Resolution-PC 92-29RESOL•UTION NO PC92-2~ A RkSOLUTI~N OF THE AN~IHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION DENYINt; GEN~RAL FLAN AMENDMENT NO. 3i7 WHGREAB, the City Council of the Cit,y of Anaheim did adop~ the Anahsim General Plan by Resolution No. 69R-6A4, ehowf.ng the qeneral deecription and extent of ~poseible L•uture development within the CityJ end WHL~AEAS, Planning Commiseion directc~d etaff to inl.tiute an amendmont to the Land Uso Elemant o£ the Goneral Plan to redoeignate eubjeot pzoperty from the Low IDensity Reaidential da~ignation to tho Low-idedium Dvneity RQeidential designatlon on a roctangular.ly~ehapad parael oP land coneiet7.ng o£ approximately 1.07 acreo, hr~ving a frontage ot approximt~tely 268 Leat on th~ east sido of Eunkiat Street, having a maximum depth o! epproximately 175 f~et, being located approximately ~300 feot north of the cenCerline oF 3outh Street ~nd further deecr.ibed ao U30 South Sunkist Streett WI{EREAS, the Anaheim Ciey Planning Commiseion did hold a public hEaring at the Anaheim Civic Conter, Council Chamber, 200 Soukh Anahaim Boulevard, on MArch 9, 1992, at 1:30 p.m., notice o! eaid publlc hearing having been duly given as required by law and in accordance with the proviaiona of the As~aheim Municipal code, r.o hear and coneider evidence Eor and agsinst oaid General Plan Amendment and ta investigate and make Eindinge and recommen~]ations in conneotion therowithi and wEIEREAS, eaid commio~ion, after du• conuideration, in~paction, invoer.igation and etudy mede by itenlE~ and aftor due coneideratf.on of all evidence snd reports offorod at eaid hearinq, DOLS HERF6X FINDs 1. That the ovidence prer~entod did not 0ubatantf.aL•a the nead for an amendment to the Anaheim General. Plan. ~ALIk',4L~NIA BNVIf2oNMENTAL oUAI,ITY AC,~ FTNDINI.s Thal• the Anaheim City Planning Commieeion hao revi9wed the proponal Lo ar~end the Land 9ae Element of the Conoral Plan to change the currRnt land uee r]eeignatione from Low Daneity Resirlential to the Low-Medium Denoity Residential on a rectangularly-ehaped pareel of lnnd consiat'.ng oF approximately 1.07 acree, having a frontaqe af appr~ximately 268 faet on the awot eide of Sunkisk Struet, }iavinq a ma~~imum depth of a~proximately 175 feot, b~iing loceted e~pproximatoly 400 fe~at north of the r.enterlino of South Strc~at and furthar deucribod ae 610 South Sunkist Strec~tl ond doee hereby appr~ve the Neqative DAClaration upon finding that the declaration reflRCte the indopendent judgement of Che lead agancy, Chat it hae coneidered the Negativo Declaration togethar with any car+unante received during th~e public review proceae and further flnding on the basla ot the initial atudy und any conunant~ receivod that there io no evidenca thaL• the projact will have a eignificant e£f~act on the environment. CR1445M~ -1- FC92-29 .--, , tdOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVGD, that pursuanx to the abovo ESndinge, tho An~hoim City Plannin9 Commieaion doee hereby deny General Plan Am~ndment ~'; No. 327. TFIE FOREGUING RESOLU'rION was adoptod at the Planninq Commiesion moeting of March 9, 1992. ] ~ / t'Z ti"l~ - C RMAN, ANAHEIM , T PL NG MMIS3ION ATTEST: C ~ ~ ~ _ ht.~~t., ~~z'~~ . "~ SGCRE AR ~ ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMT5SION STATE: OF CALIFORNYA ) COUNTY OF ORANGF. ) fla. CITY O~ ANAHEIM ) I, Margarit•a Solorlo, Secretary of tho Anahoim City Planning Commisaicn, do hereby certii•y that the Poregoing seaolution.wae paseed and adopted at a meeting ~f the Anaheim City Planning CommieoLon held on March 9, 1592, by the £ollowtng vote ~f the members thereoEs AYESs CnDlMSBSIONERSt BOUAS~ BAl'.`3TOL~ HELLYER, HENNINGER, MESSE~ P£RA2A, ZEMEL NOES: Ci~MMISSIONERS: NONE AIISENT: Ci)MMISSIONERSs NONE; a3 r`~ It: WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto eet my hand thi~e - day of ~~Gh , 1992. r`~ ' ~ ~ L'CL~/ ~.1~ ~ ~ , SECRET Y, A AHEIM C=TY PT.ANNiI~G COMM2S5ION -2- PC92-29