Resolution-PC 93-105i .r .- _ ~ J~ t; Is RESOLUTION NO. PC~~ r. A RESALUTION OF THE ANAHEIM CIN PLANNING COMMISSION ~` TWAT PETITION FOR CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT N0. 3(i35 8E t3RANTED, IN PART WHEREAS, the Anahelm Cibj Planr.ing Catnmission di~ recefve a ve~ifled Potftion for Conditional Use Permft for certAin real properry situated In the City of Anahelm, Counry of Arange, State of Calffornia, descrfbed as: LOTS 23 THROUGH 29 IN BLOCK "C" OF TWE CENTER TRAC~ AWAHEIM, AS PER MAP TWEREOF RECOHDEp IN BOOK 14, PAGE 13 OF MISCELLANEOUS i MAPS, RECORDS OF LQ5 ANGELES COUNTY, CALIFORNiA. ' WHEREAS, the City P~anning Commisslon dl~ hold a publlc hearing at the Civic Center in the City of Anaheim on September 20, 1993 at 1;30 p.m., noticA of seid public hesrfng having been duly given as requlred by law and In accordance with the provislons of the Anahelm MunicipAl Code, Chapter t8.03, to hear and conslder evidence fo~ and egainst said propnsocl condltfonal use permit and to investfgote and make finclings and recommandations in connect(on thorewith; and i, WHEREAS, said Commis3fon, after due inspection, frnestfgation and atudy made by Itself and in its behalf, and aRer due consideratlon of all evfdence and reports offered et said hoa-Ing, doos find and deto-mine the following facts: 1. That the proposed use fs prope~ly one for which a condftlonal use permft Is authorized by Anahelm Municlpel Code Sectlon t8.34.050.120 to permit a private recreationat club (Boya and Qida Club of .Anahaim) with walver of the tollowing: Sections 18.04,080,013 - f~V jnimum IandsceQ,~~ e~uirements. ,~nd 18. 4.0~3.0~7 (9 trees requlred adJacent to Philadetphia Street, 6 trees proposed; ,~ tre~s requtred adJacent to Broadway, 5 trees proposad; ~ trees requtred edjacent to Ollve Stroet; ,,~.@ proposed; ~5•foo and 2o-toot wide lendscape setbecks adjacont to Olive Street and Broadway requfred, 0 to 20 feet propoaed) 2. That ihe wafvor of minfmum landsr,apfng requirements fs denfed on the basis that it was withdrewn by the petkfoner followfng public edverttsement; 3. That the proposed use is prope~ly one for whlch a condftional use psrr.ift Is authorized by the Zoning Cocie; ~ 4. That the proposed use will not edveraely eHect the edJofnfng land uses and the growth and ~ d~evelopment of the area In whlch It Is proposed to be tocated; 5. That the size and $hape of the ske for the proposed use la adequete to ellow the full ~levelopment of the proposud uso In a manner not detrtmental t~ the paRicular area nor to the peace, health, safety, and general welier~; 6. That the trafftc gonerated by the prpposed use wfll not Impose en unduo burden upon the streets and highways doatgned end fmpmved to c~rry the traHic tn the area because there wiil be a Iimited number ot employses and its primary pc+trons ere chlldren viho would welk to or be dropped off et the iscility; ^r,,. ~Nq~ CR1099MS.wp .t _ PC93-1 Q5 7. That the granting of the conditlonal use permit under the condltions Imposed wilf not be detrimental to the peace, health, safety and general welfare of the citlzens of the Cfty of Anaheim; and 8. That no one indlcated their presenae at said public hAaring In opposi4lon; and that no oorreapondence was recelved in opposftion to the subJect petition. ~~IFORhIA ENVIRONti~lENTAI. UA~-IT~' ACT FINDIf~,: That the Anahnim City Planning Commission has reviewed the propasAl to permit a private recreational club (Boys and Girls Club of Anahelm) with waiver of minimum landscaping requfr~ments on a rectangulerly ahaped parcel of land consiating of approximat3ly 1.02 acres located on the north aide of Broadwey betv~een Philadelphla Street and Olive Street, havlnQ epproximate frontages of 330 feet on the north side of Broadway, 135 Eeet on the east ~ide of Philadelphia Street and 135 feet on the west side of Olive Street, and further described as 311 East Droadway; and does hereby approve the Negative Declaration upon finding that the declaration reflects the Indopendent judgement of the lead agency and that ft has considered the Negative Declaratlon together wfth any comments received during the public reviaw process and Curther finding on the basis of tl~e Initial study and any comments roceived that there Is no substantlal evidence that th9 proJer,t will have a signifioant affect on the environment, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT R~SI~LVH~ that the Anahelm Cfty Planninti Commission does hereby grant sub~ect Petitfon for Condftional Use Permit, in part, upon tho following conditlons which are hereby found to be a necessary prerequislte to the proposed use of the subject properry In order to preserve the safoty and gendral weliare of the Citizens of the City of Anaheim; 1. That all IandsGaping and irrigation facillties shall be Installed as shown on the submftted exhibits; provided, how. '~ . that: (a) 7he proposed trees botween the boxfng club and the Boys and ~irla 8uild(ng (shown on the approved exhibit~) shall be relocated to the required landscepe pianters alang Broadway and Ollve Street; (b) 7rees and landscaping shall be provided along all the street fronteges In acoorclance with Section oT the Anaheim Munlcipat Codo pertaining ta minimum landscaping requirements In setbacka edjacent to pubitc atreetu; and ~c, afte acompletioni ofet~herpublic woeks mprov9 elnts a oing Broafdway. peri~ ~f four (4) months 2. That subject property ahall be developed substantfally (n accordance with pla-~s and specNications Depanment ma kadtExhlbft Nos!m Qynclt2e excspt ag oth~en+u eeheq'uired in onniect o~nh kh Condftion No. t, abova. 3, That prior to commencement of the ectNity authorized by this resolutlon, or prior to Isauanca of a building permft, or wfthin a perfod of one (1) year irom the date oF this resolutlon. whichever occurs first, Condition Nos. t and 2, above-mentioned, shall be complied wfth. Extensic is for further tfine to complete satd condftions may be grented in accordance with Sectlon t8.03.090 of the Anahefm Municfpal Code. 4. 7hat approval of this appllcatfon constitutes ap~:'ova~ of the proposbd request only to the extent that it complies wfth the Anahefm Municipal Zoning Code end eny other appllca~lo Clry, State and Fedoral regutatlonc. Appreval does not tnclude any action or iindinps as to complfenco or approval of tha request reQarding any other applicable ordinance, rogulation or requlrement. ! ~ ~ ~ F S I -2- PC93-105 i ~ 1 E ; ,! 1 .~. , ,~k ~+~ - ~,,,,,+ BE IT FURTHER RtSOLVED that the Anaheim City Pianning Commission does hereby flnd and determine that adoption oi thls Resolutlan Is expressly preclicated upon applicant's complta~ce wRh each and al! of the condftlons hereinabovo set forth. Should eny such conditlon, or any part thereof, be declared invalid or unenfnrceabla by the final judgment of eny court of competent Jurisdiction, thon this Resolutlon, and any approvols heraln containod, shall be deamed null and void. THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION was adopted at the Planning Commisslon meetinp of Septomber 20, 1993. CHAIRMAN ANAHE C PLA NG OMMISSION ATTEST: E'TARY, ANAH ITY PLANNINQ COMMISSION STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I, Janet L Jensen, Secretary of the Aneheim Cfty Planning Ccmmisslon, do hereby ceKi'ry thot the toregoinQ resolutlon was pessed and adapted et a moeting of tho Anahelm City Planninp Commisslon held on September 20, 1993, by the toilowing vote of tho members theraot: AYE3: COMMISSIONERS: BOYOSTUN, CALDW~IL, HENNINGER, MAYER, ME83E, PERAZA, TAIT NOES: COMMISSIONERS: NONE ADSENT: COMMISSIONERS: NONE IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto sdt my hand this ~~ day of ~ °~, 1993. CRETARY,~E ~TY PLANNIhCi COMMIS3IQN ~ ?~~ . ~ ,~ ~ .3_ PC93-105