Resolution-PC 93-106~ ,g~,$O~U~~LI NO. PC93-106 A RESOLUTION OF THE ANAHEIM CITY PLAhNlNG COMMISSION AMENDING CERTAIN CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL OF RESOLUTION N0. PC81-e ADOPTED IN CONNECTION WITH CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT ~10. 2160 WHEREAS, on January 1?_, 1981, the Anaheim Ciry Planning Commisslon approved Conditloral Use Permit No. 2160 far threo years under Resolution No. PC81•8 to permit a recycling center on property located on the northeast slde of Anaheim Boulevard epproximately 690 feet northweot of the conterlfne of Oene Autry Way and further describAd as ia74 South Anaheim (3oulevard; and WHEREAS, on April 19, 1993 the Planning Commission approved the recycling of both ferrous ond non-ferrous metalo provlded that no crane with a magnet was to be used on subJeat property; and WHEREAS, on January 9, 1984 the Planning Commission Approved a 3-year oxtension of tfmo to exp{re on January 12, 9987; and WHEREAS, on January 21, 1985 the Planning Commission a~proved a 10•foot high fence to enclose the storAge yard prevlously enclosed by a 6-f~ot high fence; and WHEREAS, on March 30, 1987 the Planning Commfasion epproved a 90-day extenslon of time to Axplra ors Juno 22, 1987, In order to allow the applicant ample time to resolve the problems outlined In the March 30,1987 staff report to the Planning Commfssion end the issues discussed at the Merr,h a0,1987 public hearing; and WHEREAS, on June 22, 1987 the Plann(ng Commission approved a 3-year extension of iime to expire on Juna 22, 1990; and WHEREAS, on October 27,1987 the City Councll aHirmed Planning Cummission's June 22 action subject to the Planning Commission's revlew of possible extensions of time beyond June 22, 1990; and WHEREAS, on July 30, 1990 the Planning Commission approved a 3-vear ekension of time to expire on January 22, 1993; and WHEREAS, on March 22,1993 the Planninp Commission emended Conditlon No.1 b of Resolutlon No. PC81-0S ta grent the use for a perfod of six months until 5optember 22, 1993, subJect to revfew for posslbie extensions af time; ond WHEFl~AS, said Resolution No. PC81-8, aa amonded, Inctudes the fallowing condklon of approval: '15. That the proposed use fs granted for a period of sfx (6) months until Sep-.ember 22, 1993, subJect to review tor possible extenslons of tima by the Rlanning Comm~ssion upon wsitten requeat by the potitioner." WHEREAS, the petitloner has requested to amend aaid condition of approval in orcier to retafn a reaycling center. WHEREAS, the City Planning Comm(ssion d(d hold a publla hearin~ at the Civic Center in the City of Anaheim on Soptember 20, 1993, at 1:30 p.m., notice of said public hearin~ having been duly given as requirad by I~w and In accordanco with the provisions of tho Anahoim Municipal Code, Cfiepter 18.03, to hear end consid~ar evidence for and egalnst said proposed amendment and to investipate and make findings and recomm~rsdatfons In connection therewfth; and , 'YM '~a '16 CR 1900MS.wp -1- PC~3-106 r'..-.. , WHEREAS, sald Commission, aker due inspection, Investfgation and study made by itself and in its bohalf, and aker due consldAration of all evidence and raports offered at said hoaring, does find and detprmine the following facts: t. That sald permit is being exercised !n a manner not detrimental to tha parlicular area and surrounding land uses, nor to tho public poace, health, safety and general waifaro; and 2. That na ono indicated thelr presence at said publlc hearing In opposition; and that no correspondence was received in opposition to the subject petftion. ~p I,~IFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY AC~ DING: That the Anaheim Ciry Planning Commission has revieweci the proposal to amend CondRion No. 15 of Resolution No. PC81-8 in order to retain a recycling center end does hereby (ind that the Negatfve ~eclaration prevlously appraved In connoction wfth Condftlonal Use Pormit No. 2180 is adequate to serve as the requlred environmental clocumentatlon in connection with thEs request. NOW, 7HEREFORE, BE IT RESOI.VED that the Anaheim Ciry Planning Commissi4n does hereby amend Condftion No, 15 c+f ResAlution No. PC81-9 to read as follows: "15. That the proposed use is granted for a per(od of two and one half (2~) years untii March 20, 1996." and, funher, that tho Planning Ccmmission adds ths following new condftion: 'That Code Enforcement steH wlll conduct an inspection every other month for the two end one half (2~) year period, and that the petitiuner shall be responsible for paying tho coat af each Inapeotlon in accordanco wfth the fees in dHect at the time the Inspecttons are made." THE FOREGOINCi RESOLUTION was adopted At the Planning Commiasion meetfnq of September 20, 1993. CHAINMAN, ANAHEIM CITY NNING COMMISSION ATTEST: ~° CRETARY, AN IM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) ~OUNTY OF QRANQE ) ss. CITY OF ANAWEIM ) I, Janet L. Jensen, Secretary oi the Anaholm City Planninp Commission, do hereby ceRKy that the foregoing resolution was passed and adopted at a meeting of the Anaheim City Planning Commission held on Septembar 20, 1993, by the followfng vote of the membors thereot: AYES: COMMISS{ONERS: BOYDSTUN, CALOWELL, HENNINC3ER, MAYEFi, MESSE, PERAZA, TAIT NOES: COMMISSIONERS: NONE ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: NONE IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I havo hereunto set my hand this~day of ~/,,7r„~/ 1993• CRETARY, AN IM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION ~~~ .~_ PC93-106