Resolution-PC 92-40REgpLf7T~UN NO. PC92-4Q A RESOLTJTION OF THE ANAHEIM CITY PLANNIN(3 COMMI$SION THAT PExITION FOR CONDITIONAL (73E PERHIT ti0. 3492 BE qENIED WHEFtEAS, the Anaheim Clty PlanniTiq Commleeion did receive a verifier~ Petition for Conditlor~al Uee i~ermit for cRrtain roal property situated in thQ City ~f Anaheim, County of oranqe, StMte of Caliiornia, closcribed a~: TENTATIV~ TRACT 12991 BEING A SUBDIVISION OF PAACEL 6~ 7, 8 AND 9 OF PARCEL MAP li0. 87-210 FILED IN BOOK 231, PAG~3 42 THROUG'i 47 OT' PARCCL MAPS. WHERE;AS, the CiL•y Planning Commi.eaion did hold r, public hearinq at thR Civic Center 1n the City of. Anahoim on February 24, 1992 at 1=30 p.m., notice uf eaid publir, hearing having boen duly given ae roquired by law and in accor~ance with the provioione of the Anaheirn Hunicipnl Codo, Chapter 18.03, to hear and coneider evidence £or and againet said pr.oposed conditionnl ure permik and to inveatigate and make findinga and recommandations in connocti.on thercwitht and that naid publia hearinq was continued to tha March 23 and April 6, 1992 Planning Commiseion meetinga; and 41HEAEAS, sAid Commiaeion, after due inBpection, inveet.lgation and 4tudy ma9o by iteelf ard in its behal~, and attor due coneideration oY u11 evidence an~ reporte ofler~+d nt uaid h~arinc~, doea find and determine the followinq fecCe: 1. Thet tho propotiod uee i~ proper. ona for which a conditional uoe pormit io authorizad by Anshoim liunicipal C~de Sectiono, 19.44.050.OA0, and to pmrmit qaeuline eateu in conjunction with a 1,825 sq.ft. car waoh facility, x2,465 eq.ft. oi a~~to repair, a 1,767, aq.ft. lube and tune facility, and a 12-unit 11,665 aq.~t. commerci~al rotail center with waiver of the Followings ~ej aP~."PZON3 18,~,1.060.070 - l~;nie~um_ h"~ldina eetback. and 28.84.06~Q.3.~, (.~40 oet from Weir Canyon Rosd r~+quirod~ Q~fao~ to gaaoline pump iolnnd propo~od) ~b~ c~g~,,~I~NS 18•71.Q~.Q~QZS~ - pQrmitte root mo~.~nted Qauiwnent. ~pd 18.~~ (No roof mounted equipmonk pormitted in the Scenic Corxidor Ovex.lay 2ona~ roof mounted equipmont progoaad) 2. That tho pzopoaoA uee will advereoly ofi~ct the adjoining land ueQS end the growth and development of the arua in which it la prop~sod to be loc.ated far th¢ followinq roasonu: (a) SubyQCt pr.operty in deuignated ae a"Netqhbarhood Conv9niencQ Shoppinq Conter" in the Sycamoro Canyen Specific P.Lan and s rotail cpntor in wh.tch 58~ nf tho uneo are outomotl~ve-ralat~ed do~s not fi* thv intont of thio cloxiqne~iont CR14b3MS.DOX -1- YCS2-40 (b) The pr~poeed increaee of automot•ive-relat~d ueee b~yond khoso previoual~~ approved undor Co:~ditiar~al U~e P~rmit No. 3228 (which permitted a totnl oE 7,030 oq.£t. of automotive-rQlated uaen (42~ of the kotal building ar~a] in comparieon to subject petiticn whiah include0 16,057 aq.ft. af euch usee [569 of t.he total bui.lding aren)) may be detrimantal to eucroundinq einglA•Eamily reeidencee baeauae oP ~otential v~.OUaL and noiae impacte, ai~d further those potential impucts hsve not been addreaaed by tha pAtitionerT (c) The yropoaed alignmenr. of the car wa~h tunnel would raeult in nnisa beinq directed towarde the reeidences to tt~e north and towarde the canyon to the south which ie deeiqnated aa an open epace corridar. 7. That the eize and ehape of the eitA for tho propaeed uec ie not adaqunte to allow tiie full development o~ the propooed uoe in a mannar no~ detrimental to the particular area n~.r to the peace, health, enfety, and general welfgror 4. Thnt the traffic generated b,y the propoaed u0e will impoee an undue burden upon the streeta and hiphwaye do~igned and improved tn carry the traffic in the ~rea; 5. ~ihat thn qranting of the co~~ditional ued permit will be det• .,~ental to the F.euce, health, eafety and gonQral taelfaro uf the citixen~ of the City ot Anahoimj 6. That the petittoner hae not eubmitted auffici~nt informxtiun to thorouyhly snalyze the vieual impacta the proposed roof-mout~ted aquipment ma,y hava an adjacent up-hill residenceW to the north an~, tlierofore, thQ requuated wai~er (b) ie not justifiodi ~. That thore aro no epecinl circumetancen applicablo *o the rroperty eucl- ae eiza, ehape, topoqraphq, lacntion o: ourr~~ur.dLnqnr wtiiclt d~ not apply to oL•her i.dentically zoned praperties in the vicinityj 8. That etrict application of thc~ 2oninq Code doon not deprivo the proporty of privilegee anjoyed by vther propertiea uncfor idantical zoning claeeitication in the vicinityt and 9. Thnt fourteen (14) people indicated their preoanco aG anid public hosrinq in oppoAition nnd that approximately two hundred ^iqnad petitiona wore proeen~od ln oppoeition. _2_ PC92-40 ~ALIFORNIA ENVI$Q~ENTAL OUAL1,~( AGT ~INDIN6s That tho Anahaim Cit.y Planning Commiaeion has reviewed the propoeal ~to permit qaeoline ~alee in conjunction wiEh a 1,825 eq.ft. cmr wxeti Paaility, 12,465 oq.fL•. o! auto repair, a 1,757, eq.~ft. lube and tune facility, and a 12-unit 11,665 eq.Et. comniercial retail cantor with waivere of minimum building eetbaalc and permi.tted roof mounted equipment on an ir.regulurly-Ahaned Parcel oP land coneist~ng oE approximately 3.9 acres lorated at the northeaet corner o! Wdir Canyon Roa4 and Canyon Viota Drivo, having approximate fr.ontsq~e of '/55 feot on the north eide of weir Canyon xoad and 450 feet on the oaet eido of Caayon Ji~ta Drivo and ~urther deecribed ae Development Ar.ea 5 0£ the Sycamore Canyon Specific Plan (SP88-1}j and d~ee horeby deny the Negstive Declaration upon findinq that the declaration reflecte the independent j~idgement of the lead agoncy and that 1i hae coiieid9red the Nogativu Declaxation toqether with any oomments recefvcd during the publia review pr.ocees and further finding on the basia thnt the Lnitial Ntud~ and any commente re<:oivad that there is eubetantial evidence that th6 projact will hav4 a eignificant efiect on the environment. NOW, THER.~FORE, BF IT RE'SOLVED that the Anahoim Cfty Planning Commia~ion does hereby deny oubject Petition for Conditianal Uae Permit, an th• basi.s af the aforementioned findinga. THE FOR~~OING RESOLJTIODI was adopted at the Planninq Commioaion meeting of April 6, 1992. . ~~.~ ~~- c~"-l ~ . I I-N~ ANAHE M CIT PLANNI COMPfI33ION ATTESTt `~'Y ~tr ~~ 3ECRET Y, A AHE2M CITY PLANNING COMMI33ION STATE OF CALIFOP.NIA ) COUNTY Ok' ORANOF. ) es. C2TY uF ANAHEIH ) I, Margarita Solario, seczetary of the Anahoim c:itf Plenning Commieoion, do hereby oertify that the foragoSng reeolution wne passsd and adopted at a moeting of tho Anahaim City Planrting CommSeeion held on April 6, 1992, by the followin7 vote ot the membvre theroof: AYESs COMMISSIONERSs HOUAS, BRSSTOL~ HELLYER~ MESBE~ PERAZA~ 2E!'~'u N063s COHMI33IONERSs NONE ABSENTs COHMSS420NER:~t HENNINGE;R 1 I!i WITNESS W1iEAEOF, I have here~nto eet my hand thio I If~ day ot _ Y~~~ 1992. `-~y' ~ ,r~wft~s~~S~ ~ rc~o-' sECRE~AR~ I ANAHF.iti CiTY PLANNINr, cOM!li83ION -3- PC92-40