Resolution-PC 92-84{~ESOI..U710N NO. PC92-84 A REEdLUTION OF THE AN `.HEIM CITY PL4NNING COMMISSIaN THaT PETITION FOR CONDITIONAL IJSE PERMIT NO. 35?.4 BE GRANTED WHEFIEAS, tf~e Anah~im City Planninc~ Cammission did raceive a verifled Petition for Canditional U~e Permit for certain real property situ~ted in fihe City of Anaheim, County of Or~nge, Stata of California, desGribod as: THAT PORTION UF LOTS ~0 AND 31 OF ANAHcIM EXTENSION, AS SHOWN 01J A MAF OF SURVEY BY WILLIAM HAMEL, A COPY qF WHICF? IS SHOWN IN BOOK 3, PAGES 182 TO iE34 OF "LOS ANOELES COUNTY MAPS", IN THE OFFIGE QF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF ORANGE COUNTY, CAUFORNIA, INCLUDING A PORTlON OF VERMON7 AVEN~JE AS ABANDONEd BY 'THAT CERTAIN RESOLU710N PIO. 63R-352 OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CI7Y OF ANAHEIM, A CERTIFIED CQPY OF WIiICH WAS RECARDEU MAY 16, 1963 IN E300K 6551, PAGE 731 OF OFFICIAL FiECORDS OF SAID ORANGF COUNYY, DESCRIBED AS FOLl.OWS: BEOINNING AT THE SOUTHFJIS7 CORNER OF SAID LOT 30, SAID CpRNEfi BEI~JG THE INTERSECTION QF THE CENTERLINES OF BALL ROAD AND WEST STREET, AS 5HOWN ON SAID MAP; THENCE WESTERLti' ALOIVG THE SOUTH~RLY UNE OF SAID LOT 30 A DISTANCE OF 388.7 FEET TO THF SOUTHEAST CORNER OF 7HE l.AND CONVEYED TO FANNIE MOORE BY DEED HECORDED MARCH 2, 192fl IN BOOK 251, PACiE 139 OF SAID OFFICIAL RECORDS; THENCE NOFTH 00° 23' 00' WEST 785.48 FEET TO THE NORTHEASTERIY CORNER OF SAID LAND CONVFYCD TO FANNIE MOORE; THENCE NORTH 74° 20' OQ" F~4ST 166.00 F£ET 70 i F1E EAuTERLY LlN~ OF SAI~ LOT 31, SRID EASTERLY LINE BEING 7HE C~KTERLING OF SAIU WES'f 8TREET; THENCE SOUTHEASTEFiLY BS1.S5 FEET ALONG THE F.~4STERLY LINES OF SAID LOTS 3iD AND 31 TO THE POIN7 OF BEGINNING. EXCEPTING THAT PORTION I.YING SOU'fHE'ALY OF THE FOLLAWIN(3 DESCRIBED UNE: BE(31NNING AT A POINT ON TIiE ~VESTERLY UNE OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBEO IAN~, SAI~ POINT 9EIN(3 DISTAM' SOUTHERLY 157.76 F~ET FROM THE NORTHWEST CORNER YHEREOF; THENCE EASTERLY TO A POINT ON TWE EASTERLY UNE OF THE ABOVE OESCRIBED LAND, SAID POiN't BEINd DISTANT SOUTHERLY 152.18 FEEf FROM THE NORTHEASI' COANER THEREOF. WFiEREAS, the Ciry Planning CommissioR did holci a pubiic hearing at the Civic Centor in the City of Anaheim on June 29, 1992, at 1:30 p.m., notic~e of ~~id public hearing having besn duly given as requfred by law and in accordance with tho ~~rovisfons of the Anaheim Municipal Code, Chapter 18.03, to hear and consider evider~ce for end a~ainst safd propased conditional use permit and to investigate and mako tind~ngs and recommendations in conr~action therewith; and CR1542MS.wp .1 _ PV92-84 WHEpCAS, said C~mmission, aftor duo inspection, investigation and study made by itself and in its behalf, and a~ter due conside~atian of all evidance and reports offered at said hearing, doe~ ~nd and d~termfne ttie following f~cts: 1. That the proposed u,o i~ prcperiy one for which a conditional use permit is authorized by Aneheim Municipai Cade Sectian 18.2n.050.030 to permit a church with on-site pastor/caretaker's unit with waiver of the following: (a) SECTION~ 18.0 50.Q~.~. - ~}~6.050.A~12 18.Of ~~,?66 ,~d 1$.26.OC6,,Q ~ (b) SE~TION 1@,26.063.~,~1Q - .~QlIIIO~~a]_Lll~b~r of uarkinq~2aces. (~ requ(rr~d; ?$ proposed) Mipjmum~jZ~yard s ~~,. (~ toot landscaped setback required; 4 feet to parkin~ area and 20 feet to building pro~osed) 2. That thd parking variance wili not causo r~n inarease in treffic congestion in the immadi~te vicinity nor advArsely e~fect any adjoining land uses. 3. That tho granting of the p~rking varianco under the c~onditians imposed will not be detrfm6ntal to the peace, healtt~, safery or general w~lfare of the citizens ~f the City of Anahaim. 4. 'That the proposed uso is properly one for which a cnnditior.al use permit is authorizod by the Zoning Code, or that said usa is not listed therein as befng a permitted usA. 5. That the proposed use~ will not a~lvorsely affect the adjoininp land useg and tha ~rowth and developrnent of the ar~a in which it is proposed to be located. 6. That the size and shape of the site for the proposed use is adequate to al~ow the full develapmant of tha propuaed use in a manner not detrirnental to the particular area nor to tho peace, health, saiety, and general welfare. 7. That the tr~ffic generated by the proposed use wilt not impose an undue burdon upAn the stre~ts and highways designed and improv~d to carry the tr~ffic in the area. 8. That the granting of the conditional use permit under tho conditions imp~sed will not be de4rimental ta the pesce, heaith, safery ~nd qone~ai weltare of t;ie citizens of the Ci~y of Anaheim. 9. Thdt no nne indicated their presenCE ot said public hee~infl in opposition; and that no conespondsnce was received in oppositfon to the subjt~ct petition. -2. PC92-&t ,G'~IFQRNIA ENV~nNMFNTALQUALITYACTFIND(~: 'fhatthaAnaheim City Planning Commission has roviewed the proposal ~o reclassify subJect properry from the CR (Commercial-Recreation) tu the RS-7200 (Residenti~l, Single-Family) Zone to permit a church with on-site pas4or/caretaker's unit with waivers of minimum number of parking spaces ~nd min(mum front yard setback on an irregul~arly-shapod porcel of land consisting oE approximately 0.57 aare hauing a frontage of approximately 154 feet on the west side of West Street, having a maximum d~-:th of approximately 175 feet, being locatod approximately 140 feet south of the centorline of Ht~mpshire Avenue, c~nd further describe~d as 899 South West Street; and does hereby approve the Negative Declaration upon finding that the a~claratfon reflects the i~dependent jurlgement of the lead agency and that it has considered the PVegativA Declaration togetMsr with any comment~ receivod during the public review process and further finding on the basis of the initial study and any comments receivad that there is no substantial ovidence that the proJect will have a significant effect nn the enviranment. NC3W, THERFFORE, B~ IT R~SOLVED that the Anaheim City Pi~nning Commissinn does tiereb~ grant sub)QCt Petition tor Conditional Us~ Permit, upon the f~~lowing conditions wlilch are heroby found to be a necossary prerequisite to the proposed use of the subject proporty in ord~r to presarve the safety and general welfare of the Citizens of the City of Anaheim: 1. That thore shall be no more than one (1) pastdr residin~ at suk~Joct church at any gfvan time. 2. That the second-story banquet facilities shall not be utilized fnr weddirig receptions ar ~imilar functions ather than meals immediatdly following repularly-scheduled church 30NIC~5. 3. That prior ta issuanco of building permits, R dAtailed landscape and irrigation plan showing compliance with Section 18.04.Q60 "Landscaping Requirements - General" of the Anaheim Municipal Code shall be submitted to and approved by the plmnning Department; and that suct~ approved landscape and irrigation ptar, shali b~ implementad and ali plantings and irrigation systems shall be installed prior to occupancy of th~ buil~ing. 4. That all driveways shall be reconstructed to accommodate fifteen (15} ~oot radius curb returns in conformance with Engineering Standard Na. 137. ;. Tf~~~ a Plan SheBt for snlid waste storagd and colle~tion,and a plan for recycling shall be submitted ta the Dapartment of Maintenance for review and approval. 6. That subject property -~h~ll be dev~loped subst~ntialiy in accordance with pl~ns and sp+3cifica~tions submfit~r -o the Ciry of Anaheim by the petitioner and which plans are on rle with the nlanniny; ~epartmeM marked Exhibft Nos. 1~nd 2. -3- PC92-84 7. That the assembly areas on the first and svcond floors shall not be used concurrontly far ~ssvmbly purposes unless additional off~•sito parking is provided, as requ(red by the City Traffic and Transport~tion Manager. 8 That prior to the isSUanae of a building permit, landscapo and building olevation plans shail be su~mitted for review and approval to the Planning Commissian as a Reports and Fiecommendat(ons item. The landscapo plans shail preserve existing tre0s on the site to tha greatest extent passible and the building eievation plans shall specifically show arch~tectural treatment for both 4he vast and the south building elevetior,s. 9. That prior t~ issuance ~f a building permit or within a period of pne (1) year from the data of th(s resolution, whlchever occurs first, Condition Nos. 3, 5 and 8, above-mentioned, shall be Gompliod with. Extensions for further time to completa said conditions may be c~ranted in accordance with Section 18.03.09q of the Anaheim Municipal Coda. 10. That prior to fin~l buildinfl snd zoning inspections, Condition Nos. 4 and 6, above-mentioned, shali be complied with. 11. That approval of this application constitutes approval of the p~aposed request only t~ the extent that it complies with the Aneheim Municipal Zoning Code and any othe~ applicable Cicy, State and Federai rogulations. Approval does not includa any action or findings as to complianco or approval of the request regarding any other appiicable ordinance, regulation or requirement. BE IT FUFtTI-!ER RESOWCD that the Anahoim City Planning Commissian does hereby find and dotermine that adoption of this Resolution i5 oxpressly predicated upon applicar~t's Compli3nce with 9ach and all of tho condftions hereEnabove set forth. Sl~ould any such canditi~n, or any part thereof, be d~:.lared invalid ar unenforce~ble by the flnai Judgment ~f any court of competent jurisdiction, then this fivsolution, and any approvals herein contained, shall be deemed null ~nd void. THE F'OREGOING RES~LUTION was acloptgd at 4he PI nning Commission meeting of June 29, 1982. ~ . /~, ' ~' ~;"' ~-"'~'- A MAN, ANAHEIM C . LAN G G MMISSION ATTEST: ~ :l ~c/t,~L. C~~.O/~~ SECR .r A`~, ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING CG!~IIMISSION ~_ PC92-84 S7ATE OF CAI~IFORNIA) . COUNTY QF OFiANGE ) ss. ,; CITY OF ANAHFIM ) !, N9argarita Solorio, Secret~ry o# the Anaheim City Planning Commissian, ~;; do horeby certify that the foregoin~ resoiution was passed and adopted at a m9etin~ af ;" tl~e Anahefm City Planning Commission held on June 29, 1992, by tho follawing vote af "'' the members thereof: AYES: COMWIISSIONERS: BOUAS, BRISTOL, HELLYER, hcIVNINGER, ME3SE, '~ PERAZA, ZEMEL NOES: COMMIS~~10~lERS: NONE ABSEh'T: COMMI,3SION~RS: NONE I IN WI'~'IJE5S WHEREOF, I hav6 hereunta sot my hand this /~~ day of , 1992. - ~li.c ~s _~~e/~' SFCR AR ANAHEIM CITY PUANNING COMMlBSION -5• PC92-84