Resolution-PC 93-102,~ESOLUTION NO. PC~-~7 A RESOLUTION C1F THE ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION APPROVING REVISED PLANS FOR CONDITIQNAL USE PERMIT N0. 3176 (READVERTISED) WHER~AS, on July 17, 1989, the Anaheim City Planning Commission a~proved Condttionat Use Permit No. 3178 under Resolution No. PC89-187 permittfng the expanston of an existing commerclal retafl center with waiver oE minimum numbor af parkinp spaces on property located at the southwest cqrner of Ball Road and Knott Street and fuKher described as 1211-1245 South Knott Street; antl WH~REAS, tho pe-~~ioner currontiy requeats approval of revised plansto permit a 24,293 sq.it. (previously 25,303 sq.ft.) addition to an oxisting commercial retail center; and WHEREAS, the ~ity Planning Commisslon did hold a public hearin~ at the Civlc Center in the Ciry oi Anaheim on September 8, 1993, at 1:30 p.m., notice of sald public hearing having been duly given as requirad by law And in accordance with the provislons of the /lnahelm Munfclpal Coc1a, Chapter 18.q3, to hear and consider evfdence for and against said proposed revisi~n to plans and to investigate and make findings end roaommendetions in connection therewith; anri WHEREAS, satd Gommisslon, after due Inspection, Investigation and atudy made by itself and In its bahatf, and after due conslderation of ail evidence and reports offered at said hearing, does ilnd and determ(ne the following factc: t. That the proposed use is properly ono for which a conditional use permit is authorized by the Zoning Code; 2. That the proposed use will not adversely a(tect tho edJoining Iand uses and the growth and development of the area in whfch it Is proposed to be I~cated beceuso the proposed addltion is a reduction in the building area previousiy approved ana, iuKhermore, the revised pluns show a substantial increase in the amount of landscapfng proposed; 3. That the size and shape of the site for the propoaed use fs adequate to alluw the lull devetopment of the proposed use (n a manner not detrimental to the particuler are~ nor tn the poaae, health, safety, and general wel(are; 4. That the traNic generated by the propasod use will not (mpose an undue burclen on the streets and highways designed and Improved ta carry the treffic in the atea because tho prevfously g~anted parking waiver for thfs proJect adequately covers the proposed oxpansion (both plants reflect a 3796 recluction !n the Code requlred emount oi perking); 5. 7hat the granting of the conditional use permit under tha aonditfons Imposed wlll not be detrimentai ta the peace, health, satety and 6eneral wolfere af the citlzens of the City of Anahoim; and 6. Thet one (1) person indicated hfs presence at safd public hearing In favor of sub~ect proposal; that no one (ndicated their presence fn opposition; and that no correspandence was recelved In opposition to the subject petftion. ~. ~.,~~~ CFi 1884M5 -'I - PC93-102 -.. ~.. A~IF~RNIA ENVIRQ~ENTAL QSJALITY AC7 FINqING; ?het the Anaholm Ciry Pl~nning Commission has reviewed the proposal to parmit a 24,293•square foot (prevlously 25,303•square foot) addition to an existing commercial retail center and does hereby find that the Negstive Declaratlon prevlously approved In connectlon with Conditional Use Permit No. 3178 ia adequate to serve as the require~ environmental documontation In connection with this request up~n finding that the declaratlan retlecis the independent judgoment of the Iead agency and that it has conslderod the Negetive Declaration together with any comments received durfng the publfc reviev~ process ~nd further finciing on the basfs of the Initial study an~ ~ny comnents received that there is no substantlal evidence that tho project wlll have a significant offect on the envfronment. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Anaheim Cfty Plannfng Commlaslon does hereby approve the revised plans for Conditional Use Permit No. 3178 upon tl~e fnllowinr~ conditlons which are hereby found to be a necessary prerequisite to the proposed use of the sub~o~t property fn ordar to preserve the safety and general welfaro of the Citizens of the Ciry of Anahelm and which condltiona replace, In their entirory, the conditfons contalned in Resolution No. PC89-187: 1. That trash storage areas shall be refurblshod to the sa4lsfact(on o1 tFie Department of Malntenance to comply with approved plans on file with sald Department. 2. That a plan sheet tor solid waste storags and collection, and a plan for recycling shalt be submltted to tho Department of Maintenanoe tor review and approval. ~I 3. That a six (6) foot high masonry bfock v-all shall be constructed and malntained elong the south en~i ~ west property Iines, oxcepting the front setback whero the wail height shall not exceed three (3) feet. Safd block wall shall be planted and maintalned with clinfling vinea to olimfnate graH(tl oppoKunitles. a. That any proposod freestand~ng stgn on subject praperty ahall be a monument•typo not exceeding eight (e) foet in height and shall be subject to the revlew and approval of the City Trafffc and Transportation Manager to dotormine adequate Iines-of•sight. 5. That the on-site Iandscaping and irrfgation systom shall be refurblshed and maintafnecl in cornpllance with City standerds. 6. 7hat eny tree planted on•site shall be replaced in a timely manner in the event that ft is removed, damaged, diseased and/or dead. 7. That subject proporty shall be dAVeloped substantlaliy In accordance wRh plans and apecffications submittod to the Cfty of Anaheim by the petitioner and which ptans are on ille wkh the Planning Department marked Revisfon No. 1 of Exhibit Nos. 1 and 2. ~ 8. That prior ta issuance of a buildfng permit or withln a peri d of one (1) ywar irom the date of this { resolu;fon, whichever occurs first, Condftion Nos. 1 and 2, ebnve-muntfAned, shell be complfed with. ~ Extensions for furtF~ar time to complete said conditlons may be granted in accordance with Section ~~, 18.03,080 of the Anaheim Municipal Code. ; '.., ~' ~ 9. That prior to final buildtng and zonfng inspe;.tions, Condition Nos. 3, 5 and 7, abovo-mentloned, shall be complfed with. i 10. That approval of tfds application constftutes aprroval of the pro~osed request only to the extent that i it complle~ with the Anaheim Municlpal Zonfng Caie and any other applicable Cfry, State and Federai ; regulations, Approval daes not fnclude any action or ffndings as to campliance or approval of th0 request regarding any ather appl(cable ord~nance, regulation or requfrement. -2- PC93-102 BE IT FURTWER RESOLVED that the Aneheim Ciry Planning Commission doea hereby find and cietermine th~! adaption of thls Resolution is expressly predicated upon appllcanYa compliance wkh each and all of the condftiona herolnabove set forth. 5hould any such condltlon, or any ~art thereof, bo declarad Invalld or unenforceable by the iinAl ~udgment of any court of campetent Jurisdictlon, then this Resolutlon, and any app~ovals herein cantained, shall be d4amed null and vold. THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION was adopted et the Planning Commission meating of September 8, 1993. ~ CMAIRMA~~IM CITY NNING COMMI I N , SS 0 ATTESI': , ~ ~ ~ ~~ E ETARY, ANJ~HEI~ CITY PIANNING COMMI::SION l%~ S7ATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF OAANGE ) ss. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I, Edith L. Warris, Secretary of the Anaheim Ciry Planning Commisslon, do hareby certify that the foregoing resolution was passed and adopted at a meeting ol the Anahelm Cky Planning Commisslon held on September 8, 1993, by the follow(ng vote of the members thereof: AYES: COMM~SSIONERS: BOYDSTUN, CALDWELL, HENNINGER, MAYER, ME8SE, PERAZA NOES: COMMISSIONERS: NONE ABSENT: COMA,IISSIONERS: TAIT IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I havo horeunto set my hand this ~,~ day ot~~~~~,'~,~~{ 1993. _~~~ ~ 'S RETARY, AN IM CITY PWNNING CUMMISSION r_.~ -3- PC93-102 ~ ~ ,,c:; y +,''_ If `~`.