Resolution-PC 92-33REanLUTION NO. PC92-?3 A RBSOLUTION OF TF1E ANI,HEIM CITY PLANNINO COMMI33ION T~AT PET:TION FOR CONBITIONAL USE PSRMIT NO. 3497 8E GRANTED WHEREAS, tho Anaheim Ci.~y Pl~nnin,y Commieeion did raceivm a verified Pntition for C.~nditional ~tee Pormit !oz cortain real proporty eituate4 in r,he city of Anaheim, County of Oranqe, Seate of Califor.nia, deecribod ass THAT PORTIOIJ G~ TNE NORTHEAST QUARTBR OP ~'T:ON 26 TOWNSHIP 4 SOUTH RANGS 10 WEST, IN TtlE RANC:.' ~4N JU1W CAJON QE SANTA ANA, IN THE CITY OF l4NAH3SN~ 4'OUNTY OF OFtANGE~ STATE OF CALIFORNIA, }1S SHOWN ON R MAP RECORP'~:p IN BWK 51, PAGE 1(, JF MISCELLANEO(IS MHPS, RECOROS OF OAANCiE COUNTY, CALIE'CRNIA, DE5~RIBEQ AS FOLLOWSs PARCEL NO. l, BLOCk~B, A3 SF'.OWN ON A HAP PILSD IN BOVR 104, PAGE 12 OF PARCEL AiAPS~ IN TliE OFYICE OF TNE COI~NTY RECORDER OF ORANCE COUNTY, CALIFURNIl1. WNEREAS, the City Flamiing Commisaion did hulA a public hoaring at the Civic Center in the City of Anaheim on ltarch 9, lsy2, at 1:30 p.m., n~tice cf aaid p~blic heariny havinq been duly qiven ao roquirod by law ~nd in accordance with t~~e provinions of the Anahetm ltunicipal Code, Chepter 18.03, to hear anc considar evidencc~ for and agAinet said propoaed aonditional uee permit and to invee~tiqate and make finding4 and r`cor.imondationo in connec:tion therewith= and WHEREAS, said Commieeion, aftec duQ inagRCtion, inve~tiqation and study macle by iteelf rnd in ir.e bahalf, and after du• consideration of sll evldence er.~ re~orto offered at said heerinq, uoo. find and determine tho folloainq fac:g: 1. That thc pro~osed ueu iu properly ot-~ for which a conditional ug~ permit i0 authorized by Ar.a:~ei:n Municigal Codo 8oction to permLt e non-indugtr:al trainl.ng cRncgr for hat~l/rpartmont managert~erit wlCh .+aiver of tho folluwing: mur nu~ber o! g~.[k1llA evsr~~t. ,p~~'IONR 3~Q~ 050•02L2 " !'.1ni ~xi~ting) )g,QG.oaQ,Q"shl c~.9g ova~ea requiced= 1a3 ~@.06.05Q•0~~ ~6,Ob,0$0 0..' 14~.~~L S?~.~ : ~a4 ~, '[hac *'+- {~ari,iny vsriancQ ++ill nct ceuse er, incr~a~v :~~ r;raific canyeatt~n in tha .rrr•adiata viclnlty nor edv~rAOly atfecc any id~oining lard usaa; -1- PC92-33 ~R14i4MS 3. The zeque~ted parking waiver hae been ~ubntantiated by a ~.~rkiny atudy which tils beor, revi~wpd and approved by tho City Traffic and Tc~n~portation ManeyQrj 4. That the grantinq ~f Lhe parking variance under the condiL•ione impoeed will not be do*.rimontul to tha peaae, health, eafety Ur yoneral welfara of tha citizRne of the city of Anaheimt 5. That non-.tnduetrial training contore or ochaole nre permitted in the ML (Limited, Industrial) Zcne, eubject to the approval of a conditional use permit; 6, ^'hat ehe propaeed uee will not have an advsree 6Lfect on the healtti,. safety or goneral welfa:e of the eurroundinn commnnity, and is coneistent with the City'R ~oneral Plan; 7. That the aize and shape of the oite foz the propoeed uoe ie adeq~ate to allow the €ull development of tt~o propoee~ uao in a mannar not detrimental to the partic:ular aroa nor to tha paACe, hoal'th, oafety, and gener~l we2farej 8. That ttiv Y.raffic qenerated by the propoaod uea will rat impose a~ undus b~rden upon the otreets and highwaye desiqned and improvod tc carry tha traffic in Lhe areri 9. 2hae tha grantinq of the conditlonal vao permit under the c~nditions impoaod will not be detrimontal to the peACO, health, oafoty and general welfAre of the citizc~ns of the City of Anaheiml and 10. That no one indicated their preeor~ce ai aaid public hearing i,i oppoc~itiont and that no corr.~eponder.ce was recoived in oppo0ltion to the eubyect p2tition. CALIFOAN ~7VIAQ~t ~uTSr. ouALiTY AC2 INAINQ~ Thr~t Eha Anahoim City Planninq Commieei.on hae ravie~ed the propocal eo parmit n non-induetrial tralning cent~r for hotel/apartment manaqement wit~ uaivor of minimum ncmber oi parY.~nq epac~a on an irregulerly-ehaped parc.ol of land ranof.ottnq of approx.tmately 4.8 acred, having a frontaqe of approximatoly 300 teet on the norch ~ida of Cene At:!ry way (forrrQrly Pacifico Avonw), having a mnximum dapth cf op~roximat~rly 707 fegt, bein9 located aFUc~ximately ?,150 feet want of the renr,erline of 8t~te College {3oulevard and furr.her da~cribed ao 1305 Cone Autry Way; and doao hereby approve the Neqativs Declaratlon upon findinq that th9 darlaration reflecta thQ independone judgemont of thw leed eqancy, that it han conoider~-d the ttegative Declaration toqether with any cortunonto racaived during tha pLblf.c raviar- procee9 and furthe: tindlnq on the besle that the initial atudy and any co:ranonte raceivPd tt~at Choro la r.4 aubstantial ovidAnce that tho proyect ai~l have a aLgnificenr, afie:t on the onvircnnent. tiOH, TF1EHEt~OR6, Ni? i; RESOLVEO thet the 1lnahoLn City Plenninq Cor.imiaoicn dcea he:eUy grar.c g~byect PQtition tor Condltfon+~l uov ~ermit, vpor. the fol:cri+iny c~rdittone which aro hereby tou~d to b~ s neeessary prarequlsite to the proposad uau of the ei~b~ect proporty !n ordar Lo preoar•~e tAe oefety and g~narat welfarQ o: tha cic~zana ot thw Clty ot Anahoim~ _7_ PC92-3? 1. Th~t tha bueines~ haura of operatian ahall bo limited to the fo'llowing: Monday t'rirough Thuraday: 8:00 a.m. to 4i00 p.m., end 6s00 p.m. to lO:GU p.m./r^ridaye~ s:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. 2. That tlie maximum number of otudente on the promiuee of eubject tr.aining center at any given time ehall. b4 eixty live (05) etud~nta and the roaximum number uf omplofeee ehall be ten (10), unleea otherwise authorized by the P1annLny Commiesion. 3. • That a traffic eignal aBeoeument fae eqvalina tho diii~zonce betweon the induatrial and inetitutionnl assenonent fees ~hall be peid tu tho CiCy of Anaheim in an amount ao eatabliehed by City Council Reeolution. 4. " That trast~ storage areas shall be refurbi.shed to the oatiataction ot tha Department of Maintenance ta comply with eppravad plana on fi10 with eeid Departmont. 5. Thae a Plan Sheet for nolid wa9te ntorage And collection and a plan for ~ecyclin~ ehall be eubmi.tted to the Department oL Haintnnnnce for review and approval. 6. That prior to commencement of the activity authori~od under thio resolution, or prior to *.he time that a building ~rmlt id iaeued, or 4Lthin a period of nf.n~ty (90) daya from the dnte of thi0 reaolution, ~~kiichever occur~ first, tho legal owner(a) ot eubiect pcoperty ohall ~xecutc and record an unsubordinated covenant in a lorm approved by the ~ity Attorney'o Office orherein auch ownar(e) agr~e not to contoet the formation of any sesesemnnt dleerict(o) which may hareaftor b~ lormed purauant to the proviaione of t~evelopment ~greement No. 83-01 betwofn the City of Ar.ahoim and AnnhQim Stadium AeeocisEQO, which diotrict(a) could include euch loqal property owner'e property. A co~y of the racorded ~uvenant shall then he submitted to tho 2o~ing Uivioion. 7. *:'hat the on-eite landscaping and irriqation eyrtam ah~ll be rQfurbiehed fnd maintained in coRpliart~:e aith City etandarde. 0. 11~at th3 parkin~ lot ahall ba rootripod and parnanently maintnined to clearly idantify all ava'.'able on-nite perkLnq ~paces, ao requi.red by the r_ity Trat:ic and Tranv~rtati~n Mann~7er. 9. 7hat rubjc-ct propprty rhall be dev~lopvd uubatentially in accoraanr.v with g.lane and anecificationa au!xnittecl to the City of Anahoim by the ~~sti~ionor and Hhich plano aro on :i14 wLtb tha t~lannlnc~ Depa:!mant r~ar:ced Exhibit tios. 1 and 2. 10. ;hat pr~or tu comrnancc+ment ~f tho ectivity hMr.ein approvod, or prior to lauuanc~ oi a buS.l<Ilnq permit, or within a~riod o! ona (1) yoar from tho da:c oE this re~olution, whichovor occur~ fir~t, Con~ition Hos, 3 and S, abovQ c~onti~nQd, shall bo complind with. 8xtenoion• for furthQr tim~ t~ comyletd seid conJitio~n~s may be qraneod f.n ecc~rdenc~ with 3acti~n 18.03.0^0 oi the Anohr.im ~iunicipal Cod~a. -3- PC92-33 12. That prior to final building and zoning inepectiono, Condition Noo. 4, 8 an~ 9, abova-mant:oned, ehall be coTplied with. ~3. + That appzoval of thi~ application cnnetitutee approval of the proponed requeet only to the extent that it compliee wiEh tha Anuhoim Municipel Zoning Code and any other applicable City, Stgta and Federal regulatione. Approval doea not include any action or findings aa to compliance or approval of the requeat ~:egardinq any other applicable urdinance, requlation or r~qu~zement. Conditions markod witb an at~'ceriek (*) dre required by Ratabliehod lawa, co9ee, reguletians and aqr.aemente and are, therofure, not dubject to negotiati~n. r ~ .. aE IT FURTHF'R RESOLVED that tha Anabeim City Planning Commission does horeby find and determine that adupti~n of th~e Reeolution ie expreaely predicuted upon ap?licant's compliance with eech er~d nll of the conditions hereinabove eet f~rth. 5hould any euch condition, or eny part theroof, be dealared invalid ~r unenforceanle by the final jud3ment o! nny court ot competent jurisdickion, thRn thie Reeolution, and any bpprovale herein contained, ehn21 be deerned null and void. TtiE FOREGOZNG RESOLUTION wae adopted et the Planning Comminnion mdet•inq of March 9, 1992. ~ ~/-~ ,'~~L~1~~~ ' ~ iA~• N, A~'AHEIM I Y P NI G CO SSION ATTESTs ~,~il~.- SECAE ARYI;~AHAHETH CITY PLANN2NC COMMISSION STATB OF CALTFO:L'IZA ) COUNTY OF ORANC..: ) as. CITY OF ANAH&TM ) I, Mnrgarita Solorio, 5er,retary of the Anah~rim City Planning Commission, do hereby certify that the foregoing resolution wae pannad and a~optod at a me~t}.ng of the Anat~eLm City Planning Commi~oion r~old on Morch 9, 1992, by the follow.ing vote cf the membcera thereof: AYESs COM.yIBSIONERSt DOITAS, gRI3TOL, NELLYER, HENNINdBR, HESSE, PERI~ZA, ZLMEL IiOB6: C0ISMISSIOtiYRSs :10l1F. AtfSEI:Tt COMMISSi~NERSt NONL~ SH WITNE5E WHEREOP, I have horeunto swt my her.d tl-is ~~ day nf __.~c~y~ -~ 1592. / [_ /~-~~j~ --~ ~~Z___lr~a`~--,hGLC~ SF.CR2 RY,( N~NP.IM ~:'fY PL7INNINCi COMMISSION -4- PC92-33