Resolution-PC 92-61RE~_~~_NflQ.L'C92 6 A R~SOLUTION OF THE ANAHEIM CIlY PIJ~NNING CQMMISSION TH!-7 PETITION FOfi CONDITIONAI_ USE PERMIT NO. 3521 8G GRANTED WHEREAS, tho Anaheim Clty Pianning Commission ciid recoive a vorffled Potkion for Conditional Use Permit for cortaln roal properry situated in the City of Anahelm, County of Orange, State of L'ali(omt~, doscribed as; LOTS 23 TO 28 INCI.USIVE OF SMITH & DEAN'S RF-SUBDIVISION OF THE SOUTHERLY 404.08 FEET OF BLOCK A, HOTEL DEL CAMPO TAACT, AS PER MAP RECaRDED IN 600K 4, PAGE ~1 O~ MISCEU.ANEOUS MAPS, IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAID COUNTY. W~IEREAS, thu Cfry Planning Comndssfon dV! hold a publia hearing et the Civic Center in the City of Anaheim on May 4, t992, at t:30 p.m., notice oi sakl publlc hebring heviny beon duly glven as requtrod by law and in acc~rdanco with thn provisions ot tho Anaheim Municipat Code, Chepter SQ.03, to hoar and consldeY evidonc9 lor and against said propose~ condftlo~al use perr.~k and to irndatipate and make ftrxlings nnd recommorxlatl~ns in connectlon therewfth; and WFiEREAS, sakf Commis~lon, ~fter du~ Inspection, invostigetion and atudy mada by itself and in it6 behaH, and a!ler d~e consideration o} all evfdonce and reports oHered et safd hearing, doea tind and dsterminQ the ioilowing facts: 1. That Ihu propuaed use is propa~ly onn tur whfch a condltfonal use permit ts authoritod by Anaheim htunicipal Code 8uction18.32.850.045 to pennR e 6•unit, 2-story, RM•2d00 zoned condominium complex. 2. That the prnposed use la p~ope~ty une tor which a ccnc~tional use permft !s authorized by the Zoning Cc~de arui tP~at the proposed ca~domtniuma coMorm to the exiat~:~g C3er~eral Plan land use deslgnation; 3. 7hat the propcsed uso wfil not advoreely aHect thu adJoin(ng land usea an.~ the growth encl deveiopment of t~~ area In which It is proposed to be located because the praposod condominfuma ere campatlble t~ surroundinq land uses, especfally tho condomin{ums In the Uncdn VNla~e SpecHic Ptan Araa to the noAh, and bocauue the proposod condomiriiums meet t!+e RM ~,CO dgvelopmer-t starxlerds withan eny r~ueateci waNera end, thero(ore, wGl not adversoly imaact exlsting surr~undinp reakfencos; d. That tho slzo and shape of ttro sBo fcx the proposed uscs Is adequate to aflow tt~ (ull dweiopmeM d tha proposed usQ In a mannor rsot detrimental to the perticular eree na to the poace, heal:h, safery. ~nd Ow~eral wdfare; 5. 7h~t tho traflic 9enorut~rJ by the propoaed u~se wfll not Imposo an undu0 burden upon the ~t~eta and I~iqhway~ desiqnAd and fmprava! to cem~ the traN~ in th~a eree; 6. Thet Ihe gram-rW d tha conditkx~a~ uee permk under tFu~ candittons impo+~ecf wAl r,ot be dettlm6-Ka~ to Ihe p~eee, hQalth, s~~t~ry arxf fleneral w~tfaro d the cklzens d the Gry ol Anahofm; end 7. TI-at nc~ onR Indicated thalr prestnCe et saW (wWfc hharln9 in oppoaitbn: ared u~at no carosponcfonco was n,colvecl In appoaafon to tho sub~ect petitbn. ~R 1492MS.wp •~ - PC82~8t . e°'~ ; ,. . ~~ lFORNIA ENVIRQ.~.~YAL OUAIITY ACT FI~: Thet tho Anahelm Cfty Pla~ming Commissior. has revfewed tha proposal to permit a 6-unft, 2-st ximate205 ace,Chavn6lauf on ege ~f on a ractangularlyshaped parcol of land con.,ist(ng of app Y a{~pr~xlmately 557 teet on the east sfde ot Olive Streot, hnving a mtucimum depth of oppraximAtely 140 teot, being located opproxlmAtely 2001eet north of the centerline af Broedway and further described as 206 5outh OINe Straet; and does hereby approve the Negativo Declaration upon iinding that tho declaratian rellects the indeper.d~~nt ~udgement of the lead agency end that k has consldered the NegatNe Declaretlon togethor with and any comrne s~ oofved t at th re i~s no substAntlal evldonce that the projecttwfll have a slgnNict~nt eHect ~n the ~nvimr.ment. NOW, THtREFORE, BE IT FlESOLVED that the Anahefm City Planninp Comm(sslon does hereby grant subject Petft{on (or Clonditional Uso Permit, upon tho tollowing cand111oo~er to p e orver the tound to be a nacossary prerequisfte to the propASed uae oi tha subJect properry sa(ety and general woliare of the Cftizens ot the C fty o i Ana h e l m: 1. That a Pian Sheet tor so!!d waste storage and cuilectio~nVa,nd a plan tor recycting shall be submittad to tho Department ot Mointena.nce (or revlew and app 2. That yarage doors shall be providecl as taltows: (a) Drlveways which are at Ieast twenry tNo (25) feet long may havo ^tAt•up" ga-a9e doa-s% end (b) Drlveways which ore at lesst twonty (20) foet but less than twonty tNe (25) tonp ahall heve'rdt- up• Qara~e doors. All drNewAya shall be ~t least sixteen (16) toet wide• The ahuve fntomwtion shall be dearlY shown on the plans subm!tted for twilding pennks, end said doors shall bo tnstellod and maiMained es ehawn an tha bullding ~~lans. 3. That the ownQr of subJuct properry sha~~ submit a letter requestfng torminatlon nf Varler~e Na. 2479 (waNin~ pormitted uses and minimum number ot parkG~g spaces tu permR the continued use of an oHice in a 4•unft apartmeM comptex) to tho Zcning Divisbn. 4. That clathes washor and drye~ hookups shall be Enst~lied in each condorninium dwelling unit, and shall be apecHically shown on the plans submilted for buNd(nq pemik3. 5. That sub~ect p-operty shall be devolopod subs;antlally tn eccordance with ptans arxf specNicatlons submNtod to the Cfty ot Anahelm by the petitlaner und whic:h plens are on fli e wlth tho Planninfl pap~ni~pM markpd ExhlbR Nos. 1 through 5. 8. That prtor t~ fasuance d e buflding pormk or within n perfod of one (~) Yeer from the dete ot this readutlon, whichever occur~ tirat, Cocditton Noa 1, 2. 3 and 4, eb~ve•meMfoned, ut~ail be cumpled with. Extanslons for further tlme t~ complete soki caxtlllon~ mey tx' O~rn~ ~^ a~~ance wMh Sec:tion t8•0.1.090 0! the Mehoim Municipal Code. 7. That ptfot t~ fi~nl buNd(nfl arxl zonirtg Uspactlons. C.o-xfrtb^ Nos. 4 and 5, abnvo•mentbned, atwll bo comdlad whh. g. 7hst uFptove~ o~ thls appll;,atbn co~stitutea appraval of ~he p~op~sod roquest only to the sxterK Ih~t g~omplias v-ith th~ /-naheim Municlpal Zonfng Cc~de and any Wha+ e~pl~~ae CItY. 3tate erxl federal ropulations• -2 PC92~81 ~~ EiE IT FUR7HER RESULVED that the Analieim Ciry Plt~nning Cammisalon doeg hereby ilnd and det~rrrilne that adopLnn of this Resolution Is expressly prE~clicated upon applicanYs co ~P~heraofWibe declared all of the conditions herelnabove set forth. Should any such condition, or any pa Invaild or uneniorceable by th~ tinal Judgment ol any court of compotent (urisdlctlon, then tiiis Resolutlon, and any npprovals herain contained, shall bo deemed null andy6jd. THE FOREGOING RESOLU710" was ~pt at ~e p~^~ng Commisalon meoting ut MQy 4~ 1992. CH- A~TRMAN PRO TEMPORE ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING ATTEST: ,~~_ .~' S ETARY, ANAH~I CITY PIANNINCi COMMISSION ~' !i STA7E OH CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ARANGE ) ss• GITY OF ANAWEIM ) 1, Janet L. J~r.sen, Secretary of the Anahelm Ciry Plennln9 Comrtdssion, du hareby certity that the foragofng resolution was passod end adopt~oci at a mo~tit~g oi th0 Anaheim City Plonning Commission held on May 4, 1y92, by the following vote of the membars therooi: AYES: CQ(~SMISSIONEFiS: BAIST01., HENNINGER, 2EMEL NOES: COMMISSIQNkRS: MESSE AEiSEN'r: COMMISSIONERS: BOUAS, HELLYEii, P[RAZA iN WI ,:!ESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand thls~daY ~ ~ 1992. ~ ..r'~.:s '=--- ~5 RETARY, AiVAHEIN~PLANNINCi COMMISSIQN ~. i'C92~81