Resolution-PC 92-28r-. RESO~,IZTIQN NO,,~'C92-28 A RE50I.T,)TIUN OF TF-1E ANQ-HEIM CITY PLANNING CUMMISSION ADOYTING AND ItrCOMMENDING TO THE CITY COUNCIL APUPTION OF GENCRAL ~`LAN AMEMnMENT NO. 32G ADOYTING A GROWTH MANAGEN[ENT E!.EMENT WHEREA5, the City Couneil of the City of Anaheim initiated development of a Growtl~ Management Pian tu set forth the City's gcals an~i policies citywide relative to growth management; and WI-IEREAS, Orange County voters approved Mcasure M which required cities to t-dopt a Growth Man3gcment Element a~ a prereqaisite to receiving Measure M. funds; and the South Coast Air Quality Management Uistrict developed an Air Quality Managcment Plan which also requircd cities to adopt a Growth Mlnagement Flement to tlieir General 1'lan and the proposed Gr~wtti Managernent Element will meet the reyuiremeiits of both Measure M and tiie Growth Management Control Measure included in the 1991 Air Quality h1an;~gcment Plan; and WHEttEAS, the Anuhcim C:ity Planning Commissian did hold 1 public he:iring at thc Analieim Civic Ccn~er, Council Chamber, 200 South Anaheim Bnulevard, on March 9, 199'l, at 1:30 p.m., natice of saicl public heasing having been duly given as required by law and in accordance with the pruvisions of the Anaheim Municipal Code~ te hear and considcr evidenc~ for and against said General Plan Arner.dment and to investigate und make findings and recommendations in connection thcrewith; und WFIL"-ItL-'AS, said Commission, after due ronsideration, inspection, investigation and stu~ly m.~de by itself, and ~fter duc consideration of all evidence and reports ~f[cred at said hcaring, DOES EiEREBY FIND: l. T~at thc rrc~wth Management ~Iement contains pc~lieies fnr the planning and provision of public facilitics arid services which are necessary for nrderly grcnvth and devclopmcnt anJ continued and/cn improved quality of life and contains po!icics :~nd programs fc~r thc establishment vf specific traf~c level of service (WS) and uther public facility/service standsirds, development. mitigation ~r~d development phasing; and thc Eicmcnt includcs an implcmcntation proNram fnr ~nnu~l monitaring. CR 1 d4d Ei I.wc~ -1- 1'C92-28 2, That the Grawth Manugement Element d~es n~~t replacc or supersede any of thc other Generul Ptan Elements; instead it addresses, amplifies t-nd supports public Cacility and service goals and policies that are included in tf~e utt~er ~Generll Plan Elements and establishes new standards associated with growth management and maintains internal consictency among the other elements of the General Plan zs required by State law. 3. That the Growth Managemec~t Element provides a significant resaurce document for future growth management ~fforts, but is not the ~nal action necessary to complete t~ comprehensive growth management program for tl~e City. Ti~e intent uf tt~e Cirowth M~ir~agement Element is to establish the basic policy framework in the General Plan for future implementing actions unci progc~ms. 4. That staff has completed an Initial Study and subsequently fonvarded the document to the State Clearinghuuse for the requisite 3U-duy public review period in uccordance with Sectiun 15105 r~f the California Environmental Quality Act {CEQA) Guidelincs; and that public comments were received from the ~.naticim City S~haol District and Anaheim Union High School District. S. That the evidence prese~ited substantiates the need for an amendment tu thc Anaheim General Yian and that tbe Growth Munagement Element, Attachment A, inclucling tlie implementation programs, should Le adopted. ('At iF'nRNiA 6NVIRONMENI'AL QUALY'~'Y AGT FINDING: That the Anaf~eim City Planning Lommission has reviewed the proposal to udopt a Growth Management Element of the ~General Plan; and does hereby recommend to thc City Council approval of thc ~Jcgativc Ucclaration upon finding that thc dcclaration reflects thc indepcndent judgcment of the Icad agcncy, tl~at it has reviewed the Growth Management Clement and the Initial Study and lias consideiā€¢ed th~ Negative Declaration together with any comments received during the public review prc~cess and further ~nciing on the basis of tt~c initial stuciy ancl any comments received that there is no evidence that tf~e project ~vill have a significant effect ~n the ~nvironrnent; and further recommends that the City Council, actiny, as l~ad agency fc~r said Growth Management Clement~ declare th~t when consid~ring thc recc~rd as a wheic, thcre is no evidence that the propnsed Element wilf have any putcntial for advcrsc cffcct, in~lividually ur cumulativcly, on wildlife resources or the habitat upcm which the wiidlife depcnds as defined in Scction 711.2 of the Fish and Gam~ Code. NOW, TlTEI~!'sFOitE, E~E 1"I' [tE:SOLVED, that pursu:~nt to the abov~ fin~li;igs, the Anahcim City Planning Commission does hereby adopt and recommcnd to thc City Cowicil of' thc C'ity of Anaheim adc~pti~n uf Gencral Plan Amendment No. 32G - GroN~th Managcmcnt Elcment, incl:uling thc implementation pro~rams. .~_ PC92-28 Tf-lE FOR EGUING RESOLtJTION was adopted at the Planning Commission meeting of March 9, 19)2. ~ '~J l~Lf ~, C MAN, ANAHEI GITY- 1~ NG COMMISSION ATTEST: ~ .'.~ ~' ~ ~ i 11~~; ~ ~.`~; 'RET~Yt ~AHEIIvI CITY YLANNING COMMISSION STA'I'E OF CA,LIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGC ) ss. CIT'Y OF ANAHEiM ) I, Janet L. Jensen, Secretary of the Anaheim City Planning Commission, do hereby cert~fy that the foregoin~ resolution was p~.csed and adopted at a meeting of the Aitiaheim City Plunning Commission held on March 9, 1992, by the following vote of the members thereof: AYF.S; COMNIISSIONERS: BOUAS, BRISTOL, HELLYER, I-IENNINCER, MESSE, ZEMEL NOES: CCMMTSSIONEk2S: NONE ABSEhT: COMIvIISSIONERS: PCRAZA 1N WITNESS WHF.REOF, I have hereuntc~ set my hand this ?~3_/l~~ clay of _~tf~ , 1992, --> > ~~ .-. : ,_~~' RE'CARY, ANk~4EYM CITY PLANNIHG COMMI5SIUN -3- PC92-'I.8