibit No. 1. 2. ~rr.at approval of thie application conaCitutes approvnl of thv proposed request only to the extent that it complies with tha Anahaim Municipsl 'Lor~ing Code and any othPr applicable City, StaLe and Federal regulationo. Ap~~:oval doe~ no~ include any action ~r findings as to complic-nce or appr~val of the reque~t rogarding any other. applicable ordinance, regulation or requi.rement. -2- FC92•-2 BE IT FURTHE'R RESOLVED that th~ Anahaim Ctty Planning Commiasion dooa hereby find nnd determine I:hat adoption of thia Resolution is expr.ar~ely predicatad upon applicant's compliance with Qach and all o£ the conditiorie hereinabove set Porth. Should any such conditions, or any part ther.2of, ba declarod invAlid or unenf•orceable ~y tho £inal judgment of azy cc~urt of competent juriediction, then thia Resolution, and any approvale horein contained, ehall be deemed null and void. TEi~ FOREGOING RESOLUTION wao adoptad at the Planning Commiseion meeting o.f Janu~ry 13, 1992. - j~ ~ ~;~ ,~~ ..ez ~~=~- ~-, CH RMAN, ANAHEIM C- Y PLAN ING COMMISSION ATTGST: r~rr~~~~~.a.~,..~ ~~' CRGTARY, ANTj !M CITY PLANNINC CUMb1ISSION STAT5 QF CALIFORNIA ) r.oUNTY OF ORANGE ) s8• CI'fY OF ANAHGIDS ) I, Janat L. Jenaen, socretary o£ the Anat~eim City P1annLng Commiesior„ do hereby certify that the forego.tng res~lution was ~aesed and ado,pted at a meeting of the Anahr:im City Planning Commi.aeion helci ~~n January 13, 1992, by the Lollowiny vote of t.he membera thereof: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: EiOUAS, HRISTOL, HELLYEIt, HENNINGER, MES5E, PERAZA, 2EMEL NOES: COIdMISSIONERS: NONE A~SF.NT: COMMTSSIO^IERS: NONE ~a ~~ ~ ~ !N WITN6SS WHEREOF, i have hereunto set my hand thisy~~ daY of bzo~1~!1L~ , 1992. 4 . . ~ / CRETARY, AN~1 IM CITY PLANNIN!; COMMISSION ~ -3- PC92-2