Resolution-PC 92-38~.~4&.~ ~o gC92-38 A RESOLOTION OI' THF ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COHMIS$IQN THAT ~~TITIOFI FGR CONDITIONAI. USP; PERMIT tJO. 3505 IIE 4:RANTED WHc',RLnS, the Anaheim City Planning Commiseion did r~ceivo a verlfie3 PetiYicn fa~ Conditiona7. Uee Permit for cer~.ain roal property eituatod in the Ci.ty a~ Anah~aiun, C~unky of orange, Stato of California, deaaribod as: 'IIiAT FnRTION OF LQT 6 OF KELLOGG HOME3TE71D ':RACT, IN ':NF. C1T: qF ANFIHEZH~ COUNTY OF ORA2ia~~ STATE OF CA'LTFORNIA, nS SHOWN ON A t~tAP RECORDED IN 800K 8, PA(~E 51 OF HI~CSLi.f."IF.OUS US.APS, IN THE UFFICE OF THE COUNTY l~ECORnER OP &AID CUUPiTY~ DESCRIBEB A3 P'OLI~OW3s BSGSNN=N•3 AT :f~' r,ORTHEAET CORNER OP' SAIp LOT 6, &AID NOA.Tli~ASl COIiN&R HL~ING THE INTERSECxION OF THE C$NTERLZNE C1F THE oTREET 40.00 FELrT IN WIDTH~ NOW IKNOt~N AS NUTWUOD AVENUE, ADJOiNING SAIA LOT 6 ON THE EAST F1TTH rHE CENTERLINE QF THE STRF.~T, 6~ FEET IN W7DTH, NOW XNOWN AS B1+LL ROAD~ ADJOININGi SAbD LOT 6 ON S'rlE NORTA= THENCE SOUTHERLY ALON(i THE EASTERLY LINE OP SAID iOT~ 250 FEETj THENCE' NdRTH 89 d0' WEST PARALLEL 4:2TH THL NORTH LINR OF SAID LOT~ 200 F~ETj THENCE NORTFI 1 0~' 40" ~AST PARALLEL WXTFI THffi EASTERLY LYNE OF SAID LOT, 25Q FEET TO THE CENTERLINE OF ~iALL ROADj THEtICE EA57'EALY ALON(i THF: NOR^aHERLY LZNE OF 3AxD ZOT, 200 I+F,:.T T~ THE POINT OF AEGINNIN(3. ~XCEJtT TFiEREPAOH THAT PORTION INCLT7D~D IN 'FAIRVIEW AV£NUE (NOW BALL RCAD) ON THE NORTH ANA IN KELLOGG ROAD (NOW NUTWOOD STREET) ON THE E1~ST AS SHOWN f1N SASD HAF. wHSREAS, the City Flar-ni.ng Commisei.an did hold a publi.c hearing nt th~n Civic Center in thA City of Anaheim on March 23, 1992, nt 1:30 p.m., notico af ~enid public henring having bean duly giv4n aa requirad by law 3nc1 in aecordanco ti+ith the pcovieione af the Anaheim Municipn3 Code, ChapCer 18.03, to henr and eoneider. evidenco for and againet uaid pr.opoaad conditional uee permit and to inv~~tigate and a:ake findinge and recommendnt.iune in connaation therewiGhj and WHEREAS, seid Commieaion, nPter due inopection, inveatigation and otudy made b.~ ita4lf and in its behalf, nnd ait~r duo considexatioc- oP all evidence and reporte offered at eaid hearinq, doee find and determine the f~~lloo+ing facte: 1. ThAt the propooed une io properly ona Lor whf.~h ~ conditional use permLC ia sut!-orized by Anahaim Municipal Code Sectiono 18.44.OS0.130 and'70 to parmit a Sunday ochool in conj~:r,etl~n wirh an exietinq preechool through first qrade echool tacility. CR1457HS -1- PC92-38 2. That the propoead uee ie properly one for which a cond~tional uee per.mit ie xuthorized by the Zoninq Codej thnt the proposed Sundny 3ahool ie an appropriate exteneion ~E lhe exinting preschool through fi.rot gra~e Facility loc~ted oa oubject propertyt that tho age of the childzon attendinn the Sunday 3chool will bo eimilar t~ thoeo attyndirig tha preeahoo.l through firet qradAt and, further, that the Sunday Rchool houre of operatiqn w.ill be limited to Sundays only and wil.l not conflict with tha a~eration of tho preechool through firdt gradej 3. That the propaeed use will not: advareoly atfect tho adjoini.ng land uses and the growth and fleveloQment of thN area in whi.ch it ie propoeed ko be locatedt 4. That tho size and ehapa of tho uite for the propoaed ued iv adequate to allow the full developmont of the pxopoaod uee in a manner not detrimental to the particular aroa nor tho peaco, health, eatety, and general. welEarei 5. That the traffic generated by the propoeed uee will not iMposp rn undue bur6an upon tho etroets nnd highways designod and iml~roved t~ carry the tra!!ic in the areaf 6. That the grantinq of the condi.tional uqe permit undar the conditionA imroeod will not ba dor,rimentnl to the p~ace, health, aafet.y and g~neral welfare of the citixens o! the City of Anahaim~ and ?. That no one Lndicaked thAir preeRnce ~t ~aid puhlic h9artnq in oppoeitionr and that no corrQSpondence wae receivAd in opgneitl.un to ':hA eubject petition. ~rr~rp}~IVrp L~NVIRONHEN~AL QU]-LITX ACT_FINDINGt That the Anahoim City Plnnninq Commieeion has reviAwed the propoeal to permiL• a Sunday School in conjunction with an Axietinq preechool through lirat grede echool £e~aility on a xoctangularly eha~ed percel of land coneietinq of approximetely 0.75 acre located at thc eouthweBt r,orner of Ball Road and Nutwood 3treet, having approximate f,onte.gee of 168 feet or~ the eouth eide oF Hall Itoad nnd 19B foet ~n the we0t ~ide of Nutwood Stseet, and furthor doecribod ae 1900 W~ot Bnll Roudt and doen hereby approve the Neqative Declarntion upon lindir.g that tha declaratior~ ref.lectb thc indnpendent judqement of the laad aqency and that it has coneider.ed the Negntiva Declaration together with e-ny commenta ~ec~tvod during thA publ.ic review proceso and f.urther finding on t2~e baeie that the initial study aad any commante received that thdro is nn aubetanrial ovidoncd that the prajpct aill hav~x a•ignificaiit o£fact on tho onvironment,. NOW, THERLFORL, BE YT RESOLVL-D that the Anaheim City Planninq Commiseion does hareby grant pubjeCt Petition for CondlL•ional Uea Perniit•, upon the followinq conditions which ere hereby found to be n nec.eseary prQraquleite to the proponed use of the eubject progerty in order to pr~aerve the sat'cty and genozal weltare of. th~ Citizenn oi the City of Anaheims 1. That the exinting most oaet~rly driveu~~er~nsidowalkdandtlandscxpinqbo removad and replaaed with At.andnrd curb, q -2- PC92-38 2. That the xemaining drivewaye ahall ~e rACOnetructed th accommodnte fifteen ('15) ioat radiua curb returna in coiiformanco with Enqinoering :,tandard No. 137. 3. That Y.ho Sunday Sch~ol activitie~ ehall be limited to 9:30 a.m. to 12 noon on Sundayo and thoro ahall be no nther church-related activiti.ee taking place on the eubieat premioee. ; ti. That subj~ct property ehall be developod eubAtantielly in accordance with '~ plans and epecifications aubmitted to *.he City oF Anaheim by thA ~i potitioner and which plane are or~ Yile with the Planninq D~partmant marked ~ ~~hibit Noe. 1 through 3. ~ S. That prios to commencement of the aa~ivity authorized by thio re~olution, , or within n period of one (1) year from tha date of. thia r.oaolution, whi4hevar occure £iret, Condition Noe. 1, 2 and 4, abovo~mentioned, nhall be complied with. Exteneiona or :urther time to complste ~aid conditiono may be qrxnted in accordanae w±th Saction 18.03.090 of the Anaheim Hunicipnl Code. 6. That riQproval of this application conetitutea approval of the propc+ead requeet anly to tt~e extent that 1~ complioe with the Rnaheim Municipul Zoninn Code and any other applicnble City, State and Fedoral regulatione. Appxo•+al doee aot include any action or flndinga a^ t~ complianc~ ar ap.proval of tho requeat regarding any othsr applicable ordinance, r~u:.ation or requirament. ~ DE 2T FURTI3ER FtESOLt-ED that tha Anehoim City Planninq Commiesion ~pea horeby Lind and determine that adoption of thie Reeolutlon ia expreasly pxedicated upou appllcnnt'e complisnce with ~ach and all oi the condition~ hereina?,ove oee forth. Should any euah conditian, or any part thAreof, be declare.d iavalid os ~~neniorceable by the fine~l judgment of any court of compet~jnt ~uriediction, then thie Reeolution, and any approvala harein contained, ehall be deemed null and vuid. THE FOTtBGOING RlSSOLUTION wae adopted at the Flanninq Commiseion moetinq of Harch 23, 1992. ~, ~~~ ~ ~~ ~RMAN~ ANAFt~IM CITY INi 3SION AiTESTs ~~~ 3ECRE AR rJ ANAHEIM C7TY PLANNING COMM=SSION -3- PC92-38 STATE OF CALIFORNTA ) COUNTY OP' ORANGE ) ea. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I, Margarita Solorio, Secretary oi th~ Anaheim Ctty Plrnning Commiaeion, do hereby cartify that the foregoing reaolukion wae paeeed and adoptod at a. meetinq oE tha Anahoim City Planning Commiesion held on H+srch 23, 1992, by tho fo].lowi.ng vote of the membare thmreoFs AYL~St COMMT33IONERSs HOUAB~ ARISTOL, HELLYEIt, HENNINGL~R, PER]~ZA, ZEMEL NOESt COHMI83TdNERSt NONE ABSENTi COMMISSIONER3: MESSE IN WITNESS WI3EREOF, I have hereunto eet my hand thia __~ ~ daY of , 1992. SECRETARY~ IM CITY PLaN_J~ MMIS5ION -4- PC92-38