Resolution-PC 92-71,~,w,r, RESOLUTION NO,~pC92-7~, A RESOLUTION OF THE ANAHEIM ClTY PIANNING COMMIS~IAN THAT PEfiTION ~OR RECLASSIFICATION N0. 91-9~~18 BE GRANT~D WIiEREAS, the Anahefm City Planning Commission did receivo a vorified petiticn for Reclassification f~r real property situated in the City of Anaheim, County of Orange, 5tate of California, described as follo~~rs: THE SOUTN 15A.00 FEEr OF 1'HE WEST 343.00 FEEf OF THE NORTHWEST ~UAR7ER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER UF SECTION 14, 70WNSHIP 4 SOUTH, RANCH 11 WEST, IN THE RANCHO LOS COYOTES, IN THE CITY OF ANAHEIM, t;QUNTY OF ORANGE, S7A7E OF CALI~ORNIA, AS PER MAP RECORDED IN BOOK 51, PAGE 11, OF MISCEUANEVUS MAPS, IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RE~Oi~DER OF SAIa ORANGE COUNTY. WWEREA3, the City Planninc~ Commission did hald a public hearing at the Civic Center in the City of Anaheim on ~Aarch 23, 1992 at 1:30 p.m., notice of said public h~arin~ having been duly given as required by law and in accordanc~ with the provisians of tho Anaheim Municipal Code, Chapter 18.03, to hear and consider evidence for and against said proposed reclassification and to investigate and make find(ngs and recommendations in connection ther~with; and that said public hearing was continued to the April 20, N1ay 18, and June 15, 1992 Plannfng Commission meetings; and WMEREAS, said Commission, after cJue inspection, investigation and study made by itself an~i in its behalf, and after dua consideration af all evidence and r~eparts offered at said hearing, does find and determine the following facts: 1. That the petitionor proposos reclassification of subject property from the RS-A-43,OOJ (Residential/Agricultural) Zane ta the RM-2400 (Resident~a~, Multiple- Family) or loss intense zone. 2. That the Anaheim Ganeral Plan designatos subject property for Low Medium Donsity Resider~tial land uses. 3. That subject reclassification is in conformance ~vith the City's General Plan. 4. That the proposeri reclassification of subject proporty is r~acessary and/~r desirable for the orderly and proper development af the community. CR1517MS.wp -1- PC92-71 5. That the proposed reclassification of subject propeNy does properly relate to the zones and their permitt9d use~ locally establishod in close p:oximity to subject proparty and to the zones and thoir permittad uses generally established throughout the community. 6. That eleven (11) peo~le in apposition and six (6) people in favor indicated their pre~ence at said public h~aring; and t';dt no corrsspondence was received in oppositio-~ to subject aetition. ~gLIFORNI,~ENVIH NME~lTAL~UALITYAC F~NDING: TtiartheAnaheim City Plr~nning Commissior~ ha5 reviewed the proposal to raclassity subJact property nom tho 7S-A-4~,000 (posidential/Agricialtural) Zone to the RM-2~lOG (Residential, M~~Itiple- Family) to permit an 18-unit (previously 19-unit) condomin~um complex with waivers of maximum struc~ural t ieight, minEmum landscaped setback adjacent to single-family re~idential zane, maximum sitP coverage and required prrvate street improvement on a rectangularly-sha~od parcel of land consisting of app; oximately 1.08 aCre~ having A frontage o~` approximately 160 teet on the e~st side of Knott Stroet, having a maximum depth of approximately 290 feet, being located approximately 350 feet south af the centerline of Rome Avonue and further described as 342 South Knott Streot; and doos hereby approve the Negative Deciaration upon rnding that tho declaration reflects the independent Judgement at the le~d agency and that it has considered the Negative Declaration together with eny comments receive~i during the public r~view process and furtt~er finding an the b~sis af the fnitial study and any comments ~ec9ived that there is no substar-tial evidence that the projecc will have a signiticant eHect on the snvironment. NOW, THEREFURE, BF IT RESOWED that the Anaheim City Planning Commission does hereby approve the subject Petition ior Reclassification to authorize an amendmeM ta the Zoning Ma~ cN the .Anaheim Municipal Code to exclude the above•d~scribed property from the RS-A-43,U00 (Residential/Agria~ltura!) 7.one and to incorpor~te said described property into the R~A-2400 (Residerttial, Multipie-Feimily) zone upon the tollowing conditions whir,h are hereby faund tn t~e a necessary prereq~isite tr~ the propcised uss ~i ~ubjoct property in order to preserve the safety Pr-d geReral weltare of the Citizens af the C~ty hf Anaheim: 1. That an uns~'wrdinated covenant shatl be recorded witl ~ the Office of the Oranfle Counry R~corder agreeing to pravide the buyer of each condominium clwelting unit with writt~n info~~rnation obtainetf hom the schc~ol dist~Ect(s) pertainin~ to passible ~vercrowded ~'onditions and busing 3tatus ot the schc~o~(s) serving the dN-elling unit. !, copy of the covenant shalf be subm~tted to and approved by the City Attomey pricr to rocordatfon. A copy of the recnrded c;c~venent shalt bv submitted to bhe Zoning Division. 2, That ~rior to placwment ot en ordinance rezoninfl subiect prapeRy on an a~enda tor ~it~r Council ccnsics~ration, Condition No. t, abo-e•rnentioned, sheli be c~omp~eted. The ~ity Council may ~ppr~ve or disapprc~ve a zoning ordinancs ~t its discretion. If tne ordinance is disap~+raved, thb pro~edure s9t forth in Mah~im .~. pC92-71 r' , Municipal Code Section 18.03.085 shall apply. The provisions or rights granted by this resulut~on shall become nul! and void by action of tho Planning Commission unless said conditions are complied with within one (1) year from the date of this resol~~tion, or such ~fu~thar timo as the Planning Commission may flrant. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Anaheim City ~lanning Cor~mission does hereby flnd and determine that adoption of th!s Resolution (s expressly predicated upon applicant's compliance with ~ach and all of the conditions hereinabove set iorth. Should ~ny such conditions, or any part thereof, be cleclared invelid or unenbrceable by the final Judgment of any cuur; of competent Jurisdiction, th~n this Resolution, and any approvals horein contained, shall be deemed null and void. DE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that this re3olution shall n~t constitute a rez~ninfl af, or a commitment by the City to rezone, the subject property; any such razoning shall require an ordinance of the City Council which sfiell be a 19gislative act which may be approved or denied by the Ciry Council at it~ sole discretion. THE FORk"GUING i~ESOLUTION was adopted qi the Planning Commission meeting of June 15, 1992. ~'' ~ ;,~ _.._, ~. ~~~ _ ~ ~Wl~(FlMAN, ANAFiEI CI PLA ING CO !SSION ATfEBT: ~ ~ ~~ ' l ?/i~f.~. c~r.it'b't.iG~ SECRET~4RY, ANAHCIM CI7Y PLANNINC COMMISSION STATE OF CAU~ORNIA ) COUN'T'Y OF ORANGE ) ss. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I, Marg~rite Solor{o, 8ecretAry of the Anaheim Ci:y Planning Commission, do her~try cortify that the i~regoing resol~tion Y~as passed end adoptod at a meoting cf tne Anaheim City Planni~g c'~ommission b~eld on June 1~, 1992, by the tollowing voto of the members thereaf: AYES: CAM~NISSIQNERS: BOUAS, BRI.~,TOL, HELt.YER, H~NMIN(3ER, M~S3E ZEMEL NOES: CQMMISSIONEFiS: NONF ABSENT: COAAMISSlONEFiS: PERAZA IN WI'fNES5 WHEREOF, i heve hereunto set my hand this ~y~' dey o( ~ 1~~1c~ ''G ---' 1992. ~- '_~ -~~~ _,~ititt.:~i,.' SECRETARY, A, NEIM CITY PLANNINt3 COMMISSION -3- PCH2•71