Resolution-PC 92-86A RESOLU710N OF THE ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION AMENDING RESnLUTION N0, PC89-324 ADOPTED IN CONIJECTION WITH CONDITIONAL llSE PERMIT N0. 3228 WHEREAS, an pecember 18, 1989 the Anaholrn City Planninp Cummission g~anted Conditional Use Permft No. 32?.8 under Resolution No. PC89-424 to permR gasollno sales, suto repair, a car •.wsh, a corrven(ence markgt and o 10•unR 8,700 sq.ft. commorclal retail conter at the northeast cornor ot Welr Canyon Ruad and Serrano Avenue and, subaequontly. grtinted two 1-year iimo extenslons, the last one to oxpire on De~ember 18, 1992; ond WHEREAS, pursu~nt to t:ode Sectlon 18.03.091 the Planning Conmisslon Initiated a public hearing In o-der to conskler termination ~r modHication of Cor~ditional Use Perrnft No. 3228. WHEREAS, the Ciry PlannlnQ CommisRton did hold a puUlic hearing at the Civic Centes In the City of Anahaim on May !8, 1992, at 1:30 p.m., notice ot said puWic hoaring haviny been duly 9iven as requlred by law arNi in accorciance whh Ihe provisiona ot the Anaholm Mun)cipni Codo, Chapter 18.03, to hoar end cvnakDer evidence for and aqainst saW proposed rr.odHicaUon a termination and to Irnestigate and make flndings And rocommorxlatlons In connectlon therewith: and that said publfc hearing was continuad to the June 15 end July 27, 1392 Planninq Commiaslon ~+~-eotfnpa fcx tho reasona listod on page t of She July 27, 1992 SmB Repc~rt to the Pianning Commi~slon; ond yyHEqEqS, said f;ommisslon, nRer due Inspectlon, hr+estbation and study made by Itself and In Rs behalt, and atter due considaratlon of atl evidence nnd reports otferetl at a3id h~rinp, does tind dnd determind th9 idlowing f~cts: 1. Tlu~t subJect property is currently vacant, R Ia zonec: SPBH- t(SpecHic Plan No. 88• 1), and R Is IocAtad In Developmant Area 5 d the Sycanwra Canyon S~3ec:tlc Plan, whlch development arua Ia deslgnatud tar reWll commerolal end/or office commprclal uses in accorOarx:e with the CL(SC) 'Comrnerclal, UmRecf - Scen~ Corrkfor Ove~tay Zone dev~topment standerda; 2. T~t Ordtnance No. 4~10 (adoptod on March 6,1988 tu escaWish the SP88•1 Zone deslqnatlon tor the 3ycamore Canyon Speclfic Plan) r,w~talns the fdlow!ng condRlon ol approvel (No. ~) which tequirea tho developer to post each dovelopment aite within the specNlc plen area wkh n sign kiemity~nA tuturo larxi uses. Snfd conditbns reads in paA: '...the lolluwinp lnformatfon and/or plans shel/ be aubmittea- !o the Planninp Doparament Icr Pf~nnfnp Commisslon revlsw and a~iprovel !n conformanco wlth SecNon 18.85.080 0/ the Mohelm Municfpa! C~da: (p) Sl~nlnp plans -...s-pns sha-1 be: wovtded ro 1denUy proposed lutwe land usos, ~uch as ~y0 ~wt~morclal slta.., /uture perk/sclrool sltas, -gsld~ntial lend uses, ~c...' SaW condkfnn vras fntended to advisct potontH~c uae Is approvod laua ~iven sRe; but,~alltrouflh wb~ect Cunyon Specilic Plan eras aoon ghor nrry sPec on the property; uye pom~It wn~ eRprovod In Ducomber t989. no tand use kfernilicallon siflns were ~osled CR156tNSS.wp -~ • ~~~ 3. That at tlie time of orlginel noticing ot sub~ect potltian (D~cember 1 fl8J), 4hore wera tow occupied resk+e~ces wRhin this portion ot th9 Sycamore Canyon SpecHlc Ptan ar~ but, since that time, several resfd.ntlal trecta and a conimerr,lai center have been o~ ~oped end are now occupied In close proximlty to subJect properry; 4. Tliet tl~e olimination o1' the service stnt!on, auto repair and car wash iacilitles will signHicantly reduce the poter~ial amount oi noiso gener~ted by the uri~inal proposal w{~ile still providing tor development of the curnienience market and rotail buflding; 5. That the uses tor whlch approval was origlnally flranted Fuiva nnt been exerclaed, and that based upon additlonel Intormation and due to changed circumstancea conslating of the completion and habitation of numerous nearby residences which did not exls± when subJect use pormft was originally granted, the facts neceasary to suppoR one ~r more of tho requirod ahowfnUs for the Issuance ot sub~oct entlUomont as set forth tn Chopter 18.03 no lonqer exlst; and a. That testimony was Luamitted et the pubilc hearing rAgardinp (a) the slgnNicartt noise :9vels rypically generated by uutomotNe uses such as service stationa, auto rep~fr busfnessos arxi car washes and such slpnNicant nois9 levels would tra ~rticularly obJecifonaNe to the n~arby residences; (b) aesthetlc concams due to vlslWa open seivice beys taciny publ(c atreets and/or edjac:ent properties, vnd vehiclos potentlalty being worked-on out•ol~doors w~thln the publir,'s vlew; (c) sa(ety concerns due to In~reased vohlcul~r traific generated by a car wash fn comparison to rotaU and/or oNlce usea~ (d) access to sub~ect property; nnd (e) the Impact ot traHir, in terms ot exlstin~ cnndki4na in comporispn t~ condttiong Z.t /2 years apn when the project was oriplrwlly approved end tho sunoundin~ aroe was aubstaMiaily urxfevaloped. 7, Thf-t nine (9) people Indicatad thelr p-esence at said puWlc heeriny In oppos~tlon; and that pt+tRlons arxl lette-~ were rACeived In oppoaMlon to the automotive-re~tited uaes conteinad In subject developmont proposal. ~~ORNIA ,Ny~RONME[V~AL, DUAL11'ti, AC~T F.~Nn~N : The Planninp Olrector or hla autho-fzed representatNe has detormined that 4he proposed projoct falla wkhin the detinftion ot Cetegorlcal Exemptior~s, Clasa 21, as defined In tho Slate EIR Guidelines erxl Is, tl~erefore, categorlcally exernpt trom the requirsmont to prapare an EIR. NOW, 'fHEREFOFl~, BE IT RESOLVED tlwt the Anaheim Clty Plnnning Commisslon does heroby modity Corxiltlona~ Uae PormR No. 3226 by amendinfl Resd~Rlon Na. PC@~324 as Fdlows: Amend ttem No. t on the tirst pape In Re eMirery to rerad: •t. That the proposed use !s prope-~y oi~e lor whlch a conriltlaral uso pemrlt !s euthorized by Mahelm Municfpnl Code Sect~ons 18.~4.050.135, and 18.71.061).OTO ro wlt: to porml~ a cornrenlonca market and o taunlt 8,700 sq.lt. commerclal retnll cAnfor.'; and qmer-cf CorMitlon No. 36 in Rs ertt:rety to read: '36.a. Thc~t prfor to lssuence o/ e bullding pormlt, the pedtloner ahall submlr rovlaACl pfans sllminednp ~te gasalJne salea (sorvlce ~tatlon), autu rapalr uses erd cer wssh from tl-e p,ropo$od c~rnrr~r~lel cernor. The convenlonca ma~ket and 10-unN commerclaJ rotsil centor may be retnlned (as shaWn on the orlplne~fy apPr~ved I~lsns aubmlrted by the p~tltJonor end on Illo wlth the Planning Depertment merkoal F~rhiblr Noar. 1 throuQh 6). Tho -eWaod plens ahall be subn~lrred to ~he Zon~ny Dlvlston l~.r Plannlnp Commlr3lon conslderatlon at e d~y n4tJced pub!!c hoarln~. ,2, PC92~88 b. That fhora shall be no 24-hour oper~tians In eny ol the retdil shops !n the entlre center, other then tho one permitted by thls condltlonal use permlt." THE FOREGOING RESOlUTION was adopted at the Planntng Gommission meAtin4 of July 2', 1592. ~~--~`~ / V CH IftAfAN, ANAHE~M CITY P I G COM S ATTEST: ~~ ~ CRE1 ARY, ~ EIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION STATF. OF CALIFORNIA ) ~OUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss. CI7Y OF ANAHEIM ) I, Janet L Jonson, SecretAry of the Anahelm Ciry Nlanning Commission, do hereby caRNy that the ~oro9oinq resolutlon was pnssed and adop!ed at a meeting o~ the Anahefm Cfry Planninp Commiasion held on July 27, 'l992, by the fdlowing vote of the mombera thereof: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: BOUAS, BRIS70L, HELLYER, PE~iAZA, ZEMEL NOES: COMMISSIpNERS: NONE ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: ME~SE, HENNIN~EN IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I t~ave hereunto set my hand thla z~ day of ~~~~~/~~ , t 992. ! r-'-- ~~ $ RETARY, AN M C~TY PWNNINQ ~OMMISSION ../" ,3. PC92-88