Resolution-PC 93-125A RESOLUTION OF THE ANAF~EIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION AMENDI~IG RESOlUTION N0. 85R•299 ADOPTED iN CONNECTION WIYH CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 2a78 WHEREAS, on July 9, t~J85, Conditlona~ Use Permft No. 2878 was approved by the City Council under Resolution Nc ^~R-299 to permit e 75•unit, three-story motel located approximatvly 785 teet south of the centorllnR of Orange Avenue And iuAher descr(bed as 705 south Beach Boulevercl !Sun-Ise Motel); arxJ WHERFAB, sakl Resdutlon No. 85R-299, es amended by Resdutlon No. 87R-73, Includea the following conditlona of approvel, as amended : •1~1. The sub~ect property shall Ce developed substantlally in nccordence with plans end speciticatlons on (iIQ with thA City of Anaheim marked Revislon No. 1 0l ExhlbR Nos. ?, 3, and 4, and Revislon No. 2 01 Exh(bft Nos. : and 5: provlded, however, that kitchen eNicisncy units mey be Installecf fn no more than twenty-(ive percant (25 96) ot the motel units, wllh a maxlmum ot 6•r.ubfc toot refrigerators, two•bumer stoves excludiny oven and bak(.~g iacflfti~a, end afn~le compaRmeni sinks, except that th~ manafler's un1: will be ellowed to havo tull kftchen iacAftieA; and incl~~ina a mNi mum gn_U„Ql faot wide Igndscaoad butfe[ alona the '17. That prbr to finel buNdinq and zoning Inapectbns, Condftbn Nos. 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, t t, 12, 13, and 14, above-mentlnned, ahatl ba complled wlth' WHEFiEAS, the petitioner has roquestecl emendmont to aefd conditions af epproval perteinlnp to perlmoter landscepe buHer requlr~menta; and WhEREAS, the Cky Planning Commis~lon did hold a puWk hearing et the Civic Carttor in the Gty d AnOhelm on November t5, 1993, at 1:3A p.m., notlrs ol aekl pu~l~ I~~irq haWrW A~en dWY Qlvon as requlrod by law end in acc~oManco with thA provlsbrn ot the Mahelm Munkfpal Code, Chaptor 1R.03. to heer and aonsider ovidonce for en~ agelnst ~aid propo~ed amondrtwM end to Inve~tlpate and rr~ako Hndkps erxl moommenctattora In conneatlon therewhh; erxf WHEREAB. safd Comml~slon. aflor due Ir~pectlon. i:ivtstl~ailon and study meds by it~wlf and In Us beheN. and eRer duo consideration of all ovkier-ce and repoRS oMe-ed et eakf twarinq, doQa llnd and detorrnlne th9 followinq Mcts: 1. Thet the proposel to ertwnd Conditton No. td conststs d replactnq the 38 roquirod (and d~.~a~ea) ~end~ cyp~ross uoas alorr~ ~no nor+n and wpsc proporsy ~kws wnh ~s woopinq cni~w~e 9anyon (Ficuf Ben~amina) traes: end that PlannUq COmmissbn flnds no slpr~llk~M aclvar0~ amrhiDnmenW impsCtf rowNlnSi trom ttw propo~d chenpa In larxfscapkp m~torbls; T;~ Cp1g51JJ.WP •1 • Pf~p3•1?1~ / ' THE FORE~OINC3 RESOLU710N was adopted at tho Planninp Cc~mmisalon meettn~ of Nuvember 15, 1993. _!~C %~ „ ~ ~ i CHAIRMAN, ANAHEI C17Y P NINa COMMIS310N ATTEST: ~.A.~_~°v ~'ll~„^... 8~CRETARY, MIANEIM GTY PtJ1NNINCi COMMISSIOiV STATE OF CAUFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANt3E ) ss. CI7Y OF ANAHEIM ) I, EdRh L Harris, 3ec-etery of the Anahelm City Planninp Commtaeion, do hereby cortHy that the toreflolnfl reaalution wae passed and adopted at a meetlnp af the Anehelm City Planninq Commiaelon hdd on November 15, 1993, b~r the idiowinp vote of the members thereot: AYE3: COMMIS310riERS: BOYDS i UN, CALDWELL, ti1~SSE, PERAZA, TAIT NOES: COMMI3810NERS: NONE ABSENT: COMMI8810NER3: HENNINQER, MAYER IN WRNESS WHEREOF, I have hsreunto aet my hand thla,o i~`dey of ~ ~ ~' D ~ . „ _ i SECRETARY, A(VAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMI3310N T~~ ~ \s a. Pc~o•~a.s