Resolution-PC 92-63,».. RESO~ ~JTION N0. PC~J2~ A RESOLU710N OF THE ANAHE!M CITY PIANNING CONiMISSION AMENDING CERTAIN CONDI7I~JNS OF API'ROVAI. PERTAINING TO CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO, 3042 WHEREA5, on August 1, 1988 tho Anahelm Clty Ptann(ng Commisalor. grantod Conditional Use Parmlt No. 3042 under Resolution No. PC88•202 to permit a parish centar expunslon ;o en existing church; and WHEREAS, Resolutlon No. PC88-207 includes the following condftlan: "4. 1'hat, unloss a varianca is granted In cun~unction with Munlclpal Code Section a!I snglneering requlrementa Af the Cfry of Anaheim along Santa Ana Canyo~ ~~ad, including proparation of {mprovemont plans and instailatlon ot all improvements such es curb~ and gutters, a;de~~aika, water taclllties, stroet grading and pavem3nt, sawer and drainago faclllties, or othor appurtenant work shall be complied with as rsquirod by the Cfry Engineer and in accordance ~+Ith specHications on iile In tlie office of ihe Ciry En4lneer; or that securiry In the form of a bond, certlilcate ef depusit, IettAr of credit, or cash, in en amount torm satisfactory to tne City of AnAhoim, shall be pos!ed with the Cfty to guarantee the satisfactory complet(on of Improvements. Ss,ld security ahall be poated with the Ciry prior to approval of Improvament pl:~ns to guarenteo Instaliation priar to occupancy." WHEREAS, the petitioner has requested amerximFnt to said c~ndit!an ot approv~l pertalning to installation of atreot improvements. WHEREAfi, the ~fry PlAnning Commission did hold a public hearing at th~ CNic Center in the Cfry af Anaheim nn Mey 4, 1992, at 1:30 p.m., notfce of said puhiic hearing having be9n duly given as requlrod by law and in aacordance with the provislons ot the Anahefm Municipal Code, Chapt~sr 18.03, ta hear and conslder dvidence for and aQainst said proposed acnendm~nt and to Investigate and make iindingo and recommeruiatlo~s In connection therewfih; and WHEREAS, sald Commission, aftor due fnspection, investlgation and study made by itself and fn its behalf, a~d a(ter due consid~ratlon of xll evidonce and reports offered at said hearing, doos find and determine the foilowing facts: t. That the Pubiic Works Engineerinp De~artment ind(cated that atnce the adoptlon nt tha Santa Ana Canyon Street lmprovemont Assossment Area ~n August 22, i98fl, street widonlnp improvements ere no longor mandatary and the appllcant may choose to pay an "In Ileu' lee In the amount of taur hur-dred tocty three thousands (50.443) per aquare foot of proposod buikling area Instead of providing street improvernenta. 2. That the PuWic Worka Engineering DepnRmdnt submlttAd a stetemo,nt !n support of subJect requast. ~. That no one ~ndicHtod thelr presence at sbld public hearing In oppositlon; and that no correspondence was recefvod in opposltion tu tho subJect petition, CR149~MS.wp '~ ~ PG92~ ~EOR~lIA ENVIR I~M~NTA~ OUAI.ITY ACT FINDING: fhat the Anaheim City Planning Commission has reviewed the proposal to ~mend Condition No, 4 of Fl~solutlon No. PC88-202 pAnalning to installation of streot Irnprovements and doe~ hereby find that tha Negative Declaratlon prevlously approved In connectio~i witi~ Conditional Use "ermit No. 3042 I~ adequate to sehe as tho raquired enviro!~mental d~cumentation in conne~:tton with this raquost. NOW, THEREFORE, BE: IT RESQLVED that the Anehelm Ciry Pianning Commiaslon doea hereby amend Conditlon No. 4 oF Resciutfon No. PC88-202 to road as tollows: "4. That within a perlod of slMy (60) days irom the dato of this resolutlon, the Santa Ana Canyon Road widening assASSment fee shall be pAid tn the City of Anaheim In bn amount as established by City Cuuncil resolution, 7he e shall ba paid based on tho square footage of expanslon authorized by this Cond~n~~al Usa Permk." May a, 'i ss2. GTHAIRMAN PRO TEMPORE ANAHEiM CI'fY PLANNING ~ ATTEST: ~ CRETtiRY, N EIM CITY PLAIVMING COMMISSION .~ ~YATE OF CAUFURNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) as. CITY OF ANAFiEIM ) I, Janet ~. Jensen, Socretary oF tho Anahelm Clry Plnnning Commlasion, do hereby certKy that the fore~oing resolutfon was passed and adopted at a meetin{~ af the Anaheim Ciry Planning Commissfon ho~d on May 4, 1992, by the (ollawing voto oi the mombers thereoi: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: BRISTOL, HENNINQER, MESSE, ZEMEL NOES: COMMISSfONERS: NUNE ABSEMT: COMMISSIONEHS: BOUAS, H~LLYER, PERAZA IN WITNESS WHEFiEOF, I havo hereunto set my hand thls~`day of 1211.uL¢.c.~-~ C/ 1992. THE FOFiEG01NG RESOLUTIQN was ~pt~at~lia P~nfng Commisslon meeting of ~' . CREfARY, ANA IM CITY PIANNING COMMISSION C .2. F'C92-63