Resolution-PC 92-94~ ,g~Q~ITION NO. PC92.•94 A RESaLU'fION OF THE ANAHEIM CITY PLANNINC COMMISSI4N APPROVINl3 AN EXTENSION OF YIME FOR CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 3148 WHEREA~, on July 27, 1989 the Anaheim Ciry Plannl~p Commission granted ~onditlonal Use Permlt Na. 3148 under Resdutlon No. PC89-183 to permit a bus stora4e fac7ity ior a period of three (3) years on property located at th~ norti~east comer ol Gene Autry Way end Lewis Street, I~avfng lronteges of approximately 330 teel on the nonh atde oi Cene llutry Way and 6t0 teet on the east side ot Lewis ~trbet, and (uther descrlbed as 917 East 3ene Autry Way; WI;EREAS, the petit(oner requests deletion of the following tlva conditions ~f approval included In Resolution No. PC8£ •183: 1. That prlor to granttnp of any tirne extension or new condftlonat use permR for the use aiter Mttrch 1, 19~?, the logal owner of subject properry shall irrovocably ofler to dodlcate to the City of Arshe~m atr:as of lend (i~ty three (5~) feet in wkfth from the centertine of atreot elong Lewis Street aixi Gene Autry Way inclix!ing a twenty iive (25)-loot radius corner retum for atreet widoning purposes. 2. That p-lor to grantinq ot eny time extensinii or o now conditlonal use pormit for ihe use aR~r March 1, 1992, thn Iepal owner o1 the subJect proparty ahall Inevocably otfdr to dedicate to the City of Anahoim an additbnal atrip ot land etonb Lowts Street, moaaurecl sautharly (rom the ulttmate ~lyht ol way Ilne et the comer of the Intersectlon ot Kstella Avenue arxi Lewis Street, and varying In wklth trom twelve (12) toet t~r tho flrst three (3W) Teet and then transitfoning irom c~relve (12) feet to zero (0) fcet tor the naxt three hurxlrod (300} taet. 3. That the d~Newey on Gene Autry Way ahalt be reconstructed wkh ten (10) foot ra~+i~s curb retums a9 roqulred by the Cfty Engtneer. F~cistiny br4kan or cracked driveways ahall be removad and replaced as requtred by the City Engineer. 7. Thai th~ drtve appr~ACh shall have u width of tweMy four (24) to thirty (30) ieet, as required by the City TrnHic EnQineer. 17. '1h18 condltional use permk ahatl terminato on Merch 1, 1992. WHEREAS, the Cly Planninq G~mmiasbn did hdd e puWi~ t~artnq et the Civfc Center in tho City M Anaheim on July 27, 1992. a2 1:30 p.m., rrotiCe c>t said public hoerinq hovlrW beun duty yfven as requirad by lew end in ecr,orclance wflh tha provlsbns ot tt~ Anahelm f 1uni~ipel Co~e, Chaptar 18.03, to hear and consider evklence la end a~ainst taid propus~cl nmendmurtt and to Investlyate and mako flndtnga ai~d recommondatlon4 in connoctfon therowfth; and WNE;iEA3. wfd Commtsslon, ats~ due Ina~t+ction, imo~tlpatkx~ and atudy mecle by M.3utf and {n hs behaN, arxf after duo conald2ratbn d all evktance end reports oNerod nt said hearlr~g, dooa tind And cfotormine ~no raiow~,o racts: t. That the proposaf use remalns consistent vdth the Anahelm ~snoral Plan end ~ompatlWo wK~~ surrounding tand usas; 2. Tha: e thrco (3) year time . xtemslon wA~ pem~ re~sonaWe uso 01 tho propMy in er~tlcipatbn of the CaRrgns (I•5) wfdeniny pro~act: 3. That ~o naw IMcxmatlon was presemod wfslch MvuW r.~+use ca~cem boyoncf th~so ka~.fes discutsad durf.'~p thp p~btk hea-Inq d Jul~ 27, tg(!9; 4. Th~• thPre are no knovm 4Hars lrortz CaRrana ta the purchasQ or corxlemnaUan ot the property: C:A ~5B9MS.wp •1 • PC9'~•94 5. That the prevloua resolution aper.it(cally statod that the ;equirod street dedication be ma~Je ii the "tomporar~' use la contlnued beyond March 1, t992; B. Tl~t the previous conditlons pertalning to driveway curb t-nd a~proach Improvements were never satlsiled and are there-~re outstandtng; 7. That no ono indicatod thoir preaence at seid public hearing in opposition; and thot no conespo~ ~dence was rRCeived in opposlt~on to tho subJect petftion. ~ALIFORN,~,,ajgti:"pONMENTALCUAUTYACTFINDiNa: ThatthoAnahelmClryPianningCommisslon has revieweci the proposal to amend condft!ona o1 approval pertaining to tlme Ilmftation a~ praviously approved use, requlred streat dodicatton aixf requ(red improvements to exlatinp drivaway curbs and approach ard doos horoby iind that the NeQatlve Declaratlon previously approveci in connection wkh Condltional Uso Permft l:~. 3148 fs adoquate to ~orve es the required or,vironmental documAntatlun In connectlon with thls request. NOW, 7HE9EFORE, HE IT RESOLVEQ that the Anahetm Ctty Planning Commisslon does hereby take the (ollowinq three actions: (1) Amond Condition No. 1~ of Resolutton No. PCtl9-103 to road ~a follows: •17. That sub/oct use shall terminate on Merch 1, 1995.' (2) Deny the request to •~elete Condition Nos. 1, 2, 3 antl 7 c~ntalned in Resdutbn No. PC89-183, thereby requi~in~ thet the n~icessary atreet dodication; and street, drlvawuy end parkfng lot improvoments be r..omptoled ~s soon as possible (o-iginaily safd conditlons were to t~ antis(Ied prlor to March t, 1992 or prior to ~rantinq ot a tlme extenslon). (3) Require that the ~~ubJoct proporry shall be landscaped In lull compliance wfth tt~e appltpble zoning standards (or landscaping In the ML `Ir,dustrlal, LlmRed' 2on~. THE FOREC-OING RESOLU i ION was adopted at the Planning Commiaslon moeting ot July 27, t:~92. ~.-- ~~ ~~~ ~G~ IRMAN, RNAHElM CITY PLAN ING COM ISSION A1TE T: ~ "° L" . ~,-' ~ ETARY, ANAHEI C~TY PLANNING COMMISSION StAT~ OF CAL1FOiiNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANCiE ) ss. CI~1( OF ANAH~IM ) I, Janet L Jensen, 3ecret~ry of tho Anohetm City P~enning Commisslon, do he~eby certtify thet ttie toiefloing r~c~lution was ~,asaed end ndopted at a meetin~ of the Anaheim Cky Planninp Commissfon ndd on July 27, 1992. by the idic+winfl vMu of the membor~ tho~ool: Al'E8: COMMIS310NERS: BOUAS, BRISTOL, NELIYER, PERA2A. Z'cMEL NOES: COMMISSIONEfiS: HENHINdER ABSENT: COMM1431~NEH8: M~SSE IN WtTN@SS WHEREOP,1 have hereunto set my hand !hi~ ~ day d .~~• . ~~ G ~ .: 5~~~RETAHY. ANAMEP CITY PlJ4NNIN(3 CO~dMISStON ,l .'• ,2, PC32•9d