Resolution-PC 92-90,wwr~1 RESOI,IITION NO. PC92•9~ A RESOLUTION OF THE ANAHEI~~A CITY PUINNING CUMMISSiON RECOMMFNDSNG THAT THE CITY COUNCIL APPROVE AN AMENDMENT TO 7HE SAN7A ANA CANY~N ROAD ACCESS POINT STUD'f, EXHIBI7 MO. 7 WHEREAS, on January ty, t966, the City Council ~dopted Exhibit No. 7 of thA Santa Ana Canyon Access Polnt ~tudy appro~iing acces~ polnts between the Rlverside - Nowport Freeway interchenge and We~r Canyon Road. The ext~ibit was approved aK a loqical means oi providfn~ eccaas to properiies Ironttng on Santa Ana Canyan Road at such tlme es said propenles developed wlth uses other than those for which they were zoned In 1968; and WHEREAS, on August 18, 1981, the Cfty Council amended Exhibit No. 7 ellowing an addltional access polnt (9b) lor the Hughos Shoppin~ Center egst of the sub~oct pro~etty. 7he steN report tor the Hughas Center tndicatod that provisio~a had been made to Inteprate the sub~ect propeRy with the commurclal center so that pt~trons would not have to drive between sitea. When the Hughes site was mass greded, It appears thet no provlslon was made tor accoss ta the subJect property slnce there is a substantial ~rade diHerential betwean the two sitos. Furthor, when the decoleration lano was ~onstructod aci~acert to the Hughes Center, tiie drlvoway to the ~ubJect property was recon~tructed; and WHEREAS, the petittohen c~~s requeated approvai af a Conditlonal Use Permit to permit ~ two•story, 9•unii commercial retail cgnier wlth waivers and retaining vehlcular accesa vla en exlstin~ 36-foot wide drfveway iiom Santa Ana Canyon Road. WHEREAS, the Clty Plannlnp Ccmmisalon did hold a Nubllc hearing et tho C{vic Cenier in the City of Anaheim on July t3, 1992. et 1:30 p rti., nntice of said pubilr, hearing having been duly piven as requirod by taw end in accordance with the provis~ona o+ the Anaheim Municipal Code, Chapter 18.03, to hear and conalder evidence lor and egatnst said propose~ amendment and to Investigaie and make Iindinps and rec~mmendations In connect(on therewith; an~l that said puhltc {iearlny xes continued to tho July 17, 1992 Ptanntnq Commfssion meotinp; WFlEREAS, said Cnmmisslon, aher due inspection, lrnestlgation ond atudy made by ttsei( end In fts beha~t, end aftor dua cor.slderatlon of all evidonce and repcRS otierod ot sald hearing, does lind and detormine the lollowiny facts: t, The City Yreflic En9lnoerinp nNtelon has revlowed the proposed ac :~ss for !he sub~ect propeny and has no ob~ectfons 1o the prc~ect retairinq exlatln,~ accoss to Santa A-~a Canyor~ Road prov(ded vohicular movemants are restrictod to rl~ht•turn•in and ripht•turn•out only. 2, Yhat threo (3) peoMo in ~pposftion ond slx (6) people in favor fiKficat9d thefr preaence et aafd public hearinp; end that no correapondonce was rscofve~ in oppoaition to tho ~ub~oct proposal. ~uc ~141,~q__RNIA ~hY1RQ _"1'1'A~ QUALl1'Y A~T FINDIN(i: That the Anahelm fty Plannin~ Gommisalon has revlewACl the propoaal IoCetod on en irre~uiarlyshaped Rarcof ot lond ca~aiating of epp~oximataly .94 acre having a lrontege ol approximataly 200 tsat on !ho touth sido ol Santa Ilna Canyon Roed, hav~nfl e max~mum dQpth oi epproxtmalely 435 leot, boln~ Ixaled approximately 5t5 leet west of tho cantarlino of Falrrrwnt ~oulevard, encl further dtt~:rfbed as tf2~c1 Eoat Santa Ana Canyon Rood; ancl doe~ horaby approve the NeyatNa Declaration upon Ilndlnp thAt the dalara:lon rallects tho indep~endtnt ~uaqement of tl» Ioad a~oncy and that It has consldeced the Nrpative Declaration toyethor wfth any commvmo rocelved durlnp thQ puWic review proceas ancf lurthor lindinq on tho baels of tha Inltia{ study and sny commanta recefved ihat there le no subttantfal ~rvidonce ttuit the pro~ect wUl nave a signiliconl afted en the environment. CR 1 ~BSMS.wp • 1 • PC92 •AO NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOWED that the Anahelm City Plann~:ib Commission dnes horoby rocommend that the Gity Councll approvd en amendrnent to the Santa Ana Canyon Road Access Point Study, Exhlblt No. 7 to allow an additlonnt accoss polnt tn Santa Ana Canyan Road. THE FORECiOING RESOlU710N was adopted at the Planning Commissicn meoting of July 27, 1992. % ~ j ~ / / /' ^ ! - /j,~,~,t_ '~, AIRMAN, ANAHEIM PIANN C C MISSION ATTEST: ~/~~rf 1 ~ ~ - j . , , , _._ SEQ~A~TARY, ANAHEIM'CIl'Y PLANNIN(3 COMMISSION i i i . 1 STATE OF CALIFORNI.A ) COUNTY OF ORANCiE ) ss. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) i, Janet L. Jensen, Secrotary ot tho Anaheim City F'lannin,y Commisslon, do hereby ceRlly !hat the !oregoing resolution was passed snd adoptod at a meoting of the Anaheim City Planning Commfasion held an July 27, 5992, by tho followiny vote of tha mambsrs thereof: AYES: COMMISSIONER3: BOUAS, BRISTO:., NE~JNINGER, PERAZA, ZEMEL NOES: COMMISSIONERS: HELLYER AEISEhT: COMMISSIGNFRS: MESSE IN WITNESS WHEREOF, t have hereunto set my hand this `"~ dey of ~ ~ ~ y~, 1992. ~ ~~~1..•/ 1~ -: SECRETARY, ANAHEIM~CITY PLANNINC~ COMMISSIUN .2. FC92-90