649 Affidavit Of Publication STA"r}4~ 01'" CALIFOR~IA COr~TY OF ORANGE- SSo .. . ." J~l. ~.~~. !:~!~.~g~~. .. ......".. ..... .._. of said county. being first duly :-4 worn. says-that she is a cit. izen of the United States, and of the State of California. over the ag-e of &ighteen years; that she ha~ no interest 'in. 'nor is she a party io the matte.!" herein mentioned: that she i~ the pub- lisher of the ORANGE COUNTY NEWS a, w'e,e,kly ne'wspaper printed, published and I circulated in the said County of Orange that sa.id ORA....~GE COUNTY X~';WS is a newspape.r of general (Oircula.tion with a list of paid sub scribers, and is published for the dissemination of both local a.nd g-eneral news and inteUigence of a general character; that it is not devoted to the interests or ]Ouhlished for the entertainment. of a particula.r class. profession. Il'ade, calling, race or denomlna- tiem. or of any number thereof; that it has been !printed and pub- liHhed in the City of Ana.heim. County of Ora.nge. St.ate of Cali- fornia for more tha.n one. year next preceding the first day of the, publication .hereto attached: that the ur ~li.n~.nQ_~. .1iQ .f. .. Q~9. _. _.. . . .. ........ --. --........ ........ ........ -....-... --... -... -....----.. .----.... ......... -........................... -. ...-....... ----.. ........-......... .-............. ............ -..... -..- ---......... -..-.. ......-.. --...-.----....... ............. ........ of which the annexed i3 a printed l'OPY. wa.s .published in sa.id ne.w:.i- r~ilp.er a.t least .....9.n~.~_........__.... ('cmmeucing; on the ....2.5t.n da:r of ...~"j.~9_~U.lQ~r...___.. 19.~_1... and ('nding on the day nt' '.."" ...__.__............. 19.....___, and t.hat said ..--Q~gJ~D.Q_~....._....... ...........--...... was publis.hed on the te~llowing days: .. J)~.Q~mQ~_:r. ---~.Q..J..ul~_41.. ."__' l!~~.:....):./:~1:......... Subscribed a.nd sw~rn to before me ~ .....~__'t......._.... da.y or . . .;..(... I"'D.., 19 ~ / ............-...:.~---.7.u ~~u....u.: . .'_ ......::e~;.. .a.~::--r/ 'C" ',' (-Je. t..1I t.. . . .,' .' '- ..- - I - AN :=~::~:: :F~ T: CITY :1~~:~~::~h~Il::;;;~G:~-l OF ANAHEIM RELATING TO AIR o~ the .OQDftDt of .lute person 00- RAID PRECAUTIONS THE CITt., CUP~DS or ID con~ol of 8ucb struc- COUN.CIL 0,[4" .THE CITY OF ANA- tUl,"e. BBIK DOES ORDAIN As FOx,." SJeCTION I. At the cOJamenee.- LOWS' meDt of a period of air raid alarm, SDION 1. ..:\.15 used" lID this the ,.perator .ot -~ motor 'YelUeIe ordlDance tbe fOllowing worels and ."hall 10rtbwU~ brl~r; .uch ~eblcle phl"&8ea . shall mean: as fat as poulble to the alde of the .... & i I I I'" street. ro... or 111.11...)" oft t.be . -.Ir ra d ..rn ns s gona " main traveled portion thereof a.nd' ahaH ~~a.n. a. slSDal, by Siren, . the operator JOt \8uch motor V~lltcle' wblstle. horn. or other audible shall bring 8ucb motor velalcl. to de'Ylce, of .two minutes dura- a stop clear of ani cr~In&', inter- tlon ~on8Jsbnl' of eitber a. fluc-. sectton, tire house, fire plug, hos- tu.Uns er war~Ung signal of pit&! or otber eroer.pn07 dePOt or vary~q I1t~h or a succession area, And .durlng the 'hours of dark- ot iD~rmlttent blaata of about DesS shall ext1nlrulsh all Usbts tbr.. secon.d8 duration selPar- therein or thereoD and sal4 DIotor .tea by .. silent period of a~ut ~lcle shall remalJl 80 81tuated .th~e. 8ecoDds. " i4u:r.hl-ir the jperlod of air raid' aIarm, - All .clear shlnal .sball mean unles8 directed or. oMered to move '& continuous signal, b,Y siren, b)' a peace officer, hghway pati'ol- horn or other audible 4evlce, of man or fireman. two .mlnutes d\W~tlon at a I SECTION 1. The' prov1eions" of .teady pitch. this ordin&Dce sball not' applJ' .to "Period ot air raid alarm. blackout elDercenc~ vehicles which .hall meAn the interval of time shall Include the fOllowlD&':' between tbe giving o~ t~e a~r (1) All Army aDet Na'YJ' vehcles; raid ~arnil1g SlaDaI' anll tbe (I) All v811.1"ol.. .wlth Ualted ..~VID. . of .the n~t succeeding States Government. credentlal8 in-I . all clear signal. 4icattng the .necessity of emergency "Blackout structure" .hall movement; '.' mean any space 80 enclosed. as (8) All authorized emergency I .to _ prevent all .11~umlnatlon 'Yehiele8 &S defined in Section. 44' maintained or exlstl)l&, therein and' 44.1 of tlle Vehicle Code of from shining or reflecting to Callf6rDia; the. '~xterior of such enclosure. (4) All vehicles .~ein&, operated SECT:tON 20 Tb~ Chief of Police by members of the C'a1lfornla State of ~be' .Clty of A:Dahe.lm is hereby Guard while actually on duty; autborl-.a an4 directed to caule (6) All vehicles. certified by 1 tbe Boudin&, of such air raid wa111- I'berlffs district attorneys, the: inlr 81pal and suc~ all cl_r 81..- Callforrila State Higbway P6trol, i Dal .at such times ~s he s.ll be police chiefs arQ fire cblef8, wben; notified so to d~ by the United I within' the respective . territorial I State8 Aircraft Warning Service, o.r jurisdictions of the certlfyin.g ,Of-I' aD)", qency or person authoris~d tlce, as being e8sentlal to ,the pres- by it, and at su~ times as .h~ shall ervatlon of the public peace and deem neceS8ary in safeguarding: safety or to the dl8semlnatlon of. perso~1fI1 and property from air at.. public information or to the na- i tack. In tbe event that said Chief tlonaJ. defense; provided, ho'wever,' of 'Pollee is absent from the Police that such vebicles shall conform I Station w'hen necessity arises to to the uniform lighting regulatio~:= I sound' either of the above __cribed approved by .he Dep&rtmtmt <..!. &t,cD.ais, . .there i3 hereby conferred Kotor Vehicles and the California ~ upon t.be police officer tben In State Highway Patrol for black- cbarae: of the pollce station the out emergency vehicles. powers conterr~ upon the Chief of SECTION 10.0 It shall be unlaw- Pelice In the forelrOlng sentence ful for any person witbo1lt au~hor- and such person' shall also be ty duritlg. any' air .raid alarm, to I cbu&'ed thereupon to perform all use, wear, . exhibit ,.or possess any I' duties described .n said 8enten~e. unlfoQrm, insj,gnia, c.re~ntial, or i The. lu\'Jllvldual member. of the other indication of authority, or I .CIt7 ~uDcil of tbe Oity of ADa- any IDlitation there of, adopted ane, helm .re ILlso authorlsed imd em- lasued by any official civilian de-' po~erecl to cau8e' said .tp&1s to fense organisation. II be 'souDded under amy clre*- 'SECTION 11. Any perSOn 'w.bo t ' ataDG.. de8crlbed. In the .fIrst 8en- shall operate a siren, whistle o'r teIl_ .of this paraa-raph. It .shall other audible dlevlae In suc! a man- 1Mt uala.ful for &n.~ other per~D Der .8.S to Id.mulate an air ,raid to. .... said 8Ip&ls.,to be" 80uJllll- wa"pnlng signa1 or an all clear ,.Ig- ed ,'W:lthOl1t the authorlu.tlon of :nal, except upon order of 8al4 aaJcl. Clt.y. Council. ' . . Chief of Police or other proper :_~ON 3. AnT'peraoD who ef- authority, shall be guilty of .. mis- f". ;er' ,maintain. . aD)'" 11l1llll1'Da- demeanor. . .tlb, 'or permltl.....7' Illumination SECTION 11. The provisions of &1nd.er his control to be ....effect~: 'or (\very ordinance of this clty_. and m&1ntained, at any ':pI~ce within .the every administrative ,order made City of Anabei~ during" any .periOd'IPursuant. thereto, requiring any..H- of air raid alarm .In .the hours of lumlnation to be maintained in clarkD~l!s 'except w'ithin a blackout conflict with thi. ordin.nce '. or . structure: shall b'! .pUty of a mls- ".ith any rule .or regulation :made aemeanor.' .p.ursuant' to &e~tlon 5 of .this or- .BCTTON 4, The mafntenace or d'lnanee. shall be deemeldj 8uaPenel- leaving of any. llhimlnatioil, except ed during the periOd 'betwf!en any ..,..lt~D a blac~out' structure. with- air raid wa~nlng ..Ignal and tbe oQt :proviSion for Its extlngulah- next succeeding all clear 81gtftal. ..JD4tn"t, within one minute after fhe ~ECTION 18~ ADJ' per80n "".ho OOPlmencement of ,a" periOd of air .hall violate "ny provl810n of this.. raid aJal"1n by a cOmpetent person ordin.Dce shall be guilty of a mis- over tbe age of elcb~een years at- demeano]' aDdt, uPQn convlctloll tenant at the' place where such- tl1ereof, :shall be punishecl by. a 11l'!lmlnatton Is coatrolled, 18 here- tine of not exceedlDg Three Huftd- by pl'Ohlbited. red -Do'llars or by Imprl,onment in SBCTIO:S 5. In ortter to en._Ie the. City Jail not exceeding thre:~ 8&1'" ,phlet of PoI~q, to compel the 1Il0~ths, or b7 both sudb tine and obScuration, dlmlnutlon or ext'lD- Imprisonment. : .u~8h~ent of AllY.' Uluminati~n, SECTION 1". This 18 an emer- .wbe.~er in or out- -of doors ",bleh Bency .ordtn&Dce a~d 18 required fQl' . -Inc.-eases the v1Jl~er..billty' of the tbe immediate preIMJn&tlon of the 'CltF of Arrahelm' or ally portion public peace,.. healtb aDd. ...t.ty, ai.reof to air ..ttaclr., or for tbe rea-' qnd the following la the ..tatem.nt uz.tlon of traffic during .t)1e perle4' of facts eon8titutln. 8uch urgeDOJ': of air raid alarD), Hid Chief of Po- The United States i. at war and ..-lIce may adopt and '-promulgate reiL- the Cit)' of ~nabellD is in grt\at aonable rules an4... reculatloD8 tor and continuing d~..er 'of air and ..h purpo8ea, .aDiI" only rules or other attack by tbe enemy. Por .reaulatlons 80 actopted .bY him ,..J:1 the foregoing re~.D8 this Or4J- be and .remaln In. effect for thirty nance sball take effect aJUW be In . (30) clays' thereafter, but no loncer forCE> iJ'Jmediately upon the date of .: J~Dle.s' ~p~,~ved".. ~U~ln Bald. time Its final passagf:. .., j by. re80hltfoii of-:~ the' City COuneU SECTION 15. If ..any ,provision of of the City ot A.nabetm; pr6"-id.d~ t:btB .1rdina.nee or the application h.(Jwever that any rule or J'eg~lation I t,herf'!of to &.n:.r pcr~on <n' ctrcurn- . of'del' Is reasonably neceesar)" fot I stanc'!s is heltl invalid, such inval- maf . at any time ~.e :rescinded by: idity shan not affect other pro- r"'.8o~u.tlon .sf salidl eft y Coune'i1.! ,-i..Jions' m' applicatlolls -01 this or- . .,::-iololl!lon of any fiuch .'rule O!.. regu-I d.i!1a.nce '"..hicb can )Je gi'Ven effect . !ation 81) a.dopted; and' prom.ulga.ted. t lntb~u~ 0 the Invalid provision or fs ~eloeby. cl€clared. to be a mis- app I1c.at. 10 11, and to this end the ..d'eD1e&n~r~' .,' .: prOviSions of this ordlDRnce arp S.1CTlON 6. It sha-Il. be '\lDIa.WfUI! d~elared to be severable. . .to dl40bey any ~awl.D( direction' oi' .SECTION 1&. The Ci1y Cle.Jok . order o~, a peace. o.'tl~er~ bl..hway sball certtf.)" to the'.'Mu.ge G.t. thil! patrolman. or flre_n. ..iven 'durlDg I O!dlnance, and caulle the same' to a period .of air ra.~' alarm, "which t: .-be' ..u~lIshecl once In the Orang.e ol'tte~ IN' l"ea.~ouabS:r. ft;eCes8ary for CoURty. Newe, .. weekly. .newjJpaPer !~~_ ~ln~..n~'!4! O~.;r!..bl.ic. ~r4e~ ~r j ~~i~~ed,....?Ubl~S~ed .~d. . ~Jrculated ."I~",...J ...;-, (4 &....-:-""......',.....,""'. "'&. ~v...i'-II'..' '!I-C'lIlatioll with '1 IiKt of paid ~llh '.I.'riheJ'~. :UJcl i:..; published for I Iif-' .Ii:-;s,pminat iou d hoth lcwal dlld :"':dlf'ral Jll:'\n: a ~lll illte.JligetH"~ I~l .f ~elwl.al chulader: that. It. L.:. !lot {h~voll".l to :hH intel'e.::;t... oIr : lIhlh;hed for' ; he entt..\l't.aillIlu'ut "f a pa.rr-kula,}. dasH~. r.l"ofe~si()n. ~ r;Jch', {'illlin~, ~'uee 01' 11f'llOmhliol' rinn. 01. !II' Gilly numher :hert:of: I hat. it. ha.~, Iwerl pJ'inte'd and l)Uh- jj~I1l'-cJ in f ht' ('ity of Anuheim.. c'ounty flf Ol'all1-?;t.. Stah~ of Cali- (Ill'U ia f,:" mo:'!.' thall one )'(>:.11" I~PXl l}rPI,~"'ding thl' fiJ"~t day l)t !hr- puhlic-ation !wretn an a ('Iu'-(I : r lu t t h po l_.:r.: ~" Yi.t ..';; t,;..-: . ~ _i: . . 1._' ~ (Y+':.i lit' which the <lnllt~xfd L:: a prillkll l'OllY. wa~ puh1i~;le(l in -;J icl 'l1t~W-l- papp.J' at leaHl .q_nGf?. ("cmmeueing on the .-.~.0.t.h cia) ot . :~!.~~.t;..:J:r.1:i)~ f~ l!J.~.l.., and (.'lldin~ on the fla~- or .._.. 19___.__. and t ha t said ....V:r.~JJ~~n9_~. wa.H published on thp tl1llowing daYF;: _. J)~.~ ~m ~_r" J~Q-I___l_~_41. . ..... . . /J:~...'...../ f~}('j. - ...... Subscribed a,nd swt\l-n to before me ~~_.~..If.......~__~d;Y o[ . ...........:~~n~~ ''''''::e~ ~~~u..~~:..~/- t. .-<..;I.....~, e t " t.. ......- ~ St~t~~- Ai;craft W'arniq Servic~, or I Jurisdictions of the certifying of-I' any agency or person authorized '..ce, as being essential to !the pr.es- by it, and at BU~ times as .be. shall ervatiol1 . of the public peace a.nd deem necesaa.ry in safeguarding: safety or to the dissemination of 0 personft and property from air at- public information or to the na- i tack. In the event that ,said Chief tional defense; provided, bo'wever," of Police is absent from the Pollee that such vehicles shall conform I Station w.hen necessity arises to to the uniform lighting rE:'gulat.inn~' sound either of .the above _scribed approved by ~he Department (of signals, ,there i3 hereby conferred :Motor Vehicles and the Calitm'nia; upon the police officer then in State Highway Patrol for black. charge of the 'Police station the out emergency vehicles. powers conferred. upon the Chief of SECTION 10.. It ~hal1 be unlaw- Polire in the foregolns' sentenct} ful for any person without author- and such person shall' also pe ty during, ~ny air raid alarm, to I charged tber.eupon. to 'Perform all use. wear, exhibit. or possess any duties described In sai4 sentence. unif(U"m, insi.gnia, crectential, or The In'dJIvldual:' memb.. of the other indication of au thori ty, or I' City Council ~of the' dlt~ of Ana- any imitation there of, adopted and helm are also a1ithortsec1. a.n4 em- Issued by any official civilian de- powered to cau8~ 8&1~ ,.t..-nals to te~se orga.nization. II be sounded under IIDl' cIlrc1$D- SECTION 11. Any person w.bo ' stances described in the tlrst sen- shall operate a siren, whistle or t tence of this ptl:r.agrap'h. It. shall other audible devise ,in sucl\ a man- be unlawful for anJ' othe~ person ner ,as to s.'Imulate an air raid to cauae 8&14 slpa1e:.to"be aou~ wal'Dlng signal or an all clear ,Ilg- ed wltbout the alldldrlsaUon of :nal, except upon order of said said City .CounclL Chief .of Police or other proper Slt1CTION 8. Afty. 'pel'8On who ef- authority, shall be guilty of _ mis- fects .or .maintains MY: lllUllllna- demeanor, tton, or permlt8, ...". lUulDlnatloD SJtJM.ION 12. The provisions .of onder his' .control to be lI'effecte,t or e.very ordinance of this city an" maintained, at any "'Pl":C~~ within ,the every administrative order made City ,of Anab~i~ durlng;'any .~riod Ipur8uall~' thereto, requir.ing any..n- of .alr raid: alarm ..in .the hours of luminatlOl'1 to be maintained in darkness -except: within a blackout conflict with this ordinance OT structure, iI.hall be ,pllty of a mis- ',\\fith any rule .or regulation made demeanor.' ..... pursuant' to &ection 5 of this or- SECTJON,.. The lBalnten~ or dinance. shall be deemeldi 8usPend- leaving of any. 11Iumln..liont except ed during the period between an.,.. within a bla:c~ol.'t' llitrueture, with- air raid wa~nlni 4,:dgnal and tb.' out provlal6il., t r Its :'extinguish.. next succeeding all clear sl....al. ment. within. 0&4' m'Dute .after the SECTION 18~ Any person y.bo, comm~ncem.at _ ';a.': period ot ait. _hall violate .,ny provision of tht, raid alaJ"bl '.~ ~~ comgeteJlt person ordln<<nce shall be guilty of a m18- ~ver the ....e .of" 'l..bte~ years at- demeanor aftt\ uP9n conviction tendant ~t .the. :Pl~.' .here such tl1ereof, :shall be punished. by: a illumi~~I.~D : ts . ~DtrOllett.. 1~ ..here-', fme ot not exceeding Th~ee Hund- by prolilldtecl. ". :~., :.".". ]"~ 'Dollars or by impri,onment In SE~lQ~:, . I~. .tJr o~~ .to . e~&bl. the.. Clt7 Jail not excee4IJJS thr,.. aaid C~let. ot fbtle~. to " compel tbe months, or by both suCh fine and' obseuratltil. .' 4Ia1liidloll'" 'or 'ext1lD- . Imprisonment. . &,uishmen\ .(':lit" . ::ali.' ,lllllmtn.atton; SECTION 14. This is u em.'" whet~er bl; Yf ...t'".~f doOrs :which .&'en~y .ordln&Dce and Ie. requ.lr~ f.' iDcr...ea .:.t., v1iJ.ner..bllltj." l>>f the the imJD.-1I~te pre8er~atloll of tJM: City 'of. .;4rib... . or CiI.,..' portion public peace,. health aDd." '...fet.)' ,. thereot..t......,~~(;. ..... :'~Il:~". ":.tor ~e rec~: QOcl the 'follow,ing I. the ,.~t~.Dt ulat1oD::.~;' '.., .:: .~.~,..I.C.~e' ~rlo4" of facta eonetttutl~g such ;_qeDCF.: of air ~,._. '...!I .~~"..~~f" 0(: Po-: The .Unlted.. St~8 is. at, ....r ..4' lice ~7, .. . .' .~~ ....I'qIIu,l...te. r_~ .the City' .of ~nahellD is" .ID cr.t... sonab.le ....,... : ~.:{~.~.';',..'l&tlozi!.:.~OI' and cont.lllUID.. 4a.~.er o~. :alr 'aliel: IVcJ1 -,,1!Ii!f.iif.;' .:: . ~r. .JiJ~ .:ruiiB ''OJ!' .ot.her at~ack. bJ" the en,.... .~r' .regul~_.:",: /'~. .' '~'..,'h"~,""""~ th~ f'orel"OtD.. reuolUi ~. 0rcU-~ be ..Dd(.:~,. . . ..:.: .:.';~~"'~ott. ,~~; "n&n.ce shall .~ke eftect .....b....lD. . 0 . . t.h.~':; ..~.., m~ l.l~cf~mb~1' 2:;t'h. 1 ~41. .1 :\ oj. :'af~ \\. ,\.dling: ~f~r';i(".', ,<. .,'", ,,.,.ri,. ". :il" ._..."1"l~':' 1~..r~(lr! hi.ltilUl..~Zt.'\J In' it.. !:t't: J. ,.....:!---I-.r.; ~1.~ ~ :~ll :i: "lI,'h !liJ\f'~ Hi-: h+' ~i.ai! t.~. :,~':( ,~"'c'i~.;-.;.ary !-ia(f'I;:t.1ard:!:~ ',.." ;tlid lil'{il)..~.r~. f!",'rll ,til" ,,,i - : i',: :~j.il .. : 11" t' \' {. ] ,: t 11 i1 t ,...: H kt l." hi,'" I '. .! , 'c.... ~ : ~',. .", ,'. .... . '\:: i~ al'~"'~'Il~ !-l-..qi: ! lit.: 1~'I:i,.t... : i,~~: ~-.,.\;. ..~. ;.'~( '. ...~, " ! ~ ' . l . "c. ~ ~.. .. . . It. ~; ~ It' i'"i..i. ~ ' ':1' ~~ ~~~.."" ~ . ~ ~ I II I ~ '\\.L.t'H H'....I.I."~sit)... ..trl~.:"~": t.:l .., ~!~... ;'n1:'t.\rl~i ':l',,'r td lh.'. abC''',' jj;fol-'I.'I'IIIC,'d ",'1"""'11 ,,' ! :.": ,. :lI'.n:,.L:. ,.l.llff.r:....d '}l, li.l' \'1 lll,.'.l" . , !...! ~ 1.. t ~". " 1'" ; , ~ . \, . . . . or I : ~ -:.~: ' "f f i 4 I It ~ ! ;1 t-) ~ ; 1 ~ ~. ..:i.l . !. ~ . ...:' I I .: . i ~. f, ~ : . ~. .. til'." l:.r:'i'E.~ ~~Clti:'n tll~ {':I~ t.!::.f.r.~...~;..\ .,to ~..... t\'IT..d '1!"'T/ tb~' ('hit,1' l.f -'I".""j itl:\ 'l~' 0, ...." ,', ; 'Ii' i'!.~ ,';,,:'~.in~ :,;j"ntt"l;C'" .:" f,,! ;".~ ;...., -.: : 'I;~ i'f.J~'dj ~.hL.ll a!~c IIf. 1'... 4..t~l' I.b .-.:~~. U,.'I"'Ul'<',; tf' ':.,..rf(.rnl all Ii"". \".;,1" '."i.: th,~!"dl..."'d in ~a1<l ~'~'lI!eliCt-, .;:,Jl'J".". ,,;,':1.::::.. ndi\'idua.l mt:nlberM of thf:- l.thl'!' .lld:;'aLi';, !';;nneil (,f th~~ City of Ana- :i~"" illi;tatil':l TIIt,t';. ... ..t&(. ".Iso authorizl~d and ~m. i~nH:d '1.,\' a;!',' pfr'.. :a' .,....,., "d to ("aUSt: ~aid E'ig'nahl to f\'n....t. 1<';..:;a.;LiJ;a~i;,'I!. ,...:\.tn<h>d unuf.'1" any c>ircu:m- SI':('T.IO~ j! ", ,'r"~':; ',:'.~ dN.;crib~d ill th~ ,1irst ~t.t:- ~L.dl ,,;,,'ra:~: c> .\l"i~:;. .,! this lJa:r'ngr3.p'h, 1t ~hal1 ot t',"r .: :i'.1iltj~ ,:1'\ I~," .. :.'ii :', ,.;..' .:;~ '__~';awful for any other pt>ra;oll fit'!" 'P'. f(, !-iill,;'l~,l, ;,;:... .. ;'a.u~e said signals to be souno'" wal"lIilii.., ~ignal (l" .i\". :l; ..lUll" ,....'-., ..(j, ,,;thnut the authorh.ation 01 :rud, "'I\('\>.pt IIp':n (,rd"r t.r 'oaiti.'. .1 ~'ity Coundl, ("hit,," flf pflii,T .... !~.!. I ~" ,.' "1 .....TJON 3, An}' pers'Cln wh(l f'f- :;:..!h..~':;:' :-;h;dl 1.. .~ Hi:;. . !" l.lr maintains any illumina- ll~ !!i~'a1!l'l". ::,r permits any illumination :"q.:('TlU:'\ 1::. T;,c' '" "" d' ,.r' .,.: Id:-: "ontro} tll hf' l'fft:l'"ted II:.,..... .'1':'-' ..l'dill:ii" ,. ~.!. l~, I';:', '1"~!' ..--!:i.i'l('tl, ~lt any plac'e within tll(~.t~\'t'r,\' adnlJllbtnlti\I' "lit... 'l..td,', '. '-.: ~',":'~;{; ~~~,i~f. ~ :;:, :i~; ~~::.. :f; f.':~~::~11 \~\:~~ :y::~: ~': :,;:I~ :',' i ~:;:," " ~ ~.:,: .: \ f:~:: :;:', ..: :;~ ! ,,':-:t"I'H':\; 4 Tilt. maillh~lI:h't~ Ill' (' l\iJ!aIH'~' I"h:111 l.t' clf'c'JH....i ~U~~';'II(i-: it .i\ dig (.f all~' illuminltti(lJl. t~x'(~t.'vt .~d (.ll1l"!r'~ th~ llt'l'~(.,d 1"'7\\'('1"'1"1 ,'l)~'l '.,.: ;'1': :i. hJac-kollt ~tru('turt~, With-lair raid wanlil)~ t'ig!!;..l ;illc..! tIll' I :'" !d'()"i~illll fUI' its ('xting-uiRh- lIf'xt :-U("(.,,.t'dillt'. .~di ('\hol' ~ip"nal. ,t n:' ; t. within one minute- aftel' the ~E('Tll)!': 13. Any ; t;I'~Hln who, ;', :X'-:-':\'J1C'E'ment of ,a p('I-iod of ail" I shall vin]att" an)' III ()Yi<1.'1l {of : h:~ ! r;.' ,d ..]n.rm by a t,'ompetent. pel'!~on t.nliIH\lH'(' ~hal1 1,)1' guiil:.' (.!f a mi.!"-! "\"! . he ag'e of eig'hteen years at- c1~mt~annl' and, IJpon (,'{lrJ\'I(.t,ioll f' ,~c';.di.\T\t at. the place where 8\1\.'11 tlu'I'f"ot. shall bt~ J)Un:~.iH'~d !.I:'l" a . d!lln~illatinn is {'ontl'ollt.'d, is here- fine (If IWI CX('t"(~dh!~ Thr'f>e Hun.i-, ...., jlt'ohibitE'd, rt:'d n(.l1al'!Iol- 01' by irnlll"::-;onnH-:'nt ill I :-;'E',~:~OX 5. Jr! (j)'del' to enable Hie Cit.y Jail IIC.t f-'X('H-din.g 1 hn'~' ~;..d (..hIe! of Police to c"ompel the month~, or b)' htl~h ~il,'h tint' l,wd . nl:;~(~u ration, diminution 01" extin- j mp)"I~vnmt'nt. ~.il:.:.hm~nt or an)~ illumination, sEeTION i4. "fhi!'l i,.- an ...mt.'t'- .... h..ther in or out of dool'8 which g'f~l1C'~' (Irdina.n(~(' and iJo' ; N1Uil't"-ci for . in.'r,'ases th.t: vulnerability of the thl-' immediate p\'t'~en'ation of th{~ ~:'~t,.. of A.naheim or a,n~: 'Portion pubJk peace, hN\ltb :flJO safet}', I . rr.(.f....of to a.ir a.ttack, or tOI' the J'eg- aud the foll(n~'ili~ i!!: th~ statement I u;a tit'll of t raffie during' the period of fa.!'ts eonstltutln~ SUt'.h urgenc)": .-f :dr' raid ala.rm, said Chief of Po- ~rhe l"nited ~tates ifil .at war and !in"' may adopt and promulgate rea- the Cit). of .Anaheim i!'1l in great :-'{)lra.hle rules and regulations for and ('ontiuuiug dangeJ' of ail' and SlH:h purposes, and only rules or (;lhel' attac.'k Il}' the (.nemy. For t'egulations so adopted by him sllall tlltC> f.,regoing reasonft this Ordi- . 1.)1' ~nd remain in e.ffe<.>t for thirty nanc''''' l'lhal1 take t-fffl(.'1 an{li hp ill , i ;i.' i ()a~'8 thel'eaftE'r, but no lOl1l&E"J' ft'I"('f' in,mediatd)' UJh,Ill tlw <1:ttf> 01 : ,JJdt'~R appr.o'\'ed ,,'ilhin Ra.id time I it.s final pu,t;sa~'~. ; ,,,,}" r'''~solution of the City Council ~}'~CTJON 15. 1f anr .}ll'o,'i~io.Hl of ! ,J ~":," ('jt~, of ....\ru"dlp.im: provide(l'i '11il"'( .H'dlnit!1c'f' t.!' rh(' a,ppli(~.ntiotl .' ........tH that au)" rule ot' r'eg-ulatif'll' Iht:i('Clf tn al:Y Jil't.!,",,!! (,t. d}"'1:n1- . : . : ,:,.: i~ reasonably ut'cel:':RiU'}' fo!: ~t:lnc""~ i~ hf:h! inni!id" ~nlC'h iil\'al-I ! ~ : ',\.' <-It any lime hE" reRC'inded I.." i<.iity :-:ha!l not etfft:'c't Clth~I '.ll"(I- : \ ." :."llll\On l"'f t'-ai.(~; f"i~y Council. \ \"i8h)n~ O}' apr,li'~ati...Hl'-t oJ thi~ 1I1'- ; ~ 't' .':!idioll of an). Hw.h rule O~' t'~~u-: di~'Hl.IIl'l" "Which ean lw r-.'~\'f.'n "fft:d I I! .;;1 !otl ""} adoptp.u, a.nd promulgated i "itl'lJut the inva1i.u :.ol....,\'i~i(ln I))' t 1;0.: !;"I"f'hy df('hu<>d tCJ bt.. a mi~- i applic'ntioll. and to f!d~ f'1I(1 thc' f! d. nH."a.I101'. . I Drovi~if)ll!'1: clf lhi~ ()l'ohl:ln,'c at..., f \' ~E( ~TtON fi. It ",haP bf> .u1Jlawfu II c1E"<,larf'd to he 8C~\"f'nl bh'. l :'.: cii:.::obe,"' itn)' ~:n\"1ul dil'eclion 01 ".t.-:C1']OK Hi. The t'it~' ('h.'t.\-I I "}'ch~~' of a peace officer, l1ighwa)' I ~halJ (,!(!I'Ufy to the P3.=-,:-:a.g'e of I.hir' I I pa U'olnlan, 01' fireman g'ivE'n during OrC!inan~e. and cause t h(~ I!-alnt' 1.(, I a pet'iod or :.ir raid alnrm, which. be publis}Wd once in tbe Ot'ang.-:~ I f.'I'~if'I' i~ I'ea.~onnbl~' I"lecessary fO:" :":'o~nt~' N~\\'.2'l-, a "'eekl~' new!o'papE't' the matntenarJC~e of public order or; pI'l1'1t"pd, publi~hed and &'iJ'<.'1I1atf'ld . ~afet~. (lr to (:ffect the ex: ingUiKh-1 in th.. Cit.y of .Annh~inJ, Co~:ltt~. O~'I l tl"..tJl It!" nh~c'n~n.~ iO!1 of lig'ht" I Pt'Hl!I;t', S-t::,h'! (\f CaJifo:f'nia. j !'o;EI~TTO,S' 7_ ."ny '. illum'ina1.ion ~ 'rhl' ro"egoilJ~ (''f'clinatn..'.' i ~ 1""1"111':11;. tt, t"he provi~i()nlll of thi~! sig-Iled ~n<1 a~pl'o\'('d b" fI'e thi.o\,' I ! 01 cll~,ance, 01' to any rule or re8'-: 2:JJ'(1 ,cla.y of r)f'.I'eD1b~t'. H141. . i \:Jat.loll adopted and pl"Olnulg-'d,ted I CHAS, A, P1-~ARS<J!'\, i Ii i.r~ accoI'd~nce with Se{':~ion 5 here... A..Ip.~'CI1' of HI': l~ity. (If t' (10. t'(H'f:tJt.Utf..~ ~~. ).)ubhc nuisancp.. An&hf~1"I1'. , 3.nd t.b~ Harne may be s:ummarB)' I A"l'TES1~: I : I i-\l~at('d h:r llny pea.ce off"ict>:I', hiKh-1 CHARLES K HH.JVJ.'lTH., f Sf-L" 1.\ , II 1!\'fl~' ~atrolman {)I' firelna,n. Any I Clt~r (:~~J'k of t be f.it;~, .',f I , ~~ "ll.'o\U'f'! !llll)" be entel'~d by all': Anaheim. I! pe-8('e ,officer, highway patl'~lma.ti', ~T_~"J-~ OJ..;' CALn"'OH.NJ.~ 1: fh'f.nna.n. u!';ing 1'P.a~onable force ~"OUN'rY 0': ORAXGE PS I jf nece~!Nl.ry, toJ' the purposE' ot a- (ITY OF AN AHEIM i baUn&, such a Dui~nce by ('xUng.. It Charles E. GJ'iffith, Cit~ Clerk I ni~h;n,~' s'u(.'h iUumina.tion. It .'hall of the City of Anaheim.. do hereby 1 b~ un hi 't\' t"ul tor _n')' pe.r80n, other ~erut)? that th~, foregoln'c OrcU.. i 1ba,n a peace oftice,' hiChwal' J,l6- '18nCf! W&II introduced at an &4-- ; tl'nhn.an. o.r tircrnan: to f.:nter a.ny journed meeting ot the City CoUDCU _..~___ _ ._. ()f the City of Anaheim, held: OD the 16th day of Decembel'. 19.1~ 8.Ild I t:hal th~ same }was .pass~tt I\nd a-dopted at a regulal' me.eting' of said City 'Council b'eld on Ithe 23rd ' day flf Decembe-1', ] 941, by the tol. lOWing \'c,tes: AY"-:~: f'OUNCn..M}4~N: YUNG- BT..UTH, SHERJDA.N, VAN W AG- ONJc;n. 1:lJC.ARSO:S,' MA.RTJc;'NET JR. ' NO}t;S. COUNCILMEN: ~"'ONE, AltSENT: COUNCIl.MEN: NON .10:, And fUl'ther certify that the M.a)'Ol' of t.he City of Anabeim Rit':'ned a.nd apP)'oved aaid! ordi- I. m!!lce .on thE' 23J'd da,., 01 Deeem- I ber, ]941. 1 TX WTrNT';S~ "ryJEn"';OF r ha.,'f" I. l'l~rtHnno set my hand and a.f!ixed ~ fle .QoTporate sea] ~o1 ~a.h'l City ,. rh;1!I :!:~,.t'I &8.)' of DN'f'tnJ'fl'. !!i41. ... . ! t! ~ -:. ~ :~ , . : .. i" ii'. d .., ~ ~ . ;,!. . .1 . .., ,...-.r;.......~_~..__.....I!..~~~._~'!lI......"""'ii'-.......t+I--~ -:.~......~. .....,.... 1 ORDINANCE NO. &49 2 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM RELATING TO AIR RAID PRECAUTION 3 THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE aIrY OF ANABEl' DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: 4 SECTION 1. As used in this erd1nance the following 5 words and phrases shall mean: 6 lAir raid warning signal" s~ll mean a signal, by. siren, 7 whls~le., horn. or other audible devioe, ot two m1nutes duration 8 consisting of either a fluctuating or .arb11ng s1gnal or varying 9 p1t~h or a sucoession ot intermittent blasts of about three seconds 10 duration separs.ted. by a silent period Of about three seconds. 11 IAII olear signal- shall mean a continuous signal, by 12 siren, horn or other audible device, of two minutes duration at a 13 steady pitch. 14 .Period of air raid alarm" anall mean the interval of 15 time between the .giving of the air raid warning signal and the 16 giv1ng.ot the next succeeding all cle~ signal. 1 ? IBlackout structure I she.ll _e.n any space so enclosed 18 a.s to prevent all illumination maintained or existing therein 19 trom shining or reflecting to the exterior of such enclo8ure. I I I- I i I I 1 20 SECTION 2. The Chief of Po11oe of the City of Anaheim 21 1s hereby authorized and directed to cause the sounding of such 22 a1r raid .warning signal B.nd such all ca.es_r signal at such times 23 as he shall be not1fied so to do by the United States Airoraft 24 Warn1ng Serv1ce, or any agency or person author1zed by it, and 25 at such times as he shall deem necessary in safeguard1ng persons 26 and property from air attack. In the ,event that said Chlef of 27 Pollce is absent from the Police Stat~on when necessity arises 28 to sound either of the above desoribed signals, there 1s hereby .29 conferred upon the police officer theq in charge ot the police 30 stat10n the powers conferred upon the ,Chief of Pollce in the ; 31 foregoing sentence and such persoD:s~ll also be charged thereupon 32 to perform all duties described in sa~d sentence. The individual FRIIS & SCHUTZ AnoRNEY8 AT LAw ...0404 UNK 01' A...IOA .La.. ANAHEIM, CALIFORNIA l'KLEPHONE 3456 1 FRIIS & SCH UTZ AnoRNEY8 AT LAw ..... Mil. DI" A..IOA aLDa. ANAHEIM, CALIFORNIA TELEPHONE 345& ._.~.........,....,. - 1:--'''. ...._....................,;r...."....-.. ............."'.- ..~....,.."'...'...... 1 members ot the City Council of the C1~y of Anaheim are also 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 author1zed and empowered to cause said signals to be sounded under any c1rcumstances descr1bed in the f1~st sentence ot this paragraph. It shall be unlawful tor any other person to cause said signals to be sounded without the authorlzatl~ of said City COUDcil. SECTIOR 3. Any person who etfects or ma1ntains any illumination, or permits any illumination under his control to be effected or maintained, at any place within the City of Anaheim, during any perldd of air raid alarm in the hours ot darkness, .xcept within a blackout structure, sball be guilty of a mis- demeanor. 9 10 11 12 13 14 SECTION. 4. The ma1ntenance .or leaving ot any illumina- t1on, except within a blackout structUre, without prov18~on tor its ext1ngu1shment, w1thin one m1nute .atter the commencement of a 15 period ot air raid alarm by a competent person over the age of 16 eighteen years attendant at the place .where such illuminat10n 1s 17 18 controlled, 1s hereby prohibited. SECTION 5. In order to enable sald Chief ot Police to 19 compel the obscuration, dim1nution or extinguishment of any 20 illuminat1on, whether in or out of do~rsJ wh1ch 1ncreases the 21 vulnerability ot the City ot Anaheim or any portion thereot to 22 air attack, or tor the regulation of 1ratflc dur1ng the period ot 23 air raid alarm, said Chief ot Police ~ay adopt and promulgate 24 reasonable rules and regulations tor .uch purposes, and any rules 25 or regulations so adopted by him shall be and remain in effect tor 26 thirty (30) days thereafter, but no 14nger unless approved within 27 said time by resolution of the City Cquncl1 ot the City of Anaheim; 28 prov1ded, however, that any rule or r~gulat1on so adopted by said 29 Chiet o~ Police may at any time be re.c1nded by resolut1on of said 30 City Council. Violation ot anr..:.such ~le or regulation 80 adopted 31 and "promulgated 1s hereby deolared to :be a m1sdemeanor. 32 SECTION 6. It shall be unl~wtul to d1sobey allY lawful 2 FRIIS & SCH UTZ AnoRNEY8 AT LAw ..._ MilK OP A..1t1OA aLN. ANAHEI M, CALI FORN IA TELEPHONE 345& "'."'IL",*- ~."..........~~. _................ ~....K,i..J"'..:_........._......._...'!I-'..n:... : .~~~...... ..........__ ......... ~..-l-. ..~.~.. ~.. ....,.__......... _.. . .....~.. .. ............_~. ...........__ ____.. 1 2 ;3 direction or order of a peace officer, highway ~atrolman, or fireman given during a period of air ~a1d alarm, which order is reasonably necessary for the maintenance of public order or safety or to etfect the extinguishment or obscuration of light. .SECTION? Any illumination contrary to the provisions 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 ot this ordinance, or to any rule or ~eeulat1on adopted and promulgated in accordance with Section 5 hereof, constitutes a public nuisance, and the same may be ~arlly abated by any peace officer, highway patrolman or r~eman. Any structure may be entered by any peace officer, highway patrolman, or fireman, using reasonable force it necessary, tor tl1e purpose ot abating ~uch a nuisance by extinguish1ng such.1llumination. It shall be unlawful for any person, other than a peace off1cer, hlghwa.y 14 patDolman, or fireman, to enter any s~ructure for the purpose of 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 extinguishing such 1l1um1nation w1tho~t the consent of the person occupying or in control of such struc'ure. SECTION 8. At the commencement of a period ot air raid alarm, the operator of any motor veh1ele shall forthw1th bring such vehicle as tar as poss1b1e to the side of the street, road or highway ort the main traveled port1on t!lereot, and the operetor of such motor vehicle shall bring sucm ~otor vehicle to a stop : clear of any crossing, interstctlon, tire house, fire plug, hosPital I or other emergenoy depot or area, and". during the hours of darkness ! shall extinguish all lights therein or thereon and said motor vehicle shall rema1n so situated durl$g the period or air raid alarm, unless directed or ordered to .ove by a peace officer, hlghwa1 patrolman or fireman. SECTION 9. The provisions ~t this ordinance shall not apply to blackout emergency veh1cles,~wh1ch shall include the tollow1ng: (1) All A.ra7 and lTavy vehl~les; (2) All vehicles with Un1t+d States Government creden- 3 _...._"~ FRIIS & SCH UTZ AnoRNEY8 AT LAw ...... Millie OP .MI.IOA .LD8. ANAHEI M. CALI FORN IA TELEPHONE 3456 ... __'.....-........,':'__...,,~.... ."r......... :""'!' -.. .....~I...~_..or.-.~.._.........._-..-~__~"CII... ._'''_..~'~I .."_.. ..~ ._................... ~."'t~..... . ....~... -~..~...":..-~__.. 1 .2 tlals indioating the neoessity ot emergency movement; (3) All authorized emergenc~ vehioles as defined in 3 Seotions 44 and 44.1 ot the Vehicle Co~e of California; 4 (4) All vehicles being operated by members ot the 5 California State Guard while actually on duty; 6 '1 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 (5) All vehicles cert1fied by sheriffs, district attorneys, the Cal1~orn1a State Hlghw~ Patrol, police chiefs and tire chlefs, when w1ta1n the respect1ve territorial Jurisdictions ot the certifying office, as being es.-nti&l;to the preservation of the public pea.ce and safety or to the dissemination ot public 1nformat1on or to the nat10nal defense; provided, however, th~t such vehicles shall conform to the un~torm lighting regulations approved by the Department of Motor V~lcleB and the California State Highway Patrol tor blackout eme~gency vehicles. SECTION 10. It shall be unlawful tor any person without authority, during any air raid alarm, to use, wear, exhibit or possess any un1form, insignia, oreden~1al, or other lnG1catlon of authority, or any imitation thereof, adopted and issued by any official civilian defense organization. SECTION 11. Any person who she.ll operate a siren, 21 whistle or other audible device in such a manner as to simulate 22 an air raid warn1ng signal or.an all dlear signal, exce~t upon 23 order of sa.id Chief of Police or other proper aut1:1ori ty, shall be 24 gu1lty of a misdemeanor. i i i SECTION 12. The provis1ons of every ordinance of tLils ! I 26 c1ty and every adm1nlstrat1ye order m4de pursuant thereto, reQu1rln. 2'1 any 1l1um1nation to be maintained in ~onf11ct with this ordinance I ! i j ; i 25 28 or with any rale or regulation made p~suant to section 5 ot this 29 ordinance, shall be deemed suspended 4urlng the period between 30 any air ra~d warning signal and the n.xt succeeding all clear 31 s1gnal. 32 SECTION 13. Any person,who:shall violate any provision 4 p ~ ,;.~ I ... FRIIS & SCHUTZ AnoRNEYS AT LAw .....404 Millie OP .MI.IOA ..... ANAHEIM. CALIFORNIA TELEPHONE 3456 ... ...."IIIt'o"-................-............ ......_.c....,1" _.........:..~~;..:rol..._....._ .,._u.._............ .......... .,_ ~_~~. ....'!"'JP'... ". _ . _........... ...__. 1 or this ordinance shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon 2 conTlctlon thel"eo:f, shall be punished by s. fine of not exceeding 3 Three Hundred Dollars or by ~prlsonment in the City Jail not 4 exceeding three monthe, or by both suqh tine and imprisonment. 5 SECTION 14. ~hls is an eme~gency ordinance and 1s 6 req~lred tor the immediate preservation of the public peace, 7 health and safety, and the following 1e the statement of facts 8 constituting suoh urgency: The United States is at war, and the 9 City of Anaheim is in great and continuing danger of air and other 10 attack by the enemy. For the torego~g reasons this Ordinance 11 shall take effect and be in force 1~d1ately upon the date of 12 its final passage. 13 14 15 16 I? 18 19 20 SECTION 15. It any provis10n"ot this ordinance or the application thereot to any person or oircumstances 1s held invalid, such invalidity shall not affect other providons or applioations ot th1s ordinance which can be given etfect without the invalid provision or application, and to this end the provisions of this ord1nance are declared to be severable. SECTION 16. The City Clerk shall certify to the passage of this Ordinance, and cause the same to be published once in the 21 Orange County News, a weekly newspaper printed, ~ubllshed and 22 circulated in the City of Anaheim, County of Orange, State of 23 California. 24 The foregoing ordinance is ~1gned and approved by me 25 this ~3 day of December, 1941. 26 27 28 29 Attest: 30 ~ ..fL:(:LLVL/. 31 ~k .of. ~~vr;;t~ahe1m 32 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 FRIIS & SCH UTZ AnaRNEVI AT LAw ...-401 UNK OP AMI.IOA .LN. ANAHEIM, CALIFORNIA TELEPHONE 3456 "=" ......-.~............................-.......~___......:lO"....._.. .:o-_..................--:""~....._......_--._.'I".- ._......".~ ~ _.....~....... ......-. .___.. ............ ....... - ........... ..~ ,,..~. .;~. :1'-." '\11"'''. 1 2 3 STATE OF CALIFORNIA) COUJrfY OF ORANGE ) CI!Y OF ANAHEIM ) I, Charles E. Griffith, C1tT Clerk of the City ot SSe 4 Anahe'1m, do hereby certify that the tOJr'ego1ng Ordinance vas introduced at an adjourned meeting of the C1ty Council ot the City or Anahe1m, held on the 16th day ot December, 1941, and that the same was passed and adopted at a regular meet1ng ot sald City Council held on the 23rd day ot Decem~r, 1941, by the following votes: ADS: COUNCILMEN: Yungbluth, Sherl4an, Van Wagoner, Pearson, Martenet, Jr. . lone NOES: COUNCILMEN: ABSENT: COUlCILMEH: None 15 And I further cert1fy that the.Mayor ot the City of 16 Anaheim s1gned and approved sald ord1nance on the 23rd day ot 17 18 19 December, 1941. IN WITNESS WHEREOF I haTe h~reunto set my hand and atfixed the corporate seal ot said C1~y this 23rd day of December, 20 1941. 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 ~heJ c.t..