Resolution-PC 92-7RESOI.UTION NO. PC92-7
WHERCAS, on April 29, 1986, City Council of the City oE Anahelm
adoptod Ordinanc9 No. 4709 to eetablish uni£or.m procedureo for the adoption and
icnplementation oE Specific F1ana for the coordinatian of future devolopment
withi.n the City, anc: ~'Zoning and Ac3velopment Standard~" where the Spacifia Plan
includes zoning regulatione and development etandarde to be aubetitutod for z~ning under the Zoning Cade which shall ue adopted by orclinance
independent of the reat of the Specific PlanT and
WHRREAS, pureuan~ to Chapter 18.93 of the Anaheim Municipal Cade, the
Anaheim City Planning Commianic+n did receive u requeat from the Coal c:anyon
Company for appr~val of Cypreas Canyon Spoci£ic Plan No. 90-3 (includinq Zoning
ar.9 Dovelopment Sta~~dards and a Public Facilities Plan) to eoYVe as
pre-annexation zoning and au~qequontly regulate the development of tho 663-acre
sito (Po.rtion 1 of General Plan wr.endment tlo. 317) £or th.~ davelopment of wp to
1,550 roRidential dwelling units, 8 acros of commercial uses, one elementary
school, open space, and govarnmental uses and public improvements including,
but not limited to, etreeta, aewera, public utilities, a fire station oite, an
electrical aub-atation site and one nelghborhood parkj and
WHEREAS, the Znning and Development Standards set forth minimum
atandards and procedures ~or the development of residgntial, commerc.tal, and
open opace land uuea within the Spocific Plan area ns provi~dad £or in Cnaptor
38,93 oP the Anaheim biunicipal Code; and
WHEREAS, the Public Facilities Plan conaigto of maps and text which
descr.ibe the backbane public facil.ities needed tq Aerve the project sita and
the project conditions ~f approval set E~rth tho timing artd
relative ~o public facility installation and maintenance in greater detailj and
WHEREAS, the Cypresa Canyon project is propoaed ~n the 663-acre Coal
Cariyon property (Portion 1 of General P~an Amendment No. 317} whioh is
uriincorporated land located within the County ef Orange in the City af
Anah~~im~s aphere-a£-!.nf~uence, and ganerully bordered on the north by the
Riverside Freeway (SR-91) and Coal Canyon Road intorchange, on the we~t by the
Gypsum Canyon property (Mountain Park development) reoently approved by the
Local Agency Formation C~mmieaiori (LAFCO) for annexation to the City oE
Anaheim, on the aouth by unincorporatod propor.ty within the County of Orange
and on the east by uninc~~rporated property within thp City oP Anaheim's
sphere-of-influen~P and by the Cleveland National Forest= and the legal
description ls contained in Attuchment A of this reaolution.
CR1413LJ ^1' PC92~~
~,~i[:~~, fydl'ib~
wHEREAS, tho Planning Commisaion deemed it appropriate, pureuant to
tkie~ provisions of the California Env.l.ronmental Quality Act, to prepare
rnv.tzor.riAntsl Impact Report No. 298, fur thc! Cyprees Canyan Specific Plan No.
9C-.3j ~nd
WHEREAS, the Anaheim City Plannin9 Commiseion did ho1c1 a public
hearin~ at tne Civic Center in the City of Anahoim on December 9, 199J., at 6:00
p.m., notico of said public hoariny having been duly given as requirecl by luw
and in accordance wit.h tYip pr.aviei~~na of the Anaheim Municip~+l Code, Chapter
18.03, to hear and coneider ~vidQnce for and aqainet eaid proposed Specific
Plan No. 90-3 (inciuding Zoning a~7d Development Standarde and a Public
I'acilities Plan) iii conjunction w~th Ganeral Plan Amondment No. 31? (Portions 1
and 2), and to inveatigate and make fi.ndings and r.ecomme~~datlonR in connection
therewithJ and eaid public heari:~g was continued to the meeting of January 21,
1992 and January 27, 1992; and
WHEREAS, said Ccimmission, after due coneideration, ~nepection,
inveati.gation ancl eturiy made by itself anci in ite behalf, and a£tor due
consideration of all evidence ancl re~orte offored at said hearings, DOES HERGBY
1. That the prcperty p•:upused for the Spocific Plan has unique oite
characteristics auch as topograph}~, ].ocation or surroundings which are onhanced
by special land uc~e a:.d development standards.
2. That tt•e Speci.fic Plan ie conr~istent with ~he goala and policies
of the General Plan ao proposed for amendment pur.ouant to ~PA No. 317 Portion 1
and with tlio purposes, stardaxds, and land use guidalii~eP contained therein.
3. That the Specific Plan reaulta in dsvelopment o.f deaira~le
character which will ba compatible with and proposed development in
the surrouncliny neighborhood.
A. That the Specific Plan con~ributes to a balance of land uees.
5. Tltat the Specific Plan r.~spects envizonmental and aoethotic
reeource~ conaistent with economic reali~iee,
6. That the approval of SP90-3 does not guaratttee the devalopment uf
1,550 dwelling units. The actual number of units will bE dotermined in
connection ~aith aubdivision approvals.
7. That otaff concure with the Sper.ific Plan text (Section III(U) of
the Specific Flan dorument) which includes a diecuesion of Che project's
consistency with the applicable City c: Anaheim Genersl P13n goals, objectives
and ;~olicic~~.
8. That a varLety of housiny typen i.nclucling oingle-£amlly detar.hed
hom:s, townhome3, condominiums and apartn~ents will be rnalized.
-2- PC92-7
~,. ~ ~
9. That the propooed commerciol areae wtll provide •hoppinq
opportunitiee ancl sorvicea to the new c~mmunlty.
10. That the projecC will reeult in appcoximately 360.a acree ot
on-Alte oFen npace which complemenCe the 883.5 acres of tt~~ oriqinal proj9ct
area already preaerved in opon apaco through prior eale to tho Natare
11. That the publ.ic facilitiee pianned se part of the Speclfic Plan
will adequately nerve the proFo~od number of dwelli:~g unite and commarcia~
acreage. Said facilitiea include one elementary ech~ol, one naigt~b~rhood park,
one fira station siCe and ~ne electrical eubstation aite.
12. Thar thu Plan providoe for Lho property owner/develo~r to
contributo a proportionate share of the c~ot of land acquteition and
improvemente for. e City lSaintenance Facility and a 10,000 equare toot Gity
commu~ity conter nita/bvildfng in tlie Mountain Park devoloFxnent to nerve nll af
the Itill and Canyon Area.
13. That riding a~d hikiny tteile will ~tld to roqlortal rocreation.
14. That the exteneion nf Street "D", Coal Cany~n Aond and Santa Ana
Canyon Rosd will ccmpleto the City'e HaAtez Plan of Arterial NighWaye.
15. That the project wLll pnrticipate in the Eantern Treneportation
Corridor Fee Program.
16. That tha ~rojact land u&e des~ign~tione aill be corepatiblP with
the adjacent designations in thc N.ountain Perk development.
17. Thar the recartmended c.ondition• of approv~l .et forth in thio
ren~lution, in combination vith the Speclflc Ylan Zoninq and Developtnent
~tandarda (as re:oR»nenUed far approval par Planniny Camnisaion RQnolution No.
PC~2-S) a;~d the mitiqation maaaureA idenCified in EIR fio. 298, ~et forCh the
pr~cedurog and req~irenente for irt~plernwnting th~ Cypr~se Canyon 3~xcific Plan.
t10~i, ;NL'Ft~YOH~, LE t; pE50i.VBD chat pursuant ta CCQA Cuidelineo
5nction 15963, aiter cnngidering Draft L'nvlronmantal Impact Report {tiIR) N~.
299 :or the propoaad Cyprean Canyon projact and roviewinq evicusnce preaented,
both Nrictan and ~ral, to a~ppi~ent Draft Y.IR t~o. 258, the lnehaim City
Planring Cortr~ission racozr~aended cortification of Envl.ronmuntal zmpact Report
;to. 29a and 3CatpmanC of Uverridinq CnnoiCeroti~ns aa ohown in Planninq
Comni~oion Naoalutiun tte. PC92-G, adopted ln connectl~n witt~ Canaral Plan
Amend:-eni No. 317 {portiona 1 and 2), in conyunction witA Spocific Plan No.
9'~-~. 'tha asme flnclinq~ apply ta and ~fre made direaL•ly with ro~p~-cC to
s~ecftic Plan tio. 'l0••J.
-3- PC92-~
BE IT FURTH~R RES~LVED, tt-at the Anaheim Clty Planning Commieoion doee
hereby recommand that the City Council, by ordinance, approve 5pecific Plan No.
90-3 (inclu~ing a Public ~acilitiee Plan), eubjeck to the conditione of
approval herei~i. Con~ltione marked with an aeteriek are required by
est~bliahed lawa, codes, regulations and agreements and are not ~ubject to
negotiation. Conditio~ia that are in italice have been identifiod as mitigation
measures for EIR No. 298 .n~ numbers in parenthesie repreeertt the mitiyati.on
meaeure r.umbers. As such, all mitiqat±on measures are included xe part of the
mitigation monitorinq program for thie project, as required by Section 23081.6
of the Public Rea~urces Code.
1. t~otwithatanding eny provieion of the conditian-s of approvrl containod heroin
to the contrary, the ~,roperty awner/developer may praceea and (upon approval
in accordance with the Subdivieion Map Act rtnd Title 11 of the Anaheim
Municipal Cod~) rec~rd a tract or parcel r,.ap for the limited pu•rposes o:
conveyancen for financing without complfing with nn,y of the condikione of
apgroval. cantainecl herein which, by their terma, muet bcs comp2ted with pri~r
t~ eubmittal of an application for, approval oi, or recordation of, a
tentative or tinal tract or parcel nap provi.dod:
A. The tract or parcel mAp ehall contain a note to the e~fect that the nap fe
being fi.led Eor finar.cing and conveyance for financing purpoeee nnly end
will. have no puUlic impruvement requ3.romentB; no building permite, except
for public facLlitlee, are to be ioeued for the lota or parcels created by
thin map= and, the rerording of a aubaequent map fe requirad tefore
butlding permits ~an be lasur.d; and, a covenant in a forn appxeved by titie
City~ Attorney is recorded againot tha entire aite reflQCtinq eame;
p. A covenanr, tn the form approvecl by tho City Atr.orney is recorded againe~
the ~ntira eite co the effect that the property oaner/developar end a11
aucces9ive oknarn of all portiona of the alt~ aqroas (i) not to contest
the formakion o°. any of the epecial diotricte, bQnefit districts or e±theer
financlr.c~ rrc~chyniR~re set forth elsewhers i~~ theoe conditiono of appravalj
(il) tc c~~opcrate fuliy in Ch~r Eormatian proce~4~ nnd (lil) to reaer+e
only the righf. to conCeAt the opread ~r amount of any aseeaamont aqainet a
particular portlon of the property;
C. Irravncable offera ef dedication, lncludinq necea~rary conatructl~n and
aAyoining slopa aao~r.~ento, for rS.qt~t-of-any for ail hi9hways and
all par.k nnd other public facility oitou (tire station and olectrical
oc-batatlon c~iteo- f.dentified in than4 cond[ttonn of approval ace mada
prtor to th~ n~pr~v:~l of Qald tract ar p~rcel map; and,
~. The tract ar parcel Rap othvrwiAa complioo the SubCivioton Ma~ Act
and tt~e Anah~rim N~nicip~l Codo.
-a- PC9Z-'f
.+.~~ .,
2. 'Pliat withi~i tnirty (30) days of annexation of the project area ta the Cii:y of
Anaheim, tha property owner/dAVeloper ehall record an uneubordinatad covenant
against tha antire property acknowledging thet thoee conditione qf approval
eet forth herein which roquir.e completion oF certain ta~ke prf.or *racttma~
euhmiaaian or approvc-1 of the Firet tontative or final arcal or P
are ti¢d to eaid mapo for purpoeee of carryinq out completion of tho purponee
of the Specific Plan and are not neceeearily baoed upon the aontunt of eaid
firat map. The covEnant ahall further prov.lde that the propdrty
owner/daveloper shal.l waive for ir.uelf, ite eucceeeors and aeeigne, any
objection to f.mQoeition of said conditiohs upon the Eiret tontative or. final
tract or parcel map which may otherwieo be aaeerted based upon permitted
conditionn, exactions and fees set forth in the Subdiviss~~n Map Act.
3. On an annual baais commencing upon ~he date of annexation to the City cf
Anaheim and ~very Jan~~ary thereafter, the Qroperty ownor/developor ehnll
pzovido an t~r~Ated phosing plan to the Zoniny Divinion of the Pianning
~epartment until. project buildout.
4. That the property owner/devQl~per ehall be renponaible for impl9mRntation of
all applicable ~tipulationa, if any, in the public hea~:ingss (ae noted in tho
meetinq mi.nutee) and in the Cyprese Ganycn Specific p~~~` ehalltdis la~
future ~rading and devalopment of the Cyprosa Canyon prc p Y
the qual.ity ~st~ndards repreeented by the applicant in the public hearinge (ad
noted in thc meeting minutesy in conjunction with the Spacific Plan procee3
an9 in the Specific Plan document for all zoning and devaloprnent star.dardo.
5. Tha~ in conju~ction with the e~bmittnl of each tentative tract or parcel map,
grading plnn, or Site Ylan, the property owner/d~veloper oha11 submit
documen~ation whlch deocribes how the develc, ^snt ie !n coniormance with the
applLcable gu3.dolinaa and ordinancon establlshed by ehe Spocific Plnn. Ae
indicated in the Specific Plan document, the gui.delLnc~s are intended to ~e
uaed for gerteral zoference an part of the ~ite Plan revlcw proceosJ how~ver,
C1:e~r are :tiot inCended Co be u4ed as minimum requirementao aCtit ie rocoqrtzod
that all q~aidc+linor need not be achieved for. any qiven E: j
b, ;~~at in con}un.Ci.on witn tho eubmittal of all Sitc~ Flans, the f~llor+irsg
infor.mati~n and/or plans ahall be aubmitted to the Planning Departm~nt for
flonning Commiusfon r~vi~w and approvnl in conformance with
1Q,, oE th~ Anaheim M~~nf.cipal Codt~s
t~. Development,pYl•~ntQandtrel~tiagmtheCSiteaPlnr.etofthQ~ovicerallnCyprQSSiCenyon
D, -opograpnlc mr,p•
_y_ YC91-7
.:y, .rw~
C. Lan3ecnping plans - indicatiny the exten*. and type of proposed landecaping
and inc'luding any existing veqetation which is ta bQ retain~d. The
property owner/developes aliall submir, documentatton wbich confirms thnt
clovelopment ie S.n conformance with the Landecape Conceptual Master Plan
(Exhibit 19 nf the Speciflc Plan document).
D. Vehicular circulation and plan - indicating the nature and extent
of public and private etreete and lanea, alleys and othes public
accesaways for vehicular circulation, off-street parking, end vehiculer
E. rence and wall plane {including sectione) - indicating the type of
fencing. Tha upecffic fence or wall location ehall be ehown i:- addit.ton
to the color, mnterial and hei.ght. Any fencing locatod in a manner which
may obstruct the view rrom a public right-o£-way ahall of
decorative open-work matariale. Sectione shall bd provided for
fencea/walls et such l~eatiane ehawing the relationnhip betr+oen tho
fgncPS/walle and the public right-of-way. Plano shall dhow that all block
wnlla faciny thQ publi~ rl~ht-of-way will be plantPd and maintained with
clinging vLnes and/or ehrubo tv eliir.inate opportunities, e~;c~pt
whera ~atd walle are an inteyral part of a nign monument or architectural
foature suhjoct to the review and approval of the Planning Commieeion.
F. Siqning plans - apecifying the aize, haight, lacaCion, color, material and
lighting uf suc:h aigns. Wltt-in lote or purcole which ure prQpoaed for
future development, the progQrty oWner/developar ehall provide tomporary
eigna to t~ientify propoaed future land uoes, o.g. futvre commercial uite,
futur~ park/ectiool aite, future reaidential rite. Prior to iseunnce ot
eign permitu, all gignage ehall be subject to the review and approval of
the City Traffic and 1'rnnep~rtation Manager ~or. line-of-oi~ht
T. That in conjunction with the aubmittal of all tentative tract or parc9l mape,
tho following informat.on and/or plane ahall be eubmitted to the Plenning
DepArtmer.t for P2anning Commineion revinw anc! apQrovals
A. I.ocation map - drawn eo the same acale no the cypreae Canyon Sper.ific Ptan
~evelopment Plan and re:atinq the 3it~a Plan to the overnll Cyproao Cnnyon
B. Topographtr, map.
C. Vehiculnr circulation nnd parkiny plan - lncficating the nature and extent
of public nnd private otreate anc inneo, alleya and othor public
nccesswayo for vehicular r_irculatton.
-6- PC92-'I
8. That sitg Plt-ns ehall includo proliminnry building plot plane, fl.oor plona,
front, sido and rear bui.lding olNVationn, roof pla~s, extexior building
materials (includirig roofing> and colors, and ehall be prer.~csd in
cui~formance with tt,e Pre-File eubmittal requizemente on filo •~rith the Zoninq
Divieion of t!~o Planning DQpartment. Pr.ior Cu issuanr.e of. building ps~rmite,
final plot plane, floor pl.ans ancl slevations ehall bo in
aubetantial canformance with eaid preliminary p1anE
9.• That prior to approval of Site Plans, plane ahall ohow adherence ko the
zoi~ing and development code etandarde, unless a varianco from theee cAde
at.andards ia prucoaaed in accordance with the Anah~im Hunicipal Codr~.(4.8.1)
10. That prior to submittal of each tentative trc~ct or garcel map and Sitc~ Plan,
pl.ans ohall be Rubmitted to the Po11ce and Fira Dopartmento for reviEw and
approval incorporating defenafble apnce concepte and ea:ety features (i.e.,
nccess, visl.biliL•y, surveillance, llghting, etc.).
11.* Thnt prior ta the approval of Site Plana and prlor to the ieeuance of
butlding p~+r.mita, plans ehall be reviewed and approvecl by the Fire
Department as beiny in conformance with the Uniform Fire Coda.
1?.. 'i'hat all air condiLioning faciliCies ancl other qround mounl•ed equipmant and
trAeh encloaurea Ahall be properly shialded from viaw with arr,httectural
walls and land~caping, and the eound buf£~red from adJacer~t residential
properties. Such information shnll bo tipeci~Eicrslly ehown on the plans
submi.tted for building pe~mits.
1.3. That all plumbing or other eimilur pipes and E.txturee located on the
exterior of che building ahall be fully ttareenod by architecturnl devicee
and/or apnropriate buildinq mater.ials. Such inf~rmation eh~.ll be
specifically ehown on tho plane aubmLtted for bulldinc~ pormite.
14. prior to issua;~ce of Guilding pormita, it sha11 be demonatreted that
all structure~ have been ana.iyr.ed for eerehquaka loading and deaigned
accordtng to che moat rocent satsmic ar.anderda tn the Untfarm Code
adopted by the ~•tcy of Anahvim and approved by the Ch.tef euildinq OfEicieZ., the followtng ahell .applyr structurea ahe11 be dsatqned 1n
accordance s+ith uAC Secr.lon 2312, for Zone 4, or the requ.iramonta of City oP
Anahotm and atondard pxactico of tha Struceurel Bnyfneera Auaoc~etion of
Caldfornta. Parclnenc date shall ba mads avetlebZA Lo project daalgr.
eygineern and ~rchicoccs. Provf tn the torm of e Intcer trom tAe property
nwner/devoloper shelI be submittad to t1~e Chief Duildinq Oftfcfa2 to
indlcar.e that ehv purtfnunc daca wcs n~ede eveflable to pra,iect destgn
engineers o~d archfteccn. (1-OJ)
_~.. PC92-7
~jr!"!' ~,
esid~t al U eo:
15.* 'PhaL in accordance with the requiremente of Ser,tion .18.02.047 0£ the Anahaim
Municipal Code portaining to tho initial eale uE reoidencee in the City oE
An~heim Planninq Ar.oa "B", each buyor ehal.l be provided with writtmn
in£ormation coricerning the Anaheim General Plan and the exieting zoning
within thrae hundted (300) feet of the of eubjec~ traat. Prior
to isenance of the firet carti£i.catA of occupar~cy of oach reeidential tract
or parcdl map, said writcen information ehnll b~ submitted to the Zoninq
Division for reviow and approval.
16. That prior to aFproval oE Site Pluns and prior to ieauance of building
permite for unlts developed pureuant to the RM~2400 2one, plane ehall be
aubmittod to the Planning Departmen*. ohowing that alothee waeher and dryer
hookupn are inc~rporated int~ ench dwelling unit.
17. That prior to isssuance oP reeidential RM-1200 Zone apartment uni.t building
pQ+•mite, the legal property ownrr shall prepare and zecord on the property
an unsu:~ordinated c~venant limiting occuoaney of each unit to no more than
two (2) peraone (other than children under the aye of two (2) yeare) per
bedroom. Said limitation ehall be effRCtivQ thr.oughout the time the unit ie
leased and ahall bR included in each Leaee/rental aqregment. A copy of th~
covanant shall b~ submitted to and approvad by the City Attorney prior to
recor.dation with the Office of the Orange County Recorder. A copy of the
recorded covenant shal.l bo submitted to the Zoninq Diviaion.
iEl. That t':e property o,+ner/developer ehall provide the renter or buyer oP each
dwelling unit with written information pertnining to the echnole serving the
dwelling unlt. A copy of the writton information shall ba ~uUmitted tu And
approvHd by the Zoniny Division prior to ieeuance of the firet certificate
of occuplncy for esch residential tract.
19. Thnt for dotached tracte, the propo~ty owner/developer. shall
install a aix-foot high wall/fonce along the eide or rear lot line of any
singlo-family reeidential lot lina abutting two or more sinqle-family
residential lotn prior to tha iseuance of a certificate of occupancy far
said lot.
20, Thax prior to issuance of a building permit for any eingla-£amily dotached
lot which hna leee than the m~.nimum lot width required by codo, that an
unsubordinated covenant shnl.l be recordod oi1 t~ie lot limlt:ny tho m.inimum
front b~i.lding setback l.ine to the front netback ~hown on the Site Plan
(preliminnry plot rlan) approved for the l~t. A copy of the covenant ohall
bo aubmitted to nnd approved by the G~ty Attorney prior to recordstion. A
copy of th~ recordod covenant ehall bP uubmittod to Che Zoninq Division.
21. That prior to th~s isauznce of the first certificate of occupancy within a
tract or parcRl map, the E~roperty owner/develapex uhall .install required
fenciny and clinging vinos and/or ahrube na identifiod on fencing and wall
plane approved by tlio Planninra Commiseion in connectlon with tha Site Plan.
-8- PC92-7 ~~:h~.~
22. That prior to the apnroval nf Site P.17nE~ for RM-1200 and RM-2400 Zone
aomp.lexee, plane shall ba submitted ta ar,d approved by t.he City TraPfic and
Traneportation Managar indicating how th•3 votiicular security gatee and
vahicle turn-around areA wi.ll £unction. F~rther, for parking epaces located
along the ~ntry drivewayr~, plans shall t~~~ in conformance with Engineering
Standard lletai~ No. 607 (Drivewa~ Location Planning). Gatee ehall i~ot be
inetallEd acrooe any driveway or private etraet in a manner which may
adversely afPect vehicular traf£ic in the adjacent public etreets.
Inetalla~±on of any gates shall be eubject to tho rnview and approval of the
City Tzaffic and Tranc+pcrtation Manager pri.or to the iesuance of a building
23. That for aingle-family revorse corner lote (a corner lot, the side etreet
line o£ which ir~ substantially a coiitinustion o£ the fronC l~t line oP tlie
corner which it rear.s), thero shall be a minimum 10-foot ~r groater building
and fence/wall setbuc3c subject to the r.eview and approval of the City
Traffic nncl Transp~rtaL-ion -fanager for line-of-sight considerationo.
Comnercial Uees:
24. That the location and configurctior. of. all lighting fixturee including
qround-mounted light:ing fintures utilizod to accent buildinga, lnndscapfl
elements, or to illuminate pede~trian aresa, shall bR ehown on all
commercial Site Plar.s. All proposed parkin~ area lighttng fixtures eha11 be
down-lighted wi~h a maximum h~ight of twelvA (12) fear adjacent to any
resident;al prop~rties. All lighting iixturee shall be shielded to direct
lighting toward the area to be illuminated and away from adjacent
reaidential property lines to protect the integrity of the xeel~ential
neighborhaods. All lighting fixture types and locations ahall be idonti~ied
on thQ plans submitted for buildiny potimito.
25. That within the co:nmercial devRl.opment araae, no outdoor etorage oE, dieplay
of, or work on vehlcles or vehicular p+srte ehall be permitted.
26. That no roof-mounted eguipmont sh~-11 be permitt~d.
7.7. That all commercial par.king areae immediately adjacent to the landocapod
area8 ab+ltting Santa Ana Canyon Road und Coal Canyon Road shall be ecreened
from vfew by a 3-foot high landscapod berm. Said ecrec~ning shall be shown
on lnndsaaning ple-na nubmitted in connection with Site Plans and on plans
submitted for building permitu.
28. Thut !n conr-ection with the eubmittal of commercial Site PLane for Planning
Commission reviow and npproval, building elevations uhall ahow that the rear
el~svatione of commercial buiidinge viaible from off-site aroao ehn~ll be
archi.tecL• acc~nted to portray a finished look. Plgne ghall aloo show
that all building color3, toxturee, and m3terfale ehall bo compatihle
between on-ai*.e com~nercial uses.
-9- FC92-7
' 1wSj4'~1
29. That any o~xtdaor order epeaker, auch as fer a drive-thr.ough Eacility, shall
he equipped with an eporable volume control.
30. That on-premise sule and conAUmption of alcahol ehall occur subjact i:o the
approval o£ a c~nditional use pormit and only in conjuncL•ion with tha aale,
eerving and consumpti.on of prepared £ood itema (restaurants) and/or in
conjunc.ti~n with hotel us~s.
31. That. prior to tho approval af landocapo plane fnr commercial areas, plane
ahall uhow that minimum twenty-four inch (24") box treee ehall be planted
on••eite. Any tree plantod on•-eite ehall be re~laced in a timely manner in
the event that it ia removed, damaged, diaeaged, and/or deed.
32. Tha~ in the evenL• a parcel map for lese than an entire Cammercial
Development Area i.e proposed, prior to the rocordation of oaid map, nn
uriaubordin~tod management and maintenance covenant, approved by the CiL•y
Traffic and Transportation Manager and Zoning Aivieion and in a form
satisfactory to the City Attorney, ehall be recorded with the Offiao of the
Orango Caun4y Recorder. A copy oE the recorded covenant ahall then be
suUmittecl to t.he Zoning Di.viaion. Provisions Ahall be mude in thc+ covertxnt
that the Coinmercial Uevelopment Aroa ehall be managod and mnintained
as one (1) integral pazcel far purpoeos o~ parking, vehicular cizculatiun,
gignage, land usage, maintenance and arohitecturAl control, that pl.~ne sha11
provide f•or reciprocal acoes~ and parking and that the covonant ahall be
referencad in all cleeds traneferring all or any part of the ~,~roparty.
33. ihat tne following street dealgn elemente ehall be ahoorn each t•entative
tract and parcel map:
a. Streat cross eections, including dimeneion~~ 1Hi11eid~CSecondar}n
designation (i.e. Hilleide-Primary,
Hillaide-Collector) and whether public or private.
b. 5treet gradea. Street gradoe ohu].1. not exceed t~n percent (108) except
when approved by the City Fire 3nd Public workg-Engineering Depnrtmonts
pr.tor to approval ot the t~ntntive tract map or ~aroel niap. Said
aPproval shall bo documented in L•he tentative tract or parcel map etaff
report• or in the minutos of t:~e p~•blic hearing.
c. Huzizontal alignment, including centexlinw radii, 3nd cul-de-aoc radii.
34. That the followin~3 groding elem~nL•o ehall be ahown on each tentative tract
and parcel map:
a. Pad ~levationa
b, ypot c~levations aTong top and toe o£ all slopes
-10- P"~92-7
~,~-~;,, r"""".,
c. Slopo aetbacka, in conformance with Tab.lo 17-A of Ghapter 17.06 of the
Anaheim Municipal Code.
d. Demociatrate contour grading in conformance with Council Paliay No. 211
including glopo ratios, radius at the toe of elo~e and locat~.on of baye.
e. Location and hoight of all retaining walla and r,zib wa119.
f. A etat~mont re~ar.ding whether the Four Cornero Pipeline .te currently
within the pr~pased tract boundary or is propoaed to be relocaL•ed within
the tr.•act beundary. 2f the pipalino is to be r.6locgted, tho propoeed
relocatton path ahall be delineated on the tentative map.
g. Croer~-Section~s to illuetrate exieting topography and propoead pad
olevationn shown on tho tente~t,ivo traot or parcel map - aufiicient to
l.ndicate the zelationship of tha proposal to the riature and extont of the
cut and fill oarthwork i.nvolvecl.
h. Lot dimen3iong and paci sizes of all lote
35. That prior to the approval of a tentAtive tract or parc9.l :::.p, any lote not
fronting an a public street Anci/or gaining access o£f ~£ a prSvato etreet
ehall be reviawed and approved by the City Traffic and Traneportation
Managex. Further, that an uneubordina~ed reciprocal acces~ ancl parkinq
agreement, in . form satiefactory to the City Attorney, ehall be recorded
with the Orange County Recorder prior ta or concurrent with tho final tract
or parcel map. A copy uf the recorded a~rr3ement ehall be eubmitted to the
Zoning Dlviaion.
3G. That pzior to approvnl of final tract ~r parcel maps, vehicular accees
rigl~te to all t+rterial higt~waya adjacent to subjHCC tract, except at etreet
openinqs, ehall be dedicated to the Ci.ty o£ Anaheirt~.
3'7. A. Prior to the eale of the firet uni.t or the iseuance of tho firat
certificata of occupancy, whichevor occuxs firet, the property
owner/developer oha.ll provide for the followings
1. Pzivate stroet maintenance
2. Hiking and equeatr.tan traile maintenance over all traile except in
open epace arean accepted fUr dedicatiun to non-city public agonciec+
or. non-profit entities
3. Slope landsaaping and irrigation maintenance including conformancQ
with Condition No. 56 herein
4. Parkway landscaning an6 izrigation maintenance
-11- PC92-7
;'~"" M~ ~
5. Median ieland la~ideoaping and irrigation maintenance for private and
non-City required mediane
6. On-sita and off-aite open or natural channel etorm drain facilitioa
7. Open epace maintenanae
8. Privato sPwer ina3ntenancr~
9. NPDFS permit F3est 24anagement Practicee and the Cit,y of AnAheim's
reguir~~menta to prol•ect eurface waters
10. Maintairi l.iabiltty inauranco Por trails, except for thooo in open
epace are~~s uccepted for dedication in feo to public agenciec~ or
non-profit entities; the lar.decaped portions oi• all parkwayej and
med3an ielands for non-city required medians in public streats naminy
the City ae an additional ineu=ed, and lndpmnifying and holding tho
City of Anaheim harmlesa for damages resulttng tl~erofrom.
11. Provision for the replacement of any trae planted in accordance wiL•h
project landecaping pland in a timely manner in the evant that it is
removed, damsged, disea~od and/ox• dead.
12. Private atorm drain maintenancP
13. Private strent light maintenance ~
14. That c.Zeanin~ of a11 pavad nroas not matnCatned by the City of ~
.=-naheim shn.I.Z be done on a monthly basis, including, but not limited ~
to, private streets and parking 1ots. Uning watar to c.iean atreets,
paved area~, parking lots and other areas and flushfny the debr.fn end j
sediment down the atorm dseins is prohibited. (2-08) ;
B. That lf Items ~ through 14 are to be matntai.ned/Pinanced through a
Homeowner's Aeeaciation, that prior to the eale of the first unit or tho
ieauance of tt~e first certific~te of occupanoy, whichevar occurs firat,
the property o~vner/developer shall eubmit the original documente of the
covenanta, conditi.ons, and restrictiane (CC&Rs) for the maAtor
aesociation for review and approval to the Subdivieion Soction and the
City Attorney's office. The approved CCGA's shall be racorded in the
offico of tho orango Gounty Recordera A copy of the recorded CC6Rs nhall
be aubmitted to the Subdivisi.on Section of the Public Works-:.ngineering
C. That if the responoibil.l.L•y for maintenance oP Items 1 through 14 is
financed through anothar financial mechanism acceptablo to ancl approved
by the City of Anaheim, satd mechaniem shall be eatabliehed at the
expenae of the property ~wner/developor prior to tho eale of the first
re~idential unit ar commercic~l lot/parcel. or the ieauance af tho firot
certificate ot uae or occupancy, whichaver occurs firet.
-1.2- PC92-7
D. The pro~erty owner/devglopar oi• each tract or narcel ahall. improve all
the hereinabove described paxkwaya and median ielande and provide
maintenance for non-City required parkwayo and medians, including
providing the above spgcified insurance, until euch time ue the
Homeowner's Aseociation or another acceptable financial mechanlom becomes
legally obligated thorRfore as herAin3bove provided.
E. The property owner/developer shtsll post a bond in an amount and Eorm
aat.iafactory to the City oE Aiiaheim to gu~r.anteg parfor.mance cE the
proparCy owner/developer's obliyatione herein described. Evidenco of tha
raquired i~zsurance and bond shall be aubmittsd to and approved by the
City Attorney's Office prior to final man approval.
38. That prior to approval of the first L•inal tract ar parcel map or maas
grading plan, whLcYiever occurs firet, for each phase, the legal pzuperty
owner el~all prnvide a Public Improvement Agreament, in a form apnroved by i
thQ CiL•y Attorney, agreeing to construct all backbono stroet, eewer and
otorm drain improvements ae required by the City Lngineor and Utilitios
r,eneral Manager at the legal proparty ownar's expense. Tho develaper ehtsll
post improvement aecurity iri conformanr.e with Sections 17.Q8.450, 17.Od.46Q
and ].7.OB.A70 of the Anaheim MunicipaL Code. The aqreement ehoflthe
recorded in the O£fice o£ the Orange County Recorder. A copy
agreement shall be oubmitted to the Subdivieion Sect!.on of the Public
Worke-~ngineoring Aepartmant.
39. That prior to approval of eaah final tract ~r parce.l map, whichever occurs
firet, the legal pzoperty owner shall provide an uneubordlnated Suhdivis~ion j
Agroenant, in a£orm to be approved by the City Attorr-ey, aqreeing to
camplete the pubiic atreat, sewer, etorm drain, water, eloctrical u~d hiking I
and trail improvements required for toetgimdrovementasecuxitygin I~
property owner's expense. The developer shall p P ~
confarmance with Sectiono 17.OF3.450, 17.Q8.~60 and 17.08.470 of tha Anaheim
Municipal Code. The agr.eement shall be recozded concurrent].y with the fi.nal ~
map. ~
40. That prior to or concurrently with tha recordation aE each final traat or
parcel map, ~hich~ver occure £irst, the property owner/developer ahall
record against the entire tratt or parcal an uneubordinatea covenant, in a
form app~oved by the CLty AtCornoy, imposing againat each and every lnt in
the tracc or parcel thg obligation to maintain all olopes, open npace,
private streets, and private utilitiee unlese a financia.l mechaniem
acr,eptable to the City has been Qetablished to provide for the mai^ovonant
of these itams. The alopea and arese to ba maintnined under thia
ahall be ttiose determined by the City Engineer as raquired by the Anaheim
Municipal Coda. The obligatione of the cower.ant r;hall eurvive unlees and
until ~C&R's are recorded, or a£inancial mechanism acceptable to the City
is eatablished, which assumes all dutiea required under the covenant. A
copy of the recorded covenant ahall be eubmitted to the Subdivis{~..~ Section
af the Public Works-Gngineering Departmont.
-13- PC92-'I
rya'`' ~
41. That y,~rior to approval of each final tract or parcel map, a Maintenance
E:~hibit shall ba aubm.ttted to and approv~d by tho CitX Engineor outlining
the maintenance obligatione wiL•hin the map boundariee ae requirod by
Condition No. 37. Said exhibit shall be recordad with the CC&R'e or ae a
eeparate do~ument if another financial mechaniem acceptsble to the City is
A2. That prior to approval of grad~tng p1an9, the property ar~ner/doveloper
sha11 subn~it a grading ~Zan prepared by a cfvil eng~tneer basod on
recommendations of a engineer and an qeolog3st. A11
grading plans sha11 he subject to the spprovaZ o# the C~ty Engineer.
Gradinq plans AI7AZI confurm to tho procedures and roqu.frements o£ Cha~ter
17.06, "Gradin,q, Excavation and Fi11s in Hillstdo Areas" of ~he Land
Development and ltesaur.ces section of tho Anaheim Muntc.ipa2 Code and to
Council Policy No. 21T on hillside The dasign crttoria for arading, which is delineated in Council Policy No. 211, inc.Iudo~
stendards related to curved linear slopes, tranait~on w~th natural alopes,
varying ratios and plant.i^g bays. (1-01)
A3. That prior to submittn.t of each tentative trac:t or parcel mnp, the
property owner./developer sha11 submit to the City Engineer fo.r reviow and
approval a px•eliminAry soi].s and qeological report propared by an
en~ineering geologist and a gaotechnica.Z engineez. This reporC aha1.T be
prepr~red to the ~atisfaction of the City Eny.ineer and ~ha11 ahow compliance
with a11 design criteria and m.iti,ryation measures set forth in FEZR No. 298.
The pur,~ose of. the repos•t is to provide de«et1 and refinament of mitfgatton
measures included in FEIR No. 298 and to provide greate.r. deta.iled
c-aotechnical de:sign criteria ner,vssary t•o m.inimize (and m.ittgate to below a
1eve1 of significance) potential impncts related to geoterhnicaZ constraints
(It is not anticipatod that ar~y rnajor, previously unidentif.ted geotachn~cal
constraints ~vi11 bo idontified .in tl~ie report. This epproach .ia consistent
with ths tiering concopt encouraged by CEQA, as descrtbed in Sect.ion 15152
of the CEQiI GuideZir~es). The report shall addross, but not be Ztm~ted to,
the folloa~ing:
A. Recommended Structural Setbacks - Daylight cuts {n the weatern r.idge area
sfiall require ~tructura~.l. setbacks of 30 to 50 feet from Cop of slope due
to the 3teopness of tho descending natural slopes. A minimum setback of
30 toet frvm the top edges of s2opes sha11 bv ut.ilized for a11
st:ucturea, pavemonCS and street improvements, includinq shouldars.
Where slopes are steepvr thnn 2:1, setback dtssances ahn11 be dependent
on recommendations #rom the geotechn.icaZ engineor a~ stated an page D-3,
Appendi.x D, of the geotechnical report (Jnnuery 1991, included as a
technical appendix to FEIR No. 298). A11 recommended setbacks sha1I be
incnrporated in the de~ign of the tentative subdivision mep.
-14- PC92--7
:»~y~, ~,~~.~,
e. Rockfall Potential - A more dntaiZed enelyn.ta of rocktell potentiel,
including recommended locations of temporary end/or permenent dabrts
tence~ and/o:• defleatl.on atrucr.ure~ and recomm~.~nded atructural sotbecks
aha11 be p:•ov.ided. Thtx report ahe1Z bo rev.teaed by CelTrena concurrent
w.ith th.e submittal to the City Engtnesr. A11 recommended aetbacks aha11
bo incorporated in the dea.ign of thA te»tnttve aubdlvieiun mep. Prior to
the +pprovel of S.ite PIAna end :sau~nce of permite, ell
atructurea ahaI~ be in compllence with the ~otbacks rarommendad .in thp
report. The type and locetton of recommonded debrte fences and/or
detlectior, xtructarea shall l~e identffied on tho LenteC.tve tracr, or
parco.i map within an area tdentlfied ea hav.tng rock fa11 potenttal.
44. Thut prior to approveI of gradfnq plenn, the prvperey ormsr/developer
aha11 submSt to the City Engineei• for ravtec+ and approve.l, e thorough uotls
and goologica_' renort, based on proposod and prepared by en
Anqfneering gooIogist and geotechnfcal engineer. The report aha1l be
prepared co the satisfaction of the City 6ng:neer and ahell ahow complianre
with al' deuiqn crtterie a~~d nitigetion measurea set forth tn FEIR No. 298.
The grading plan shall be in conformance w.ith all racomm~rndationa uf the
reporc. The report chall a~dreas, but not tg 1lmited to, the fcllowingr
A. Co~npreasible sntls/Sett:Errent -- The moAt compresafble neer-surfaca
maceriol ahe11 be removed end recompacted (~verexcavated) and mvnitored
afcer completion of grading by th~ projort gev:echntcel enqtneer for
poat-construrtion aettlemene utflf.sing ae-ttl.ament pletea ~n thn ereaa of
suapected ser.tlemant. Areas o.f s~vttlement ehe21 be monitornd unttl
irettlemenr. ~ates ar.d projected total settlement are with.fn gafa Itmttx
for C1~Q pIanned const:uction, aa cidtormtnod by ehe epproved aofl~ and
fleo3ogtc repurt. Deep tLIls shal2 also be monitor~d to eneura prupor
comaactivn prior t4 constr~ctfon.
e. Cut Slope Shear s u•ength -- i1Qrt and northveaterly faclnp cut sSopes
Rha11 be aval~aced by the project geoCechnical enqineer Co deterrntne
w'~ether adverx4ly oriented bpddtng plenea .lo•~ st~enr ytrenflth vaauea
exinc. If the ~to.tle snd goologic report fndicatea 1ov ~hear atrenptA
vafces on a~y c•r~c alopea, eho projert peotechntcal snQinoer sAe11 reftrs•
thQ prnposed grading plan in ordar co enaure ~hat e11 pr~po~sd elop4c ere
etab~.i.izeE vi~hlr. sate limtts for tho plenned cannerucr.ien, ss detorminAd
by tba npproved &oila and geclogic repvrt.
C. Cut Slope Btai~Sli:eclon -- Cut uIopex oxcavated tn the sf.Ity ssndstone
rnterials et tho 5tlvrrado and Ni1lta~ns .~ormacion wf;A e vartlceI heipht
in oxeHxu ~•! 20 fs~t Ahall requir~ stebillzae:(nn fi11s. ~'ho projsct
.~Bacechni.,1 ~nginAQr nheL1 d9~ign th~ ecebillsacl~n ti11a !n a ~n~nner
.+Y1ch mrt;:qaceg nurflc~el instabilir.y and eneur~• chot e.12 proporod
siopes are atablliterl wichin gal• 11n.its for the plenncd conatructicn, ao
docermined by ~he approved s~f1e end genloqic roport.
-55- PC9~••7
,,... ,.r..
D. Stabtltzation of Landslidea -- Thln arheI2 be accompltahed h}~ one or e
combinetfon ot the followiro prucedurQS: compSeto rem~valJ parttel
rvmoval and buttcesaing; or stab~lizat.ton tn pIace butereas
fi11s or shoer kny9. The EYR gaotechnlcal rw~ort (DEZR Appendtx B, ICl3,
Inc., 1/25/91) co~c2uJesr that Zandalidos occurrin~ outgide of development
areea do not appear to preaent any rtsk to person or proporty~ ~borefora
these lendslide areas wi1l no~ require any gzed~ng activlty.
E. Stebilization of slopes -- d~ebilization of adverao geologic atructuro in
proposed alopen wf.l2 entail remed~el earthwork durtng mesa gradfng ansi
w~1I be atabilized by earr.h buteresaea. euttresaes she21 be dsatpned on
e alopo-by-slope bas3s fn accordnnce wtth established procedure~ to meet
safoty tactors in accordance wtth the atandarda of pracetce and al2 City
of Anahoim regu!atinna.
F. Ovorexcnvat.ton ~~f Compreesible Matorfals -- Oversxcavation of
compressible materials includfng topaoil, elluvfum, colluvium, recene
landsltdes and major portiona ~f ancient landalldea i» areas to receiv~
fi11, shall ba required and the location end the axtenr. ot ovar~,xcavetfon
aha12 be identtfled.
o, A1luvial Sotls -- AII of the a11uv1e1 sot2 w.ithtn the developable portlon
of the afte (along the bottam ot Cc+a' Canyon) is to be burted ur.der .filI
materlaln. 5urtace drain*ge sha1J. te controlled by a concrete box
culvert to be tnata:led r.oncurrently with atreut improvementg (refer to
tho Drainage lYaster Plan, DEIR Exhibit 19).
H. Alluvial/Colluviel Sof1~+ -- Depoatear c~i alluvtum nnd coIluv.tum to he Ieft
1n plece sha11 :~e expecte~ to undergo e portion of primery cona~~lldetion
as grading takes place. ~imtlarly, moat of the pr~mety c~n~ulidetton ia
expected to occur ~urfng plecement of the fiIl. n~~ a gufde, excavations
ahe11 be ta'cen to d9ptbs where the roletive compa~tion 1rr at leaat 90
percent, and the i~oiDture content ia at or sbove optimum.
I. Overaize materlal (larfle roci: matorial) -- OverslsA materiel generated
durtnq gr.adlnq of r.he site aha1l be hendled by e cv~binetton of
scrategfea, inc.ludtng 6urying the mncsrtal witAin plennod t.fl! aroeA,
placemenc on-ritQ In non-struceural. westo rock areaa, anJ removel
off-air.e for processing oleer+here, ta bs u2tt.metely uaed an conatruction
materiel or burying et efr.s.
.1. Rockfnll Potoncial -- Dobrt~ foncec end/or doflsceton reructursa ah~Il
ha uaed to conr.oln rocY.a dtsIoQgeJ ovor thA slope durln,~ gr.adtn9
npe:attong. ?riar cc che 1ss~anco ot grndSn9 permica tor area~ includin~
thesa ulupEg, plang ahal2 bA submitcnd to CnlTran~ and the Clty 8r,ptnesr
,how~ng cAe cypa end Ioceeian o: the debrin fenror and/or a+flactinn
utYU~LUYee. (1-0.))
-16- PC32-7
~~.'r . ~}KN:~~
x. Seiemicity Study -- More dotailed eeiumicity wtudiee of the Cypraee
CAnyon project ehall b~ eubmittgd to the City ~nginaor for review and
approval concurrantly with grading plang. Said atudiee ehall includa a
aite epe~ific selemic analysie. Graddd elopea ehall be analyzod for
aarthquakA loading in accordance with acceptod etandard~ of practico
which deal •~+ith fuctore of eafety. The grading plan ehal.l be in
conformanco with all recommendationa of the eLte speaific eeiomi.c
etudy. (1-03)
45. That prio.r to eppr~val of plans w~thin an nrea fn vhtch the Four
Corneza ~.ipelino ia 2ocate~ or ta propomed to h~ relocntod, Che property
oaner/ileveloper ahal.i obtain the approval of c1~e Four Cornera P~peltne
Company. If the p2.p~Ifno is Zocatod or W~22 ba ralocnted w.ithin the publ~c
right-ot'-way, the Fovr Cornera P~peltne Compar.% shel.i aecure n frenchtara
agreenant from the City of Anelteim. Provxsiona of the fra» ahell be in
conformsnce with the r.ity Charter and appr~vod by the Four Corners Ptpel.ine
Compnny and by the City of M aheim prtor to approv+aI of th~ gradinq p1an.
Said agrea+nent ahaI1 be aubmittod to the City Attorney'r for review
and approvnl es to form. ;11-01)
46. That prior to appi•oval of any gradin9 plan s+fthin an erea wherein the Four
Cornern P.ipeline exlsts ar is proposed to be reloc~ted, the properz,y
oNner/dovolope:' nhe11 submit e safety plan to the C.ity Enginear. If ihere
a:•e eny etivironmentxl concerna re:attng tn devolopinq edjacent to the
p3paline o: relocs~tiny lt tdentif.ied durtng aubrteq~ent CEQA revieWU, the
praper.ty owner/doveloper sheI3 be responaible tor ftnenctng/~mplementiny any
nece~sary mittgntion measures. 5eld ola~i ahell ba epprnved by tho Four
Cozners Pipeline Company end raviowad by tho City. Reloce~lon of the
ptppXtno she11 occur et no cost to the City. (]J-01)
47. During grading, site preperacfon, excavetion end oerthwork complotton
uperaciona shall be performed unrler the observatfo,~ end Lesting of a
gautechnical engtneer e»d en enginoarfng geologtat. (1-01)
48. 7'hat prior to approvn.i of grad:ng plang, the prnr^~;,y owner/developar
sha11 aub.nit a raonitarSnq plan, prP^;~R.: ny an Orenge County rertl.flvd
nrchaeologtrrt, to the 5vbdivl~:un Sectlon thet anuuros that Che following
actfona ere implementedt
A. 2h~ archaeolog:st miiac bo present at thw pre-gradinfl conloronce ln order
to eatabltah nrocQAuras for eemporerily heStfnp or red.freccing work to
pecmit the sampling, identtftcacion, and ovnluettun uf erettecr,a if
potenr.ially xtqnittcant artffe~te er+ uncovered. If the nrrheAOloqica!
reaourcrs are fouf~J co be g1qr.Ifierne, ehe ar~h.~QOlogieel obeorvor shal!
determinA appropr!et• actiene in cnuperecion wtsh tho proporty
ownor/dovaloper tor ~xploret.ton anS/or aalveqo.
A. Spacimens chat. ero coIlectpd prior tu ~r dur.inq tA• Qredinp procoY~ wi.t1
be danacrd co the appropr.fese vdur~cionnl os• rorqarcA lnvticuetona.
„1~_ PC92-7
, ,:~ .
C. Any archaeolo9ical work at Che aite nhs11 be conducted under tho
d.irection of the rert.ifted archaeoloq~at. .if any arttfacta are
d.tncovPred during qradtng operetiona when the nrchaoloqlnel monitor ia
not presenc, grad~ng sha11 ba dtver2ed eround the area the monitor
cen au:vey the as•ea.
D. A final report deta~ling the findings and diapca~t.ion ot the apocimens
sha.ll be submttted to the C.ity Engi.neer. Upcn complot~on r~f tho graJing,
the a:•chneolagisr, aha11 notffy the C.tty Eng~neer ea tu ahen the final
repnrt be submitted. A aopy of Cho ~ine1 report ahn11 be aubmittoc+
to the Zoning Divtaton.
E. zf the Public works - Engtneertn4 and Plnnning Departmenta determtne th~t
dovelapment of the proposasf pro,~ect wi11 have eny ~mpnct on the eite of
the Claymont C1ay Mtning r.omplo.x and Confidence Coal Mtne (ZnceCed withfn
tne propert.y sold to tha Nature Conaervancy/State Depaxtment ot Fiah and
c?eme), furcher docunrentat.ton aha11 bo prepared by the s~eci.tir. Plan +~rea
property owner/deveZoper in ordez to nreaerve information relating to
eaz2y mining .in Orange county. This d~cumentet.fon aheIl lrtclud~, but i~ot
be l~mited to, archaologtcnl explo.retior./ma~ping and htetorlcaI
research. Theae findinga aha11 t1~en be incorporntod tnto dn
Archaeo2ogtcal/NLstortca2 :te~ort connisCent with profesgionnl atandarda.
49. Thet prfor to approvnl of ma~s plane, the proporty ownos•/devulopar
ahall submit a monitoi•Sng plan, prepared by an Orange County certitied
peleonto.logiat t.o the Subdivis.ion Section thnt ensures that the following
artions are implemented:
A. The paleontologtst must be pre.~ont at the pre-greding conferenco tn order
to eatablish procedurea for temporertly helting or red.frecetng aork to
permtt the sempItng, identificetion, and eveluetton of fosa~la .if
potenc.Eaily aignificent paleontoIogte~sl resourcea ere uncovered. Yt the
peleontolo,qtcal resources are found to bo af~ntficent, the
pu3eontological obaerver ahe11 dntarmtne eppropriet,e ecttona in
cooperation wfth the pr~perty owner/developer for exploratlon and/or
8. Knovn pnIeoncolagic•nI sttea identi~ied through the 11tNreture and reoorda
aenrch af~d the tie2d sur.vey ahall bn revieaed by trei.n~sd pAleontoIogiata
bn.foxe any earth moving acttvttie$ start.
C. Specimena ere coISeccod prtor to or dur~ng thu gred3.ny pr~coa~ wf11
bo donar.ed c~ the approprinto vducationel or r.eResrch .fnatfcutlonu.
-18- PC92-9
D. The property ownez•/devel.oper shall provfde the City Engirieer roith prcof,
in ehe form of a lotter from the paleontologiat that the properCy
owner/develoFer han provided the paleontolug.iat w.ith detatSod mappinq et
geo2ogic un.ita preaent on the property. snid n~apping uhaYl be
by a geotechnical eng3neer. IF the i.nformation te desmed tc be
lncomplete by the oaloontologtst, then Ltme, us determ.ined by tha C:C.y
Engineer, ahall be prov~ded to the to coniplete auch
map~ing prior to grading.
E. 1-l~y paIeontolo,qical work at the atCe ahall be conducted under the
direction of the certifiad pn2eontolugist. If nny fo3e~i.Zs ere diacovered
durtng gradiny operationa when tha archoa.iog~cal monitor ia not present,
grading sha.ll be diverted around the area until the monitor can survoy
the erea.
F. A final report deteiliny tne f~ndinga and di.apoaitton of the apeetmens
shall bo submfeted to the City E:ngfnoer. Upon comp.ietion af the grad~(ng,
the paleontologiat shall notify the City Bng~neer as to when the final
report wi11 be aubmttted. A ccpy nf L•he ffnal report ahall be eubmi.ttad
tc the Divtsion. (4-OZ)
S0. Thet pr.i.or fo epprovel of g:ading plans evfdence shall bo presenevd to the
Engineerfng ~epartment that thg proparty owner/deve7.oper. hes notif.ied the
U.S. Coast ana Cuodetic Survey regarding the .roZocation of ehe hfstcric
benchmark and asaociaf.od witnesa poet. Any x~location of the h~atoria
benahmark H.nd associated wftneas post aheSl be cerried out fn cooperation
srith the U.S. Coast and Geodetlc .Survey. (4-03)
51. That in conjuncticn with tho subm}.tta1 of each mass grading p1an, the
pzoperty ~wner/developer sha11 submit a d~st and eros.fon contro2 plan for
reviev by the subdiviafon section. Tho du~tt end orosfon control pIan shall
be approved by the C.ity En,qfneur concurrently with tho masa grading plen.
The dust and erax.ion control ~olan xhalI:
h. Specatfy stQpa thut will be taken to comply With South Coast Air ~uality
Managemene Dintrict (SCA~ND) ltule 401, which reryutrea that Ch~re be no
dust Smructs ~ff-site bufficfent co cnusv e nuisance end SCAQMO Rule 403,
which i•e~ ~icttr fugitive dust e~riseionut
6. Spocify measus•ea to be taken to control dUAL including deily ti~atertng of
ex~~osod ssur:acea during And efter grndinq, ceasfng grnding Iantlni~nr
duriny Etrong w~nds when :ugitfve dust .fv lravir,g Lhs sfte, p 9
p~Iymor sotl b.fnding progrnm to covor dlatus•bed ereas ea xoon as
poaaible, washin,q Nhuols of trucka crnvoling on C.fty atreeta end the
fnantbtltty of c~ndurt}ng grading in a pbnsed manner co mintmila Lhe erea
uf exposed aurtncos. Furchor, tho propercy ovner/deve.loper shaIl au6mit
en exhibft co thp E'Leld Engfneer e~ch quarter showing exposad urens
rovared by o:• ~oIymer anQ prm.andntly I+~ndacapod i~roavJ
-19- PC92-7
~:,,. ,
C. Show compliance with atandard City mdasur9s for duat control es apeait'iod
~n Section 17.OE.040 0# the Mun~cipal Code and the Stnndard
Spec.if.icutions for Publ.ic Worka Conatznction;
D. Speaify a dur,t anc~ eroaion control plan des~gned to :~mit the
exposed aren~ by comploting and cover~ng graded az•ens hefore eddit.iona2
areas aro graded. (6-Ol)
52. ThnL prior to the public: hearing Por each gi'ad~ng p1en, Che properCy
owner/develaper sha12 ~ubmi.t sn eroaton control plan prepared by a
z~~gt~tered clvil enginoer for revtow ny the Subd~v.iaton 3ect.ion.
E.cos~on/runuff aha1Z be contro.iled per City roquirer~ents, and ghell lnc.iude
provisions to prevent alteration, aedimentet~on or other depo$ition of
matertal in pre~erved drninage couraes. 'lho erosion control plan aha.I1 be
pi•aparod ~.n compliance with the mitiqAti.on mea~ureo .ident~fied in Ftna1 EIR
No. 298 and sha11 be c+pproved by tha Ci.ty Gngineer cuncurxently wiCh the
grad~ng pIan. The eroaion control plans aha1l be updated each year, pr.ior
to ~~tober 15th, until develvpment .ta complete. After earh atorm (~..e.
rainfall of at 2east 1 inch a 24 hour time perfod;, e summery aha11
be submittod to the Fielrl Enginoer .fnd.icating the performnnce of the ez•oston
control tacilittev, the achedule for cleenup and repair, and planned
improvements to devices that dtd not perform satisfectorily. The Croa~on
Cc+l~trol Plan r~hall include, b~t not b~ 1.imited Lo, the folIowings
A. Durtng the interim perioc before the ground cover takea hold, straw, wood
chlpa, hydroseedfng, plastia (vla9ueen) or othe~ atabiZfzing agenta ahe21
be used.
B. Soi2 on graded slopes shall be strengthened by pZenttng to reduce the
potentzal ot' eros~on when directed by the City Engineer.
C. °ite construction ahall bo phased, an the .tntsrim condttion may require
tomporaiy toe ditches, risers, and headwalls. .ntertm ~rosSon control
facfl~t.ies shnl!, but ~~ot be ltmttnd to, sandbngginy, doailting
bASina nnd additional measures aa appzoved by tha Ctty E:ngineer.
D. Re9arding crails idenci.fivd aa County Rnglonal Tre.ils, the property
owner/developer wi11 tre requ}.rod to obcain Couney revtsw enJ approve3 of
tr.sil right-of-way alignmenca, widths nnd improvnments tv tnaure ebeir
cons~Btency with County r.ra11 ntandards. Grad~ng plana for trofla wi11
also b~ reviewed nnd approved by the City Bng.fneor. Conformnnce
Ctty Standarcis wi11 mfnimize tbd fncidence of irrJ.getion r.unutf end
gi•adtng t.rre~ulArtttea. (2-03)
53. Thut prfnr to approvul of greding plane, the propercy oaner/developar
sha11 ~ubmEt dreinage pZans for revfeW end epprovel by the City of Annhefm
pub2ic WorF:a - E:n~~r.eering Dopartment. The dratnege plens uhell tor
divera:on of runutf c~ mi7imtse down,stranrn erosiun end cutttngt however, tho
p2anu ahe11 aIso be designed to enaure thnt the exi.ating quent.ity and
~uelfty of wetnr aupplias co dnwr.strRam araes are conaf~t~nt vtth the
exlstfnQ conditions. (3-15)
-2U- PC42-7
.,ru ~ ..w...
54. ThaC prior to approval of the Pirst mans c~z•ading plan fox Devoloprnent
Areas 10, 11A, 118, 12 nnd a por~ion of 15, which are edjacent to tha OwI
Rork sand and gravel opor.ntion, Zandacsping plans, .inc.luding provis~an Por a
temporery Iandscnped berm/sczeening for the areas adjacenC to the Ow1 Roek
sand and gravel operation boundary, sha11 ba submitted to th~ Planninq
Department for review and approval by the P.Lanni~~g Commtsaion. xhe slape
Zandacap.~ng and t.rr.igati.on ehall be installed and curtified by tho
responsible Land~cape Architect ~n confozmance r•ith Sect.ton 17.06.137 ot' the
Anaheim Munic~pal Code prior to approval uf thj first plot pYan grsdtng plan
.£or said areas. The landacaping plana sha11. be prapared in compl.tenco w.ith
landscApe rrrir.igation measurea iclenttfted ~n e'EIR No. 298. (6-0lJ)
55. Thet prior to the commencHment of any blasting, the property
owner/developer sha1Z obtain a permit from the Anaheim F~ire Marshal pursuant
to the City oF Anaheim Munici.pal Code (Secti.on 17.06.270 "Excavat.ion
B1a~ting - Permit, Applicat~on and Report" af Tit1e 1:) and notice of the
commencement date of blastfng shn11 be provided to AII proporty ~wnern
within tho Cypress canyon boundarias, property owners wtthfn onA-ha1P miIo
of the blasting area, Caltrans, the County of Orange, the City oP Yorba
Linda and any other per~ons/agenctes oetermined appropr.iate by tha .F~re
Ptarshal/City Engtneer. (1-05J
5r,, Thnt prior to fssuance of butldfng perm.tta, the property owrier/developei•
sha1l submit a progrem for review and approveJ by the Ctty Englneer, to
pz•ovide for: (1) the installation and maintenenr.e oP near sarface moisture
monitoring devtcos on manufactured slopas, and (2) the retontlon of
~ervices, an a yuarte.rly bas.{s, of a qua2ffi~d profeaafonal to cuntrol
burrowing animals on m~nufactured slopes in an environmentally 9QFR way.
The program shn11 bo funded by Che property owner/developer or anot:her mechaniara accepteble ta eh9 City of Anoh~tm. (.i-06)
67. That prior to the approval oi the f.irat landecape plan, a tLOO and plant
palette shall be submitted for review and approval Uy the Planning~ Fire and
tdaintenanc~ Depart~nente.
50. Thgt prior to approval of landscape plnns ndjacent to all public roadways,
tree typea und loc~tions nhall bc~ reviewed and approvod by the Director of
Maintennnce. Koot and eidewnik barriera ehall be provided for trees within
sever. feet oi public sidewniks and/or pub~ic right-of-way.
59. That p:ior to epproval of Iandscape pZana for each trect or percel mep,
fuol modffir.attcn plena sha1Z be r~vtewoci and approved by ehe F~ra
Peparr.ment. Fue.l bi•caks shall be provtded aa determ.ined to be neceasary by
thn Firc- Uopa:tmant and Cha ~funl madfffcatton proyram ahe11 be implemented
as our.l.ined tn the Sp~+ctfic Plan docvment. The fuel modlfi.cation program
(detnslod in the Cyprena Canyon sperific P.Ian document) consfstn of fuel
modificetion zones for netura~ plnnt mnter.iela to rdduc~ f.ire hazarda
edjacpnt to reaidenelel areas. (9-11)
-21- PC92-7
n• ~ ,
60.~ That landecape plnns ahall provide for native slopeo adjacent to nowly
conatructed homes to bo hydL•oseeded with s low fueJ. combuatible oeed mix.
5uch elopes sh111 be eprinklerod and woeded a~ roquired to eetabliKh a
rninimum 4£ thirty (30) feet nf separatioa between flammable vegatati.on and
any etructure.
61. That prtor to the approval of eech :nass grading p1an, n Mastor Spooimen
Troe Removal Yormtt shall be subm~tted .toz review and approval by the
Planning Commission. The property oiot~er/developer shall 9ubmit nn ennual
l.ettor to the Zoniny Division, the first Jnnuary following tho
issuance of the rlaster 5pecimen Troe RemovaZ Permit, to document the number
and location of the treea replnced io accordance with tAA requiromenta o.f
tha M$ster Specimen Tre~e Removal Perm~.t, and pr.iox to honds
betng z•eleased foz development in each phase oP the psoject, tho property
owner/devolopez sha11 submit to the Zon.tng D~vision proof in the form of
written documantation and a f~nal Spoc~men Treo Replacement Location Map
that e11 roplncement trees w.ith~n the phaso hac•a+ been plantod and have heen
establiahed for a minimum per.iod of one year 3n eccorddnce with approvRd
Zandscape plans. A11 su6sequent Cree removal requests ahnll bv
processed in accordance with Sectton 18.76.130(F) of the llnaho~m Mun3c.fpal
Codn (Specimen .Tree ordinanc9). Spec.imen treea to be affected by
dev~lopment are shown on DEIR Exhibtt 24, Impacts to Specim~n Traea.
Specimen trees aF~a11 b~ replaced at a 2:.1 rntto and sha1l be pIanted in tho
habitnt :•ep2acemont area and on manuFar.Cuzed slopes throughout the project.
62. That indi.vidual trees ahall be removed only after isauance of the maaa
grading perrt:it covering the aroa which includea the treee. Further, the
maes grading plan sha11 specify the number of trees to be romoved in
accordanco with the Master Specimen Tree Removal Permit.
63. Thet prior to appr.oval of grading nZans, the property owner/developor
sha11 aubmit landaceping And irrignt.ton plana and an Irrigatton Mansgement
Program to integrate and pi~esn the tnatallatton of cammon erea and
streotsr.ape .Zandscaping with Che proposod grading and r.onstrcctton acheclule
to Che Zoniny D.tviaion for review and apnroval.
A. The landscape pZans shall be beaed on the conceptun2 landacape plens
npprovod by the Planning Comm.fssion fn connoation with Stte P.ian,
tentatLve trect or pa:cel map epproval. IP grading plans ere procease~i
prior co subdivicrion or S.ite Plan approval, ~hon the landacepe plnna
aha11 be .9ubmitted co the Commisston for a not.icod public
hoer.fng in Ghe seme time and manner as required for roview of Site Plens.
B. Tho le~dacaping pIans sha11 be prepared and cert.ffied by a 13cenaod
landscape archieect. The landscape archftect 3ho1Z submir. certffication
.fn ac.cordance with A1~aheim Municipe.l Code 5oction 17.06.137. The
Z~ndscspe plans shall provfdR visual Qcreening of urban uuas
(rnsidential, commercial, school, waeer tnnk) from open apace arees or~-
nnd off-site and sha11 include heavy empha~is un drought-reaistent and
fire-retardant vegetation and bn in conformar.ce with City requ~romenes
and stendarda.
-22_ PC92-7
C. The Irrigation Managoment Pro,qram sha11 a~9c~fy method8 tor monitor3ng
the irrigat~on system, and aha11 bA deaigned by an ~trtgat~on ong~neer
(c~rtiPication to be aubmitted tn Accordance w~th 1lnahp~m Munic~p$1 Code
Soction 17.06.137). Tl~e ayar.em ahe11 ensure that ~rr~gation ratos do not
exceed the infiZtration of Ioca1 aoils and that the applicat~on ot
ferttlizers and pest~cides do not exceed aPpropx~ate leveZa and
D. Each landscaping and irr~gat.ion plan sha~1 incZude tho anataZ3at~on of
1ow water using landscape ar.d Zow voZume irrjgation 8ystema in accordance
with the guidaZines establtshed in the Stnte of Cali.fornia WatRr
Eff~czent Land~cttpe Mode1 Ordinance set forth by Assembly D~11 325,
includinq, but not Zimited to, destgn foatv:•es t1~at consorve wetor such
as controlled irrtgAtion systema which may employ drtp irrigat~on, so31
moist.ur.e senaors, and au~omatic systems that mxn~mize a•unof~ ond
ovaporation, and use of mulch on top of aoil to impzove water ho.Iding
capacity of public lendscaped areasp and, use of xerisca~e and
drought-tolerant ~p~cies for landscaP~ng. Pla~s indicat~ng auch
conservation meaJUres sha11 be rev~ewed an~ aPproved by Che Uttl~ttee
Departmont prior to approval by thr_ Zoning Division, ~z-04;
64. That prior to tY~e submittal of model horne final landscape p~at~s to the
Zoning Division for roview and approval, the property oWner/developer shnll
work with tha Utilitiea Dopart,~ient to clevelop demonstration praject:s
utilizing wate.r conaerving landscape and irrigation eystema for Cypreea
Canyon model Yomeo.
G5. That prior to the i.esuance of the firet certificate of use or occupancy Por
any etructure within each trnct or parcel map, a liceneed landac.ape
archttoct shall certi£y to the Zoning Diviaion, in conformance with S~ctinn
17.06.137 of the Anaheim Municipal Code, that the landecxping has be~an
inptalled for the individual tract or parcel mapo ,{n accordance with a
phaoing plan approved with the landec~pc and i.rrigatiop plana.
G6. That prior to the iesuanne of each certificate of occupancy for resident'al
structures in the RS-~1000 Zone, the proper.•ty ow~er~develoner ehull ba
responsible for installing front yard landscaping, p~urthez, a licAneed
landacape architect shall carti£y to the Zoning Divieion, in conformance
with Section 17.06.137 of the AnahQim Munici~al Code, that the landecapin~
has been installed in accordance with landscaping plane approved by the
Planning Commt.ssi~n.
67. That in order to minimize L•he posnibil.tty of inva$;on of nattve hab~tats
by non-native .invasiva plsnt apecies, no such plant ~Necies shall ba uaed in
2andscape plana, fue2 modiffcatton zvnea or buffer zones wh~ch tnterface
with tlie presarvod netural open space areas. As ~ncliceted below, some of
these plant ~pecies may bo utilized tn a:•oas which Jo not ~nCerfece W.Ltb
opFn apace arees. Any C.CbRs will pz•ov.{da tbet p1anzing or dtsposeZ of
cuttings of th~se or any oeher ornamental plant~ in preserved natural open
spaee a.reas is atrictly pi•ohibir.ed. Controlled inves.ive .gpectea wiIZ
inc.Iude the following:
-23_ PC92-7
,. ~Gr• ,.
,~ •a .
- Giant reed (Arundo donax)*
n Hottentot-fig (Carpobrotua edulis)
. Qarland chrysanthemum (Chrysanthemum .:oronarium)*
- Pampns grass (Cort~deria atecamensts)*
- Frenah broom (Cyt:.sus monspesnulans)
~ 9cotch braom (Cytisus acupc~rius)
. Aormuda buttercup (oxa1~~ pes-capree)*
- German ivy (Senecio mtkenoides)
r Pink periwinkle (Vinca majcr)
. Tamarisk (Tamarix spp.)*
- Gorse (ulex eurcpaeus)
~ Chtneae Trae-of-Neaven ( spp.)*
* Ind~cates species w)~ich rnay not be used in any plant palattert,
regsrdless of Zacation in th3 deveZopment, due to itr~ ab.ility to readily
spread via a~rborne seeds, rather then vegetatively. (3-16)
68. That prior to Lhe tssuance of the first use and orcupancy permita wlthtn
the tract or parcel map, the proPerty own~r/developer ahall submit, to the
sstisfaction of the Genaral Manager of the Ut.ilitiea Department, e certtfsod
wator audit for Iandscape irrigation systems. (2-09)(10-04)
69. That on-eite landecaping and irrigation eyst.emn ahr~ll be maintained in
complianca with City standarda.
'70. That in connoction with the aubmittal for apprnvnl of any tencative tract
and/or pRrceZ map includinq or adjacenC to water reaervoir s.itea, conceptual
landscapo plans which deIineate techntquea for the reaervoir and
electrical subatation ,site, where visible to Cho publ.ic, aheZl be submitted
to the PZanning Commisaion for rev.iew ano approvaZ. Further, the ~tnanctal
mechanism for provision and rnatntenance a11 auch landscaping areas aha1Z be
reviewed and approved I~y the City. (9-04)
71. That prior to approval of grading plnns, tho property owner/deveIoper
shall submit to Che PIanning Department fer Planning Commi.ssi.on review ai~J
Approval, a revegetAt.ten program covo:ring aI.1 grRded alope~a withtn thb
project grading area which ~rcr adjacent to presezved open space nreas. The
revegetbtion program shall be rrepared by a quaI.{fled profassional
exper~enced in revegetatton of nRtive ~1ant commur.~[ties. The revegetetion
pzogrem aha11 inc.Iuda the following e2ements: timing~ p1ant materials,
~:riqstt~n, maintenance and performance standards. (3-04)
72. That detniled Zandscape plans for privately mainta.inod comman araas sha11
be su6mitted to the Zoning Division ~nd appi•oved prior to appxoval o.f pIoc
plan graoing plans. Flans aha11 i,~clude proviuiona for Ionq-Cerm
maintenanc~~, ar~d sha1Z be consistent w~th the Zanducspe p.Iens aubm.itted foz
raview end apFrovaZ hy the PZenniny Commisaion in connection with Site
Plans, tentative tracc or parcol maps or grsdfng pIans. ~and3cape plana
adjacent to natural cpen space erean aha11 be prepared by a queltfied native
plant Zandscape specialfst end sha11 include d pa2ott9 of plent maf.erfaZs
that are sirnilar to the vegetation to be removod in eonnecCion with t5e
grading. (3-03)
-24- PC92-7
73. That prior to approval o.f the f~rst tentat.ive ~ract or parcel map or ma~s
grading p1an, whichaver occura ti..rst, thg property owner/developer aha11
~ubmit a final Master Drainago and Runoff Management Plan (MDRMP) for rev~ew
by the Publ.ic Works - Aepartment and approval by the Ctty
Engineer tl~at conforms to tha preliminary Master Drainago and RunoPt
Management Plan. Prior to approval by tha City Eng~neer, tha MDftMP shaSl be
submittod to the County of Orangn Environmental Managemont Agency, the
Reg~onal i/atez pual.ity contxol Doard and caltrans for review and approval as
it ral4tes to their draineye Ay3tems/areas of responatb.t.i.ity.
ImplomenCation of the approved MDRMP and compliance with the C~ty NPDE3
Permit and Dest Ftanagement Practtces sha11 be made part o~E the Conditions of
Approval of each tentative ~ract map. The master plgn ahall include, but
not be limited ~o, the f~11o~~inq .ztemar
A. Backbpno 3torm drain layout and pipe s.:.zo, includiny suppor:tng hydrology
and hydraulic calculations for storms up to and includiny the 100-year
9. A del.ineation of the improvements to he implemonted fox control of
project generated drainage and runoff, demonatrating compliance with
design critaria and mitiyation measure~: aet forth in FEIR Tlo. 198 for
C. A description of the ex.isting discharge conditt~ns, post-developmont
runoff estimates and proposed drainage improvements to conftrm the
diBC:harge 1evels evaluatad in FEZR No. 298', ~f necessa.ry, ident.iPy
provisions to reduce the dov~loped peak flos~ to pre-deveZopment lavals~
through such measures as up-stream detent~on.
D. Deta.iled as3essment of exiatin~ water puality, potent.ial water gual.ity
impacts and a description of proposed measures tu matntain water quality,
incIuding the fo?Iowing:
1. Incorporation ~f structural and non-structural 98st Man~agemant
Practtc~es (EMPs). BMP~ ma,y .fnclude, but are not .I~mited to,
containment of mmsonry and paint wastes on the construction sitel
~,roper diaposal of vehicle Puel and mainter.Ance wasteaj diaposal of
trash and debris; prohjbiting water washdown of paved arena (batt~
during and after. const.ruction); common car wash arana connacted to tha
sanitary server; a1~d education/craining Por canstruct~on woxkera on
these practicos. F.ngindering details, maintenance procedures dnd
ftrnding responsibilities o.£ these BMPs sha1Z also be descr~bed.
-2~_ PC92-7
2. I'ncorporation of monsuras to comply w.ith applicable aations to be
identiEiod by the Reg~onal Wat.,er Qualtty Control Dosrd (RWQCB) ~n
conformance with the State Water R~sourcer~ Control Board ;SWRCB)
str-tewido water gual.tty aontrol plan for inland surface waters,
adopted Apri1 11, 1991. ShouZd the RWQCB not determin e theae ~act.ions
by completion and approval of the MDRMP, the ~IDRMP shall .i.dentify
projeat spec.ific actions for conformance with the numerical water
guality objectives of the statewida water qualit,y control plan for
atormwater discharges.
3. Description of a water quality program to monitor water
qua2ity durinq and sabsequent t~ conatructlon nnd evaluate the
effect•ivaness of eMPs. The ~vater quaZity monitorin g program ahaZ1
identify (a) the person/age.ncy respons.iblA for implemant~ng the
program, (b) souzr,es of pollutants in runoff (e.g.. nu~.sance flows
from develop~rient aroas, irrigat.ton flows) , (c) specif.ic types of
pollutants expected in runoff th~t will be mon.itored (o.g., total
suspended sol.ids, phosphor.ous, Ioad), (d) water qualtty sampling
stations that are s~epresentativo of runoff fxom the sovrcas identified
above, (e) aampling prcgram methodology, devicas to bo used
and fraquency an~' dur.ation of sampling, (f) method for evaluattng data
collected from samplin9 Program, .ineluding threshoZ d standards foz
determining effectiveness of BMPs, and (g) add.itional measures~ af
necessary~ to increase effectivenvss o# BMPs to the throshold
standards identified in D(1) above.
E. Spaaial drainage-relatod m.itigatian ~hal1 be included for the "monarch"
Tecate cyprass, l~cated in the 2ower pert of the cany~n. Subdrstns shall
be instaZled as required in order ta prevent any potvntialZy harmfuZ
coller_tion of irrigation watez or water from ather sources rolated to the
develepmenC. Durin,q the installation ot' the3e sabdrain s and the debris
basin, care shall be taken to avoid earth disturb~nce which could be
harmf.ul to tho monarch Tecate cypres~. Thece shaZl a2so be an
undisturbed buffer 50 feet from the driplino or th e monaxch Tecnte
cypresa zn ordor to adequately ensus•e that thero i3 no altaration to the
hydraulic reginte (both suzface and subsurface).
F. Transport of sediment to the Santa Anu River shaiZ be min~mizod ~c
prevenC negative offects upan porcoZetion in the downstream recharga
system due to depositton of f.ine matvrfals. This contro.l of aedimant
transport wi11 he designsd to provide approximately the same anoant (as
che current condition} of sc~di.ment transpcrted from Coal Canyon to the
~antA AnA A.ivar in ordar to ma.iratain the current equi.Zibrlum cond.ttion
that exists in the Santa Ana Ri~~er.
G. Recommendations of the FinaZ Sediment Yield Study (see APPendix A of FEZR
No. 298 Responso to Comment docuntenL, Sediment Yiel.d Study, Robert Bein, Fro~t end Associates, September 1991) she11 be incorporated ae
additionaI mitigation measures as part of the MDRMP•
-26- PC92-7
,,.~ .
N. A Bktmmor for oi1, groesv, and o~her Iloateblea a.ill be inc3uded .in the
dcL~.tIed doglgn of the wet basin. Hai.^,tenence of the ak~mmer end
un.'esirabl9 accumulations of nettled material wtll nlno be apec.{t.isd.
i. AIZ rtorros• requlattona conta~ne~ in the HORNP sha11 be preparod beaed
on th• stormti+ater regulationa promulgated by the EPA fos• compZtance with
.ita NPDES program und the Water Quelity Cor`.aal Act nf I987. In
parttcular, tha NDRMP niftigation plen she~12 requtre -ha diatencs botween
the porcolation groundwater and surface aatsr to be at leeat 1 Lo ~ feet
tn ordor to preclude prahlema with contemtnated aurfaco :+aeer in
confor-~iance with EPA crttoria.
J. Aeaociated impects on the equtfer wi11 6e pertielly mi!iyated throiryh
featuros conta.inad in tho prnposed dreinege aystem. A debrle besin aha~l
ba ~onstructed at tho upatream limit of the devRlopmgnt eree, which wtll
elso functior, es a percolatton erea. The betin wiI1 collect thp Iaryer
debzts and uedimentr. prior to encering the sto:m drain ayatom. In
addttton, the prupuaed mftigat.fon p.lan ehe11 a.ilow nuiaencs t'1oa and low
frequency stnrms Lo flow Lhrouqh bioIogicnl habitat arena which would
elIov lvnger detpntfon of runotf and more porcoletion for gr~undveter
rechar.qe. 1'he property ovner/dev~Soper end/or enocher tl.nanrtel
merhanfam accepcable- to tha Citj~ sdnll be rasr~naible for mefntenance ot
drntnaqe fact~iities.
K. DPbria bastna s1:a11 be used during cor.aeruction sa mitigation for
sed.finent generatlon and runoff contamination. Eatahltahad atandarda and
praccicea wtli be use~i for erostor. and control, and wiIl comply
with the Regtonal Water Ouality Control ~o+~rd'a Coneral Construcr,ton
permit conditions.
t~. Periodlc cleanfnq (i.e., atreet eweoping) of publir atreets hy tho Ctty
to remove smell perticls-stled sedfTenta vitA abscrbgd polSutsnta ce~sed
by uxea of the atea.
H, NechanSems co control resc:CS~RD end terti2lzer vuege sAe11 be identified
anA raratully contzollee ns e f~nction .:f tho Xaster Drainege Plan and
Runotf Hanogement Progi'am (MDRNP;. (1-Oi)
74. Tha~ prior r.o approva! of gi•adin9 plans, tho propercy ownar/de~~olvpor
sAaIl obtsin requlred NPJEY permits fiom tho A~gl~nal Vet4r Vua2ity Contr~l
Iloard. (2~05 J
;5. ;'Aat praor co aJ+provel ot drainage improvomant plan~ ~or nach tract or
per~~l n.ap, plang rba11 provid4 to: aedimenr. trapa co ba construcccd on
prlvat~ dralnege Aev=r4~ co provone g11e tro.~n Rnearinq tbo pub.Ilc atroecs
a,~d ~toi~n ~raln9. Plans rAall ivrthsr provide tor oroslon runotl tro+~ alopa
terra~e dratns to be controllQC by conrtructtng e gni~ c++tchmn~~t utrocCUro
at c~ch locati~rs wh~ra r~~nolt lram ologo torraco dratna ontar publtc dr~f:na
ar publfc Th.r ~petnene crepn and ,rail cst~hr.ant structur~r
-~7_ PC92-7
~ha11 be constructad pr~or to ~nauanco af eny cert~f~coteu of occupancy for
tho tracC or parcel map. Theae structurea sha.ll bo majntatned by Cho
properLy owiter/developer or another tinancial me~hanism accoptnbZe to the
City. (2-06)
76. That prior to the approval of any tentativo tract or parcel map or rough
gradinc plan, whichever occurs firet, the property owner/developer ei~all
submit a Dra~~age ond Runoff Management Plan to the Public Works-tingineer.inq
Department fo~ re•~.tew and approval by the City Engineor that conforme to the
Masttr Dra~nage and Runoff Management Plan and includee the following itemes
A. A dQlinoation of tho improvementa to be implor.iented for 4ontrol of
proj~ct generatod drainage and runoff, demonatrating cumpltance with
dseign criteria and drainage mitigation meae~res eet forth in FEiR No.
2?8 for drainage.
B. A deecriptio.~ of the exiating diachargo conditione, poet development
runoff eatimate~, proposad drainage improvamente and proposAd meaeurea to
maintain water quality.
C. The de~ign of speclfic flood control facili.tiee that will protect the
d~velopment from inundation du~ to rainfall runoff. from a 10-yaar,
25-year and 100-yaar flood.
77. That pr#or to approval of each ftnal trect rn.~p or parcel nrap, the property
own~r/dvvploper ahallr
A. 5ubmit to che Pub2.ic Workn-Engtnoering U~apar.tment, Subdi.vlafon sectton
for review nnd appr•ova2, atorm drain impruvement pIans that wi1.l protert
tAe daveloFment from inundetfon dua to ra~nfell trom a21 aiorms up to and
including the I00-year aCOrm. Deatgn end inaeallwtton of project
drainage :acillttes aha11 be ln accor.danca wfth t!~e flov criterle, dsaiyn
atandnrda and conacruction reqiiirFments of che Public worku-Engtneartn9
Dopartment, includtngr
I. Locr,1 drelnege fncilittss ahell be degtgnc!d tor the 25-year tlow
?. Local fa^flities ac aunp Iucetiona sha11 bo Aea~gnAd for 25-yoar
llcwrar.ea. Sunpg without a aeronQary ouclet ~ha11 bo dealgned far
100-y~ar flow xatea, nnd regfonal fcctliti~a Bhould elso b~ d~ai~nrtd
for J00-yaar flown.
3. Gocal street drainage criterlc requtr+n th~ 25-yQar floodeA deptA to
bo bulvw th9 top of curb and ~xtoria2 T-fyAways ahe11 hevo ona, ~wolvo
(12) t~cc 2an~ fra~ o! vacar Jn cho ~torm.
B. pny tbe app:•vpria-c Aralnege ar~Yensment foa to cAe ~ft.y of MehaLn 1r. sn
amount a~ estsblt~thed by City Council prior to eho ~pproval of s~ah tine2
crnct or p~rcrl nnp. (2-0~)
-28- PC92-7
, ~.w~~, f ~uo~.
'-B. That prlor to the isauance of certi.ftcatea of occupancy, f:he property
owner/devolopeY DI7All 3ubmtt to the Meinter.enca Department, tor rav~ow and
approva2, informatton provided to flrat Ctme hor:~buyera regnrd.{ng dtspoael
of pot waAtea, waste oil end qrease, end peattcide contatnera. (2-02)
79. 1'hat manholes and catch basina aha11 be cleened on t~ ye~rl~ ~a8~s, oz ea
othe:~wiae determined by the governing agency, including private stormdra~na
matntalned by the propnrty ownpr/developer or enother f.inanr.~a1 n~ochen.ism
acceptable to the Ctty. (2-i0)
00. That tha property owner/developer ehell be finan~ia:ly reeponaible fos the
following item~s
A. The construction ~f the Nnoter Plan drainage faril_tiest
H. The constructi4n of in-tract and local atorm drain eyotem improvomentel
C. Any permite and any eubsequent Pnvironmenlal ae9eesment doemed neceeeary
by the Ctty of Anaheim.
el. That Ln conjunctf.on with thE aubmittal of each t~ntatlve tract or parcel
mnp, the property ownor/developer ahall provide inf4r.mation regarding the
eizinq reguiremente for the water syntem (i.e., primary maina. spect.~l
:acilitios, terminal etaraqe reservoi.r and tranemi~eion maino) w.:.hin the
parcel or tract boundariee= ea1.d requiromente to be revisNed nnd approved by
the water Enginoering Diviaion pr.Sor to the npproval ot each t4nter.i~•~ tr.act
or parcal map.
62. Ti~ae tn dexS9ning thc mein wnter dtatxtbutfon ayatem to bo tnytelled tn
artertal roedways, the property owner/daveIoper abe21 cnnsidar Snclud.iny
r~eclntmed waear 11ner for irrfqntton of conmon ar9e lsndacepea, ~noJian
Qtripg, alopea end perlc sparea in the ~rojecC to accommodat~ fuCUro ure of
ra:laimed vecar. Prfor r.o tA~c aubmtttal ot eech tract or percel
map, a der.e:mfnation whether to Snclude reclotmed r+utsr 2lnQg atthln the map
bcundariea wi11 be made joincly by thu Utfl.icier Dep~rt~+snt end proporty
oaner/devgloper. (9-02)
&3. Thar prior to approval ef oach tantativa tract or pnrcel mnp, the WatQr
Eaqlnearinq Diviolon rhall have tha oppoct~r.ity to ravisr- that epecifir
dovalopmant phaue to dotermine what incremone, lf eny, of tho torminal watc+r
ntoraqe facillty muat b~ inatalled ty tha pro~ecry ownec/dev~lopor tr~
~~pport sai•1 devaloEr.nent Fhaaa.
-29- PC92-7
P4. 7'hat tho On-Sito Wat~r Oiatribution Syetem Plan (ExhibiL• 3U of the Specifio
Plan document) indicatea the canceptual l~cetione of tho water etorage
reservoirs and pump statione. Prior to the a~proval of the first
tract or parcal map, whichever occure first, the p.roparty owner/devoloper
shall ec-ter into a~~ritten agreement with the Water Engineering Divieion as
to the placement and timing of the water etorage reeervoirs and pump
ar.ations. IE there are any additional environmental concerne relating to
the lacation of the water storage reservoiro and purcp stationn identified
dur~ng subsequent CEQA reviowa, the propexty owner/developer ehall be
responBible for financing any reporte/studies req~ired by th~ Ci*_y ae part
of tha CEQA review and financing/lmplementing any necessary mitigation
measurea. Tho finAncing of any reports, etudiee, and/or actions taken to
mitigate envirormental concexne aseociAted with the waker ntoraqe resorvoirs
and pump atatiunn aha~: be includad in any reimburaement agreemont for
area-wide improvementa.
85. That in connection with the subraittal for eppxoval of any tentaetva tra~L
Ar~d/o~ paz•ce2 map o:• grading pIan, ~ shorc-tei•m water conaervation plen to
reduce water uae assocteted r+ith project gr.eding end construction vi.l! be
revtowod nnd a~proved by~ the Nater Enginoerinq Dtvision of the Utflitiea
Department. (9-OS)
86, Thac prior to the approve.i o.E the ftrst tentattvn trect or parcel mdp,
whichever occurs firsc, praperty cwnor/deveIoper ai~a11 aubmit e WeLer
Me~ter plan of Improvem~nts to the Cfty Weter Eng~neering Otviaton of tAe
uti2ltieH Deparcment for review and approvaI from the cen~pa.y M~nager,
Utilitiea Department. Tha plan ahe11 ident.ify methodn tor au 1 ~n water
eo the aite, and the funding mechenism to ho util~zed to implement eheso
methoda. (9-01)•
Said plan ahall alea contain pravisions for paympnt uf Manter Plan
f~ailities on a fair ahuro basin. Upan approval ot the MaetAr Plan of
Improvements, eald plan nhsll be incorporated inr.o the specific Plan Public
Facilitiea Pl~n by reference and ehall b~ carrled out in accordance
therewlth. The Gensral Managar, C~tiliti~e D~partrc~ont ceservaa the riyht at
any time to reviez and update the wn*.er Maatar Plan of Tmpravomente provided
r.Y~~+e eUCh revisionB eliall ~~~~ affert contracta provlovsly exucated by the
City and the property owner/developer in arcordance with the Water Maoter
Plan of Improvementa prior to nnid r~aviafon. ir. accordance witt~ tha Watar
Utillty'o Rnt~n, Rules and Reyulations and tha Cypraeu Can/on Speclfic Plan,
th~r Mnotar P:~n vhall lnclucte e anaLyaio fur the propoood oystem
uncfer averagc~ day, mnxlmum day and penk hour demende, ehall givo
consid~rati~n to pro~ectod water demande, pzoasure zo:-~aa And aorvicQ erea,
and uhall eQt forth the rQquirasmm~ts6io~~1Q~eeinondiiChg~~fc+lloalr.qnpr4quirsd
primary r^ainn, reservoir~, ~ p
p, The conseruction cf a new qroundwatQr well a~ a locetlon to be ~hosan by
the watar Enqineerinq DiviBls~n (~urrently pro;waed in Eucal/gtuti Park).
-JO- PC92-~
.r /Ay~
B. Advancoment of fund3 for the r.onstr~±~tion of an in-line booster pump
station currently proposed in tho vicinity oE La Palma Avenue and 1(ellogg
Drivg if the aapacity added by the Eucalyptud Park groundwater well le
determined ro be innufficient to cover increaeed demand.
C. Advnncoment of funds for the completion of two aegmonte of the
Cranflmiaeion main in SanY.a Ana Cariyon Road betweon Anahoirt Hille Road nnd
Mohlar Drivo (about 4~,0(1 feet of 36-inch) and bet•weon Weir Canyon Koad
and Longwood 5treet (about 1800 feet of 30-inch) to reduce headloee in
tho trariemiseion main as a reeult oE higher water demar.~.
p. Advancement of funda for the upgrading oP the City'B L•urnout facility off
thg Allen McColl~ch Pipeline if the capacity added by improvementa in
itame A and B ie determined to be ineuff±ciont to cover. incr.eaeed demand.
E. Mitigntion Meseure Compliance Report eiiowing compliance with water
mitigat3on meaeuree idgntified in FEIR No. 298.
F. To the extent the proparty c~wner/developer may ~ualify f.or reimburaement
from other benofitted properties, the property owner/developer may
pQtition th~ City Council tu establiah a reimburseme•.~t agr~ement or
b~nefit dietrict to include othor unincorpuraked properties within
Anaheim'a e~here-of-influence which may benefit !rom the above-noted
facilitiea/projecte. Costs asaociatud with tho eetabliehment~ of any such
dietricts shall be ~t the Qxpenee of the property owner/daveloper.
At~ ~pproved copy of the Water Maeter P_an of Improvomonts ehall be su~mikted
to the Subd±viaion sec~ion. Any eubsequent amendment to the pla:: otiall ~lao
be s+ibmitte3 to th~ Subdiviaion S~ctio~ti.
87. That prior to tho approval of each tentxtive tract or parcel map or Site
Plan, proof in khe form oE a mamo from the UtiliLioe Departmont, ahall b~
aubmitted to tT~e P~anning Uepartment to confirm that all water Pupply
planning for the proj~ct ha~ b~en clogely aoordinated with and approved by
the Water Engine~ring Uiviuiun o~ the Utilities Departmont.
88. That in conjunction with tt-e r~cordation of f.inal truct or par~•el maps, thQ
prop~rty ownQr/devaloper ehell offer to dedi<•nte Co the City the
land and eadomer.Ce req~ired for im~lsmentatlon of tho water eystem to
oupport that m~p. Tha rnservoir eiCea nhall bg off~red for dedication with
thA final mape, or wh~n requirod by the City.
89. Tliat prior to approval of enct~ final tract or parcel map, the
owner/d~voloper ahrll bos~d for the construction of th~ roquired water ayotem
inprovemente for the tract or p~rce). map. Purth~r, eny watQr backflow
equilxnent and ony oth~r largo wat~r syarem oqvipment ahAll be inotallQ~ to
tho eatisfaction oi the water Enqinoerlnq Diviaion in elther und~rgcound
vaulta or behin~ tha etroet o~tback araa in a manner tully ncreanod irom all
public streete nnd atleyo.
-~:- PC92-7
90. That pr~or to approval o: the f~rst final t:~act or pazcel msp, whichever
occura first, the property owner/ developer aha11 entgr lnto an agreement t.o
extend artd conatzuct, on a fatr ~hnz•e bas~s, the necessary off-s~te and
on-stte water tmprovements in accordanco with the ~ater Utilfty's Ratea,
Ru1~s, and Regu.lationa. The Water D:atributton Plnn shall be prepni•ed 1n
accordance wtth the water Mastes Plan of Improvement3 and approved by the
water F.r.gineering Division of the Util~ties Department. (9-03)
91. 4'hat pri.or to ~asuance of bu32dtng permita, th9 property owner/dev~loper
sha12 submit plana to the Bnginooring Dtvision of the Ut.iltt~es
Depertment to show that water consumption reduct~on meeAUrus have boen
implemented es reguired by State 1aw ~n accordance w~th tho WatQr UtfZ~ty's
Retes, Ru1es and Regu2ations. Plena aubmttted for buildlny pos'mfte ahalt
shnw ehat the huildings hnve beon designed to incorporate wet~r conaervatlon
techntguos. The measurea shall be fn place prtor to iasuance of uae .and
ucaupancy perniits and she11 include, but not be lim~tRd to, the following:
A. Low-flirah totlets and urinals (liealth And Safoty Code Sect~on 17921.3)T
b. Xnxlmum fZow rete af alI now ehower head~, lavatory ~euceta, end
fHUCOts (Tit1s 20, CaIifarnia Codn of RPgulattona Section 1609(fJ)1
C. Applinnces certifiod by manufact,urer to comply with reguleCionx
estab2fahrd by eppl.icable officiency stendards (Tit1e 20, Cal~farnia Code
of Regulatfons Section 1606(bJ);
p. Publir. IavatorieR equfpped with self-clon~ng fauceta thet Stmit the fYow
of hot wAt~r (Government Code Sectt~~n 7A00)j
E. Not watEr ptpea insulated ro roduce wate.r us~d betore hot water s•eeches
equtpment or ftxturea (Title 24, California Code of Royuletfona Soctlon
2-5357.(iJ and (jJ);
F. Conservation remindors ~oxted ~n rooms and runtrooma;
C. Ti~orr•tostatfcally concrolled mtxtng valvo tor batb/showerr
ff. IrnpSemuntation of vffl.ciant irc•i~ation systema to mintmi::e runotf end
ovaporntion. (JO-05)
92, That in accordanca with the water Engineeriny Division'o policy, reaervoir
conetruction ehall cunsiet ~f one-half of th~ reeervoire to be constructed
of steel and une-half to be constzuatod of concrete unleas othurwiee
approved by tha ~Aater Bngineering Divf.slon~
93. Th~t rgaervoirs Nill be locatad and desLgned in a manner which ecreene them
froin public view. Prior to approval of the tentati•+e tract or parcel map,
which includee the reeervoir eite, th~ Utilitiea DepurtmQnt nhall detarmino
whether tha reservoir wLll Lo completely burled, pnrtially buried or
sbov~-grouncl. Snid information, ehall be ~oted in Che tu~tativQ Cract or
t+arcel map staff r.eport.
-32- PC92-7
M~! ,
94. That pr.ior to upproval nf firal tract or parcel mapa, tho property
owne.r/deveZoper 9ha11 install, bond fr.r, or otherw.ise secure on-etto
elzctrical factlitiea in accordance with the Ctty o.f Au6Z~c
Clectri.o Rates, Ru1es and Rec~ulat.ions, and prov.id9 ev.idence of this Fact to
the City Otilities Department. (9-18)
95. Tnat, for olectrical subatatton site and undergraund 69kV Transmfssion and
12kv D.i.stribution lines, priox to the approva2 of the f.{rst tontstive tract
or parcel rr,ap, whichever occurs .Eirat, the property owner/develop~r shaZl
enter fnto an agreement with ehe Utiltties Department to dedicate or
reimburse their proportionate share of the cost of a 1eve1 gradyd ~ite for n
City of /L~aheim PubXi.c Utility 6~kV to 12kV Ele~trical 3ubatation and to aet
forth the timing fo.c• the grading and dedtcat~on of Che sSte. ?he a3te nha11
be 2.5 acres. Tn additi.on, any r.ight-of-way or easements necesaery to
~~rovide access to the aubstetion s~te for 691:V rrensmission and 12kV
Distribution Ltnos and Pubiic Util.ity conatructtan arld maintenance crews
aha2.1 be dedicated in nccordsnc.e wttli the approved ngzeement. The
yubstation site sha1l be in a centra2fzed 1.ocation approved by the C1ty
which wi11 best serve tho needs of the ex~sttng City of Anaheim, Mnuntain
Park, Cypress Canyon and nny other n~w devolopments tn the Oypsum end Coal
Canyon areas. To the extent the property owner/developer may qusl.ity t'or
roirnbursoment from other benef.ited propert.tes, t.he property owner/developer
may petition tha City CounctI to vatebltah a reimbureement agreement or
benet'it di~trict to incIude other areas of benef~t. Conta asaoc~atod w~th
tha establiahirtent of any such disCrictr+ shnY1 be et the expense of the
property owner/developer. written proof of tho Eleat•rir,al Subatet~on
Agreament srhall be furnished to tha Planning Department and the Ut~littes
Depnrtment and she1l he aubject to aporoval by Che Uttlit~.ea Department ancT
the City Attornoy's Office. (9-19)
46. That, for underground 69kV Tranemieeion 11neu, th~ proporty owner/doveloper
ahall prcvide and install underground conduitss and aubstructures, and shall
pay their proportionate of thf fuo for the inetallation oP thio~s (3)
G9kV under~ruund transmier~ion linee which will provide servico to thQ
substation site. one route witl be along or near ~anta Ana Canyon Road From
west af Wr_ir Canyon Road to the propoaed ~ubetation site. Tiie other routse
ohall !~e detormined pr.tor to tha appxoval of the fir~t large-lot tract or
parcel rnap or builder tentative tract or parcel map, whichever occure fir3t
or at a later date agreed ~o by tho Utilitiea 9epartmont. Construction and
Eundiny ehall be !n accordance with the Cleckric Ratae, Rulas and
Regulations and E1$ctricnl Engineering Conatruction Standarde.
-33- PC92-7
. ~.a~~~
97. That, for electrical siabeta~i.on eite and underqround 69kV Transmiseion
lines, if there are any envirenmental concerne relnting to the location ~f
the aubstat±on site and aseociatod trnnsmiseion and diot:ribution linoe
iden~ified duri.ny subeoquont CEQA reviewe, the property owner/developer
ehall be reopon4lble for finuncing an,y repor.ts/etudies required by th~a City
as part of the C~QA review and £inanaing/implamenting any neceaeary
mitigation measutea. The financing of any reporte, studiee, and/oz actions
taken t~ mitigate environmental concezne aesociatod wlth the Electrical
Syetem ohall be included in any reimbureement agroement fnr area-wide
electrical improvemcnts.
9p, That, for construction phaein9 and scheduling, the prope:ty ownor/deveYoper
ohall have the rer~ponsibility to coordinate all long rango conatrur,tion
schedulea with the City of Anaheim Dapartment, Elactrical
E:ngineFring Division. The City does not, nt thie tima, provide P7.eatrical
oervice ta Coal Ganyon and the property's dietanr,e from existing City
electrical facilitiee will require the conetr.uction oE the propoeed
subetation. A completed oubetation re<tuireo five yearB ~o deaign, bid,
construct, and ene.rgize. The property owner/devoloper ehall keep the
Elactrical Engin~eritig ~i.vieion appri.oeA of consL•ruction phasinc~ and
ocheduling to ussure that electrical Aervice ie availnble ta rneet the
prop~rty owner/devE3loper's echedule. Prior to the approvnl of each
ton~ative tract or parcel map, tho pzopRrty ownor./developor shall provide an
updated conotruction and phasing echedule to the Elec:tricul
g9. Ttirzt, for constructlon phasing ati~d acheduling, information regarding tho
scheduling of construction, phasing of ~sL•reet improvemerts, and indivldual
tract construc;..ton ahall be requirod prior to iesuing final electrical
dintriGution drawinge. F.lectrical Enyineering sF.all be ~ruvided
conotruction echedules and phasin9, and be notified of echedule or phaeing
chnnges as tboy develop.
100. That, for Underyround Distribution systeme, the property owner./developer
aha11 have the financial responaiUilit;~ for the Snetallatian oP Electrical
12k Distributi~n Syotems conaisting of underground concrete enca~~d
conduitA, vaulte/substructures, apparatue ~ads, rotnining wa.ller and relatbd
facil.itisa. Theqe eyetemo 9ha11 be provided as required on all streeta,
punlic and p~•ivnte, at ~io cogt to the City in accordance with the ~lectric
Ratea, Rulec~ and Regulatione, and the Electrical Engineering Cnnetruction
101. Thut, f.rr Underground Dintribution ayetema, thQ property owner/develop3r
ahall pay a non-rQfun~able fee in accordance with tt-e Elctctrlc Rateo, Ruloe
and Regulstiune for the in»tallaeion of underground cablea, eplicea,
a.+itches, cap~citora, anci rsluted labor and matQrials to completie an
undc~rground 12kV ncttwor.k syetem fn the developor.-providecl conduit eyetem.
The scheduling and fundinq requirements for. 12KV ne~twork eystema ahall be
determined during tho praparatfon of the electrical underqround eyatem plana
and prior to improvement plann approvale. The property owner/developer
shall pay thia fee t.o the City upon billing by the City.
-34- PC92-7
ra~ ~~
102 A. That, for eleckrical 12kV di~tribution c+ysteme and eleatrical street
light and communication dysteme, tho property owner/developer ehnll
construct a conduit, eubetructure ey~tem in Santa Ana Canyun Road from
the project boundarp weat to intercept existing condu~.ts located near. the
eastern boundary of the Eaet Hilla cievelopmont. The property
owner/dr~veloper ehall pay a fee for the inatallatioit of undergr~und
cablee, padmounted ewitchee. and related facilities to uomplete an
underground 'line extension along Santa Ana Canyon R~ad, ull in accordanco
with the City of Anaheim's Electxic. Ratee, Rule:a and Regulationu. To tho
extent the progerty owner/developer may quali.fy for reimburnement from
other benefittad ~roperties, the pruperty or~ner/devoloper may petition
the City Cauncil to establish a reimbursAinenc agroecnent or benefit
diatrict to include ~~her areae of benef3.t. Coete asaociated with the
eatablishment of any such district~ ehall be at the expenee of the
property owner/developer.
B. That the Southarn Callfornia Ediaon overhead 12kV pole line, located on
Santa Ana Canyon Road east of the east boundary of the EaRt Hi].ls (Rauer
Rnnch) developmont shall be converted to an underground system in
conjunction with atreet improvemente for Sunta Ana Canyon RoadJ or, prinr
to the approval of street improvement plane for eaid portion of 8anta Ana
Canyon Road, the Cypreae Canyon property owner/dovolaper ehall t~ubmit
proof to the City of Anaheim's C•.lectrical Divieian that tha
overh9ad 121cV pole line wil.l be abandoned iaithin three (3) years
Pollowing the approval of etreet improvement plans. Said abandonment
ahall be secured by a per.formance bond, leL•ter of credit, or othsr form
of security in an amount and form approved by tho City. Tye convereion
of the southern Ca.liYornia Edison lines from an overhesd to underground
t~yatem shall be at no coet to the City of Anaheim. To the extent tlie
property owner/developer may qualify f.or reimbursement from othor
benefittad propertiee, the property nwner/doveloper. may petition the City
Council tu establlsh a reimburaemgnt ayr~ement or benefit di.skrict r,o
incl~de other areas o£ benefit. Coste aesociated with the oetabliehmHnt
of any auch diatricts ahall be at the Rxpenee of the pruperty
103. That, for Street Light Systema, th~ property vwner/de~eloper ehall have tho
finzncial reopon~sibility for th~ installation of StrQet Lighting 5yeteme
consieting of underground c~nduita, pull bouos, eubsurface transformer
enclasuros, retaining walls, nnd related facilities. These syetems ehall be
provided as re~uirad on al.l etreets, public and private, at no cost to the
Gity in accordance with the El~ctric Rates, Rules and Regulatione, and the
Glectrical Engineering Conntruction StandardA.
-35- PC92-7
,..t;.. p;w,..~
10~1. That, for Water, F,lectrical, and Communic~tion Systeme, L•hA proper~y
owner/developer ehall have the financial reoporsibility fur tho inetallation
of Water and Electrical Control and Communicatian ::yeteme coneia~Cing oi
undargr.ound conduits, pull boxee, subuurface enclouures, communication
cables, retatning walle, a dedicated trandmi.ttor, rocaiver, and antennae
eir.o(s), and related Eaailities. These eysteme shall bo inetal].ed in
accordanae with the Public Utility Wator and Elactrica2 Co:nmunication Maeter
Plan as requ.ired, at no coet to the C+.tx, in accardance with the El.ectric
Raten, Rules and Regulatione, the Pul~lic Utility Wnter and ~lectrical
Communication Maoter Plan, ctnd the Clectrical En,yineering Conetruction
105. That, for ~lectrica2 Dietribution, Tranemisaion, Communicntion and Stroet
Light Syetems, all Eacilities shall be located within public right-o£-way or
easements dedicated with recordation of final tracte or parcel mapo, ~r as
aeparate documents. The aonduit system with aseociated concrete
aubstructuree ehall be inetalled underground. Switcheo and/or capacitors
will be in metal cabinete mountad above ground on cancreto pads.
7.06. That, for Electrical DistzibuL•ion, Tranemisafo~i, Communication and Strec~t
Light Syoteme, the property owner/developor shall enauxe tha•t during the
preparation phasea of improvement plsns (streeta, aewer artd water, etorm
drain, tract, precise grading, etc.j the proparty owner/developer'e
engineer(s) shall coordinate c~nid improvements with the City oF Anahoim
Electricnl Engine~ring Division. The prapert,y owner/devolopez's onqineer(s)
shall ps~vide tr:.ct maps, and precise grading p1anR with unit plots, newer
and wate:•, dtorm drain and relnted informati.on in a layered AUTOCAD £ormat
in accorc:ance with opeci£ications on file with L•he Electrical Engineering
107. That, for 1n-Tract-F, Underground and StreeL• Liqht Systems, the
pr.op~r~L•y ownar/developar shall pay a non-rofundablo foe as dQfined in the
City Electrica.l engineering Construction Standarde and in accordance with
the Electric Ratea, Rulqe and Regulationa ,:ur tho inntallation of
undergro~nd cables, splicea, traneformere, reaidential sorvices and related
labor and matc~rial to complete an Undergr~und Reoidential Dietributioti
Syatem in a dQVeloper-provided trench/conduit eyatem. Tha and a bond to
aecur~ inatalla:ion shall be paid to the City prior to approvnl of the final
tract or parcel rtap.
108. That, for zn-Tr~ct-Electrical Distribution and 5treet Light Syetema, the
property owner/developer ahall provide and inatall on public etrgeta a City
atreet light system as shown on the Un~erground Residential Dietributicn
Syatem Arawin~s for oach tract or parcel map in accordance with the
Electrical Specif°_cations for Street Light Systems. 5treet light
inatallati~n an ~+rivate streets shall be installed in accordance with the
Publi~ works -~ngLneering Department's Standard Detail No. '122 for privnte
-36- Pc:°2-7
109. That, for. In-Tract-Electrical Undergr.ound and 5treet Light Syeteme, the
Undc~rground Reeidential Distribution System, Street Lig'~t Syetem, and
relatod impruvementc~ ohall ba inetallod se developmenL• ocr.ure. Bonding for
the required facilitieo ehall be providod in accordanco wit.h tl~e City
Elaatrical Engineering Con9truct3.on Standardo.
130. That, for In-Tract-~ler.trical Distribution and Street Light Syetame, during
the preparation phaeoa of improvement plane (streots, e~wer and water, etorm
drai.n, tract, precieo grading, etc.) the Qroparty owner/doveloper'o
enginoer(s) ehall coordinate eaid improvements wlth the City o£ Anahe~.m
Eloctrical Engineering Div.tei.on. The property ownor/developer'e angineer(e)
ehall provide trACt mape, and procise grading plane with unit plots, aewer
and wator, etorm drain and related information in a layered AUTOCAD Pormat
in accordanr,e with epecifications on file with the ~loctrical Eng.ineering
111. That to the extont the property owner/developer may quslify £or
rei.mbureement from other henePitted ~ropertiee, tha property owner/developer
may petition the City Ccuncil to eetabl.ish a reimburaemenL agreement or
benePit district to include oth~r ~roae of bc~ne#it ~or the dFdication of the
substaGion site and the construction and feas for 6y1cV and 12kV undc~rground
line extene.tone, the conetruction of underground communication nystems artd
dedication of a tranemitter and receiver site, and other lmprovemsnte
benefiting both dpvelopmenta. Costa associat3d the establishment of
any auch distriata shall be at the expenso oP the property uwner/developer.
112. That a 500 kV Southern California Ediaon transmission line (Serrano-Mire
Loma) is located on site, in additi.on to several other easements. In
connection with approval of appl.icable tentativ~ trACt or parcol mapa, am
determined by the Electrical Enginaering Division of the Utt.I.~ttes
Department, the City of Anaheim may require rigtt-of-way and accoae Co the
Serrano-Mira Loma easemont. (9-20)
113. That prior to .issuAnce of bu.ilding permits, ehe property owner/developer
sha21 demonstrata to the Chief Building Official that a11 structures .fn the
project development wi11 compZy with the Californie Energy Commtss~on
conservntion moasures re~ommehded for residontial and non-residont~al
buildings and with TitZe 29 building standarda of tho California
Administrative Code, as revised, a~~d ddnpted, by the Californta Energy
Commission .in 1991, to become effective Januazy 1, 1992, as heretnafter may
be amended. (10-02)
-37- PC92-7
~:aM. ~.~4t~~
114. That tho property owner/developer sha11 tnstruct ~~H architect, ong.insera
and lundacape designora, otc. to aonsuZt with the C,it;y of Anahoim Energy
Services Divtsion in order to .incorporate measux•es .into Lhe project dePiqn
for shitting elactrical Zoxds to off-peak times, ta pxovtde state of the art
energy effiaient heating and condtt.toning, to provtde energy e~£fic.iQnt
roadway lighting, to establiah landscaping intendad to reduce electr~cal and
wster c.onsumpt~on, and other mtt~gat~ng measuro 3 to ofta3t potent.ial impacts
to the City olectr.ical. ayatem. The aubd~vision, architectural and design pZans for the projoct :-haZ1 be des.igned to promote, to
th6 extent possible, opportunit~as for max.r.m.iz.tng saZar exr:;aur~,
and natural cooling (prevaiZsnq broezes), and solar hot water e.i.ther
directly with system .installation or indirectly w~th provis.ions for
accomnrodating future i9trofitting. t'rior to the aPProva.Z oP Site Plans,
tentat~ve trar,t or parcel mapa, or landscape pZ ans, proof ot' comp~iance with
this condition shall be submitted to the Divi~ion, in the fozm of a
memo from the Energy Services Div~aion. (10-01)
115. A. That th~ Soutl~orn CaZifornir~ C~as Comps.~y has develop9d sevoral pragrams ~
which aro intended to asaist in the ~eloction of the most energy
efficiAnt water heaters and turnaces. Th e developor shall implament a
program ta reduce the demat~d on natural gas su~plies, 5aid pr.~ogram aha11
bo reviowod by the Southezn Celifornta Ga s Company and submtttad to the
Chief Buildzng Official pr.ior to issuanco of the firat butlding permit. ;
(9-22 )
B. That prior to the i3suance o~ bui2 ding perm~ts, the property i
owner/devaloper sha11 demonstrate to the Ch iefDuildinq Official that the
So~+thern California Ga: Company~ the Public Dopartment, ~
Southexn California Edison Company, and the C.ity of Bu.ildtng E
Division haue been consultad the bu~lding phases ~or the ~
purpose3 of including energy conserva tion methods to the extant E
fea~ible. The pr~operty owner/developer sh all Further demonstrate to the ~
satisfaction of tho Chic~f Building Official that tlie project has ~
incorporated, to the extent feasible, design requirementa that include i
landscaoing for shade, using light colore d roof and buiZding mater.tala, ,
and best availablo control technology for energy use. Afethods to be
reviewed and incorporated, where ~aasibZe, incZude, but are not ltmited
- Tmproved thermal integrity of butldings, and reducod ther.maZ .load with
automated time clocks or occupant ser.sors.
- Tnstallation oF glazed windows, waSZ lnsulation, nr~d efficient
ventilation methods; wiridow systems to reduce thermaS qain and 1osa.
- Use of efficient heating and other appZ ianaes, quch as water heaters,
cooking equipment, refrigerators, furnacas and bo.iZer units.
- Incorporatior~ of aopropriate solar design and solaz heaters.
- Use uf fluorescent lamps for indoor Zightin9 and haZo,qen lights fos
outdoor Zi,qhting.
~ pse of aast~~ heat in non-residential buiZdings •
-30- PC92-7
. Insta.~2ation cf Iow- and medfum-atat}.c presaure ~r~ a~r
d.istribution syatems.
. Cascadiny of ventilntion afr from htgh prtority (occupiod specen)
areas to low priortty (corridora, equ~pment end mechanfce! apncos)
arnas before bei~~g axheustRd~
~ Encuring propor aealing of all factlitton, ahere applicable.
. Dea~gning faciltey entrancea wlth veaf.tbules, vhere posa~ble.
r Inetalltng ~ndividuallv contro.iled ltght t-wit~:hett end thermostate to
permit ~ndivtdual edjuatmentn.
- Controlltng mechantcal ayatema or egu~pmeni w~th +^+e clocka or
computer nystems.
r rininhing exterior wa11s of butldings wtth l~ght co2o: mater.{ala to
.increase heat retention in buildinga.
. Roadway lighting shall he en~+rgy effictenC. (JO-03)
ll~i. Thae prior to the ap~roval of .he firat tentative trect or perce.I mep,
whichevor occura first, the propvrty owner/devoloper s1~a11 enter tnLO An
agreemant with tno Department of Xainte:~ance to provide a proportionete
share of the coaC eo secure, grado Ievel ~nd n 1lefnten~ncs Fec~lity
dite Sn th~ Hountain Park devolop,nent. The afte ahall be five ecren ot
unenrumhered, usAble Iand provtdAd et no ccat t~ rhe Ctty. 3it4
.tmprovements shell includa Favfng, fuel Sslenda, necurtty, 1Sght:ng,
block atoraye binn, equipmenc washdowo faciltty, atorage bu~ldiny oPt:co,
shapn and fleet repeir fac.{ltt.}~. Th•r gite ahell lnclud~v a atreat aweoptnp
tranafor atation whicn Snc2~idoa a roofed weahcovn area on a concrofs sleb.
De~•elopment end butl.ding coata ahe11 not exceud 52.7 mill~on basad nn 19~1
dollerb, 4ubject to adjustmant ~nly in a.cordnnce wtth the 6ngtn~arfnQ )Vewa
Record Conatruction Coat Index f~r the fectlity and the l:ur~umer Prico Sndax
for equiN,nent. The Iand v62uo eAall not be tnr.Iudad rs psrt of ths S?•7
mill.ton cost. Tha caat for conatru~tton of facf.ltstea ncoded on tA• oiLo
uhall bz ahazpd wlth the Nountein Perk Development an en sq~ eble basta.
The property ovnpr/d~veloper m..y petirfon the City Coun~i! to o~tebStab e
reimburaemer,c egreempnt or Denefit diatrict to inr.lude otAer unLncorpor.atad
propertfos withln Aneheim's sphrrs-ot-fnfluence which .~ny Lenufit from tDix
fac:lity. Cogts araocfated wttb tAe astabllahmPnt ol any xucA dtetrivta
shal.l bo at ths oxpvnge o: -.ha proporr.y ownar/devoSopar. Nritte~ proof of
snid aqrcemer,c xhe11 be furni~hed to thv P1ann~n{~ Ovpartmont ona LA•
Xafntenonc: Aap.~rcmant anA gha11 b~a ~uLjact to approval by th~ Deperern~rnt of
Nasn•~nance A~A the City A[turne^'s Of.f(ca. (9-27;
il'l. 1'hat ~Ki-+r to flnal buf..lding and 2~nins S~opacttono, "No parkinq fnr oerpot
~-N~epinq° n.qna n~all bu lnelallaC an raqu.rsd by ehe 8tre~t Maintor.anca and
3anitation )fviaion nnd Ln accordance uith ~y~eciticatl~no on tittr witT ~ald
-39• DC92-'f
112. That ~~rlor to recordation of oach .'lnal tract or parcel map, the property
owr.or/de~el~per ehall rocord n cov••nant in a form approved by the City
Attorney r~quiring thQ seller to provide purchaeer and/ar renter of each
dw~lling unit with wr.itten information concerning Anaheim Municipal Coda
Section 1ti.37..500, "Parking Aaetricted to Facilitate StreeY. Sweeping." Such
writtgn information ehall clearly indicate when on-street parking io
prohibited and the penulty for violation.
119. Thet trash atorage areas she22 be prov~ded and maintatned in e looat~on
ncceptable to the Street Mefntenance end Senitetion Div,:sion and in
eccordan~~o wtth approved plana on ffle with safd diviaton. If gaceges are
fntended to be uaed to rtore trash contatnera, thon tha garege era~ aha11 be
larger thar. 20' x 20' to eccommodete two cers and the tr~s:~ containsrs.
Such info:matlon aAa11 be apocffically ahown a~ the plana aubmittAd to th.e Commtssion for site PIan epproval end for buJ2dtng ~ermita. Upon
occu~anr,y, tr.ash storaqe areas ahall comply with City Codea for tht
screening of trash receptacle areae and access for travh pickup. (9-a6)
120. Thet prior to the approvel of eny site PZena, a s~ltd Wnsco ~anagemsnt
Plen vith cepebtlitfes ahall be approvad by the Utroctnr of
Naintenance. Refuee colIectlolt end dtspoael nha11 comply wteh AB 939, the
County of Orange Integra:~d Waste Nanagemont Plnn end the Ctty o: Anahelm
Integt~ated Weste Hanagement P1an, edmintatered by ehe City LeE~ertmont of
Natncenance. Upon nccupancy of the pro;ect, implemmntation of anfd plana
sha12 commence and shall remain fn full effect aa requLred by the
~~faincenance Diviston. (.9-25)
]2l. That pi•Lor to approval of cl~e first tencettve tract or percol mep or meRa
qredtng plen, ahicAever ocr.ura t'irit, the prnporty owner/dsve2oper ahell
aubmtr a Maeter S9wer Inprovemant Flan tor r~vie+r end appruve.l by the Ctty
Engtneer end che Councy Sanitetfon OtBtriets of nrenge County (CSDOC). Th1a
Negtar Sewer Improvement Plen shelI eddress ootenttal iMpecta to the
exfating eewAr syneQn in thP (/YOjRCt victniCy al~d ohe11 .includa a mora
~'eCailed identfficgtton and nnal~$.is o.f maaaurea whfch ~tll be tmplamented
by the pr~perty owner/developer to m.itigata impeces upon tho xewrr Ayasem.
Thv plan sha21 alao lnciudnr
n. yever layout
b. uUMR.C aize, .includtng aup~ortSnfl colculattonar
c. Sewar conytrucr.ton pAaa.tnq (9-06)
122. 7'h.nt prior to epprov~i of each tine! trnct or yF+rcn2 m9p, tho prop~rty
awner/devoloper sha21 pay r.he epproprteto aewar eaae~ament !~o aA
establiahod hy Covnrt2 Pcaolution. (9-OB)
-40- DC92-7
u. ~'4.n
123. 'I'hat pr.ior to approval of each final tract or parcel mapr tha property
owner/devoloper ahall submlt plan~r, including eiziny requirementn, for the
oanitary eewer eystems within the trnct or parcel map for revi~w
and approval by the City EnqLneer. The eewer ayatem for the project ehall
be funded, cunetructod and maintained ir~ accurdnnc~ with L:~e requiramente of
the Public Worke-Gng~nPering Department.
124. That tho property owner/developer shall be financiall.y reapoiisible !or the
following sanitary nower-related itcme:
(a) The acqui9icion of any permite, rights-of-way and environmental
(b) Tht design and con~truction of ail required oewere ancl related
tacilities ae parC of the imorovemonte :or each tract or parcel map, ae
approved by the City Engineerj and
(c) The formation of a Special Mainterance Dietrict, or ather financial
mechanisn arceptable to and approved by tha City of Anaheim, for
maintenance of nny lift Btation, force maln and sewor linoe in Qrivate
streete which ehall be eatabliahed at the expeneo of the property
125. That pi•ior to lsauance of each butlding, ehe property
owner/developer aha11 pay all fees for arwer aervice to the Orange ~ouncy
Sanlcat.ion Discrict. (9-07)
126. That prtor. cn Lsauence cf certificates of occupancy, the developor ahc1I
obtein a1I normitn end congtruct a11 fectltc~ea by tho CBDOC and
tho Ctiy of Anaheim ir. order to provide an eccep!~ble 2ove~I of aowago
r.roatment servlce, Ntthin the capacSty limtts of CSOOC Number I3. (~-09)
12~. Thet prior eo the epproval ~f gredtnn plnna effecting vetlendp, eppltcnbio
permtca/ngreomenta conBiutent with tbe C1oan Wetor Ilct 8ectton 40~ and Fish
and Oeme Codo Sectton 1601 end 1603 ~roviefonrr she21 be o6tainod. TA•
followinq measurur~ ehe12 be smplaaented ea pert af theso porniita/egroementor
A. SLtee sQlected fur nuLtabt2ity es rtpartan (lnc:luding watlend) hebttat
n,itiqatton sreen aha11 be e:valueted by cA• U.S. F'lah end M11d1tfe 3Arvice
(f~SFWB) end tho Seaea of Calt.fornia D~parcmo:~t rf ftnh ond Oeme (CDFQ).
Thaa~ epenci~+g shn1I alpo evaluote tmplemantnctvn apecif.fce~.{ona tor
veggeatfon typoa to be raplacad, pISP end spe:ing of ve~atation,
izri~acion tsrhnlnues anQ notl traetments, malntenenco end +r.~nitortnQ
apecificactona for aito m6l.ntenonce, carms ol maintenence, trR/uanr,y of
monttorlr.g, flnnncin9 mechenlrma and perturmance Rtenderd~t. Thoi~ aitoa
shel.I provlAu for no r,et lons af wetlend hebttet.
„4 ~- PC92-7
-. Channel systems in the Habttat Replacemwnt Progzam aha11 be sttuated
along Coa1 Canyon. The roplacoment nrvas ahell prov~de a more conetant
souxce of water ehan exiats in tTie nntural situat3on. Thie nva~labt2ity
of wator can be combined wtth the npec{ftc channel deaign to provide
cond3tians f.or diverae habicet, e.g., willow treea in wetter areas, with
cottonwood and sycamure traPa tn driez• port~ona of the channol end
hnb~tat pockets. Other poretons of the hebitat replacoment aroa wi11 not
havo suff.icient to ma~ntAln wetland vegetation and w3I1 function
more lfko tho ex•tating senflon~l Jrainnge, aupporting upZand and alluvial
wash vagetatfon.
C. Zn conjunctton wlth the wetland hebttat replacement, uplend hebitet on
the edjacent lend aha11 be gnhanced end preaerved. In ad~acent ungreded
arean, nntiva pZants sha11 be preaerved tn place, and ex~ating diaturbed
arean ehe11 be enhanred wtth additiona of appropr~ate nattve plants. In
adjacent graded areas, such as the upper banka of the hebitat channel,
appropriate nativo plants ahall be used both to prov.fJe '~abitnt va.lue
and to buffer ch~ uotland habitat from adjecent human ectivft~es.
~encing m.9y also be included as part ot che buffArs adjncent to arrea of
higH ~so. All fancinq is subject to the review and approvel of the
PIanninq Commisaion.
D. Pr~or to tha epproval of the f~rat lendacepe plana, includtng buffor
xonos end .Eue1 moditicr.tion zonuel~f.ted anbiolog~atA1efamiliarllwithchthe
in c~nsuZcatton wlth ~ Q
posalbilitiea of landacaping a3th netlve atock, end shell be ~ubmittad
for review and approvel ~y ehe, Firo and Heintenence
peparements. Timing for planting ;n these xz•ens wi21 be determined in
connectton with gradin9 plan approva2. (3-~1)
1?.B. Tl~da prtvr to issuenc~ vf grading perm3ta, the property ouner/d~vcloper
aha11 submit a repo-•~ by a queltfied botanist tndicetinq vhethor meny
stammed dudloya ar~~ locaced w/.thin the b~undar.ies of the gradfng pIan. If
many atemmed dudleya ex'e preacnt, thc aroperty ownor/developor shaIl
fmplenent a one-tlme ralocacion progrumue~ifiedllbocendat=~tami2larc?~~h
dudleya pop~lIatfona, conducted by a y
aucceasful technLques foi• ralocaeion of thia Bpectes. The proqrent nhe11. bo
auCmttced to tAe P2anni7g Aeperr.menc fur review end e~provoi. Impscr.ed
populatton~ of many-acemmed dudleye will bo r~rloceCed ta Bui.tebla erena
througli a prcgrnm of seed propagation and/or corr.r rolocetion. Evidence that
the relocatton pragrom han been implQmunted muttt be submttCOd to ch• Ctty cf
Anahoim Planning Deper~.nenc wtchin 30 dnyra cf co~rpl~'ton at the reIocetion
wo_k. The Nrogrem r.+heIl includes
. GuiAa!i.:eA tor :'aloratlon stto e~aesemunt, to bs beaed upon tha
asseasn+ent nnd charecterizetion of exi,ttnp onvironmontal ~onditiona er.
tti~ preaane populet!•~n gltoa. Aesacs~m9nt crttaria will inc2~d~r slvpa
aapert, roil rhoracteristtca, vegatation cover, ossoriete6 cpacio~~ end
plant aperfug domtnanco.
... ,~.,,.,
• Iduntification of unoccupted relocat•ton Aitea, basod upan the
above criterla. Zt i.s anCicipated LhaC at least ea many auitablo
replacement a::tes wt1Z be ~dentified in the ded~cated open ,pace ereas ae
ere impacted by the project.. If a sufi.iciont numbe:~ of approprfate sttns
cannot bo found, suttable areas will b~a .inveatigat~ad for aito ez•eatton or
modification. Any nocessary planx for atte creat~on/modtftcat~on w.i11 be
devc~Yoped thnt will incol•pornte stte excavation, aoll h~ndZtng and
associaCed apecies p2anting.
. Guidelfnes tor propagule colZectton, baswd upon the time of yeer
relocstion actlvittex begin and the atyge of growth of planta et thet
• PZanting gu~de~lines, tncludtng tochniquea for sita preperat~.on, planting,
stahi.Zizatton of naw plantfngs and erosi~n control.
• GufdeZ~nes for ,nropagetion of a reaerve suppl~ o!` geeda and akems to
ensu:•e tho abill.ty t~ rep2ant if neceaEary tn the event of accidonta2
d.isturbnnce or other human induced fa.{Zure of the m.ft.fgatlon effort.
• rlaintenance and monitorfng gufdelinea ror three ysera, to ?r~alude site
vlsita dur.tng the in.itiel p.iant~ng ond oatabIishmont period, eppl~cet~on
of iz•r.igatfon wAte~l' end exotic wued removel as necoauery, and pertodic
evaluaCion o.f thv sftes for the general health of p2ents and aeedlinga,
browaA damayo, aoil moisture content en~ vandel~nm.
• ProcedurH for recvmmendinq reasonable corrective meeauroa to promota
succeeatc+l uatabllahment of the planta.
• Provialonn for reparting monttorinp resuIts to the Cfty on sn ann~al far ihxc+e years. Tha parpoae of theae monttoriny reports w1ll be
to increese tha body ot Knowledgd fur chesd types o[ mtttgetlon of~orts,
tlieroby 1.~~areastng tho aff.r~ctiveneas of mtttqatinn progrem.a for th.fn and
other apec,fea tn che future. (3-10)
129. Thet prtor tc opprnva2 of the firat tdn~at.fve exorc or parcal mep or mass
grading p1nn, whtchever occura firsc, wildlLfe wnter aupplies (wa21 fod
wacer trou,qha) aha11 be pleced Sn canyon erea~ to the south ot tha
devolopment aree (but with-in the Specfffc Plen boundery) co r~duce tha n~ed
for vi.Idlifa movement co the 3anta ).ne Rtver. The Ir~cetiona ot' theeg wetor
suppltea sha11 bv dotermtnod by a quelified biologEat, end egreed upor by
tho Stecn Dopcrtmant of Fiah end Ceme. (3-11)
-43- PC92-'7
130. Thet prior to op~rovsl of the first tentativo tract or parcol map fur
butIding purposes, or mass 4x8d~n9 P~an~ whichaver occure fir~t, the
property ownez~/developer ahall:
A. Submie a Wildlife Corridor Plan prepared by a qaalified biolo,q~st for tha
M~ndeman end "B" Canyon c~lverta (ae shown in Aer~al Photo • Wjldl~fe
Corri.dora, Exhibit 22 of the F.IR No. 290 document) for review and
approval by tha Commission, rnd;
B. Ensure that ehe corridora are .in plsce ~n accordance with Che epproved
plen to the satiafactton of the PZann~ng Commisaion. (3-12)
131. Thet 9 qualified biologc~A'~radinltand per3odicallyrdur~ng aonstructt nrfor
conferenco, dur~ng any ma..s 9 9
areas in or adjacenC to areec where natural vegatation fs tu bo preaervsd to
enau.~e that netureI vagetAefon areas desfgnated for preservation er~
proparly pr.otec*od during and/or conseruetion. Proof j.n the form of
a letter aha12 be aubmi.tted to the Flanntng DepartmenC on a monthly basttr to
.indicate complit~nce wtth this measuro. (3-OS)
~32. During grading of thA project, a qunlifted bfolAgist s1~e1Z be on atta t~
recommend pre~ervatior. of s±qnificant nattve vegetation. seid
recommendations sha11 be revieweQ by cuntractore end im~lemented .if
detormfr.ed i~asible. (.i••02)
137. That pr.tor to t.he approval of Innci~cepe plana, a qualif.ted at6oriaC,
horttculturist, or othor Iandacaping pzofess3.onal sha2l aubmtt n report to
the Planning Department wlth recommendatfone Lo presgrve the health o2 the
remalnfng reaources fol2owing completion of greding adjacent to etfected
arens. Froof in r.he fo:'rh of a letter aha12 be submfttod to tho Planning
Department on a querterly buais for a period of 24 monthn following each
~hASe of grading ac/jacent to effected aroes, to ~nd.frate compl.fenco a:th
this mittgatlon measure. (3-Q8~
1:~4. xhet prioi• to approval of p.Ians, pZann ahall be submitred
tu tho Planning Dapartment t`or review to ensure Chnts
.A. Dur.inq constr~iccton, the w:.IIoa riperian erxas, the Tecate foreAt
and the pres~si~vod onk end sycemoro trees that ere adjecent to grad.{nfl
arees shall be temporerily felice;f uff wftA arenge fenctny meterSaI or
oc.herwiss px~tected to prevent grading or the atorege of heevy equfpment•
and building macAriala ti~ theae habita~s. Fonces ahe1l be plnced 2S fnAt
tram the our,er edge of traos. Proof }.» ehe fo=m of a Ietter, pfctures
ond Iocaticm m~p of ~ha rrfte sha11 ba submitsed to ehe l~u6Iic worka -
,Er~,qinc+ering Dapartmont.
e. During grading and construct3on in the v~a.inity of r.ipar.ian wnodland and
wetlend ereas, these aren~ shnZl be tompozszi2y fenced off with orange
fencing material to nrevent materte~ or~ ~poilg from being plecec!
or atared nvar or on top of any riparian woodlend or wet.iand A.COA. Proof
tn the form of a letter, pl.eturea and locat.ton mep of tho r~~te shal.~ be
submitted co the Public Works - 6ng.ineering Department.
C. Clearance of nAtive plant mnterinls tn fuel modific~ation zones aba11 be
limited to thnt requfred by the City approved .uel modi.f~cat:.ian p.Zans.
D. Construction aha11 not be conducted edj~~ent to wetland areea betcaeen
Octobor 15 and March 15, cr. for other time p9z.iods based on special
erasfon control mensurea aA approved by the ~~ty Eng~neer.
E. Graded aIopos adjacent to the matn canyon sha11 be reve~etnted, and,
comb.ine~! wtth Che ripnrian habitat repSacement .in the canyon, wt12 serve
go provide wildlife movemont opportunitieD, Por birda and
oeher sme+21 species, and larger apecfes that are tolerant of humer
preaonce, such as the coyote. (3-06)
135~ That consl•ruction or entry in de4lgnated preservation areae ehall be
prohibf.ted except for neceesary conetruction related activities, such as
136. That pr~or to the approvnZ of any yrad~nq p1en, the property
owner!developer she11 c/emonatrate Lo r.he Ci.ty that vegetetion cloaring and
gr.a~fng ahnll be conducted in compZiance with tl~e Pederal Migratory 9~r.d
Treaty Act. A11 clearing r~ha1.Z be carried out .in accordnnce the
sections ef thest Act wh.ich ded.I with the takfn9 of nest9. ~donff~ring ahe1Z
take place the nostinq/breedtng pe.ra.od (February through July) end
ahell be cerrl.ed out by a qualified bioloyist. (3-13)
137. That where cut ead fi1.i alopes enr,roech an preaerved wetland habttats,
s2opo angZea aha11 be designed Lo be aR atoep as fensible o mtn.imize
lateral encroachment. PZana shor~ing a2ope eng.les for effect~d areas aha11
bo submftted to che Public~Works Engineering Department for rovfew and
approvr~l prior to ~,pproval nf g:ading plens. (3-14)
13E3. That hazerdous materi~Is on the projoct ~fte sha11 ~e cor~trolled during
construcGton. A11 haznrduua m~te.r}a13, includfng bng~na fluids, ahaZl be of proper2y. The propexty oWner/doveIoper aha11 immedfetely n~t~fy
tho Fir~ Department of any spllls nf hazaxdoua materiols aninshectoraVeehell
epil2s promptly nnd comrIetoly cluanod up. City F
per~odica2ly check for complian=e With this condiCion. (3~07)
-45- YC92-7
139. That Nrior to thE approval of Site P1ans Adjacont or in the vjcinit~~ of
open spnce araas, plans sha11 be submztted tv the P1nnn~ng nepe.rtment for
PZanntng Commission revtew and approval in conjunction w~th Sito P1ans to
ahow the 1~cation of nIl en-site lighting fixtures. To ~he extent feasibYe,
s11 streot, security and landscapo liqhting ahaZl be dosignAd and instalZed
~~~h Lhat it i~ not directed pr~murily to any natural open apece ar.eas.
:.~~strictzons for privately .{n9taZled lighting adjecont to open spaca nrena
sha11 be included in any CC&Ra. (3-18)
14G. That n11 potential home buyers sha11 be cleazIy adviaed ~n wrtting wiLh a
statoment Ly the develupor, or agenta and assigna, of th0 impl3cattona of
2ivii~g edjacant to natural open ypace aroas prtor to eny sales tzansaction.
Thie atatemont sha11 inc~lude items such sa: a warning about the dangers and
nuisances posed by wildlife that may forage in the development edge; the
respol~sibilities and benefits uhtch are asaocfated with Ziving near such en
area; and .fire-related management aspects of the Tecato cypreas farest, auch
as the tr9es' high potential and the potontial need to conduct
contro2lod burns. Thin staternent sha11 be wrxtten to foster an apprectation
of wildli.fe and to ldenttfy measures which sha11 bo tekon to minimtze
confl.fcta vetween wildlife, domost~c animals and humans. Thia atatemant
shall advis4 residents of the danger.s to pety and the of~ects o~~ w3Zdl~fe
that result fratti allowing peta io r.oam freely. Further, the statsment s,5a11
indicate that do,qs and cats aha21 not be allowed to roam freeZy 3n the
natural ~pen s~acs areas, nnd that thts roqufrement will be enforced through
Cho CCLRs. The ~tbtoment sha11 be sut+mltted Co the Zon~ng Oivtyton pr~or to
the issunnce of ~uilding permtts. (3-17)
141. That sxtisfaction oF thA City'e Park Ordinance ahall be met by the
dedication and developmont of a 9.5•-aa:e neighborhood park us epecified in
ttie Specif.ic Plan with vehicu).ar nnd pedeetrian acr.eee to the prrk approvod
by APRCSD and the Traffic Englnoering Divieion. nt leaat 50e o£ the park
boundary ehn.ll have ciirect aCreet frontugQ unleaa oth~rwiee approved by
142. Thet the Specific PZan sets forth the riding snd i~fk~ng trail alf9nments.
Any variation fron that sha11 requtre approvsl of A~RCSD. Pr~or to the
appravaZ of each tentative tract or parcel map, oquestr~an end h~king trails
within Lhat tract or. parcel mep shnli be shown to the sNtisfactton ot
APRCSD. Prior to the opprovnl of each f~ral trect or per~e2 map, the
uroperty owner/developer ~ha11 submit the finel el~gnment of tho equeatrisn
end hiking crail(s) withtn thet trnct or paraoZ map ta the APRCSD for finR1
z•oview a»d approval. T'he property orrnez•/dFVe2oper nhall dc+dicate and
construat the trail3 (inrSuding r.rai2 nccess pofnte, ~lgnago,
and ochar relacod feacuros) fn accordance wlth 5pocific E~Zan and/or CtL•y
standarda. Prior to epproveI of tF,o each final trect ot parcal me~, bonda
sha11 be poated for trail improvomonts as ,nsrt of in-tract lmprarementa.
-46- pC92-T
A. In addition to specificataona for tra.i.Z wjdth and gradA, the Ctty~ of
Anaheim maintsins traiZ spectficatia~s for oroa~on protection nnd gene.ral
t.rail rnaint.onance. T°.: property owner./dP~~elop~sr w.i11 be reapana~bZe for
.impl.emonting and maintain~ng projoct trails in eccordance w~th C.fty
B. TrA11s wi11 be maintainec' hy the property ~wner/deveZoper or anothor
fi.nbncinl mechanism acceptabZe to tho City o~ Anahetm.
C. The safoty of persons using~ the pedestrinn tratls .in the vi~tnity of the
commercinl usea and inters~ections of propos~,d ertextal h.ighwaya w.~Z1 be
an~.Iyzed nnd addi•eased at .Iater Zevels of ent.itlement (i.6., aubd~v.taion,
5tte P1ans, etc.). Stepa which may be Y.nken at thet ttme .include
aignnl~zation, signage phys.~ca1 aeparat.ian of trails and trafftc, etc.
143. That thQ park eite shall bo dovel~ped in nccordence with .APRCSD standards,
the Spenific Plsn and the City'a Park Dedication Ordinance (including tho
local Park Site CrLteria), and will be eubject to APRCSD approval.
14n. 'fhat specific facilit.tes for the park ahall be det~arminod t}trough tho Park
Master Plan proceases conducted by the Parka, RecrPation and Community
Servicea Departmen~.
145. That tho property owner/devalc,per'e responsibility for all p~>'k develc,pment
shall a18o include a11 utility conner,tions, faes, ~ormite and char.geo, all
cor.eult3nt and pro;ect inepection coste a^d any in~idental cost3 relating to
the development of the park improvements in accordc-nce with all City
requ ir~aments .
146. That tl~~ Parka, Recraatian and Comm~nity Servicae Department ohall have
approva~ over the following:
A. Approval of Land~cape Arciiitect and other conaultants ueQd to dea±gn the
p~rk and pr.epare the construction documente;
e. Approval of Park Maeter Plan, echomatic plnna, preliminary plane und
final plana, s~ecificatione, coet oetimr.tes and other construction
documante; and,
C. Approval of all project materials and producte used in conetructiny the
park s~d the right oE lnepection by City etaff nnd thoir inepection
cor.oultants at the property owner/~aveloper'a coot.
:47. That the property owner/doveloper ahall provide for the consultant(e) wh~i
pre~ared the conatruction documente to nrovide conetzuction obaervation to
ensure the project ie constructad ae intRndecl.
148. Ttiu*. no -+ortion c: the park ehn11 be encumberod by the Four Corr,era
-~7- PC92-%
~.+.W' .~
149. That tho dedicatnd park aite shall be graded f.lar with an aveYage nlope o~
2~, and no slopes greater than 58 will be included in the park aite. No
slopee greater than 5$ wi11 he accepted by the Cf.ty for maint~nance.
Variations from these standardo may be ap~roved by APRCSD based on gradinq,
aeatlietice, drai.nage and the City~approved Park Site Master Plans.
150. All dadicated properties ehal]. be free ~f encumbrancee or Qasecnentu unloea
othEarwise acceptable to APRCSD. eeforo the dedica*ion of the park ie
accgpted by tha City, a Tltle Rep~rt for that parlc must be providad by the
property owner/developor and approved by the City.
151. That prior to the approval af final tract or parcel mapo oit~ero the park and
trail improvemente Are located, ttio park and trail obligatione of tho
p~:~perty awner/devolopor ahall be eecur9d by pQrfo.rmance banda, lottero of
ecedit or anothQx form of c~ecurity in an amount and £orm a~proved by the
152. That the praperty owner/dovelopvr sha11 p~y .its proportionate ahare of
.land acqui~ition (1.4-acre mini.mum parcel; and improvoment costs to
c.onsti•u~t a 10,000 square foot City community aenter, in conjunction wtth
the Mountain E~ark project, and oChers (lnclud~ny building, psrking,
landsr,aping, exterior liqhting, pat~tos, and butlding turniahinqa), at tt cost
not to exceed 51.83 m~:2ion in 1991 dollars within the Dev~lonment Arc~a 10
City r.ommunity pe~rk tn the Fark developmvnt. ~ln escalator clause
consistent with the Construction pr.i,:e indAx .sha11 incraase the velue of the
I99S f.{gure until the actual construction proj~ct is awarded. Tho 2and and
improvemet~t cost.s sha11 be aecured by a perforrnsnce bond, Zettar ot' credit,
or othor form of security approved by 11PRC5D prior to the approval of the
first tentative tract or parce.2 rnap, whichever occurs first. (9-29)
153. 1'hnt prior to the approvaI of the f.irat '~~ntativa tract or parcel map for
any Ph~ise II residontte.Z cleveZopment in cyp.ress Canyon, the axact location
and park boundary sl~all be idonttfied. said park aha1Z be subject ta tho
review and approvel of Anenea.m Parkb, Recreation and Com:nunity Services
Depaztinent (APRCSD). Prior to tl:o approval of the first f~na1 tract oz
parcel map for any Phase ZI r~sidontia2 developm~nt, whtr.hever comas tirst,
the perk zite shs1Z be irre~~ocably offered for dedicatzon to the C~ty oP
Anahoim. 4'hc~ park faciIity ahaIl be com~leto nrior to ~s~uance of any
residential building permfts in PhaQO ZI, unless approved tn Writing by
APRC:tD and the property owno:•/developor. (9-28)
15~1. Tliat at Cho beginning of the Maeter Plan Pxocess, APRCSD and the property
own•:r/developer chall aqroe ori a budget for parlc constLUCtion whic:h will be
cnnsietent with the amount of park development coeto as stated in the City's
Park Dodication ordinance in 3£fect at the Cime and congiet~nt with other
comparable cocts; in the City. 'rha propertv owner/dov~loper ehall conetruct
th~ park bao~d upon tho Master P~an, as appreved by the City'e Par~ and
Rocr~ation Commission.
-n8- PC92-7
155. That ~vursuent to Raso2ution No. 89-234 adopt.inq Che Pollce PxotACtion
Factlit.ies Plan for the Bast Santa !1na Canyon Area of, a~ may
horeinafter. be amgnded, the propei'ty owner/deve.Yoper shaX1 partic~pnte .in
the funding of the construction of the p:oposod Drnam Stzeet
Suba~atton. Unless a Development Agreoment specifie:~ otherw.iso, fees ahal.l
be pa~.d pr.tor to the approval of each final tract or parcal map or prior to
isauance of a building where no aubdivis.ion is invo.ived. (9-.10)
156. That pri~r to tha approval of the firet tentative tract or parcel map,
whichever occure first, the proparty uwner/develo~er ehall entor into an
agreement with the Police Department r~greoing to pay tees for a total 1,550
dw911ing unite anrl e commercisl acrea in accordanco wtth the Po.lica
Protection Facilitios Plan f.or the East Santa Ana Canyon Area o£ BenAfit in
order to enour.e tnat full payment ie madd to the City in thie regard.
Wr.Ctt~n proof c,f the Police Subetation Agreement ehall be furniehed to the
Planning and F~olirP pepartmonts and shal't be aubj~ct to tho approval by the
Police Depar.tmQnt and the L'ity Attorney'e Office.
LI 12~ ARY
157. That pursudnt Co Resolution No. B9R-235 adopting tha Public Library
Facil.ities P1an for the East Santn Ann Canyon area, as may haze.inafter be
amended, the proporty ownar/deve.loper sha11 partictpaxe .fn the fund3ng ef
the construction of the proposed library faciZity in the East HiIZs P.lannod
Community. Un.ie3s a Dovelopment Agreemont specifies otherw.fse, feen shaX1
oc psid pr.ior to npproval uf each f:na1 Y.rar.t or p~rcel map, or prior. to
issuance of a buildiny permit whore no xubd.ivi.y.i.on is involved. (9-11)
158. That prior to thQ approval of the firot tent~ativo tract or parcel mc+p,
whichever occure first, the property owner/cieveloper ehall enter into an
agreemEan~ with the Library Department agreeing to pay £eas for a tataL 1,550
dwelling units in accordance wit-- the PuClic Library Facilities Plan for the
East Santa Ana Canyon ar~a in order to ensure that full payment is mado to
the City in thia regard. Wri.tten proof. of th~e Library Agreement ehall be
furniehed to tti~ Planning and L~ibrary Departments and Ehall be aubject to
the approval by the Library Department and tlie Ci'.y Attorney'a Of£ice.
159. That pr..tor to issuance ~f each building permlt, the Property
orm or/developer sha11 pay fees or Frovide ot.her mechanisma µcceptable to
OUSD for acquis.ition And constr.uction of pzoposed Rchoo2 sites, consiytent
w~r.h state Zsw, to the Orange Unified School District. (9-22)
160. That prior to ~pproval of the first tentative tract or parcel map, wh:chever
occurs firat, ;:he proporty owner/devc:oper :hall .reaerve a ten-acre school
site thAt ia acceptabls to the UUSD. (9-23)
-49- PC92-7
' ~iqi~~ 'Iii.~i~^~
161. That prior t~ the approval of the firat tontatlve tract or ~arcel map,
whichovez occurs firet, the property ownor/devoloper ehall aenplete the
Cypre se Canyon Facilities and Fi.nancing Agreement in accordance with a
Memorandum oE Unclorstanding botweon OUSD and the property awner/developer.
162. That• until auch time ~a oUSA aaquiras the ach~o.l aite, the property
o~•ner/develaper ehall be reeponaible~ for main~enanco of the eito, inc.luding
inatall.atl.on and maintenance of a landsc.ped bufEer aroa along the
boundaries of the aite abutting any roadway. Plane for eaid le-ndacaped
area3 ehall be reviewed and approved by the l~lat~ning Commieeion and ehall
be prepaced ond processed in accordance with Condition No. G2 under the
"LANDSCRPING" r~ection herein.
163. That prior to ta9uance a+~ch building permit, the property
owner/developer shall pay faea or pzovid~ othor ma~h~nieme acaeptable to
oUSD £or acquieition and conatruct::on of propoaod sch~c~l eitee congiotent
with Stute law to tho Orange Unified :ichool Diatrict~
16~3. That tho 0=ange Un_'fied School Dist:rtct s,SaZZ be encouraged to coord.inate
with tho City Trafi`ic and Transportat:ion Division to assure that pedeatr.tan
access foZlows the "safe route tc school" standai•d and that adequate
ingre~s and egross is provided at s1.I schooZ s.ito enCrance.s to diacourage
vehicle idZing at curbside~. (6-03)
165. * That prior to commencement of etz•cctural framing on each parce7. or lot,
on-sito firo hydrante ahall be iristalled and charged as r~quired and
approved by the Fire Department. Specific information on the dnsign and
implementation of the requir~d hydrf~nt ayatom network muy be obtained from
the Fire Department.
166. * That prlor to iasuance of bui.ldinq permite, all requiremente of. Fire Zono
4, othorwisQ identified at~ Fize A~~minietrntive Urder No. 76-U1, ehall be
met . Such requiremeiita include, but arQ not limited to: chimney epazk
arrestors, protected attic and un3er floor openinge, Clasn C or better
rc~~Ping material and one hour fire reeiative conatruction of horizontal
surfacea if located within two huncir.ed (200) feet of adjacent brudhlrsnd.
167. * That all lockable pedestrian and/or vehicular acceae gates shall be
oquipped with "knox box" dc~vicee as requir~d and approved by the Firo
Departmant .
169. ~ That prior to issuance of certificates of occupancy, a1.1 buildings,
incZuding reaidential .buildings, ahaZ1 have fire sPrinklers installEd, ~n
accordance with City o.f Anaheim Ordinance No. 4999~ (9-15)
-50- PC92-7
:69.* Thnt where required and approved by the Fire Departrnent, adequate,
unobatruc~ed fire truck turn-around srose, ~hall be ~pecifically shown on
plane aubmittud for liuilding parmits. Said turn-around areaP ehall be
p~rmanently marked and mainta~ned to the eatiefactinn of the Fire
Departmont. All fire acceeewaye, including pnblic etzeete in exceee of 150
foet, must oe prov.ided witn unobetructed fire truck turn-a-round areas.
170. Th~t a Clae~ I standpipe dhall be inetalled an roquired by the Fire
Uepartment for all buS.ldings in exceee of throe storiee Aa dpfined by the
Uniform Buildiny Coda.
171. That a local fire alarm syetem ahall be insCalled for commercial buildings
ae required by tho Uniform Uuilding an~i Fire Codes. Manual ularm pulle may
be omitted from residen*_ial buildings only.
172. That prior to tho approval of on-eite ~ater plans, unleae each cormorcLal
buil.ding i.~ initially connected to eeparato eervicea, nn
uneubordinated ccvenant satiefactory to the City Attorney's Gffice ohall be
recorded prohi~~itiny any indivi.dual sale of bulidingn untLl aeparete fire
servicey are inr~tal.led.
173. Thac prior to isAUance of eha f.irst certificate of occupancy, Lho E'ire
HarnhaI and tt.e Diroctor of Perka, Reoreatlon and Communfty 3erv.icea nhall
approve tho Cext and materials for stgna to be posted ee eppropr.teLe
locationa regerdfny thp poter.tlal tlre nnd other safaty hesarJs (inc.lud~ng
the prasence of mountaln linna) in the spec~t~ffc Plan natural open apece
ar~ns. Thesa signa sha11 a2so mahe it cleer that hunttng ta prohlhited tn
the natural open apare areas, shall ldenr.lfy reatsi~tions on all. trao
roamtng petQ vithfn tho natural open apece ai•ea and ahe11 ~rteto thet
permitted uses in naturaI open spnce are~n aha11 be Simttod :o htktny,
waiking and other vaes that mininize disturbance of the alidltfe hab{teG.
~ j..~g~
174. That prior to Che approval of each tentative tract or parcel map, che
property owner/d~vploper ehall eubmit a fire acc:eos plun to tT~e Pire
UQpartment for revlew nnd appcovaL to eneure that sQrvlce to the tract or
parcol map le in accordance attl~ Fire Depa:.~m~nt aQrvice requlrQme~r.s.
Said plan shall include detailed Aeaiqn plans for sccassibllity of
emeryo~icy Efre e~uipment, fire hydrant loca:ion and any othor con~truction
fea*.ures requirad by tha Marehal. The pruperty owner/developer ~hall
be regponoLble for aecuring tASillt146 acceptablc~ to ~he Fire Departmant.
175. That prior to the opprovel of wecer Smprovement plens, ch~ wetoz aupply
ayaCem ahelL '+R dovtgned to provlae nuffScLent ftre tlow prnasurs and
atoragn for tbe propoaad Iar_d us~ end lir~ p.rotoctton in ~ccordsnre wtth
Fire Department require!mrnta. (9-l~)
-51- PC9'2-'7 .
176.- TFat prior to the placoment of building materiulA on the building aite, an
all weattier driving eurflce must be providad from the roadway syetem to and
oi~ the construction site. Cvery buildinq conetructod roueL bo acceoeible to
Fire Department apparatue. The wldth and radLus of the driv:n4 eurface
muet meat the requirements of Secti~r~ 10.20~(~) uf tho Uniform Fira Codo os
adopted by the City of ilnaheim.
177. That prloz• to 2sa~rance of certificates uf occupancy, the property
owner/developer ~he1S plece emergency telephone mambera ~n
prorntnenC locetiona as approved by the Ftre Department. (9-15)
178A. Prior to the ~acuance of ehe certfftcate of compldeton by LAE'CO for
ar~nexation of the Cypreas Canyun project erea r.o Lhe C~ty ol Anahotm, the
property o~~nFr/deveIoper and thro City of P.nahetm ahe11 have r~eched an
agreement with the Ce.2lfurntd D~~partment of Foreatry to prov~do ~ild2end
fire proter,tton for che ennexod landy, or shaI1 jotnt~y re} ~esant in
writing to tho LAE'CO Executlve Officer that adequate wlld!a~~~ fire
protectlon has been t•ecured for the annexe~' lenda. (11-07)
B. That the property owner/doveloper aha11 provlde and ecceas
through the Cypresa Canyqn Speciftc PJnn property to contfnued
acceas for flre guppresaion vehic.ies trevaling beyond the property Sn
rexp~nse to a wil.dland ffre fn the C.ievel~nd Ner.fonal Foreat. Sald accesa
routea shell bg ap~+roved by t.he F.frs Depertment a~d en eccasa oesement, in
a tornr saclstaccory co che City Attnrney end Ctty Engii~eer ~he11 be
recordad -+ith tte officF ot che Orenge County Recordar pr~or to epprov~l of
che firat tentet.ive tract or p~rcel mep. Prtor to thA epprovel of earh
tentativ~ tract or parceI mep, the Ffre peperement ahell revlew mnd ypprove
a fire ecress plnn to ensure that pri~r to .issuance of buildfng permles or
placemvnt of comhuatfble materiels on-n~te that thA eNproprtete tomporery
ar purmanent fi:e a~rvire tact7ttira will b4 in pleco Co aervic~ tho Qfto.
The Cypreas Canyon aroperty awner/developer shell be responsiblo tor
socuring faciltties ec~~epteble r.o th~r Fire depnrtment. (9-17)
179. Thac prioi• to aubmitt•a! of each tpnterive tract nr parcel mep and 9tte
f'1a~i, plane safety teaLUi•oK (i.e. vehtclo acrens, tuea
r.odification zonea) sAaI1 b~ bubmtctad to ete Ftre Depertment for reviaw
s~d approval. In conjunctirn wteh the aubmittel of a12 Sxts Ptena,
lendscape plann nhe11 bo aubmltted to tAR Plenntng Degar.tment ;for Planning
Com.nS~sfon raviow nr,d approvel in c4nformanc~ with the Cypr.ees Cenyan
.YprcSfic r2aa.
q. Wh~n adjacant co a fuQ1 modfficetlon zono, a minlmun ?0-foot aetbeck
aha11 b~ reqrired from al! edyo~r of che grad4d pad for e!2 atructurea
(.i.n_, pecion, garebon, decka, uuc budtdinga, houaw or gsreps) ebucting
chg fuei nnJif~c:sc:.nn zone. ThtB ao~bark of ~ech r~tldonca nnd its
auxiliery butldinqu ahell b~ ravsowe~ and npproved by cho llr0
Dnpertmvnt pri~r to epprovel ot .4:to Plai~s snd las~~nncA of builr'ing
perm/. t a.
-52- PC:9;C-7
B. Landacapo plana aha11 identify "wet" zonea. Joid plana Dha11 be
reviewod and aFpro~•ed by ehe Ftz•e Department prtor to epprova3 of.
Zandacape ~lnnn. ~^s:ndfng on tha grade of the alopo, uph11I or down, e
mfnimum wet ~or~ . 30 .feet sha1S be required botween the edge ~t ~ha
grndod pad and .he '~y zone. Vegetetton tn this eren ahe11 cons~at of
irrlgated 1~n' aap•inn and guldelinea aha11 be eatabliahed by the ~tr~
Departnrent shn. be lolloaed.
C. Landscape pIany 3ha11 tdentify "dry" zonee. Satd plann aha21 be
reviewe~ and ar,rovod by the Fire Department prior to epprova2 of
Iandacape plans. Depon~ing on the alo~e end tho ftre sevarity of the
nnture2 vegetetlon, a minimum dry zone of 25 feet be requtred.
Thtnning or removal of heavy parennial brush aha1l bo t•equired. Large
shrubby planta ahaIl be thtnned out end rleared of dead wood. A21
dead or dy~nq yro~~eh she1l be romovod. Ti~tnntng 1n the flrat portton of
che dry area ahal: consfar, of removing 70 porcent of chaparra2 lesrtng
apectmen p1anC materi~l. Spncing be've~n the plant materlal rh~l~ be
limit~d to ne closer then 20 faoL on center. Th.e ground ane1Z be
clearvd of a12 accumu.iated litter. I~ Llio remaining dry area, Ch.{nn~ng
shell consist of rAmoving JO per.cent of chaparral Ioaving epec~men plant
mur.urial. spacfng betweon the plant m.aterial s1~a11 be ltmited to no
rlos~~r cl~en 15 feet on center. Replc~ntfng of Zov volumo, ffre
resfgtant, drought tolArant plants ~haIl be required foX e:•oaton end
aIope control. Clearence oi nettve plants in fuel modtficot~on aonea
ahul2 be limited to the requtramonr.e of. ehe approved luel Nodiffcation
Plen. 'lh~ fuel modtftcat3on sone i~ tntended to provida a f.uncCione2
fneerfeca be~ween ehe netuta2 environmant end the built envfronment,
resultiny in nn area of reducad fue.l :oad that 9tf1I retains some native
D. The minimum firo flov requi.rEments for each tontettve tract map or
parcel map or each 4~velopmo,nt nc•ea, whichever i~ smn2ler, ~he11 be
l500 gallans per minute flowsno `rorn the 2 hydrants with the lowast
presaure. (]I-03)
E. Prio.r to the submittnl of tentattve Cract or parce2 meos edjacont to
the bound.ries of tho ~yprecs Cnny~n annRxation erca, ahould eny luel
modittcatton for tho Cyprass Cenyon project arne ba ~z•opoaed to oxcond
tnto ereas oucsSde o: eha City ot Anahoim, the ~ropnrty owner/devaloper
nhall cv .rvgponnible for pe•ocea~iny fue2 moOfftaa~ion plans 1•or Aaid
ar_<,s outsfde of che City af An.~hoim wteh eAe appropr~ate jurtadictton,
lncluding chp ps•ovt~fon of any rrqutrod environment~I annlyata. 3etd
fue2 modiftcntton plans ahaI1 bo suGm.fcted r.~ Ghe !-nehuim i'Sro Neraha!
f~r revlew nnd comment pr~rr tv approvel and cha meintunanco
resp~naibiltt~ea ahall bo ~etnrminod by the apprapriece juriad~~tton.
-~3- PC92-7
.~ ~ ,,,~.
180. That the folluwtng requiremanta shall be tnr.nrporated .intu the CC&R's, ur
n aepnrnte unsubordinated covenant, whtch ahe21 bo reviewed end approved by
the City Attorney and rvcorded prtor to tho t4sudnce ot the flret
carttf~cato of occunancy of esch tentntlve t2'dCE map or parce2 map. The
Anahefm Fire Ch~ef may ordez romoved and ,^.loared w.ft.~in 10 teet on ~rsch
stde of every roadway A1Z flammablo vegetetion or othei• combuatiLle growth
and may entez pr.ivate property to do so. Thta measure doos nut apply to
singlo spqcimena of trees, ornemental shrubbery or cultiveted ground covera
auch aa green gz•asa, i.vy aucculentx or aim~flar p2ents used as flraund
covezs, grovided thet thoy do not form a menna of read.ily transm.ttting
fire. As used .in thls aection, "roedwey" meens that port.{nn of e highwa~
or prfvate street improved, deaigned or ordiner~Iy us9d for vehicle
cravel. It sha11 be the responsibility of the property owner/doveloper to
masntain a1: Sar:~scaped areas, both wet and dry, in compl~ance with theaw
mfnimum standards. (11~05)
L81. That prior to the approvel of the first tentative Lrect or parceZ rnap,
~hichever occurv ftrst, the property uwn~r/develo~er aha2.I onter into an
agroQmont (Fire Stetion Ag°eecient) wfth Che Fire Department tu ded~cate a
one-acre fire statton site, pay fe~e or otherwiae provtde a fatr ahare of
f.h~ cost to secure~, grade Ieve1, end conatruct u new fire station facility.
A. The prop~rty own~r/deve.iopar ahall also be renponAiblo fvr paying f.ees
or othen,~is~ prov.idinq a proportionate ehero of the purchase r,ost of e12
fire apparatus, fully equipped to the ~tey's spec.{ftcattona, to
adequateiy serve the project aite, as determined by ehe Ftrr Depertment.
B. The fire ctation aite eha11 be ono acre of unencumborod, ucablo 2and
provfded at no coat to the Ciey. The cost for prov~slon of the site and
appe.ratus and conatruction of. far.ilit.toa noeded on the afte ahaIl be
shared s~ith the proposed Moi~neein Perk Dovelopment on an eguttahla
C. The property owne:/developer mny petition thd City Counctl to •stebliah
s rAimbursement agreemene or benefft district Co inr.lude othor areas of
be~tefsc. Costs asaociated with the eatnblfshmont o: ar.y auch dietrictrt
sha12 be at the exponse cf the proparty owner/develouer.
D. Writ~en proef of ehe F1ru Staeton Agreement Rhall be furnf~rhed tu the
PZanntng Deportment tnd the Ftre Dapc~rtrr.ene and ahe11 bo aubject to
approvel by Cho Flre Department and ehe Ctty AtCOrney's offica.
:82. Thet prior to npprovel of stte Plens ~n Developmsnt Aroe~ 3, 5, 6, 13,
Ib, I7, 18 and 19, which nre adjacont to nar.ursl open epace, p2ens aAa1:
dI17M edhoronce to ehe fuel modificatton atenderda section ot tl:e 5poc~2'ic
Plan. Pr.i~r to the~ approval ol stto P.2ena end prtor co ehe i~suanc~ ef
b~lilcltng permfta, pl~ng shell he reviowsd end epprov9d by ehe Ftre
Ueparr.mont as being in con.Cormence with tho Untform Ftro Codv and tn
conformnnce :+ir.h the stanrlArd9 en outlined belowr
-54- PC92-7
, Nai~,
A. The roof covering u~' every building or sCructure ~ba.i1 b4 a roo.f
coveriny meet~ng r.he regu.irements or specif~cationa of Claen A roef
covaring~ as aet fnrth in the Uniform Bu~ld.tng Code.
B. No attic vent•1lation openinrs oz vent~tlati.on louvera ahnll be perm.itted
in soffits, in eevR, bo~ween rafL•ers at esv~a, or other
overhanginq azeas. Aettc or foundation vont~lation Zcuvers or
venttlatlon opsninga in vorticel wa11s sha1Z not exceed 144 aquare
.tnchea r_ech gnd should be r.ovvred with 1/4 .inch meah, c~rros~on
restatent metal screen nnd eha11 not be within 3 feat of any o~+eatng.
C. No projection.s sha11 bo a2lowed in exca~s of 10 tnc~5er trom exter~or
wa11s (.t.e.-decks, balconies, roof overhangs, carporta and ettachod covera) unless the f.ollowing standnrda have beon met to tha
Aatiafaction of the Fire Depa.rt~nents
1. One hour l.tre xeaisttve materials on under-e~de. An alternete to
heavy tirnber co~structton would be L•u enclose the project.ion from
floor Ieve1 to the ground within six (6) feet hor~zontaZly Prom the
outside vdge with an exterior typo one-hour .fire ratod assembly per
the 1988 Uniform BuiZding Coc1e, Tab1o 93-8.
2. tfeavy timber construction
a. Posta ~ha1l bo 8" x 8" m~nimum
b. Floor Daams+ nnd G.irderb sha21 be 6" x 10" minfmum
c. Floor joists shall be 2" minimum materia.l
d. F2oor and Roof Deckin,y nhn11 be 2" T&O, 1 1/8" TdCt plywood, 2
2ayers 1" TFO plywood, or 3" nominal lumber aet on ed~e cloae
together wtth ataggerod jointa
e. Roof beams shall be 4' x 6' nfnimum
f. Roof raftera ahnll be 3' minttnum meterial (blocked soundly oz with
2" minimum wcod cover~nqs
3. Decks may be protect~d by a~~ approved exto:•tor tlre ~prinkZer syatem
ln iieu of heavy tfmber constructfon or one hour rated construct~on.
D. t~o treacn.J or untreetecl wood ahako ar wood shfnglo materie2 ahe11 be
u,oed fvr extertor wa11 coverings. Extertor surfacea ahalI be protocted
by 1/:^ Type X Gyps:+m wnlZbuerd underlayn~ent, c.ight2y sealed, or nha11
have an equtvalent ftr4 rating. EaveB And other overl~enpinq areea abe21
be protected by constructl.on equal to other oxterior aurtacea.
E. A12 exceri.or glers~ g1~a11 be double g.2aRed unlesa ths Ch~ef 6utldin,q
OfftciaZ epprovoa e Ifmited eppilcetton or accepteblo ~Itexneitve.
S1r.g2e g1a•rtng 3ha21 bo approv~d wSth a hvac raflective
F. AII chtmnvys, flues and stovepipes aha11 be constructad wtth e rninlmum
1? gau,qe wlremeah acreer. tbet ia securely etteched nnd eha12 covAr the
entlre vent dt.amet~r nnd noe rreatu any pockecs or recesaeA.
-55- PC92-7
,.~Fw•. 'nA~~`
G. Fxemptions To Consr:ructton Requirements: (1) N~n-haJ~itab.~o acaeasory
Rtructures ~ver 50 feet. Prom hab.itable structure9 sha1.1 not be .requtr6d
to hnve fire reststive we12 protecrtlonp (2) ?7on-habttable accessary
structure.~, oxcapt for cnrporr,s, w.ithtn 50 feet of hab.itable atructureo
may bR of type II N(non-cambuatiblo mater3als); and, (3) Carpoxt,a open
an two or more sides located withxn 50 feet of habtL•able structuree
aha1.~ be of one-hour rasiAt.tve constrvctton. Supporting members ahsll
be heavy timber oz protected by materials approved for one-hou.r f.ire
resi.stive constructian. (11-09)
183. That prios to apnroval of any Si.te Plan, tl~a property awnor/devalopar
ahe11 aubmit plans to the 7,on~ng Djviston for Planntng Comrnisston ruvtew
and ~pproval. Said p1Ans shalSs
.4. Incorpo~at~ architertural controls to ma.intain tho rural churaater of
tho Cnnyon (i.e., colora, root matortals, extorior butlding mntes•i~3s,
fancing, etc.)
B. Be consistent with the Cypresa Cenyon Speci.f~c Plnn Community Dea.ign
Plan, which establ}.shes a de.sign framowork and crtL•oria which Cho C~ty
of Mahet~n and the developer5 and dosigners of t;~e Cypresa Ca~~yon
community aha.2Z use as psrt of the Site Plan review procesa to majnCein
natural cpen apace character and maintain the rural c;harncter of the
canyon. (12-01)
184. That prinr tu epprovel of the first tentative tract or parcel map, SiCe
Plan or grading p1an, whichever occurs first w.ithtn the viawshed of the
Riverside Freewny (5R-91), the property owner/developor sha11 prepere a
coordin~ted and comprchensive visual impact assessment for revtew and
appr.ovaI by Lhe Planning Commisston. Th.ia nssessment shall aZso indicato
how Lhe ;.andscape Progrem of the Cypress Canyon Spocific PZan for the
commercial areas ts used to visueZl.y enhance the SR-91 F:•eeway and xha11
~nclude, a*_ a minintum, rFhderfngs from two off-sita vantagea sei along tha
Sft-91 Freoway. This ansr,sament shaZl 6e submitted tc the County o- Orangd
and Calerans for a 30-day chrt:ment period. (12-Oi)
~Ig UAL ,
105. That a11 construct.ion eyuipmont shall be ma.tnteined .fn good operating
condit.fon so es tn r.educe operational eminaions. The prop~rty
owner/d~volopor s1~a11 submit to the Publtc Wozks-Gnginoerlnq DeparLment
pi•oot in the forrn of a letter, on a bi-annual bas~s, .ind~cattng that a11
cefiscrirction oquipment is being properly sez•viced ~n~i rnair.teined. (6-02)
-56- PC92-%
, . y,
186. ThaC prior to RpprovAl of grading plana, the propnrty ~.~wnor/developQr
shall subrnit a constructian trafl`ic plan to th~ City 2ra#f3c und
Transportatzon Manager for ravie~+ and approval. Said p.Ian srhell
demonstrato that short term traf#ic oongac+tion reletad to constr-..ction is
reduced to the maximum extent feasible. Constxuction :nvolv3nq r~~ndwnys
shaiZ be alono durin~ non-peak traffic hours. A fZa,q peraon sha.Il bp
prov~.ded when construc.tion bloc~ks the ~1ow o!' tra~ffc. Plun~ tor
construction roadwiys sha11 be rev.tewad dnd approved by 4'~a C.ity Works-Enginoering Department prior to commenc~ng ~~o.rk. Pie~~ a)ia1:f
include timea of conaCruction and location of f1a~ Feaple in rel~etion ~tc
flnw of traffic. (6-03)
187. That the FroNerty owner/deveZo~ex aha12 incorporaLO .Iow arn.issicn pAi.r.~s
and coatinqs in tho design and canstruct~on of a11 bnildings. Prior t~
issuance nf bu.i.lding pormits, tha ptoFezty owner/davoZonar shall subr.~i't a
letter to the Chief Buildinr OfficigZ that these mater.ials are utal~ze: in
tho project design, whdre feasib.Ie. Further, Lhe 1.irat paintinq of '4~liGh
3tructure sha11 be done w.ith high-soZid and water-based contingA whex+9ver
possible. Light-colored materials shauld be usud an e.cterfor yaxP1~4@8.
This information shall be noted on the project glans en3 specif:cntfuns.
188. That prior L•o appruval of the first tract or.• percel map, x)iichever occuzs
~irst, a Transportution Demar.d Manageme»t (TDM) pZan sh~.I1 be re~~isNed snd
approved by the Ci.ty Engir.eer. ih~ TDM p1.nn ,ha11 consider: ~nYtalling
trike rack.~; constructing half of the dwoll.tng units N.ith csbZo a.elevtston
hook-ups capable of providing residonts wtth "reaZ time" traffic
informAtion for the surrounding c.fz-culation ayst~nr; and aa'ministering a
carpoo2 matehing program by the devalopor unti: aL1 unita aro
so1d, at which time the homeownera nssoci.ation a~11 admiratster the
program. Ti~e TDM plan aha11 also w.ith Sc'ApMP Regu.Iatic.n ]!v plana
regarding incentivss to increase vehicu2ar ocaupancy. (a°71)
1~9. That thd property uwne.r/developer shall sn cuura~a fut4ro residents aY
Cypresa Canyon to utilize public transpoz•tatiot~, ta partscipate fn car and
vanpouls, und to utili=e tolecommuting by rro information on pubiic
transportation, carpool ~'oxmation asaistance, r.nd other trip rea'uctian
methods in homaownera packets providod to a.ll new homH pu:chesers and
renters. The packet wt1l include a telephono number whi~h pzovfdes access
t:u a trai.ned Trunsportation Coordinator to provide tndivir~ual assi~i.ancn.
In edditi.on, commuter services information sh~1Z be provideB aL k:.osks at
tha commercial site and at Che par;c ette sabject ta Lhe apprci~aS of the
Director of the Psrks, Recreatton ar~d Communiry Serv.icea Dapextment. Thts
i.n:ormation sheZ1 be provided to the City Treffic and Trunsportation
Manager for revier/ and approval ps•ior to .issvence of thn f.frst certi~icato
of occupnncy. (G-06)
-57- PC92-7
~ ~~,
19C. That pr.i.or to approval of tl~e Pirst final traot or pe-rcal map, wh.ichovor
occurs .£irst, the properi•y ownor/dovoloper sha1Z prapare a coordinated
study tu axamino methods oP implemonCing a Tranaportat~on Syst~ms
Managoment p~-ooram in accordance with the City of Anahe~m's Transportatinn
Demand Ordir:ance No. 5209 and Reaplutton No. 91-R-89, w.ith apeciflc
guide.2inea ind~cating ~trategtea Co reduce the amount of tr~ps and incroase
the amount of non-vahicular tranaportation. Stratag~os may .include transit
so.rvice, park and ride turnouts, cerpool and vanpoo3 fac3Zittea, b.fkewAya,
~nd other tran:rportation demend strategies applicable to L•he davelopment
site. (6-07}
191. Prior to approval of the f.irst ffnal tract or parcel map, whichever
occurs .first, for each phase, the property ahnZ1 prepare
Stte Plans and improvement plans whic:h ~ncorAorate t:ansit improvementa,
sach as t~s turn-out pockets, passenger wa.{t~ng araas and pedestrian
qcC99°wd}+s, to encourage transit usag~, to the sattat`actton of the C~ty
Txaffic Engineering Divtsion. In preparing such plans, tha appZicent aha.11
demonstrate compliance with oranye County Transit District (OCTD) atandards
and domnnstrat~ that OCTD has provided input int•o plen formulation.
l9'l. Thet prior tc, approval o.f each tentat•ive trect ar naroel map, the
pz•operty ownez/~~eveloper sha11 demonstrate L•o the Pub3ic
and PXanning De~~artments compliance with a City Ai.r Qus.Iity Element, i.f one
has been Adoptod at the time of the .fil~ng of said radp. (6-12)
193. That prioz to Lhe issuance of bu.ilding per.•mits and/or oc:cupancy permiL•a,
a11 future occupants who requtre Uistrict purmits aha11 provtdo
documentation to the Ci.ty of comp.l_'ance with SCAQMD regulet.i.o»s. (6-10)
194. That no ouCdoor living areas w.i11 be aubjecCed to CNEI, 1evels greaLer
than 65 daA. Appropriato mitigation (i.e., setbacks, wa11s, and/or
borming) wi11 be tmplemented as nocessary (incZud~ng patentfa2 mit.igatton
for no.ise tmpacetr rbsulting from opezation of the l~wl Rock sand and gravel
fac~ltty) to me~t th.ic requiroment. A prel.iminary notae atudy Whtch ypecific setbacks, wa11s, or~d/or E+ermtng iP zequtred, to
~~~uatoly mit3.getv outdoor lsv~ng areas sha1.I be submitted to the Planntng
De;:.~~~men~ for rev.few and approval grior to appz'oval of tentative rract or
pa•r~el maps for ainglo-family detach d and prior to approval of Stte PZena
foi• singie-farnily nttachod and multifamily homes. {7-04)
195. Thnt a prel.iminary noiso atudy whfch delineates but!dzng dea.ign
spc+cifications for appropriate outdoor to indoor noiae attenuation (to n
,ZeveZ 2ess than or equal tc. 45 CNEL) sheZ1 be a~Cm.isteJ to the
Department prior to review and approveZ of tentative Lract or parcvl maps
for singl~-famlly detached and prior to approval of Site Plans for
s?ngZe-family atCached end multifiamlly homes. (7-02)
-56- PC92--7
.~ •,
.195.* Thnt prioz to isauance of p~rmitA, the property owner/developer
shn11 prasent avidence satisfactory to the Puilding O.iviaion Chat eech
partion oP t~'~e proposed project a.s in confo.rmanco witti Counc~l policy
Nurnber 541, "Sound Attenuation in Re~~dentis2 Projecte" and with Noiae
Insulat~on Standards apacified in the California Administr.ative Code, T.ttle
25. (7-03)
197. That canstruction activir.ies ~rha1Z bo limited to normal dayttme houra fn
aacordance with tne City of Anafieim Noise ordinance. A11 constr~~::tton
equipmene sha11 be equipped with properly operating and
mufflers. In ordar to conLroZ cor4truot.ton notse tmpacta, th~e
contra^.~tor(s) o.f the aroa under aonatruct~on shnZ.i comply with Che City ot'
AnAheim Nai~se ordinancea in etfect at tho tinre of construction. (7-01)
19E3. If Owl Rock Producta construction in tbe Mountain Par.k
Community occur cloaez• than 900 feet from CyPrebs Cenyon res.identiaZ
development or if O:~Z Rock Products sand and gravel extraction operat.tons
occur closor than 1700 feet from Cypresa Canyon residential dovelopment,
then a detaiZed nazse study shall be 9ubmitred in connection wt~Ch Che
effected C,ypres~ Canyon tentative trnct or ~arcel mapa or Sito Plans,
whichever occurs first, to ident~fy the appropriate meusuras, ~ncludinq~
but not limited to, the use nf berms or other noiso barrfers to attenuete
noise l~vels o~ specifications in the City of Anahetr.t Noise Ord.tnance. ,
'199. Thet prior to approva! of the first tentat.ive tract rnep or parcel map for ;
ear.h phaso or the mass gradiny plan for the phase (whichever occurs fi.rsr.), ~
the property ownor/developer sha11 submit a circulat~nn pZan, i.ncludtng a i
construction nccesa plan, for the phaaa. Th~e pJ.en ahall ba :evtewed end
approved by the Deputy City Engineor, the Trafffc and Transportation
M~nager and the Fire Marshal. The plan aha11 also be aubmi*_ted f.oa• rE°v~ew
dnd commen~ by CaltrAns for the portiun oP the pIan involving Calirans
faci.lities. Tho plon sha11 include the i`ollowin3 itoms:
A. Phasin~ of roadaAy cor.structton, specifying whtch roads w:Ll be
constructed as b9ckbone 3creots and wh.ich roads wi1.1 br- constructud with
tract devalopmont;
B. Y,3a~ing of trAftic aignaXizatJ.on; and
C. Transportation demand managemer.e pzogram. (3-15)
-59- PC93-7
~r ~~ ~
200. That in eonnection w.ith the submtttal oP each tentstiv~e trar.t or parcel
map~ the property owner/developer sha11 a tra.ffi.a phasing plan,
includinq traPflc signal warrants to assoss the traffic 1eve1 aseootated
w.tth the proposed number of units t~nd produat typea Por mAp, and
vertry that the circulation .improvements .identified in FEIR No. 299
mitigation measures and/or condit.iona on tho Specific P1an Por the
eppropr.iate phA3e are adequate, so that the level of serv3ce fallowtn~
improvements is not wozse than LOS A as meASUred by Che City of Anaheim.
Tho traffic phasing plan sha11 be aubject to the review and spproval. of the
City Traff.ic and Transportation Managar. Any addttional mit~getion
measures/irnprovements identified as part of e~a~d plan sha11 be the
responaibility o~ the property ownor/developer. (A-]4)
201.* That prior Lo issuance of each bu.ilding pe.rmi.t, the appropriate Eastern
Tran~portation Corridor Major Thoroughfare and Bridge feo sha1Z be to
tbe City of Anaheim in the amoun~(s) determined by ~ity Resolut.ion
No. 89R-440 and the Foothill/Ear~tRrn Transportation Corridors Agency
Re~olution No. F9T-01. (8-Oy)
202, That prior to approval of thz first final txact or psz'ce1 map, whichever
occur~ first, a11 neceasary Master P1an of Arterial flighway (MP11H)
arnendmants sha11 be initiatad/in procoss, and the Zega1 owner of the
propez•ty aha11 izrevocably ofPer to dedicate to the Ctty of Anaheim the
fu11 rights-of-way for a11 City CirculHtion Flement-dasignated artorials.
2Q3.* That prior ta issvance of each bu.iZding permit, tbo .3antiago Canyon Road
Major Thoroughfnre and Bxidge fee sha1.I be paid in the amount(s) determined
by Orange County Hoard o.f Supervisors Reaolution No. 90-986 as confirmed ~n
writing from the County of Orangs. (8-IE)
204.* That prior to iosuanco of each buil~ing permit, the appropriate traEfic
eignal assessment fee ahall be paid to the City of Anaheim in L•he amount(s)
determinQd by City Council Reaolution No. 90F-198.
205. That prior to ap,proval of the first tentative tract or parcel map, or plan, whicl~ever occurs firAt, for Phase I, n construct;fon contract
sha11 hava been awarded for the State Route SR-91 commuter lpnes/htgh
occupancy vehicle Zanes (i.e•, four new lane.~ between the Riv~rside/Orange
Cou~ty line and SR-55). Snid improveme~~ts sha11 be operationaI pr.ior to
the issuanca oP the first building permit. (8-121
?.06. That prior to Approvnl of the first final tract or pRrcfl map, wh~chover
occurs first~ for Phase I, the CcaZ Canyon Road/SR-91 Freeway ~nte:change
improvements (including signal~ a;id NOV bypasa un-ramp/ram~ metering~ bo~h
ocstbound ~n~' westbound) ~hsl.l. be secured by a perforroanco bond, letCer of
crodit, or other Form of seaurity acceptable to tl~e City Engineer in a Porm
~pproved by the Cir,y Atturney. Seid improvements si~e11 be in oporation
pria•r L•o issuance of the 1,001st cnrt.{fieate of occupancy. (8-01~
-60- PC92-7
207. Prior to the approval of the first lurga-lot or buildor tentativa tract or
parcel map, wh~chever occurs first, in Phxse I, L•he property
ownor/devoloper et~all ontor into an Agreamont with the City obligating the
property owner/developor for "fair eharo" particip~tion naeded to improve
the aubject eegmerit of Santa Ana Canyon Road to Hill4ide Secandary
Stan~ards (including the equestrian trail) betweon the axieting widened
aection ea~t of Weir Canyon Road and the woatorn boundary o£ the Mountain
Park dovelopment, provided that tho roadway section implemented be roduced
ae neceseary to aseure that eigniPicant grading/reconstruction o£ the
xdjac~nt landforms is avaided. Connultant/contractor paymer~te ahall bo
rnade by the property owner/developer upon demand of the City at the Eull
coet of consultant/contractar paymonte actually ~i11ed to the City. The
obligatione of the property owner/developer under thie conditlon ehall be
secured by a~erformanae bond, letter of credit, or other £~rm oE eocurity
acceptable to the City Gngineer in an amount and form approved by the City
Atturnoy. Timing of i.mplomenta~ion of the ulti.mate improvements ahall bo
at the sole discretion of the City.
208. ThsL prior to ap~roval of. the first finaZ tracC or parcel map, whichever
Accurs first, the fu11 improvement of Coa1 Canyon Road as a pr~mary
arteriel frorn Rzverside F'reeway we~tbound rampa to Street "D", per the
Cypress Canyon Specific Plan, sha11 ba secuzod by a performance bond,
Iettar of credit, or other form of becurity Aacoptable to the City Engineer
in a furm approved by the City Attorney with canatruction completed prior
to issuanc~ of the fizst certificato of occupancy. (8-02)
2C9A. That prior to approval of the firat final tract or parce3 map, the fu11
improvcrrant of street "D" from Coa1 Canyon Road to the western project
boundary as a 4ocondary arter.ial per Ghe Cypr9ss Canyon Specttic PZan,
sha11 be secured by a performance bond, Zette.r of ared~t, or other form of
security acceptable to the City Bngineer in a forrn approved by the City
Attorney with construction completed prior to issuance of the firat
certificate of occupancy.
B. That, if portions or a11 of Streoc ~~D~~ from tha western projoct boul~dAry to
Gypsum Canyon Rosd and/or Gypsum Canyon Road from StreBt "D" Co fts
interchango with State Route 91 does not exist prior ta Approval cf the
first finel tract or parcol mnp, wh.ichever accurs firat, the fa11 gradi:~g
of said roadway segments to tho atandarda roquired in tho Mountain Paxx
Spec.ific Y1an (SY90-4) and a1~.gned in complience with Lhe coaceptusl
grndin,q plan for the Dtountasn Park project and fu11 aonstruction shaZ1 be
sgcured by a performance bond, 1eLter of r.redit, or other form of aeourity
ar.ceptable to the City Engineer in a form apprav~d by the City Attorney
with construction compleCed prior to issuance oP the first cart~fioat~ of
occupancy. To ehe axtent the pzoperty owner/developer may qualify for
reimbursement from o~ther benafitted propertios, tho proporty
~~wner/developor may petition the City Council to eatabZfsh a reimbursement
agreement or beneEit districL to include other areae of benef~t. Costs
associeted with the astablishment of ttming requzrements, fa~r share
ar,nIysis, and ustablishment of any such districts, sha12 be at the eY~ense
of the property ownez/developer. (8-03}
-61- PC92-7
.~_.~ pv'i<r.~
210. That pri~r t~ ttpproval of the L•irs~ f.inal tract or parcel map, whtchevez
occars first, tha full improvoment of Weat Laop within the Cypreea Canyon
project area ras a collector arterial, per the Cyprass Canyon Spec.ific P1an,
shaZl bo sacured by a porforr.rance bond, letter at credit, or othex form of
secur:.~y ac.r,o?table to t.he City Engtneer tn a form approved h}~ the City
Attoznc~y with canstruction completed prior to issuance oF Che f.irst
cortificate of occ~upancy for adjacent resident.iaZ Areas. (8-04)
211. Ttut pXiar to approval of appllcable tin~Z tract or pazcel maps, es
determinod by the City Engtneer, tNe fu11 improvement ot` Coa1 Canyon Rond,
sovth ot' Street ~~D" as a collector arterinl, per the Cyprees Canyon
Specific Plan, sha11 be secured by a p~rformance bond, letter of crodit, or
othez form vf securtty acceptable to the Ci~ty Eng~nee.r ~n a~orm appr.ovRd
by tha City .Attorney with conatruction completed prior to complotion and
vpon.tng of the elPmentary school and/or the park site, w;iichever ocaura
.first. (8-05)
212A. That prior to the spproval ot Che app.iicabl6 tinal tract or p+~r~ol map
which ~ontains the J001st dweSZing un~t, the fu1Z tmprovemont ot 9anta Ana
Canyon Road, east of Gypsum Cunyor~ Road to Con1 Canyon Road, per the
app.iicable Mountain Par.k and Cy~re~s Canyon SpeciPic PZsns, eha11 be
secarad by s perforrnanco bond, letter of cred.~t, or other form of sacur~ty
accoptable to tho Cit,y Enoineer in e form appruved by the City Attorney constructian cornpleted prior tu i~auanca of the IUOlr~t aertzficate of
That Santa Ana Canyon Road between the western proiect boundary and c~ypsum
Canyon Roacl shaZ1 be graded in complia~tco with the co~~ceptual grading plan
and constructed to tho standards and alignment reguired in tho Mountain
Park Specific PZan (sF90-4). Furthermore, until .Tanuary 1, 2009, any
implementation of this cond.ition shd11 be subject tn the terms of the Ow.Z
Rock La.cenae Agreement. Any costs assoc.tatod with mad~fict~tion af the
license area for implementation uf this project sha11 be the cor~t of this
pxojer.t and not subiect to reimbursoment.
C. To the extent that the property owner/deve.'Lnper may qaalify for
re.inbursement for cf~-aite improvements ~rom othor benefitted pr.opertiea,
the property owner/developer may petition tl~e C.ity Counca.l to esteblssh a
re.imbur•sement agreement or he»efit di~tric: to include nthe.r areas of
benefit. Costs aesociated with the establishm~nt of timing requirements,
fair shar~ annlysis, gnd any such districts, sha21 be at thc expenee of the
pr~perty owner/develoher. (8-06)
219. That prior to apprpval ot final tract ~r parcol fnaps in DeveZopmant Areas
3, 4, 5 nncl 6, or porti.ons Chc~reof, oz tracts roguixing acce3s Lo 6ast. Loop
Road, as determ;ned by the Ci.ty Engineer, tho fv11 improvement of F,esG Loop
Road, wichin the t'ypres5 Ca~iyon project a~ a c~llector arter~~l, per the
Cypress Cenyon Specific PZan, sha11 be secured '~y a performance bond,
Zetter ot credit, oz• other form of security acceptable to Ch9 C3.ty Engtneer
in e form approved by the City Attorney with construction comp:eted privr
to issuance of the first ceztificate of occupancy for ~evelopmant Areas 3,
4, 5 and G, ar portio.nE thereof . (A-07)
-62- PC97.-7
21~. That prior to approval oP each tentattve tr~ct or parcel map, pIana sliall
he reviewed by ehe Subdivlaion sectton of the PuhZ.ic
Dopartment t~ enaure that cul-de-aec turnarounda p9r City stenderde ahe11
be provfded at private screet ~eadenda. (8-OQ)
215. That prfor to the approval of the firse tent.etive Lract or pax'cel mep, or
grading p.Ian, whichever occurR firat for dovelopment vhtch aouId exceed a
deily tzip ge~eration foreceat of 12,514 for thts project, the prope.rty
owner/developer ahaI1 submit evidonce to the satisfactinn of the City
Enyi.neer that. a ronstruction contract has been awozded end socured for *he
entire Iength of the Ei'C thet providea for m1x flow leno connect~onv tn and
lrom the east and weat on SR-91. The development phea~ng echedule sha11 be
coordtnated so that no tentattve Lract or parcel maps arv epproved for
deveIopment tn oxcesa of a de~1y trip yaneration foreca~t uf 1?,511 tor
thts project, ~Aichever occura flrat, aneil ~uch t~me as the BTC is
schedvled for operetion t~ tho satisfaceion of the Cfty 8ngineer. Nowaver,
tf thv 6TC construction coneract hen not boen awarded by tha f~rst
tentativo tract or parcoI map or grad~nq plen for dovelopment in exceaa ot
a dafly trip generation fcrecast of 12,514 for tAla project, a trnftlc
study nattafac.ory to the ~ity En~tneer $hn11 ba aabmttted n~ che City
Pngineer or deaignate by the property owner/d9velo~ex to document tha
circulation improvements needed in place of the BTC to provlde levola of
servSce not voree than D, as measured by tHe Ctty ut Anehetm end to
do~.ument the project's falr aharz contributfon towarda said improvementa.
216. That prlor t~ approvrl of each final tract or paKr.el map, whichever occure
fir~t, gtreet names for any new publi~ or privato o*.reet oha21 be oubmitted
ta and approved by the Planning Department.
217. That prior to ap~rc~val oE earh tract or pnrcel map, whichev$r occuro
firat, utreet ir.~`rovmnen*. pl~ns ohell Le eubmftte~ to th~ Subdivialon
118. That pslor to approval o[ each fl.nal tract ~r parcel map, ~hichever occurs
tiret, the leqal prop~riy a+rHr ohall Lrravocably offQr t~ dedicata to the
City of Anaheim eaoen~nte, for straet and public utility purpo0eo, toz all
~n~blic atreets on thp fi7~1 map.
219. That prior t~ ayproval of each final tract or pnr~ol nap, t~~o log~l
proprrty or+nqr ohn:l irr4vocably offer to dadicata to the Ciiv ot ~naboim
Qase,rentc, for pub:ic utility purposeo nnd emerqency pti~rpoae3, includinq
in;reob ar~ eqreuu rlghto for purpoa4o, tor private AtCWltO en
the :inal map.
:20. ?ha~ prior e~~ tte firat final buildinq and zoniry SnspQCtion wlthin esach
tra:t rr.ap or parcel ma~ ~o~~;~dary, u2mporary atr8at namv olqnu for al!
public an~ privats Rtr~Rts dhall be inPtailed if par~~rtar~t otr~~t nan~e
oiqno havQ r~~c AR¢n inota114d.
-~~- ^r.32-7
~'a .
221. That the property owner/develoner ehall be responeible for obtaining all
off-oite right of way nReded for conetruction of the roquirod
improvements. Should it become necReoary, du~ to tho property
owner/devoloper'e inability to acquire eaid right(e)-ol-way, tur tha City
of Anaheim to negotiate for and acquire the neaeoeary right(e)-of-way to
allow tho developer to construct any publ.ic improvements, the property
owner/developer ehall pay tor all cot~ts associated with euch acquiAition
and cundemnation proceedinqe. 5uch coete ehall gualif.y towarde the
property owner/developer'~ "fair 9hare" contributi~n.
222. ThAt prior to tae approval of RH-1200 and RM-2400 Zone tract o:
parcel maps or Site Plana, eaid mape ehall ba deaigned to havo a limiterd
number of accesewaye to the etreet ae approved by the CLty Traffic and
Traneportation Manager. Furtlier, no garagee ehall face ~ pub~lc BtreeC end
no drivowaye shell be provided whLch ;,rould allow a veh.tcle to back out onto
a public street.
223. That prlor to ap~roval of the f.irot tentative tract ~r. pnrcel map,
whichever occure first, the propc~rty ownet/developer ahall Aotabliah a
mechaniem, acceptable tc the City of Anaheim, t~ ~,rovida on-goinq
monitoring anC tranemittal to the City of Anaheim of information concorninq
fiacal impact of all development within Cypreos Canyon= provided, however,
that the eubaequent on-going fiecal monitoring may conpint of a lettor,
subjece tu th~ City'u approval, if t~iare are no chanqea propc,nFd to thQ
assumptiona in the fi.s~al impact report or dovelo;~m~nt plan= but if thore
are chanqea, detailed documen:atinn addreeeiny thoee fiacal lmpacLe
affccted ehall be requirei.
22~i. That prior to epproval ot the firat tentative tract or parcel map,
whichever occurg fir~t, the pcoporty ohall •ntor an
aqreement with the Cil•y to gstabliah a machaniem to ennure tho pcYrSwar.
generrtes revonuea to meat thR a98lyned co~+t of ~ity aervicea on a year by
year baois rec~gniziny cumulative ourpla0ae anA/or deEicito and to provide
flexibility ro fund eny aclditional future ehortfnll nh~uld proyort re•ronue
ansumptiona in the floral impnrt report prove incorroct. The machaniom
ehell addrese the folloHinqs
A. A means eu prot4ct the City iE :he hoCel ix net conutructad or doe• not
become o~raCional; becomas uporational, but ie downsixedf becamos
oparattonal, but ~crupancy and rvntnl rattr do not maet 4trong ond
Aaoociac~s ansaa~ptiunur
Ei. Purther analy0i~ oi tha coot val~~ of police service~ to the pr~ygct~
C. A m~ara to cam~naato tha City fnr rovenue deficito causod by tre
pro~c!ct duriiig tFo five to uix yaar conatruction period= and,
C. A mteana t~ companaato r.l~R City fcr any co~t cauadd by tN~ proyoct at oe
atter buil4aut.
-{~4- PC92^7
The City ahall have the r.ight to manitor esid rovenuee and coute. The
costa to eetablish the mechaniam(s) nhall b~ borne by the property
ownerfdeveloper. The property owner/dov~loper ohall oxecute and rocord un
uneubordinated covonent againet the entir.e eite in a form approve~ by the
CLty Attoi•ney that euid agreement i~ in effe~t. Should land uaes chanqe
from those adopted in conjunctiun with the fiecal impact report, other than
duo to requirementn imposed eolely by the City, Che ~ity may require A
revieed fiacal impact report be pr~pared ncc6ptable to the City. The
mechaniam(a) entablished to aseura thg pXOject gRnsrates revenueo to mROt
the assigned coote uf City eervicee ehall then bo adjuated to refl~ct the
changed conditiona of the revlsed fiecal impact report."
225. That completion of theee raclneeificatLon proceadinge io contingent upon
ap~roval and adop*_iun of Cenerssl Plan Amendment No. 317 (Poxtion 1) by the
City Council and completion of annexation of subject proporty to the City
of Anahoim.
226. ThaC ttie property o.~ner/developer nt~all be hc+ld reaponoibte for complying
with the mitL.^,ation mor,itoring program eatablished by thQ City in
compliance witl~ Section :.10~1.6 of the Public Reecurces Co~ie. Furtherm~re,
the properr.y ownor/developer ehall be roeponeible for any dl~ect costo
associaCed wiL•h the mon?toring snd r~portinq required enaure
implementation oL• ~hoae mitigatLon meaeuree identified i~ Final
En~ir~nmental Impact Report t7o. 298 thr.t have been ir~corporated into the
Mltigation Monitoring Program.
227. Tha~ any decisi.on ur a~tion required by the Planning Commiaoion Eox any of
r.he abova conditions shall be oubject to ap~eal or revfew by the City
Council Mithin twenCy-two (2Z) daya following the •tate of ~uch decieion or
c-ction unless otherwise set furth !n the rondition.
228. Tl~at all 5pecial Malnt~nance Dietricta or oth~r financiel mechanisme
reterenced in previous conditione ahall be eeCablighed nt thR exp4nae of
the properL•y ouner/develoQer.
229A. Prior to th~ iesunn~:e of eny C~~tiEic:ate of Occu~.ancy, and os a condition
thereof (other than for convernion of exiating dweilinq units to
conaominiums, coc~munity apartmentg or atock coooaratives), ehe pro~rty
ownor/develaper, or its uuccoasore or aaaigns, shall provide to eny and all
cable telovision syatems franchised to eerve tfie oubdivioion aroa (tha+
"Cabla Taleviaion Syatpmn") the oppnrtunity to une (u~n tho tarma of this
condltion- all public easements dodicatod or to bv dedicatec] to the City,
any public utiiity, or any compatible usar by thc propRrty ownerfdeveloper
for pvbllr utiliLy, municlpnl, cable tQleviolon, oz othar r.~mpatibl~ usea
tv nerva each and ev~ry pnrcel, oCructu-e and dwvllinq unt'q withln tht
-ti5- PC92-7
~ ~ ,~.
Prior to submittal nf cable conduit syetam deeigno to th~ Eld~t~re~~l
Engincaring and/or Public Worke-Enginoering Doparl•ment, p P Y
owner/doveloper shal.l give written notlcre tc nll C~ble xelevision Syuteme
at 1eaAt eixty (60) daye prior to tho design of any Cablo Conduit Syotem
deecribed balow (the "Inltial Notico"). At the time of installation of
utilities to serve the Proje~t, 'che property cwner/develop~r ehall inetall
cable conduit suff.ici6nt to accommodate all Cable Televieion Syatems (tha
"Cabla Conduit Spetem") who have made a written requeet to the prop~rty
ownQr/doveloper for euch inetallation within thirty (30) daye af receiving
the Initial Notice lateral accese faailitioe from the ¢dqe of
right-of-way to tha junction box connecti~n in each etructure or dw~lling
unit. Any and a11 Cable Televiaion Systema may, at their eluation, and
without the pnyment ef any compeneation othor than pa,yment ~f the
Znstallation Costs ae eperified below, or by entoring into a binding
contractual agreement to pay Installation Coste, slect to utilize the Cable
Conduit System by providing writtdn notice of th-~ earce to the property
owner/developer ae prescribod herein. The proper.ty owner/cleveloper ohall,
to the extent poasible, accommodate and incorporate x11 reaaonable design
requents and auygestiona provided by tha Cable Talavision syetoma to the
property owner/developer. ~long the Cable Telovioion syetems' wr.itt~n
election deecribed above. Each Cable Telovisiun Syetem for which cable
condnit has been inetallecl ahall promptly pay to the prop~rty
owncsr/devel~per up~n completion of such inatallati.on an amount equal to tho
cost of *.~e ~a~~duit, direct cost of installation (including Lhe pro rata
coet of digging and filling the util.i:y trenc.hae and diqging and f.i).linq
the utility erenches and redesign coste resulting from roqueste by Cable
Telovieion Systeme), and indirect costa (inclnding roasonebls interest nn
si~ma expendod form date of exoanee tc date of paymont and reanonable
adminiatrative coste) aooociatod with the inetallation o: the aonduit (the
"Inu~allatiun Cootn"). Initially, the Jnstallation Coate ehall be
determinad by tha property ow~~er/developer baeud upon the critaria
contaf.ned hr~rein, aubject to the approval by tha City, which approval shnll
not bo unraaaonably wiehltie.ld. 2n thz ovent, afCer rsnnonable attempte and
due diligence, the partirs cannot agree upon tha Inetallation Coets, ~ither
in total or ~s to any Cable 'PelevLaion Systam, all auch Inokall.ati~n Casto
ohall ba reasonably deterrnined by the City baeed upon infocmation provlded
by the property oaner/daveloper purBUant te the criterin statod ho:ein.
C. Prior t~ submitt~l of rable conduit $ystem ~iesigne to th~ Elactrical
Enginearl~g and/ar Yubiic Wo-ka-£ngineoring DeparCment, the praY+ecty
owner/daveloper ohall pr~vide ~vidence reaeonably eatiufectory Co tha City
(a,g „ capieu of the Znitial Notico, corrQnponden~o, etc.) thnt tho
Froperty owner/develo~x~r haa c~mplied with thi• conditlon.
-66- PC92-7
D. Prior to the iesuance of any building permits, the property owner/developer
Rhall cause to be recarded aqainet Che project an aqreement in a form
ar,ceptable to the City Attorney which pravides that (i) excluaivo
eaoemente, restrictione, agreemente QK othorwise eha11 i~ot bo granted to
any peraon, ant~ty, or otherwiso, including but not limi.ted to any Ca~le
Te.levision System, to inetall cable televieion LaciliL•ies from the ed~e of
right-of-way t•o the junction box cnnnAOtion in any etructure or dwelling within the project, (11) if any eanemont, reet.•tction, agr~ament or
otharwiae is granted to any pereon, entity, or otherwtee, including but not
limited to any Cable Televieion Syatem, to install cable tel.ovi~ion
facili.tias from the edge of right-of-wdy to the junction box connection in
any otructure or dwelling unit within the project, euch oa6ement,
restriction, agreoment or utherwi~e ehall be deom~d to have been qranted to
all Cable Televiaion Syeteme and cable telaviuion uperatoLS, including the
City of Anahoim, franchised or perm.itted to eervice the pro~nct who eo
desire to inetall such facilities and (iii) all Cabla Televieion Syetemo
and cable telovialon operaeore franchieed or permittod to provido cable
servico to the project ehall be deemed to be thlyd psrty beneficiarigs to
the praviflions of euch agreement. Such agreement ~hall further provide
that it shall terminate as to each lot upon the conveyar~ce of euch lot to
thR end-user therof.
E. As an al~ernative to "D" above, prior to the iosuance of any Certificate of
Occu~ancy, and ae a condition thereof (other thsn ior convers±.on o£
exieting dwelling units to candominiume, community apartmenta or stock
cooperativee), the proporty owner/developer shall dedicate anrl provide to
the City, in addition to any and all eusemente otherwiee roquired to be
provided to the City purouant to any orher condition or requiremAnt of law,
an easement running from ~he edge of right-of-way to the juncti~n box
connection in each structur~ or unit. Said easement ehall be
dodlcated t~ tlio City foL public utility and otlier compatiblo ueae und
ahall be made avuilablca by tho City and the property owner/developer for
the ina~allation ar.d placement of all neceeeity utilitiea, the Cable
Conduit System, and any and all compatible uaes tn be deeignated by tho
City; provided, however, proparty ewner/devel~por shall be forced to incur
nc, coots or expeneee in relation thereto and said eaeamont ehall require
coopecatiun and coordinati~n by the ultimate uper with the property
owner/developer to avoid cun£1i::ts with property owner/developer
230. That tho property ownor/developor aha21 caordinate with Pacitic Bell
T~lephonQ Campany to enaure timely conatructian ancl placement of neceaaury
telephone facilitien. Prior to the approval of each tentativa tract Ur
parcol map, the property owner/developer aFall provide~ proof to tha 2oning
Divigion in the form oi a ieLter from ~he tel~phone company, that said
coordinatfon has occurred.
•-67- PC92-7
,~.~u. /ii~ ,,
231. That prior to the iesuance of the building p~rmit Eor the 100Qth dwelling
unit, the property owner/developer ehall make one (1) develapmont parcel in
Cypreos Car.yor. availsble for acquteition by a roligloue graup Eor the
purpose of huilding a facility Por worahip. The minimum aize oY tho
religioue sanctuary parcel nhall be thrQe (3) acree. tnterEeted religious
gr~une and the City ehall be n~tified when tha parcel ie maGo availablo.
Uae of tho parcel by a religi.ous or.ganization ba subject to approval
of t- conditional une permit. 't£ a:tor thirty-eix (36) months, no xaligiouo
gr~up ie willing or able to acquire the site, xeaidantial uaee mny be
requeated in accordanca with the Sp~cific E~lan.
232. That within thirty (30) dayo of thA City Council's action, L•he pzoperty
owner/developer ahall provide the Plarining Department witti three copie~ of
an amended Specific Plan document reflectivo of khe City Council'e action.
Upon review and approval of tho amonded document.a by the Planning
Department, fift~,r (50) copiets a' the Einal document ehal.l be provided by
the property owner/developer t~ the Planning Dc~partment.
233. The obli~atir~ns of :he develcper as set forth in theae conditione ohall bo
necured by a per.f~rmance Uond, letter of credit, or othar form of eecurity
in an amount an~1 focm approved by the City Attorney. Ssid eecurity, se
appraved ~lin:? be psovided at the eame time aa the oblig+ttion io required
by the c~nditions herw+.n.
234.• That approval o: thin application constitutPS approval of the propoaed
Cypraee Canyon S~ecific Plan only to the extent that i.t complies with the
Ane-heim Municipal Zoning Code, unlHSS specifically amended Section
VII, Zoning and Development Standarde of Yhe SpeciEic plan document
(Chapter 18. _), and any other applicable City, Statd and Fedraral
regulations. Approval do~e not inclt;de any ~tction or findinge ae to
compliance or aDproval of the raquest regxrding any other applicable
ardinance, regula:ion or roquiremerit.
TNE FORRGUING PFSO-.~7TION was adopted ~t the Planning Commieni.on
meetirig of January 27, 1y92. ~, / ~~~
%~ . ~ ~v t
~ ~~~"~~~ ~'~IG~.4n ~
-~8- PC92-7
,F~+:~.1 ~ay
I, Edith L. Harris, SQCretary oF the Anaheim City Planning
Commiasinn, do her.eby certify that the £or.ogoing reeolutlon wae pansed and
adopted at a meeting of the Anaheim City Planning Commiac~ion held on January
2?, 1992, by the foll~wirig vote of the mer.~~re thereof:
IN WITN~3S WFiEREOF, L have hereunto eat my hand thie /G t~, day '
of ~~d~.~~ 1992~
~ ~ T"; ~~--•~ --
-69- PC92-7
, ~~~,,, ~°+~''A
Lagal DesariFtion
The land ia situated in tho State of Califor.nia, Cnunty of Oranga, a~d ie
described as fcllowa:
A portion oE 81or,k 34 and thoso portions of Blocke 27 and 31 of Irvine'e
Subdivieion in the County of Or.ange, Stato of Califoznia, aa per map recorded
in book 1, page 88 of Miscellaneous tdape, nnd ae Per map recorded in book 101,
page 40 of Recorda of Surveye in the office o.f tt~e County Recurder of said
County, lying within the land described as Parcels 1 and 3 of that certain Lot
Line Adjuatmant No. LL-85-22; recorded Auguet 15, 1985, aa Inetrument No. B5-
304375, official Itecorde.
Bloak 33 ~f's Subdivieion, in the County of orange, State o£ ~alif~znia,
ati per map recorded in book 1, page 88, of Miscellaneoua Mapa.
7chat portion of elock 32 ~f Irvitie's Subdivision, in the County o~ Orange, i
State of Callfornin, ae per map recordgd in boolc 1, page t38 of Miecellaneous ;
Mage of said County, lying 5outherly of the Southerly boundary of Parcel '
465h1-1 on Final Order of Ccndemnation, by the 5tate of Cali~ornia, recorded ~
December 17, 1969, in book 9166, page 569, OE£icial Recorda. '
Excepting from Parcels 1, 2 and 3 abovo, thaee portions described in the dead ~
to the ^atate of California recorded May 15, 1991, ae Infltrumont Nu. 91-237053,
Official Itecorde. `