Resolution-PC 92-83.~~SS?~.U~9.~ N.S2,_.PCy2-83 A RE30LUTION OF THE ANAHEIh1 CITY PLANNING COMMI5SION THAT PET'ITION FOR RECLASSIFICATION NO. 91-92-23 BE GRAN7ED WHEREAS, the Anaheim Ciry Planning Commission did receivs a veri~ied petition for Reclsssification for real property situated in the City of Anaheim, County of Orenge, State oi California, described as tollow~: TWAT PORTION OF LOTS 30 AND 31 OF ANAHEIM EXfENSION, A8 SHOWN OA A MAP OF SURVEY BY WIUJAM HAMEL, A COPY OF WHICH IS SHOWN IN BOOK 3, PAGES 182 TO 164 OF '40S ANGEI.ES COUNTY MAPS', !N THE OFFICE OF TME COUNTY RECORDER OF ORANdE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA, INCLUDING A PORTION OF VERMONT AVENUE AS A9ANDONED BY 7HAT CERTAIN RESOLU710N NO. 63R~52 OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF 7NE CITY OF ANAHEIM, A CERTIFIED COPY OF WHICh WAS HECORDED MAY i6, 1963 IN SOOlC 8551, PAGE 731 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS OF SAID ORANGE GOUfJTY, DESGRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BECiINNiNG AT TNE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF SAID LOT 30, SAID CORNER BEiNG THE INTERSECTIOfV OF 7HE CEN'TERUNES OF BALL ROAD ANQ WEST ~TREET, AS SHOWN ON SAID MAP; THENCE WESTERLY AI.nNG THE SOUTHERLY IJf~E OF SAID LOT 30 A DISTANCE OF 388.7 FEET TO THE SuUTHEAST CORNER OF 7HE U1ND CONVEYEO TO FANNIE MOORE BY DEED RECORDEO MARCH 2, 1929 IN BOOK 251, PAGE 139 OF SAID OFFICIAl. RECOaDS; TH~NCE NOFiTH 00' 23' ~0' H-EST 78a`•'!(~ FE~T TO THE NOR7Ht:ASTERLY CORNER OF SNQ UWD CONVE7ED TO FANNIE MOORE; THENCE NORTH 7A' 20' 00' EAST tEi8.00 FEET TO THE EA3TERLY IINE OF 3AID LOT 31, SAID EABT~RLY LINE BEIN(3 THE CEMERUNE OF S1UD WEST 87REE?; THENCE SOUTHEA37ERl.Y 861.95 FEET ALONCi'~HE EASTERLY UNES AF SAI~ LO'fS 3Q ANO 31 TO TNE PGINT OF 8Et31NNING. EXCEPTINC~ THAT PORTION LYINCi SOUTHERLY OF THE FOLLOWINCa DeSGRIBED UNE: BECi1NNINC3 AT A FOIKT ON THE WESTERLY UNE OF TNE ABOVE OESCRIgED LMlp, S/11D POIKT BEINCi 01£iYANT SOUTHERLY 157.78 FEEf FROM THF NOFiThNVES7 CORNEFi TNENFOF; tNENCE EASTERLY TO A POiNT ON YHE EA$TERLY UNE OF THE ABOVE DESC~IBEO I/~ND, SA10 POINT B~IN(3 QISTANT SOUTHERLY 152.18 FEET FROM THE NORTHFJIST CONNER THEHEOF. WHEREAS, the ~ity planninfl Commi~sion did h~ld a pubiic hearing a: tho Civic Center in the Giry ~t Maheim ~n June 29, t992 at 1:30 p•m., not~ce of said public hearing having Geen duly piven as required by taw and in accordance with tho provis~ons of the Maheim Municipal Code. Chapter 18.03, to hea~ and consider evidence for and agai~st seid proposed reclassitication and to investigate and make tindings and recomm~ndations in connection therewith; and CR1541 ~~IS.wp -~ - P~97-83 WI-IEREAS, said Commission, after due in~pec~tion, investigation and study made by itself artd in its behalf, and after due cansideration of all evidence and reports offered at said hearing, does ~ind and doterminA the tollowing far,ts: 1. 't't~at the petitioner proposes reclass~ic~tion of subJect proporry from the CR (Commercial-Recre~tion) to the RS-7200 (Res~dent~al, ~ingle-Family) Zone. 2. That the Anaheim General Plan designates subjecK property for Low Densiry Residentfal and Commercial Recreation land u~es. 3. TF~at the proposed reclassification of ~ubje4t property is nec:essar~ and/or desirable for the orderly and proper development of the community. 4. Th~t the proposed reclassification of suhject property daes prQperly relate to tho zones and their permitted uses locatly established in close proxirtiity to subject property and to the zones and their permittad uses generally establi3hsd throughout the community. 5. That no one indicated thoir pres~nce at s~i~ ;~talic hearin~ in opposition; and that no correspondence was received in o~pasition to subject petition. GALIFnRN1A NVI ON~IIFN= TQL~UALITYAC7FINp1T1Ca:'rhattheAnaheim City Planning Commission has reviewed the proposal to roclassiy subject property from the CR (Commercial-Recreation) to tho RS-7200 (Resi~ential, Single-Family) Zone to permit a church with an on-site pastor/caretsker's unit .;h waivers of minimum number of parking spaces and minimum front yard setfoack on an irregularty-sha~od parcel of land cunsisting ot epproximately 0.57 acre having a!ront~ge ot approximately 154 feet on the v~est side af West Street, having a maximum depth af approximetely 175 feet, boing located appr~ximately 140 feet south of che centerline af Hampshire Avonuo, and (urther described as 899 South West Street; and doos hereby approve the Negative D9clarati~n upon finding that the declaraticn retlects the independsnt judgement of the I~ac. aQency and that it has considered the Neg~tive Declaration to8ether with any comme~:s received dur~nfl the public review process and further finding on the basis of the initiat sr~dy and any comments receivad that there is no substantial evidenco that ihe project will have a significant aHect on tho environment. NOW, TH~REFORE, 8E IT RESOLVED that the Anaheim City Planning Commission does herebu epprove th9 subJect Petftion for Rocl~ssfir.aur~n to authori~e an amendme~~t to the Zoning Map o1 the Anaheim M~nicipal Code to exclude the obove•descrfbed property from the CR (Commerci~l-Recreation) Znno and to incorprn'ate said described property into ttie HS-720Q (Residential, Single•Family) Zone upon the foilowing conditio~is w'•~ch er~ hersby found to be a nucessary prerequisite to tho proposed use oi subject property in arder to preserve the safety and general weliare ot the C+titens oi the City ot Anaheim: .2. PC92-83 1. 7hat a fee for street trae purposes shall be p~id to tho City of Anahoim based on the length of street frontage alony West Streot in an amount as established by City Council resalution. 2. 'That the petitioner shall either: (a) Submit an applicatinn tar a cer!iiicate of compliance to the Subd(vision Saction for review and approval, and then reaord tho approvad certificate with the Offica of the Orange County Recorder; or (b) Subrr~it a tentative parcei map to the Planning Department and, after approval or conditional approval, recnrd the final parcol map ~vith the Office of the Orange County Recorder. 3. That the owner of subJec: property shall submt ~ letter requesting termination of Conditional Use Permit fVo. 1141 (permitting a cat konnel for breed(ng and sale~ of domestic show cats) ta the Zoning Division. 4. 'rhat prior to plaGerrient of an ordina~ce rezonin~ subJect property on an a~enda for City Council consideration, Condition Nas. 1, 2 and 3, above-mentionod, shall be comple!ed. The City Council may appr~ve or disapprove ~ z~ning ordinar.ce at its discretion. If the ordinance is disapproved, the procedure set torth in Anah6im Municipal Code Section 18.03.085 shall apply. The pravisions or rights granted by tt~is resolucion shail becomo null and void by action of the Planning Commissipn unless said conditions are cnmplied with ~-ithin o~e (1) year hom the dat~ of this resolution, or such further time as the Planning Commission m~y grant. 5. That eoproval of this application constituteg epproval of the proposAd reyuest bnly to the extent that it complies with the Anaheim Municipal Zonfng Code and any ~ther epplicabl8 City, State and F~deral regulations. ApprovAl does not fnclude any action or findin~s as to complianc9 or apprcvdl of tho request rogarding any other appficable ordinance, regulation or requirement. BE IT fURTHER FiESOLVEO that tho Anaheim City Planning Commissian ~oes hereby find and d~ermine th~t adoption of this Resotuti~n is expressly predicaxed upon applicant's compliancr~ with eacli and all of the canditions her~in~bave set iorth. Should any such condition~, or sny part thoreof, F~a declered invalid or unenforaeable by tho final judgment of any cou~rt of competeM ju~isdiction, then this Re:tolution, and any approvals herein contained, shall be deemed null and void. F!E IT FI.~RTHEF~ RESOLVED, that tt~is resolution shall not constitute a rezoninq of, or g cammitmant by the City to rezone, the subject property; ~ny such rozoning shall require an ordinanc:e of the Cit~- Council which s~a!I be a iegislativo act which may be approved or denied by the City Counc~l at its sole disc~etion. .3- PC92-83 THE FOREGOING FiESOLUTI~N was adopted at the Pianning Commisafon rneeting of June 29, 1992. ~~---- ; ;-' ~'' .~> ~=`~- •.~ ~ l~fEiM CI1Y PLANN! G COMMfSSI N? CHAIRMAN,~ ATTEST: c. ~ ~ECR AR , NAHEIM CITY Pl.o4NNING COMMf~SION STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I, Margarita Solorio, Secretory of the Anaheim City Pi~nning Commission, do herehy c,~ertif~r that the foregoing resolution ~Nas passed a~nd adopted at a meetinfl of the Anaheim City Planning Commission held on June 23, 1992, by the following vote of tho members thereof: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: BOUAS, BRISTOL, HELLY~R, HENNINGER, MESSE, PER~, zEMEL NOES: COMMISSIONERS: NONE ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: NQME IN WriNESS WNEREOF, I have hereunto ~et my hand 4his IO'~ day of . ~L(l _, 1992. ' 1 c.~~ ~ ~ SECRETA Y, AFIEIM ~I PIJ~NNIN~ COMMISSION ~_ PC92-83