Resolution-PC 92-49,~tFSQIii~TION NO T'C92-42 A RESOLUT[ON OF 'I'HE ANAI-IEIM CITY YLANNING COMMISSION THAT PETI'I'ION FOR RECLASSIFICATIOIV NU. 91-92-16 Br GIZANTED, UNCONDITIONALLY ~'~iEREAS, the Anaheim City Planning Commission did receive a veri~ed petition for Reclassification for real property situated in the Ciry of Anaheim, County of Orange, $tate of Califarnia, descr9hed as follows: THE EAS'I'~RI,Y RECTANGULAR ONE-HALF OF LaT 4 A.ND ALL OF I~OTS 5 TO 28 INCLiJ~IVE IN EiT.OCK C OF THE HU'fEL DEL CAMPO 'TRAt,'T, IN TI-iE CITY UF ANAHEIM, COUNTY OF ORANGE, STA'I'E OF CALIFORNIA, AS SHOWN UN THE MAI' RE~ORDED IN BOOK 24, PAGES G9 ANI~ 70 OP' MISCELLANEOU:i RECORDS OF LOS ANGELES COUNTY, CALIFORNiA. WHEREAS, the City Planning Commission did hold a public hearing ut the Civic Center in the Ciry of Anaheim on March 23, 1992 at 1:30 p.m., notice of said public hearing having bee~i duly biven a.y required by law and in accordance with the provisions of the Anaheim'~'.~nici~al Code, Chapter 18.03, tu hear and consider evidence for and against said ~•roposed reclassi~c~tion and to irivesti~ate and maka findings and cecommendations in connection thcrewith; and taat said public hearing was contin~ed to the April G and April ~~, 1992 public meetin~; and WHEREAS, said Commission, after c~ue ins~ection, investigation and study made hy itself and in its behalf, and ~fter due consideration of. all evidence anti repnrts offered at said hearing, does ~nd and determine the following facts: l. That the petitioner propose ; reclassification of subJect pcoperty f.rom th~ ML (Indusirial, Limited) to the R5-S,OOU (Re~idential, Sii~gle-Family) or a icss intense zcme. 2. That the Anaheim General Plan designates s~bject prnperty fnr low-mediu~~ density rc;sidential land uses. 3. That the proposed recl~ssifi:ation of subj~ct properiy is necessary and/or dcsirablC for the orderly and proper development of the comnnunity. 4. 'I'hat the praposed rec:lssi-ication ot suhject property does prupcrly r~latc to thc zcncs and their pcrm~tteci uses lncally established in ciose proximity to subject property and to thc zones and their permitted uses generally established tf~roughout the community. CR 1474M~.WP -1- pC~2-49 5, That no one indiclted their presence at said public h~aring in opposition; acid tt~at no correspondence was received in opposition to subject petition. ~~FORNIn ENVIftO~iMEN1'A.L OUA~~LCY A F Ni DING: That the Anlheim C;ity P!anning Commission has reviewed the propasal to reclassify subject property from the ML (Industrial, Limited) to the RS-5,000 (Residential, Single-Fainily) Zone to establish a 9-lot single-family residential subdivision with waivers of required orientation of structures and required site screening un a rectangularly-shaped pttrcel of l:uid consisting of approximately 1.6 acres, located at the northwest c~rner of Braadway and Atchison Street, having approximate frontages of 147 feet on the north side c~f Broadway und 590 feet on the west side of Atchisun Street, and ftirther described as 113 to 215 Suuth Atchison Street and 615 ~asi Broadway; and ooes hereby approve a mitigated Negative Declaration and adopt the Mitigation Monitoring Program pursuant to Section 21081.b of the ~'ublic Res~~urGes Cocte on the Uusis that thc Planning Commission has considered the proposal witi~ the mitigated Negative Decl~rati~n anci Monitoring Program, together with •~~iy comments rec:eived diiring ti~e public review process and further finding, an th~ ba.tiis of the Initial Study, that there is no substantial evidence that. the proyect will have a 5ignificant cffect on the erivironment. NOW, 'CHEREFORF., BE 1T RESO~.VED th~tt the P-naheim City Planning Commission does hereby apprave the subject Petition for R~ct:i.5sification to authorize an ~~mei~dment to the Zon3ng Map of the Anuheim Municipal Code to exclude the abovc-described pri~perty from the ML ([ndustzial, Limited) Zone and to incorpurate said described property into the RS-5,000 (Residential, Single-Family) Zone, uncondition~lly, BE IT FJR7'H~R ItCSOLVED, that this resolution shall not constitute a rezoning of, or a commitment by the City to rezone, the subject property; uny such rezcning shail require an ordinance of the City Council which shall be ~ legislati~~e act which may be approved or denied by the Cit3~ Coun~il at its sole discretion. TNE I~OkEGOING RESOLU'TION was adopted at the Planr.ing Commission meeting of April 20, 1992. ~ , / ~ ti !'~ '~~C ~, / -- CH. MAN, ANAHEI LTY P NNI C, COM1~ifSSION A'I'TEST: , ~ ' , --,. ~l!`LCil,Z1t.C11:.~ ,' ~ .I (J' SEC ~, A.f~ J1~ANAHEIM 11'Y PLANN~NG COMMISSION -2- PC92-49 STA'T.E OF CAT IFORNIA ) COUNTY OF URANGE ) ss. CITY OF ANAHCIM ) I, Margarita SolQrio, Srcretary of the Anaheim City P13nning Commission, do hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was passed and adopted at a me~°ting ot tb~ Ans~heim City Plannin& Cocnmission held on April 20, 1992, by the following vote ai' the members thereof: AYES: COMMISSIONEftS: II4UAS, BFISTOL, T~ELLYER, HENNING~R, MES~E YCRAZA, ZEMEL NO~S: C4MMISSIONERS: NONE ABSF.IVT: COMMISSIONERS: NONE IN WI'Y'NESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this ~~~' day of ~'J ~~I~,l,- , 1y92. !I ~ ' Gl ~ ' ~i~u_ ~ SECRETAR , A ~iEIM CI Y PLANNING COMMISSION -3• PC92-49