Resolution-PC 92-20RESc~T.UTION NO. PC92-2C .. RE.' `~.U1'ION OF THG ANAHEIM CITY PLANNINt; COM.MISSION T'd T P~:l J'PYON FOR COND'lTIONAL USE PEFtMIT NO. 3490 BE GRANTED h!~EREAS, the Anaheim City Planning CommictBion did raaeive a verified pet .ion for Cor.ditlonal Uae Permit for cerL•ain real properL•y situated in he City o: Anaheim, County of orange, State of Cali.fornis, deacribed ae: LOT 1 OF TRACT NO. 12996, I:i THE CTTY OP ANAHEIM, COUNTY OF ORI~NGE, STP.TE OF CALSFORNIA, AS PER MAP RECOftDEG IN BWK G24, PAGES 14 TF]ROUGtf 24, INCLUSIVE OF MISCE:LLAi7E0US MAPS, IN THk OFF2CE OF THE COUNTY RF.CORDER OI' ~AID CG1INTY . wHERF.AS, the City Plannin~ Comcrission did hold a public hearing aC the Civic Conter in tt~F City of Anaheim on Pabruary 24, 199~, at is30 p.m., notice uf said p~iblic l~earing having been duly gi.ven as rPquired by law and in accorclance with the provieione of the Anaheim Municipal Code, Chapter 18.03, to hoar and conai~.ier ev.tdence for And againet gaid propoAed conditional ueR permit and to invaatigate a~id make findingn and recammenciationa in conn~action ttierewithj and WNEREA5, snid Corc,nissiun, after due inspection, investiqation and study made ny itaelf and Ln :L•n behalf, and after due cortsideration of all evidcsnce and rep~ria offernd at satd hearing, dcec find and de':er.mine Lhe following facte: 1. That t.he Frrpoond uoe is properly one for which a conditional uee permit is authorizc~~ b•f An¢lioim Municipal Code Sec-_iona and 1A.44.050.300 to permi: on-premi~o cono~~mption of alcoholic b~vr~ragea in conjuncClon with a eemi-tmcloNed r~staurant and witti xaiver oY the fc~llowing: s~cTIOt~..$4•~~~ - t'L~.~T~~~~--~IL~.~caced ee~~~s4i~?~i?sst~f~.~. a ece~ niat~Y.• ~~00 fee~ requi.red frcm Wair Canynn Roadj [~f~~ prcpoaad for an outdoor oenting area) 2. 'fhat the r~quasted waiver is hereby yrant~d on the haa~a that thnre arQ epecial crirc~mntances epplicable to thc pr~~erty nuct~ ae elxe, ehape, tepography, locatlon and aue.roundir-ge whi4h do not epply to other identicaily z~ned ~roperty ln tha 11ATP vicinity bacausa tha raquoatad ogthatk waivAr doas noS partair~ tu an actual etruct~re ancf, tAereforr, will nc~ crente a viuual impacL trcrn t:~e hiqhuay; 3. That ar.rict applicacion af the 7.anf.ny Code deprivee tha pro~Rrty vt privilege~ enyoyeA by othor properti~aa under 1Aentical. zor~inq cteoniftcetion ~n the vicini!y b~cause packi~c~ i~t permittad to ocrupy the u~otback ucea and could be rora ur~tghtly tban an a+ct~uor d:ning arcaj Ck)A3~7M5 -1- PC92-20 4. That the pr~posed uon ig properly ~ne L•or whicn a conditional uso permit• io authorizad by Lhe Zoning ~odo, or that said use lo not liat~d tharein aa baing a permitted usst 5. That the proposed uaQ, aa granted, will not adveryely affect tho adjoininn land useB und the growth and development of the area in wtiich it ie proposed to be locat~d; 6. That the fl~2P. and ehape of the eito for the proposad use io ad~quate to all~w thQ full development oP the propoeed uae in a manner not detrimonCal to tho narticular ar.Aa nor Y.o the peace, health, esEaty, and genaral welEare, 7. That the traffic generated by the proposed uee will r.ot impose an undue burden upon the atreetA and hiqhwayou deoigned and improved to carry the traffic in the area; and 8. That the granting of the conditional use permit under the conditiono impoeed will not be 3otri.mental to the peace, health, safoty and genara). w~lfare of the citizens of che Gity of Anahelm. 9. That no one indicated their preeence at said public hearing in oppoaition; and tha~ no correspondence waa r~ceived in oppositi.on to the subject petition. ~@1,IF,ORRIA £NVIROId~N~Ar~ o'~P~I~.T'~--~-C'~.3I~P-~'L~i That the Anaheim Clty Planning Commi.seion hae roviewad the pro~,asal to permit on-premiee consumption of alcaholic beverages Ln conjuncti~n with a eemi-encloned restaurant and witli waiver of minimum landeeaped aetback adjacant to a acenic hiqhway on an irregu:.arly-ohaped parcel of land consint.ing of approximataly 11.9 acree l~cat~d at r,ho southweot corner of Weir Canyon Rot~d and Serrano Avenue, having approximate frontagQS of 70U feet an the so~thweet aide of Woir Canyon Road and 324 feot on thQ weat Aloe of Ser.rano Avenue, and further deACribed ae 7A1 Woir Canyon Road (Suite 101); and does heroby approve the Nogative Declsration upon findtng that it hae con~idored the Negativa Decl.aratic,n together with a~y commente raceived duriny the public xeview ptocees and f~rther finding on the basie that the initial ntudy and any comnento received that thoro le no nubstantial ovidencc~ thHt the project will have a s:gnificanL effect nn the anvironment. t~OW, T'iER~FOR£, BE IT RB50LVE:D that the Anaheim City Planning Commi~aion dooa hereby grnnt 9ubject Petition for Conditional Uee P~trmlt, ugon the ful:owing conditiane which are hKroby found to be a nc~cee~sury prnrequleite to ttia propo6ed ua~r c.+f tho aub;ect propexty tn order to pr~ser~~~ the nafety and goneral walfares of the Citizend of che City of Anaheim: 1. That tV~a outdour dit~ing ar~~~ ehall be cloaed at 9:OQ p.m., Sunday through Thureday, an~.] at .10:00 p.rn. on Friduy and Saturday. -2- PC92-20 2. That patio lighting ahall be lotiv-inteneity and di.rected away from adjac~nt residential propertios, anci ahAll be turned off no later than 10:G0 p.m. 3. That a thirty six (36) inch high protective hedge or decorative ouardrail ehall bR erected and maintaine~ along the perimeter of the patio area in any places where the extorior grade ie twelve (12) inchee ~r high~r above the patio floar. Plana :or eaid hedge or guardrail ehall be eubmittQd to and agproved by the Planning Depurtment prior to the ieeuance o£ buil.ding parmite. 4. That eubject praperty ehall be developed aubetantially in accordanc~ with plana and specifications, including landacape plane, aubmitted to tha City of Anaheim by the petitioner and which plune aro on file with the Plann~rig Gepar*.ment marked Exhibit P~os. 1, 2 and 3. 5. That prior t~ the iasuance of a building permit or within (1) ~nR year frr~m the date af this resolution, whichever occure firat, Condition No. 3, above-mentio~ed, ahall be complied with. 6. That prior ta final buildin9 and zoning insnections, Condition Nne. 3 und 4, above-mentt~~~ed, dhall be complied with '7. That therv shall be no bar or lounge area for the purp~ue of sale, eervice and/or. consumption of ulcoholic beverage to and/or by the pntrone. S. That food service consisti.ng of maala eh311 be available durinq the busine~s hours of opernt.ton until closing ti.rne. 9. That tt,ere shall ~e no amplified livo entortninment or dancing on tho ~remi~e~ ae any time. .10. Thnt any enlertuinment shall not be audible beyond the businese preroloee of this re~taurant. 11. Thar_ there eh~ll be no por~l t~bleo or coin-operated qames operatud on the pr~miaes at any tlmo. 12.• That approvul of thie application conetitatee x~pproval of ttie proposod roqv~st only Cv tha extent that it complieb with the AnahEim Municipnl Coda and uny othor applicable City, StaCe or Fodoral regul~tiona. Approvu). doee not include any acti~n or f.indings un to cumplianca or appr.oval of th~ requeat reqarding any othor aFpltcable ordinance, rugulation or requirement. ez IT FUPTtiER R~:soLVED that the Anahe.im City Plnnninq Commissioa doaa heroby find and d~termine that adoption of thia Reaolutfon is exprdflely prodicntad u~un np~•licant's ccmpliance with each nnd all of the c~nditi~ns hora.tr~abovr~ eet forth. Shoulrl any uuch condition, or any port thoreof, bs declAred irtvalid or unenforceable by thc+ final judyment of any court of com~tont )uriedir,Cion, thnn thi~ ReROluti~n, nnd any appr~'/ALO horein contained, ah~12 bo Qoemed r.ull c-nd void. ..3_ Pr92-20 THE rOR~GOING RESOLUTIUN wae adopted at the Pl~znning Commioeion meeting of February 24, 1992. ~~ ~"~ .~~ .~.~ CHAIRMAN, ANAHEIM C} T PLAI3i~ G C. ISSZON / ATT~ST• ~l ----~~~-~i ' ~Gw~~, S~CRETARY, AAIAHEIN CI'PY PLANNING COMMISSIQN STATE OF CALIFOF.NIA ) COUNTY OF ORAf~GE ) es. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I, Edlth L. Harri~, Socrotnry of the Anaha:lm City Planning Cornmieeion, do hereby ceitify that tlie forogoing xeaolution wae pasaad and adoptad at a meeting of the Anahoim City Plannirig Commission held on Eebruary 24, 1992, by the fullowing vote of the membera therenf: AYES: COMMISSIONERSs 60UAS, BP':STOL~ HELLXER, HENNINGER, MESSE, FERAZA, ZEMEI. NOES: COMMIS.r,IOt'v~:RSt NOt7E ARSENT: COMMI55IONERS: NONE y~ n IN WITNC55 WHEREOF, i hava horeunto r~et my hand this ~.~ ~i~~ day of /~ il.eJ\. ~, 1992. /~ .~.~.~/~ ~J ~'~.~..u, SECRETARX, ANAEIEIM CITY PLANNING COMMI55ION -y- PC92-20