Resolution-PC 92-9~~:l,ti , ~F.S.,OL TIO J~_ PC92-•9 A RF.SOLUTZOi7 Of' TY.E AClAHEIM CITY PLANI•IIt7u COMNISSION ADOP'TIIlG At~D RECOMMENDING TO THE CTTY COUNCIL ADOPTION OF GENEkAL ['LAN AMEN'JMEHT P70. 324 PERTAINING TO 'fHE LAND USE EGEM[:NT WHERrA5, the City Council of tha City of Anat~eim did ad~pt the Anahaim General Plan by Reaolution No. 69R-b~l~t, sho~•Lng the general deacription •~nd cxtene of poanible future developmc~nt wirhin the City; and WHEREAS, Planning Commiasion direc~=~d otaff to initiate an amendment to l:he Land Use Elemenr of the General Plan ':o radeaignate property deocribod as a rectangularly-shapQd parcel conaietiny of a~pror.imately 0.9 acre having a fr~ntage of approxLmately 119 feQt on the south side of Oranqe Avenue, I~aving a maxi.muni <fepth of appro:cimately 332 feet, Ueing lucated approximately 715 feet weat of ttie cent~r.lin~ of Arookliurst Street and furr.her da~crib~d as 22G0 Weel• Orango Avenue irom ttie Low Deneir.y Reafclen~ial deaig-iation to the Low-Mediwn L'encLty Re~idantial desiynatior; and WHF.REAS, the Anaheim City P1annLng CommiAnion clid hold a public hearin9 at the Anaheim Civic Center, Council L'~IIIR.ber, 200 South Anaheim Etoulevard, on December 15, 1991, at 1:30 p.m., rutic~ of said public hearing ;~aving becn du:~ yiven a~ required by law and in ~ccocdaprc wir.h the provisiona oE ehe Anihexm Muniripal Code, to hear and cons:dor nvidence fur. and ogainst s~aici Ceneral Pl~n Arc~endment an~i to invs~tigate ancl makc~ findingn And recomme~dationrs in connec:ti~n ther3wiCh; anct that suid public hearinq was contir.uitJ to L•he JanLary 'l'7, 1992 Flanning Ccmmiss:on meeting; arsd +:fiEREAS, said Commiaaion, after aue consideration, inspection, inveotiyation and ot~dy made by iteelf, ancl af~:er due coneideration of all evidence ~rd reporto oftrc'ed ac said hearing, DOF.S NEAEBY FIWD: :. Thai. the ~vider.ce presented 9Ub[it~!1C~Atgp the need f~r an ~r..endment to the Anaheim Gc~ner32 Plan and that, therefore, Exhibit A ehauld be eciopt~~d redeuiqnatinq nunjecL area for Low-Me~lium Detnsity RQnidQntinl land t~a~s. Cnt.ItQ~'L:~L+-_'~J~-Qj7~;EtIT,~L~t1~~~~7'~.1~~~~1: That tY~e Anah~im City P:anning c:ornmisnton hae revieued thy pro~enl [o amen~i the Land Uoe ElemQnL of the Ceilr.t•~1 i~2 ~n to chnn9a cho curr~nt land uec~ dWc~iynation from the ;.oN D~3natty Heoi~f~ntlal d~eiqn~tion to tFf+ Lor+-;;e~ium Cengity ReOiduntial <le~:iyr.ati.~n on a r~ctangut.~rly-ohapeed par.cel cannistiny of approxtmnt~ly 0.9 a~ re t:~•: in; a trcntaqe nE np(',roxinately ] 19 teer. on thc~ ~outh uide ot ~ranyo Avcnucr, haviny a rax:mum depch of aypraximataly 332 fet~t, be[ng located ~rrr~x:~'~~-":Y '~:5 :n~- '»'~•sc of t1~e c.ar~terlina AL~ RCCUICht1CAt Strect anA furth~r ~fr;icribc~f aa .i~~U h..~r.t ucar.~h Avenaa; anA doPU h~rtiby ~{~pr~~~- _."^ tieqa[ive tra^lnrot:u:i uf;cr~ :ir.d:r.~~ thn~ ir. Maa considar~d thc ttc~~~tivo DJClaie..:on t_or~~•tL•rc w:~r ~nj r->c*:-.enta re,snlved durinq Lho ~~ubiic reviK~: proseae and St:rt!,rr : indi:~~) nn ths baRi:s ~~t +Cha initial o:utly anJ any commantq ra~taivod :r:-t :h~ra :a :in e-+:c:rnce tha~ :h~t ~roSect wi~l tsave a oigni::c~nt eifect or. s.hr. •?r.vtrnnr.ent. rp 14UZ:!rs -1- PC92-9 NOW, TtfEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that pureuant to the above findinga, the Anaheim City Planning Crnmniysion doea heraby adopt and recommend to the City Council ~f the City of Anaheim adoption of General Plan AmandmRnt No. 324 pertainincj tu the Land UeQ El~ment, Exhi.bit A, to redesignato subject propc~rty from the I.ow Denaity Residential designation to the L,ow-Nedium Deneity Residential .land ~~se desiqnation. THE POREGOYNG RESOLU7'ION was adopted at the Planning Commisaion meeting of January 27, 1992. ^f ~ , ~~1~~ ~ ~ - '`.~.~-.~.._~v CHAYRMAPi, ANAHEIM__-~~LA ~ NG C MT~ISSION ATTEST: ~~"~Z~ ~--- -- S.RF:TARY, APIA . CITY PLANNING COMIdISSION STATE OF r_AI.IFORPIIA ) COUt~TY OF ORAPICE ) as. CITY OF ANAFlEIM ) I, JAnet L. Jensen, Sacrutacy ui the I,naheim City Planniny Commieaion, do he:eby certLfy ::liat tt~e for:egoing resolution wau passed and ndopted at a roe~ting of the Rnahei.m City Planning Commiasion held on Ja~uary 27, 1992, by the followinq vote of Che membere t•hnreofs AYES: CONMISSIGNERS: E30UAS, BRISTOL, HF:LLYER, MF.SSE, PERAZA, ZEMEL t10ES: COt?MISSIOtJERS: NOtiE AASF:tlT: Cc],dMISSIOWERS: HENNIt:GER ~I 7 ~W~I~TttF.55 WHEREOF, 1 htive hereunto set tt~}~ hand this ~~ day of Szr~illL4 1992. ~u . /~~ CKETARI', A! E1M ~ITY PLAt~t~ING COMMI3SJGt7 !/ _~_ PC9i-9