Resolution-PC 92-82,.,_ RESp~,I~TION NO PC92-82 A R~SOLUTfON OF YME ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSIOh R~CUMNiENDING APPROVAL UF AN AIVIENDMENT TO SPECiFIC PLAN NO. 87-1 (The Highiands ~l Anaheim Hills) WHEf~EA~, on June 23, 1987, the City Councii apprr~ved Sp~cif!c Plan No. ~7-1 a~id subsequently, on Auaust 25,1987, approved Ordinance No. 486q (implement(ng the 'Loning ard Deve4opment Standards far said Specific Plari) and Ordinance Na. 486~ (implsmenting the Specifia Plan Zan~). Spocific Plan No. 87-1, which includes a Public Facilities Plan, provides for tha development of a totai of 816 ~cros consisting of up tp 2,147 residential ~!nits, 8 acres of corrimercial uses, a park site, an 8 acre elementary school site, and approximately 2~J2 acres of open space in The Highlands at Anaheim Hiils; ar~d WNEREAS, on Fehruary 12, 1991, City Councit app~oved Amendment No. 3 to subjoct Specific Plan (amending the Development Araa 6"deveiopment st~andards" and permittin~ the tran~fer of 27 units froi~n Development Aroas 4 and 7 to Developm~nt Area 6); and WWEREA~, DF,velopment Area 8 is curreri4ly design~ted as an S-acre commerciai sitH (currently vacant) and Development Area 6 is designated for Hillsida Niedium Density land uses (curreniiy being developed with 276 candomin(um uni4s). WHEREAS, tho pet;tioner requosts amendmont to Specific Plan No. t~7-1 to amend Exhibit No. 14 the l..and Us~ and Development Plan" to transfer 5.E3 acres frpm Developm~nt Area 8(Comrnercial land uses) to Develop~ nent Area 6(Hillside Medium Densiry Resi~onti~l land uses) to accommodate the transfer of 48 dweliing units fram Develnpment Area 11 to Development Area 6. WHEA~AS, the City Planning Commission did hold a public liearing at the Civic Coi;ter in the ;it~d of Anahaim on Juno 29, 1992, at 1:3~ p.m., n~tice of said public hearin~ having been duly given as required by law and ~n accordance with the pr~visions afi the Anaheim Munici~al Cade, Ch~pter 1n.03, to hear and consider evidenco for and against said proposed amendment to Specific PI2n an~ t~ investigate and make findings ancl recommendations in con;~ecti~n therA~ith; and WH~REAS, said Commission, ~ftsr due inspection, investigation and study made by itself and in its behalf, and aiter due considsration of ail evidenao and reports offered at said hoaring, dr~es find and determine th6lollowing facts: 1. The p~~oposed amendment, acccrdin~ to the submitted fiscaf impact study, would not result in any additional fiscal impac:s beyor~d those incurred under existing conditions. 2. The develapment which would occurthrouyh the expansian of Development Aroa f would be consistent with the RM-3000 (SC) Zone development standards, and the addftional a8 units would be identical to the units currently under constructioii within said Dovelopment Area. CR153yMS.wp '1' PC92$2 3. That no ono inclicated their prosance 2t said puklir. hearin~ in appusitinn; and that no corrosQond9nco was received in oppositinn to the subJect petition. GAI.IFORNIA ENy.JBdNMENTAL UALITY AC? FINDINl3: That the Anaheim City Planning Commissian has reviewod the proposai to a~i~end Fachibit No. 14 (the Land Us~ and Development Plan) oi Spocific P!an No. 87••1 transferring 5.8 acres hom Development Area 8 to DAVelopment Area 6 on property consisting of epproximately 8.0 acres located ~n the north sido of Sunset Ridge Road betwoen Serrano Avanue and Horizrrn View ~rive, and further described as Oevelopment Area 8 of The HighlAnds ot Anaheim Hills; and doog h~reby approve the Neaative Declaration upon finding that the declaration reftects the independ~nt judgoment of the lead a~ency and th~t it has considered the Negative Deciaration together with any comments received during the public rev~,;w process and further finding on the basis of the initial study and any commer~ts received that there is n~ substar~tial evidence that the project will have ~ significarn effect on the environrr~ent. NCW, THEt~EFUf~E, aE IT RESOLVED that the Anaheim City Plann~ng Commission does hergby recommend approval of the a:nendmeM to Exhibk No. 1d 'The Ler~d Use and Development Pl~n" transfening 5.8 acros trom Developmen4 Area 8 to DevelopmenY Area 6. TH~ FOREGOfNG R~SOLUTION ~n-as adopted at the Planning Commission meeting ~f June 29, 1992. ~ / ~ , ~, r- /-/ . C AIRMAN, ANAHEiM ~ P NING OMMISSiC3N ATTEST: ' .~L~~L'~'t/1,t~-~ ~~~c.lt~~c~ SECRETARY~ aNAW~IM CITY Pi.ANNiNt3 COMMISSiON STATE OF CAIIFORNIA ) CAUNTY OF ORANCiE ) ss. CtTY t~F ANAHEIM ) I~ Margarita Solorio, Secretary oi tha Anaheim City Planrn:i~ Commisston, do hereby oeRify that tho fareqoiny resol~!tion was passed and adopted at a meeting oi the Ar~aheim CKy Planninp Commis~ion held an June 29, 1992, by the followinp vota of the members thereoi: AYES: COMMIS ,IONE~S: BOUA5, BRISTOL, HELlYER, HENNINCER, MESSE, ZEMEL NOE3: COMMISSIONERS: NONE AB~ENT: COMMfSSIONERS: PERA7A IN WITNESS WH~REOF, I have hereurtto 3+et my h8nd this ~~~' d8y Of ~~~~ 1992. ' ~ - - ' ~-~1 ~ ~ ~r ~~~~1(~G_ , ~~~~~l~~r.~~' . SC;.'R~I'AF1Y;; ANAHEIM rITY PIANNIMG CAMMISSION .2. PCfl2-82