Resolution-PC 92-44RESOLUTI~ NO• _~~9~~ A RESOLUTION OF THE ANAHEIM CITY PLANNYNG CdMMISSION THAT PETTT.iODI FOR CONDITIGNAL USE PERMIT NO. 3498 BL GRANTED WHEREA3, the Anaheim Ci.ty Planning Commiaai.on di.d reveive a verified Petition for Conditional Use Parmit for certain real ~roperty eituated in th~+ City of Anaheim, Caunty oE Orange, Stato o~ California, deacribed ae: PARCF.L 3 OF PARCCL MAP NO. 89-311, I:i THE CITY OF ANI~HEIM~ COUNTY OF ORJ\NGE~ STATE OF CALIFORNIA~ A3 PER MA,P FILED I11 BObK 260 PAGES 1 TO 4 INCLUSIVE OF PARCEL MAPS, IN THE OFFICE OF RHE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAID COUNTY. WIiER~7~S, the City Planninq Commiaeion did hold a public hoaring at the Civic Center in tho City of Anaheim on April 6, 1992, at 1:30 p.m., no~ice of said public hearing having been dull givon ae requirQd by law and in accordanaF~ with the provieione of tho Anaheim Munictpnl Code, Chaptez 18.03, to hear and conoider evidence for and againet aaid prnpoeed conditional ueo permit and to inveetiqate and make find:nga and recommendatione in connectian therewithj and WHERF:AS, said Commiesi~n, aftar duQ inepeatl.on, investiqation ar.d study made by iteelf ana in its behelf, nnd after due conei.doration of all evidonco and reporta ofEored at eaid hearing, doos~ find and determine the following £actas 1. ~hat the pro~osed use ia properly one Por which a condi21ona1 uee permit ie authorized by Anaheim Municipal Code Gection 18.050.070 to retain nn automobila repair eervice (auto body ehop) with waiver of. the foll.owing under authnrity of Code Soction 18.06.080: ,S~,CTIONS 18 06 050 021~ -~,~.imum number ~f oarkina gpacaQ. ~~~050.0222 (8_~ re~~trea; 55 praoQaed) and 18.61.Ob6,050 2. That the parktng vnriance will not cauoe an increase in traffi.c congention in the immedinte vicinity nor adveroely affect anf adjoining land uees= 3. That the granting o£ tho parkis~g variance ~nder the conditione impoeed will not be detrirnenta.l to thcr peace, health, eafoty or gene.ral welPare of the citizene of tho City of Anaheimj 4. That tho ~xopoa~ed uao will not advoLeely atfect tho adjoining lrsnd ueea and the growth and dAVeloFunent of th~e arua in which it is propoeed to be located~ CR14S7MS -1•• PG92-44 5. That the eize anct ehape of t~e eite for the prcpoeed uoe ie adequRte to allow the full dovalopment of th~ propoeed use in a manner not detrimental to th~ particular aroa nor to tha peaco, hea1L•h, eafety, and general welfarot 6. That the traf£ic generated by ihe propoaed uae will not impose an undue buXden upon the etreete an3 highwaye deoigned and improved to carry the trafEic in the are~j 7. That the grantin~ of the aanditional uee permit under thm conditions impoeed will not be ~etrimental to the peace, he~lth, safety and generRl welEare of the citizone of the City o£ Anaheimf and 8. That no one ind.icated their preAence at eaid pub~ic hearing in oppoeitionj and that no corr.espondence waa receivod in oppoeikion to the eubject• petiti~n. CALTF~RNIA ENVIRONM~NTAT~ UAT~ITY ACT FINJLNG: That the Anahoim City Planninq Commiesion has reviewed the pro~oeal to zetain an dutomobilo repair earvice (auto body ahop) witli wRlver of minimum numbez of parking epaaoe on a rectangularly ehaped parcol oP land coneieting of apprnximately 1.1 acre locsted at the southeaat cornor of Anahvim Boulevard and Santa Ana street, having approximate frontag~s of 150 foet on the eaat si.de of Anaheim Soulevard and 32U faAt on tho ~outh eido of Snnta Ana Street, and further doecribed ae 500 South Anaheim Houlevardj and doea heroby approvo the NegabivA Declflration upon finding that the ~oclaration reflocts the independent ~udgement of the lead agency and thnt it ha~ considered the NogAtive Doclaration together with any comments received dur~ng the public review proceee and further Findinq ~n the baAie that tho initial study and any commente received that there ~e no aubetan•~igl evidence that the prnject will have a eignificant etfect on the environment. NOW, THEREEOItE, 9G IT RESOLVFD that the Anaheim City Planning Commineion doee hereby grant euUject PPtition for Conditional C'oe Permit, upon the following condi.tiane which are hereby £ound to be a neceseary preroquieite to the propoeed uee o£ the eu'.~ect pcoperty in order to preeerve the saEety and general wal.faro of the Citizone uf t2ie City of Anaheim: 1. That subject uae permit shall expire one (1) year Fzom the date o! 1:his reaolution; provided, however, that time exteneione may bo requoato<3 in aonnoction with a public hearinq. 2. That ihere ehall bo no outdoor storage of vohiclee or vehicular parts. 3. That the petit3.oner shall i.nstall a epray booth if rocduired by any regulatory aqency and ehal7. obtain all relutad permitot and that all work ohall be done within the promieeu. 4. That all dri~veway9 ehall be reconstructed ta accommodata 15 foot radl.us curb rotuzns in conformance with Engineering Department Standarde. _Z_ PC92-4b 5.~ That a tr.afiio eignal aeBeoement fee equaling the differonce I~etween the induetrial and commercial aeseesment feer; ehall be paid to the City of ~naheim in an amount aa eetabliehed by Giky Council. Reeolution~ 6.* ^hat plano nhall be eubmitted Co the City Traffic and Tranepartation Managor for hia review and approval showinq conEormance with the lateet revioi~n af Enqineering standard Plan Nos. 436 and 602 pertaininq to parking etandarde and driveway locations. Subject property Ahall thereupon be developed and maintainad in aonformance with esid plaae. 7. That eubject proporLy ehall be developed eubstnntially in accordanae with plane and specificatione euLmitked r.o the City oi• Anaheim by the petitioner and which plane are on file with the Planninq Departmant marlced Exhibit Noe. 1 and 2. 8. That Conditiun Noe. 3 through 7, above-mentioned, ehall be aomploted witEiin a perlod of ninety (90) days from the datR o~ thie resolution. 9.* That uppraval of thie applicatio» conetituten approval o£ the propoeed requeat only tn the extent that it compliea with th~ Anshoim Municipal Zoning Code end any other applicabl~ City, State and Federal rAgulatione. Approval doea r.ot include any action or findinqs as tA complianco ar approval of the requeet regarding any othur applicablo ordinanoe, regulation or requizement. Conditione marked with an aeteriek (•) are rmquirod by entabliahed lawe, codea, regulatione and agreementa and are, therefoso, not eubjec~ to negotiation. BL~ IT FURTHER RCS~LVED th3t the Analieim City Planning Commiesion dooe hereby ~ind and determine that• adoption of thie Reeoluti.on !.e expresely predicated upon applicant's complianae wihh oach and all of the condikione hnreinabove eet forth. Should any such condition, or any pnrt tihereof, be doclared lnvalid or unenforcoable by the final judgmant ai any court of ~ competent ~urisdietion, then thie Resolution, and any approvals horein ~ contained, shall be deemed null and void. THE FOREGAING RESOLUTION wa0 adopted at the P.lanning Commiseion ~ meetinq nf April 6, 1992. ~ ~ C~'"`_.~,,.,,,`- ~~' ~/ , ' CHALRMAN, ANRHEIM G Y PLAt~ NG CO I3SION ATTESTt ~ ~~~t`-~ru.a> SECRE AR , ANAHEIM CITX PLAiJNING COMMIS5ION -3- PC92-44 , STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) i COUNTY OF QRANGE ) o~t. CITY OF ANAHL~IM ) I, l~iargarita Solorio, Secrc~tary of the Anahai.m City Planning ;,~ Commission, do horeby cortify thst the Eorogning re~Ulut.ion wao paesed and , adoptod at a meeting of the Anaheim City P].anning Commienion hold an Apri1 6, 1992, by the following vote of the membera thoreof: ; AXFSs COMMI34IONERSt HOUAS, BRISTOL, HELLYER~ HLNNTNGLR~ ME83E~ PERAZA NOE3s COMMISSIONERS: NONE ABS~NTs COMMISSIONERB: ZE@~lEL ~~ IN WITNESS WHEREOF, T hava hereunto set m~r hand this ~,L~ day og ( , 1992. (/ r SECRETA , EIM CITY PLANNTNG COMMI83IQN -a- Pc9z-aa