Resolution-PC 92-31RFSOlUTION NO. PC92-31 A RESOLUTION GF TIiE ANJ~ACIM CITY FLANNTNG COMMISSION THA'P PETITION FOA CONUITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 3496 BE GRANTED WHEREAS, the Anaheim City Planninq Commineion d id receive a verified Pstition for Conditional tlee Permit Eor certain real prcporty e,ttuated in tF~e City of Anaheim, County of OrRngo, Stnte o£ Cali£ornia, described ses THE NOR'rH 11n.00 PEkT OF THE SOUTH 310.00 FEET OF THE WF.ST 200.00 FELT OF THE SOUTHWF.ST QUARTER OF THE 5JU7'HWEST QUARTGR Ofi SECTION 17~ TOWNSHIP 4 SOUTHi RAN3E 10 WEST, IP1 THE RANCHO L05 COYOTEB~ CITY OF ANAHF.IM~ COUNTY OF ORP.NGE~ STATE OF CALIFORNIA~ AS SAID SF:CTION IS INDICATED ON A MAP R~CORDED IN 900K 51, PAG~ 10 OF MISCELL'ANEOUS MAPS IN THE OFFICE OF TEIE COUNTY REC4RDLR OF SAID COUNTY. WHEREAS, the City Planning Commiaeinn did hold a public hearing at the Ci.vic Center in tlie City o£ Anaheim on March 9, 1992, at 1r30 p.m., notice of eatd pub 1 ic hearing having been duly given ae requirad by law ar.~ in nccordance with the provl~iona of the Anai~eim Municipal Code, Chapter 18.03, to hear and consider ev idence for and againat eaid proposed conditional uee permit and to inveBtigat e and make findinge nnd recommendationa ia connoction thProwith~ and WHEREA S, eaid Commieeion, after due inapection, invsetiyation and eY.udy mado by itself and in ita behalf, and af.ter due coneider.atlon of all evid6nce and report s offered at said hearing, does Eind and determinQ the follow3.ng facte: 1. Th at L•he propoaed uee i.s proparly one for which a conditional uae permit ie aut horizod by Anaheim Municipal Code Section 18.44~050.195 to retain and expand a conver.ience market. 2. Tha ~ the propoeed uee will not advereely affect tho adjoining land useg and tha growth and development of the area in which it ia propoaed to be located because tt,e propoeed convenienae market is compat ible with said surrounding land u see und the propooed houre of operatian (Se00 A.M. to 11:00 p.M.) will diecour age the type of luitering oiten aaeociated with convonionce marl~et e i 3. Th at the size and shape of the eite for the propoaed use is adequate to allow the fu11 development of the propoeed uae in antanner not detrimental to the particular area nor to the peace, health, eafety, and qeneral welfarQ; CR1447MS -1- PC92-31 4. ;hnt the trnffic qenerated by tho prop~oed uae will not impoea an undue burden upon tho u~c~ete and highwayu deeigned and improved L•o car.f the treffic in the area bacauso the propoeed convenl.Qnce market •xprtnaion will not generate any additional parking demand beyond those required for oxis~ing retail uooaj and 5. That the gr.antinq o: the con~~tional uxe permit under the conditiona imposed w~il not be detrimental to the p~aco, health, oaiety and qeneral weltare of the cttizens o! the City of Anaheim. 6. That no ona indicated their pr~0ence at ~aid public haarinq in ~ppoaition~ and that no correapondence wae receivod in oppoeition to tlio eubject putition. CALTFORt~IA ENVI~iNMFNTM UALITY ~CT_P_INU2N(3s That the Anahoim City Planninq' Commiesion hao reviewed the propneal to retain an~! expsnd a convenience market on a roctangu3arly-ahepad parc~l of land conuiating of approximately 0.35 ecre, havin9 a frontage of apptoximatoly 110 leet on the oast eide ~f Brookhurnt 3treet, h~ving a maximum depth of approximately 140 feet, being located nvproximately 200 feet north of the cantorline of Ball Road and further described an 944 South Srookhuret Stroett and doea hQreby aporove the Negative Declaration upon findinq that ths d~claration raflecta tAe independent judgement of the lead agency, and thnt it ha~ coneidurad the Negative Declaration together with any c~mment. receivQd durinq the ~uLlic review proceea and furt:~er finding on the baeie t'~at the initial eiudy and any co:rvnente roeeived that there ie no evbstantinl Q~idenco that the project will have a eignificant effect ou the environment. ttOw, THEREFOAB, AC IT RB50LVED thst the 1~nahein City Plenning Commiusion doeo hereby grant eubjRCt Petition for Cenditional Uaa Permit, upo~ the fol.lowinq conditione which are heroby fo~nd to be a n~eoosary pr6rnquloi!o to th~ propoeed uee of the e~~b~ect pro~rty in order to pre~+~arve th~ ~afety and qcneral we:tare of the Citizone of the City of Anaheim: 1. ~ That no fast-food sFrvice f~cilitias eh~ll be permitteA in nubject convenieT~ce market unlasn a variance for parkinq to approved by the City Council, Planninq Commio~ion or Zoning Adminivtrstor oc ~nleo• outticienC Code parking fa provided. 2. 1~hac a plan Sh~aet for golid waAte rtorn~e end roll~ctlon and a plen for recyclinq vhali tr~ aubmt!ted to t1o t'opartment of Maintonanco fur raview and approval. 3. •'That tha on-gtte lendscapinq and irriqation sy~tan shall bo maintalnod in campLlanse w.ith City Atandards. 4. Tl~at any trea plantad cn-~ite ohail bQ roplacad in a timoly mann6r in the event tFai i~ lu rs~r:ov4d, damag~d, dloeaneA a~J/or ~daad. _2_ PC4i-31 5. That gubjoct property ehall be developud substanY.ielly Ln accordsnco ~--+~ plano and apecifications oubmitted to the City oE Anat~eim by tli~ petitioner and which plane are on file with the Flenning Department m~rked Exhibit No. 1. 6. ~hat priur to cort~sncement of the activity herein approvad, or prior to 13suanc~ of a bi~ilding p~rmit, or within a period of one (1) year from the date of thie resolutton, whichover occuro firet, Condition No. 2, abovo-mentlonad, ehal.l ~a coinplied with. Exteneiunu for further. tlme to c~mplete eaid conditiona may bo grani•ed in accordance o~itli Section 18.03.090 of the Anaheim Municipal Cude. 7. That prior to cor,unencement of t•he activity herein approvod, or prior tc flnal buildinq and zoning inspection0,whichever occuro firut, Condition No. 5, abnve-mentioned, ohall b8 complied with. 8. That the budiness hours of operation ehall be :rcm Bs00 a.m. (earliext; to 11:00 p.m. (latest). 9. • That approval of this applicatlan constituteo approval o! the propoaed requeat only to the extQnt that Lt compli.ea wii,h tho Anahoim Municipal Zoning Code and ary other applicable City, Stato and Federal requlatione. lpproval doea not include any actio~~ or findinga ae to compl.iance or appreval of the requesl• regarding a~~y other opplicable ordinance, requla4ion or requirement. Conditlona marked with en aa~~ariek (•) ~rg required by eutabliehed lawa, cocluo, regulations and egzaements and are, ttier.efore, r.ar, subject to negotiation. HE IT EURTHER AESOLVED that the Aneheim City Planning Commieeion doea hereby find and determine that adoption of thio ReOOlution i0 expreae.ly pr~dicatecl upon applicant's cnmplianca with each and all of the conditiona hereinabove aet forth. 5hou1cl any euch condition, or any pnrt thereof, be declared invalid or unen~orceablr~ by the finat j~~dgment of any co~.i~t uf competent juriedictton, then thin Resolution, and eny approvxls horein cor~tained, ohall ba deemed null and vof.d. ~fHP. ~OtiECOIt+c3 RE50LUTION wao adopted at tha Plannlnq Cort~mfa~:.on maetinq of Harct~ 9, 1992. ~ J / . ~+ ~i ' KIFNAt1, At111NEIl1, S P NI COMMI33ION AT2'F.RT: i~., i.~~y ~~~ ~)!~C/1~-~ EECA .?A' At71HBIM CI?Y PLAt1it1IP6 CO?SHISSIQN -~- PCg2-31 STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF G:2ANGE ) es. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I, Marqarita Solorio, Secrotary of the Anahuim City planniny Commiesi.on, do hereby certify that tha toregoinq reeolution wae paeeed and adopt•od at a meeting of the Anaheim City Planning Commiosion held on March 3, 1992, by the following vote of the membors theroof: AYES: CUMMISSIONERS: BOUAS, BRISTOL, HELLYER, HENNIN(iER, ME33E, PERAZA, 2EMEL NOESt COMMISSYONERS: NONE AE35ENTs COMMTSSIONEKSs N~N~ ~ IN WITNE&S WHEHEOF, I have horaunto eQt my hand thia ~/~`('day of ~^,~, 1992. ~, / < c.''~~ ~ . i ( . ,~S'S7) C ; ,L,p~ SGCRETAAY, A HEI?! CITY PLANNING COMMTSSION »q_ PC92-31