Resolution-PC 92-69g~LUTION No. PC92-~s ~;ir~ ~LUTION OF THE AN.AHEIM CIIY PLANNING COMMIS~i~N TFIAT I'~ I'10'4 F GR RE~IASSIFICATION NO. 91-8c^-2~ E3'iE C3RAf~TED, UNCONDI710PJALLY WHEREAS, th~a Anaheim City Pl~nning Commission did receive a varified petition fc.. Realassifiaation for resl prcperty situ~ted in thfl City ot Anahelm, County of Qrange, :.~:ate of California, described as follows: PARCEL 1: tNAT PORTION OF VINEYARD LOT Hal OF ANAHEIiN, IN THC CITY UF ANAHEIM, COUNTY UF ORANGE, STATE OF CAUFOHNIA, AS 8HOWN ON A MAP P.~CORDED IN EIOOK 4, PAGES 629 AND 630 UF DEEDS, REC~flO~ OF LOS A(VGELES COUNTY, CAUFORNIA, UESCRIBED A3 FOLLOWS: PARCELS A, 8 ANO C, AS SHOWN QN A MAP FILED IN BOOK 19, PAG~ 8 OF PARCEL MAPS, IN THE OFFIGE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER Of• ORAN~aE COUNTY, CAUFORNIA. PARCEL 2: SEING A PORTION OF VINEYARD L~T H-4 IN TWE G17Y OF ANAhIFIM, AS SHOYVN ON A MAP fiECORDED DIN BOOK 4, PAGES 629 AND 630 ~F DEEDS, RECORDS OF LOS ANr,LE3 COUMY, ~AtJFOFiNIA MORE PARTIGULAAIY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT THE POINT IN TNE CEN(ER UNE OP SOUTH IEMON STFiEF.T, OISTANT THEREON NORTH 15• 28 45' 1NEST ~.36 FEET FiiOM TkE CENTER UNE INTERSECTION OF SAID CEhiTEa L1NE WITH TNE CEN7ER LJNE OF STUECKLE AVENUE AS SHOWlJ ON A MAP OF THE STUECKLE SUBnIViS10N RECORDEO IN BOOK 8, PA(iE ~t.'. OF MlSCEU/1NEOUS MAP3, AECORDS OF OitANGE COUNTY, C.AUFORNIA; THENCE COiVTINUINC NORTH 15' 28' 45' WEST, ALONG 8ti1~ CENTER UNE OF LEMON 5TR~ET, t~:8.08 FEEf; THENCE NORYH 74° 2?' r10' 'FAST, PAfiALLEL WfTH THE CENTEFI LINE OF 3TllECKLE AVENUE, t33.t5 FEET;1'HENCE SOIIfH 15• 30' W' EA31, tA8.08 FEE7; THENCE SOUTH ~4• 22' 00' WESf PARALLEL WITH THE CEN7ER LINE OF STUECKLE AVENUE 133.24 FEE7 TOl HE POINT OF BE(iINNlNii. PARCEL ~: '~HAT PORTION UF VINEYARD LOT'H4', IN THE CITY O~ ANAkEIM, COUNTY f~F ORANCiE. STATE OF CAUFORNIA, A3 f'~R MAP 7HEFiEOF RECORDE'0 tN a00K 4, PAQE3 629 AfVD 630 OF DEEDS, RECORDS OF LOS AN3El.E3 COUNTY, CAI.IFORN~A. WHEREAS~ the Ciry Planning ~ommissinn did hold ~ public hearing at the ~ivic Center in the City ot Anaheim on May 1~, 1992 at 1:30 p.m., notice of safd public hgaring havin~ beon dulq given as requirea by law and in acco~dan~e with the provisiong of the Anaheim Municipal Code, Chapter 18.03, to hear and consider evidence for and against said proposc3d re~assificauion an~ to investigete and make flndings and recommendations in conneciion therowith; and CA 1504MS.wp -1- PC92-69 WHEREAS, said Commission, after due inspe~tion, investigetion ~nd study made by itself ~nd in iis behalf, and after due consideration of all evidence and report~ offored at said hearing, does find and determine tne follr~wing facts: 1. That the petitioner pmposes reclassificatiun ~f a portian of subject prop~rty from the CH (Gammerciai, Heavy) and CG (Commercial, ~enernl) .Zones to the C~ (Commercial, Limitod) Zone; 2. That t~e Anaheim Gener~f Plan design~tes subject proparly ior Ceneral Commercial and Low-Medium 6ensity R~sicientiel land uses; 3. Thai tha t~questod reclassificati~n of pro~~osed Lot Nos. 4, 5, 6 and 7 from the CG and CH ?.ones ta the CL Zone is in Conformance with the Gener~l Plan land use designation; 4. That the proposed reclassifiaation of subject property is nec:essary and/or desirable for the orderly and propQr development of the community; 5. That the proposed reclassifictition of subJect praperty does properly rolnte to the aones and their p6rmitted uses locally established in ciose prnximity to subjsct property and to the xonos anci their permitted uses generally established throughput the community; and 6. That no Ane indicated their presence at said publ-~ hearing in opposition; and that no correspondence was received in opposition to subjoct petition. CALlFORNIAEPVVIR4NMENIA~.QUALtYACTFINDING: ThattheAnaheim Ciry Plann~ng Commission has revir;wed the proposal to reclassify a portion of subject properry from the CH (~ornm~rcial, t~eavy) aiid CG ;Commercial, (3eneral) Zanes to the CL (Commercial, Umitod) ~ane to est~blish a 7-lot subdivision tor commercial and residontial uses with deferment of required strAet improvemen!s; subJect property consists of apprcximately 3.97 aGres baundod by Wator 5treet to the north, Anaheim Boulevard to the east, Stueckle Street to the sauth and ~emon Strest to the west (exCluding two parcols loc.~ted on the northoast c~rner of Stueckfa Street and Lemon Street ~nc! on ths northwost corner of Stueckle Street and Anaheim Boulevard); and does hereby approve the Pleg~tive Declaration upon finding tha'. the declaration reflects the independent judpement Qf the lead agency and that it has considered the Negetive DeCaration togather with ~ny commAnts received during the public review process and further findi~g ~n the basis of the initial study and any comments received that thore is no subst~ntial avidence that the project will have a significant effect on the ernEronment. NOW, THtRErORE, BE IT RES~LVED that th~ Anaheim City Ptannin~ Commis~ion ~aes hereby ~pprove the subject Petitio~ tor Reclass'~cation to authorixe an amendment to the ~oning Map of U» Anahoim MunicipAl Code to exclude the -2- PC32-69 i,M , above-described property lrom the CH (Commercial, Heavy) and CG (Commercial, General) Zones and to incorporate s~id describ6d ~roperty inta the CL (Commorcfal, Limited) Zone, unconditi~naily. BE IT FURTHE~t RESOLVED, that approval of this application con~titute~ approv~l of the proposed request only to the extent that it complies with the Anaheim Muni~ipal Zoning Cade ~nd any other applicable ~ity, Stat~ and Federal regulations. Approval does not include ~ny action or findings as to compliance or ap;~roval of the reyuest regarding any othor appl(cabin ordlnance, regulation or requirement. BE 17 FURTHER RESOLVED, that this resolution shall not constitute a rezoning of, or a commitmont by tho City to rezo~e, the subject ;~roperty; any sucl~ rezoning shall requiro an ordinance of the City Council which shall bo a lagislative act which may be approved or deniod by tl~e Ciry Council at its s~le discretion. THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION was adopted at the Planning Commissfon meeting of blay 18, ~992. , ~ ~ ~ ~...,,,~ ~/,~' ~ CHA.I AN, ANAHEINI f:ITY?~LANNI CO 510N ATfES7~ ~i, , (.~d_v /1 _ .( i~l ~~ ,r.,. •. ~ _ SECRETARY, ANAI-IEIM CI'T'~ pLANNING COMMiSSION STATE OF CALI~09NIA ) CC)UNTY QF O~ANGE ) ss. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I, Edith L. Harris, So~retary cf the Anaheim ~ity Planning Commission, do hereby aertity thet the f~rafloing resolution w~s passsd and adopted at a meeting of the Anaheim City Planning C~mmissior~ hefd on May 18, 1~,'92, by the fo!lowing vote of the members thereof: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: BOUAS, BRISTOL., HE~L'fER, PERA7~-, 1CMEL NOES: COMMISSIONERS: MESSE ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: HENNINGER lN WITN~SS Vl-HER~OF, I have ha`eunta sot my hand this __,(~ dey of ,,~1- , 1992. / ) ~ `~ : ~ , ~t" ' ~,~-~`'~-c.. r.~-. ~~ SF_CREI'ARY, ANAHEIM CITY PL4N NG COMMISSION -3. PG92-Q9