Resolution-PC 93-113~ ~ ,~IESOL IOPI d0. PC93-113 A RESOL'JTION 0~ THE ANAMIEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION 7HAT PETI710N FOR CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT N0. 3839 BE GRANTED WHEREAS, the Anahelm Cfty Planninp Commisslon dld receive a veriflod Petkion tor Condltionei Use Permit for certefn real property sftuated in the Ciry ot Anaheim, CAUnry of OranpO, State of Californla, Jesc~ibed ws: PARCEL 8, OF PARCEL MAP N0. 83•258, IN THE CITY OF ANAHEIM, COUNTY OF ORANQE, STATE O~ CALIFORNIA, AS PEFi MAP RECORDED IN BOOK 188 PAGE(S) 23 AND 24 OF PARCEL MAPS, IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAID COUNTY. WHEREAS, thA City Planning Commission ~~d hold a public hesrin~ at the Civic Cbiner in tha City of Anaheim on (3ctober t8, i993 at 1:30 p.m., notice of said puWic hearing having been duly gfvbn as requiied by Isw and in accordence with the provisions of the Anahelm Municipai Cade, Chapter 18.03, to hear and conaider evidence for and against sakf proposed condRional use permit erxi to inveatfgate and make findlnqa and recommendatlons in connectlon therewith; and WHEREAS, seid Commlas~on, eRer due inapection, investlgatfon ancl atudy mado by Itself ~ and in its behe~f, and aker due conaideratloi of all evidence and reports oNered at aaid hesring, does ifrxi and determine the followfng facts: 1. Thet the propoaed use is property one for which a conditlonal use permft Is authorized by ~ Anaheim Municipal Code 8ectlon to permR a 13,369 sq•tt• church with walver of the tollowlnp: ~ ,~gr.tlons 18.06.O~QQZ~ - minlmum number nf ner na soacRS• ~ 1.~ (YQ determined by pnrkinp atudy; a~~d te.et.066.050 ,~ required by Zoning Code; ~ - ~ propooed and exleting) , 2, That the perk~np varlance wlll not cause an increase In trat~c aonges~bn I~ the lmmadiete ~ i viciniry no~ adversely aftect any ad~olntnfl land uses; ~ 3. That the granting ot the parkiny varlance urxfer the condftiona Impoaed wN~ ^ot be I det~imental to the pAece, health, salety or gene~al welfara ot the cltixens of the City of Arxiheim; i 4. That the propesed uae la prcperly one lor which e condRional uae permft ~s euthor~zed bY i the Zoning Code; ~ n, Thst the propoeed use wfll not advAnefY Mlect the ad~olninQ land uaea and the qrowth and I developrr~ent of the area In whkh R Ia propoaed to be located; g. That the elze arxi shape ot tho slte ta the proposad use ~e adeque~@ ~a ellow the tull development of the propostd use in a manner not detrEmontal to the pn~ticular aroe nor to the peace, heaith, aatety, nnd 9enerel welfare because the proposed day~ and houn of oper~tion for conyrepationa! actNitfes wlll not conllict wRh other Induatr',al usors on eua~oct prope:t~- or within the Immedlete vicinlty ot seld propeRy: ,~. PC83-113 CR 1923JJ.wp ~~M ~ 7. That tho tratfic generatod by tho proposec! use will nat fmpose an undue burden upon the streets and highways designed and Impruvod to carry 4he traNic in the are~; 8. That the grantfng of the conditlonal us~ pormit under the conditions imposed wlll not be detrimental to the peace, health, safery and general welfare of the citizens of the City of Anahelm; and 9. That no one indicated thelr pre4ence at sald public hearing fn opposftlon; end that no ` correspondence was recefved in opposftion to the aubJect petftton. ~p~ ~F~RNIA ENVIRONti~l~h'TAI. DUALITY ACT FINDING: That the Anaheim Ciry Plannfng Commission has reviewed tho proposal to permit a 13,389 square Iaot church with waiver of mintmum number of perkinp spaces on a rectanguiadyshaped parcel oi land conslatfng of approximately 1.86 acres, havfng a frontage of approximately 273 feet on the west side of Muller Street, having a max~mum depth ~ of approximately 285 feet, being locatod approxfinetely 1,310 feet north of tho centeriino of llnc~in Avenue, and fuRher deacribed as 385 Notth Muller Street; and daas hareby approve the Negatfve Declaretlon upon I tinding that thc declaratlon reHects the Independent Judgement ~i the lead agoncy and that It has considered the Negative Declaratlon together wfth any commants recoivad during the public revtew process and further tindfnq on the t~asis of the Initial study and any comments received that there is no substantial evidence that the proJect will heve a sigr,(ffcant eNect on tha environment. NOW, THEREFORE, 8E IT RESOLVED that the Anaheim Ciry Planning Commission does hereby grant subject Petitlon tor Condft(onal Use Permit, upon tho iollowing candk~lo~ns~~w~co p eserve the found to be a nocessery prerequfsRe to the proposed use of the subJect properry safety and fleneral welfare of the Citizens of the Cky oi Ana ha lm: t. That a tire alarm system shall be designed, installed and m~intained as required by tho City Fire I Dapartment. Said alarm system shall be operatlonal prior to commencement uf activity herefn ~ approved. 2. 7hat trash stor~ige areas shall be provided and maintafned In a locatlon acceptable to the DApaKment ot Malntenance and in accordance with approved plans on til~a with said DepaRment. 3. That a plan shsat tar aolfd waste storage and collectlon, e~d a plan for recycling ahall be aubmitted to the DepartmeM ot Malntenance for revfew and epproval. 4 betw~n the irxfust~fel andchu ch~ossessment feas shalif be peid to the Clty o1 Anah'efm In an aemou t I ~ as ustabtished by Cky CouncU Rer,otutlon. j 5, That p~an~ shatl be submltted to the Ciry TreNic end Trensportatlon hlnnager tor his revlew and 1 approvnl ahowing conforman~A with the latest revfalons of Engtnoe~ing Standercl s~ll hereupon bR + 802 perteUlnp to perking standards and driveway locatlons. 3ub~ect propeRy , developed and malrnained In co~ormance wlth seid p~ans. c ~, y,+ M~~ e. That aubJect usg pormR Is hereby epproved for e perlod ot tlve (5) years to exp(re on October 18, t 998. 7, That subJoct propeRy sh~+.i be developed substantial~y in accordanco with plans end speclNcations sub:nitted to the City of Anehetm by the petRfoner and which plans ere on ~lo with tha Planninq DepertmurK markrM ExhibR Nos. 1 end 2. ,~. pq3-113 ~' ~ ~ ~ttt 8. That prlor to cammencement of the activfty authorizod by this resolutlon, or prior to fssuanae of a ~ buiiding permit, or withln a porlod o( one (t) year from the date of th(s resolutlon, whfchsver occurs first, Condition Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5, above•msntloned, shall be compliod with. F~enslons tor funher ~ time to complete sald canditlons may bn granted in accordance wfth Section 18.03.090 of the i Anaheim Municlpal Code. 9. That pr~or to final bulldfng ond zoning inspections, Conditfon No. 7, above•ment!oned, shall bo complied with. 1U. That approval of this applicatlon constitutes approval of thd proposed request only to the extont that It camplles wfth the Anaheim Municipal ~oning Code and any other applfcttble Ciry, St~te a-ui Foderal regulations. Approval does not fnclud~ any actlon or ilndings as to compliance o: approval of the request regardfng any other appllcablo ordinance, ragulation or requirement. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED tha! the Anaheim City Planning Commission does hereby ilnd and determine thet adoptlon of this Reaolution Is exRressly predic&ted upon applicant's compllance wkh each and all oi the conditlons hereinabove aet forth. Should any such condklon, or any part thAreof, be declared Invalid or unenforceable by the iinet ~udgment oi t~ny court of competern jurisdictlon, th2n thlo Resolutfon, end any epprovals herein contalned, shall bo doomed null end vold. THE FOREGOING RESCLUT{ON was adoptad at the Plennl CommisRlon meeting ot OCtober 18, 1993. CHAIRMAN AN H IM CITY P NINQ COMMISSION ATTE.~iT: ~YYl~ua~n~..#a `z'(~C.on~`Z-- SECRF~'AR~ANAHEiM CITY PWNNING COMMISSION STAT~ nF CALIFOFiNIA ) CQUNTY OF ORANQE ) ss CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I, Merqarita 3olorfo, 3ecretary of the Anahelm Ciry Planning Commfssion, do hereby certify that tho fore~ofny resolution was passed and adopted at a meetfng of the Anahaim City planntnp Commfsaion held on October 18, 19~i, by tha tollowing vote of tho members thereol: AYES: COMMIS310NER3: BOYDSTUN, CALDWELL, HENNINGER, MAYER, ME3SE, PERA7J1 NOES: COMMISSIONER3: NONE ABSENT: COMMIS310NERS: TAIT ;~~~ IN WITNESS WMER[OF, I have hereuMO set my hand this ~~ d$y of ~°~~;, ~ , 1993. j ~~ 'rl" ~olu:~s SECR RY~ NAHEI CITY PLANNINC3 COMMISSION .g. PC93-? 1~