Resolution-PC 92-93~ RESQLUTl4N N0. PC92-93 A RESOLUTION OF THE ANAHEIM CITY PIANNINCi COMMISSION THAT PE'fITION FOR CONDITIQNAL USE PERMIT N0. 3529 BE GRANTED, IN PAR7 WHEREAS, the AnAhelm Ciry Plannfng Commiaslon dld recelve a verified Petitlon 9ar Conditional Uso Permit ior certein roAl properly situated In the City af Anahelm, County of C)ranpe, State of C;alifornia, descrlbod as: PARCEL 1, IN TNE CITY OF ANAHEIM, COUNTY OF ORANGE, STATE OF CAUFORNIA, AS SHOWN ON PARCEL MAP FILED IN BOOK 117, PAGES 1~J AND 20 OF PARCEL M~1PS, IN THE OFFICE OF TH~ COUNTY RECORDCR OF SAID COllNTY. WHEREAS, the Clty Planning Commission did hold a publir, hesring at the Civlc Center in the City of Anaheim or~ July 27, 1992, at 1,30 p.m., nptico of sald public he~ring having been duly gtden as requfred by law and in accordance with the prnvisions of the AnAheim Munlcipal Code, Chaptor 18.03, to het~r and consider evidenca for and agalnst aaid proposed cundftional use permit artd to Investlgate and make findlnps and reCOmmendations In connection therowith; and WHER£,4S, said Commisslon, aitor due inspection, investlgation and atudy made by itself and in fts behalf, and aRer due consfdaratlon ot all evldenco arni repc~rt3 offered at sald hearing, tloes find and determine Yho foilowfng tacts: 1. That the proposed use Is prope~ly ona far which a aonditional uso pormit Is authorized by Anahylm Municipal Codo Section ~ to permft a spoRa theater (originally a sports ber wfth on•sale bear and wine) and wlth waiver of tho foll~wing: Sections 10,08,Q50.0212 - ,[u~joimum rnlmb@rst oarkir~,q_g~oea. 18.06.Q 0.022 (1 •518 requlrod; ,~ existlnp) ,~Q.O6, ~ • 33 ,~, 6,04 50.026_1 ~Q06.080 and 16.44.06G.050 2. That the parking variatiice will not cause an IncreASe in traffic cang~stion in tFio immedlate viclnity nor adversely affect any adJoining land uses; 3. That the g~anting of the parking variance under the conclitfons Impossd wlll not be detrimental to tho peace, health, safety or genoral welfare of the citixens ot the CRy of Anaheim; 4. That the proposed on-sale beer and wine is hareby denled pn the tsasis tht~t there is en excoss of existing Ifcensed Ilquor establ(shments irndving both on- and off-sale Ilquor In the surroundfng area including other establlshment3 in the commercfal center In which the propost~l Ie located; 5. That the prnposed usa, as granted for a sporta theater with food servfce but without the s~le af alcoholic beverages, is pro~erly one for whlch a conditiun~tl use permit is authorized by the Zoning Codo, or that safd use Is not I~sted therein as boinQ a permitted use; GR 1568MS.wp -1- PC92•93 ~ 8. 7hat the proposed use, as gronted, will not adversely eHect the ~d~oining land uses and the qrowth a~ci devnlopment ot ttie r,~raA in whict+ ft is proposed to be located; ?. That the slze and shapo o( the alte for the proposed use, as grante~f, is adequat~ to allow the (ull devel~pment oi tho propnzed use In a man~er not dstrimental to the pertlc~dar erda nor ta the peace, heaith, safety, and general welfaro; 8. 7hat the tratM, flonerated by the proposecl uso, as p~antod, will not impose en uixluo burden upon the stroets anq hiyhweys designed an.i ImprevAd to cany lhe traHic In the eror• g. That lhe prenNny of the conditlonel uee permft ~ndor the Conditiona (mpoaec " not be detrimental to the peace, hoalth, safety onrl general welfere of tha cftizens ot the Clty of Anafiolm; 10. That two (2) people (n iava and three (3) p. ~le in ~ppositbn incllcated ttielr presence at safd publ'c hearing; and -hat no correspcndence was recei red In apposklon t~ the subJoct petition. ,~.IFORNIA ENV;RO~JfQ~NTA~UA~ITY AC'C FINDINQ: That the A~ahelm Cfry PlennlnQ Commission has revlewed the proposal to p3rmit a sports theater wRh food service ar~ wfth waNer of minimum i~umber oi parklnp apaces on n rectanqularly shaped parcel d larxi consisting of approximat-~•~ 1.3E 3cres, hr~vtng en aaproximate ironta~e o' 324 feet on the east side of State Colleye Boutevard, a ~n.u~mum depth oi a~proximatelr 187 feet, being located approximately ~00 feot suuth ot the cent~~t(no of Ball Road arxf funhor describod as 12tU South State College B~IevanJ, Unlt C; and does hereby apprwe tlie Neqative ~eclaratbn upon flnding that tlie declaration rofleMs the irxleperxlont judyemQnt of the i~d aqency and that R h~s considPred the NeflatNe Decleretlon toyother with any cammoms receNed cJurin~ t.hd puWb revlew procesa and (uAher tindiny on the beals d tha Inltial study and eny comments recei~re~d t~w: there Is no auhstant~al evkience that the projoct wCl hnve a slqnNicarn eHuct ~n the ernfronmerri. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT FiESOLVED that the Anehelm City Plannin{ Commfsslon dooa heroby qrant sut~ect PMltlon tor Condkional Use PermR. in pa-t, upon the followinU condi !~ewhlo p-e enre tha tairxi to be e nace9sary prerequ~sKe to the proposod usu o1 thc sub~3ct property satety and yanoral welfare ot the Cktzone d the City W Anah9lm: t. That prio- to commoncemont ol the actlvity authorized under thfs rAaolution, or prbr to the timo that e bupolnp permR le issu9cf, or within e perfod ct nlnery (90) dAys irom thu datp d Ihls ntsdutlon, whichever ocaurs tir:~t, the teflal aw~r(s) of sub~ett property ah~~~ execu:• arid record an unautx~Mlneted covonant fn a tc,rrn app~wed by th~e Cay Attomoy's OAice wherhln s~~ch owrtAr(a) a~rea not to com~at the lormation ol amr assessment distrlct(a) which may horoaiter bo tortnen pursuoM to tho provision~ d ~evelopmant AgreomeM No. 8101 betvNeen ihQ Gry d ARaheim crxl Anaheir,~ 3t dlum Asaoclatos, which dfurfct(a) cnuld fndu6e euch logal pn~perty owns~t proP~Y• q copy cf +he recorJe~f cwennnt ehgll thon be aubmittu0 to the Zonlny DNAata~. 2. ~ nat a Plan ShAet ~or tdW vvasse stora~o ancf cd~ection Mrxf e aan !or rQCycl:nQ ~hall bs submined 1o thu Departrnent of MaiMen~nce lor revl~~. arx! ,~proval• 1. That A 1~ for slruat Ii~Mtn~ purposet aha~~ be pnid to tho C11y d MaM!Im besad an the lenylh d atre~t frantapu ala~q SWt9 Cdlege kl~uevard In en amuurK at eatabNsf~d by Gty C~urxil ro~dutbr. 4. That dl cf~ys shell bo n~conat~vctod to acc~cmmafate fdtoen (1 ti) (xt raJlus curb rotum* fn Contor'.'.: nCA vrth EnplnQeMrq 4epattmeM $lt~ndeN fVA. '37. .2. PC92•9~ ~ 5. That sub~ect properry shalt be developed substantially In accordanr,e with plans and specHlcatiors;. submittod to ~~he Ctty of Anah~im by the petitioner and whlch plans are on tile with the F'lanr.lnq OepartmAnt marked ~xhibit Nos. 1 end 2• 8. That prlor to commencement of the actfviry heroin epproved, or prior to issuence of a buiidinp ~rmlt, or within a period ot ane (t) yqar irom the date ol thio resolution, whichever occurs iicst, Condftion Nos. 3 through 3, ebove-mentloned, shall be complleci wfth. Extensions tor IuKher timo to com~late sakl conditiona may be g-anled in accordance with Sectio~ t8.03.090 of tho Arwhelm Munlcipal Code. 7. That prlor to commancement of the activfty herein approved or prior to Mal building end zonin~ Inspoctlons, whichever xcurs t(rst, Condition Mos. 4 and 5, above-rnernioned, shelf be cornpliec! with, 8. That thsrA shall f~e ~~o on-premises consumptian or aale of bc+er, wine end/or othor alcohdtc bevRrar~es. 9. That approval of thi3 upplicatton constitutes app~oval of the proposed reguest only to tho extont thdt it complios wfth the Anahelm Municipal Zonirg Code erxi any othor applic;able Cky, State anc! Federal reeulatlons. ApprovtU doss not Include any ectlon or tir+dings as to compilance or approvai uf tha raquest rogardinp erry other applicable ordinance, regulation or requlrement. BE IT FURTHER iiESOLVED that tt a Anahoim Ciry Plnnniny Commission doos hereby find and determine that adoption oi thia Resolution is expresaly predicatec! upon epplicanYs compllance with ec~ch and all ot the condNlons heretnabova set iorth. 3hould any such conditlon, or erry paR thereof, be declar6d Irnalfd or unentorceade by the flne! Judgment of arry court of competent Jurisd~tbn, then thls Resolution, and any opprovals herein coMefned, shall bo deemud null and vaid. THE fOREGOING RE30LU710N waa a pted ut the planniny C mm{ss on -roetfnp of duly 27. 1992. -/~ ~ ~ , CHAIRMAN, ANANEIM T PLANN G COM ISSION ATfE3T: ,, .J ____ CHETARY, EIM CITY PIANNING COMMIS~ION i .^iTATE OF CAUFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORAN(3E ) s~• CITY UF RNAFIE~M ) 1, Janot L. Jonsen, Secretary of the Anaheim City Planning Commission, do horeby certNy that the (c.-epoing rekalulbn was pnssad and edoptacl ai a mo01lnp M the Anahelm City Planniny Commisslon held an July 2~, tti92. by the fdlowing vute oS tha members th¢rec~f: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: BOUAS, !3f'~STOI, HELLYER, HENNIN(3EFi, PERAZl+, ZEA1~L NOCS: COMMISSIONERS: NONE ABSEidT: CAMMI$SIONEI't3: MES~E IN W17NESS WHEREOF. t have harauunto ~et my hand thi~ ~fyL day d , 1992 CRETARY, ANAHE GTY PLA. NN ING C4MM!4810N ~/ ,~ PC9i-93