Resolution-PC 93-13J ~ ~ I A RESOLUTION OF TNE APIAHEIM CI'fY PUINNINQ COMMI^aSION THAT PEi'ITIOiV FOR CONDITIdNAL USE PERMIT N0. 3682 BE GHAN1'~D WHEREAS, the l4nahelm City Plenning Commission did recoive a vAr~led Petklon for Conditinnal Use Permit for certaln rsal property skuated tn the Cfty of Ai~ahslm, Counry of Orange, Stete of Calffomla, dasoribsd as: LOT 1 OF TRACT iV0.12998, IN THE CITY OF ANAWEIM, COUNTY OF OAANC3E, 3TATE OF CALIFORNIA, AS PER NIAP RECORDED IN BOOK 624, PABES 19 TWROUC3H 24, INCLiJSIVE OF MISCELUINEOUS MAP8, IN 1'HE OFFICE OFTHE COUPfTY RECORDER OF SAID COUNTY. WWEREA3, the Ctty Plannin~ Commisslon did hold a public heartng at ths Clvic Centsr In thg City of Anaheim on Januery 25, 1993 at 1:30 p.m., notice of said publlc hearinp having b~sn duly givon as requirsd by law and In accordance wkh the provlslons of the Anahsim Munlclpal Code, Chaptar 18.03, to hear and conalder evidencs for and agalnst sald proposad conditfonel use permk and to Investigate end make flndings arui rscommandatlons in connection therewkh; and WHEREA3, sald Commisslon, aRar due inapectlon, Investlgatlon and sludy mad~ by kself and In ka behelf, and eRer duo considaretlon of all evfdence and reports offered st sald hearing, do~s flnd and determine tha fdlowing facta: t. That tF~g propoaed use Is propa~ly one tor whiah a conditlonal use permk Is authorized by Anahofm Munlolpal Cnde Soctlons and 18,71.080AB0 to permit an a~lmal hospka~ wkh grooming servlces; 2. That the propos~d uso Is located in Dsvel~pment Area 2 of Spaclllc Pla~ No. 88•1 "Sycamoro Canyon•; 3. That the proposed use is properly onA tor which a conditlonal i~se parmlt Is authorized by the Zoning Code; 4. That the propc~seci usa wlll not advoraety aHoct the adJoining land uses and the growth and devetopment of the araa !n which it is proposed to be located; b. 7hat the alze and shape of the ake for the proposad use is adaquate to allow thd full development of tha proposed use In ~ mannar nat dstrimental to th~ pa-ttcular area nor to the peace, hoalth, safery and genaral w~ifare; 8. That ths t~fflc gsnsreted by the proposed use wlll not Impose an undue burdan on the streets and highways deslgned end tmprovod to carry the tn~ffic In the area; 7. That the grenting o~ ths condkio~al use psrmR under the condRtons Impossd wlll not be detrimental to the peaco, hsalth, aefety end ganaral weliare ot the cklzsns o~' the Ciry of Anaheim; and 8. That one parson Indtcated hts presence at sald publlc hsaring In opposkton; and that no correspondence was recelved In opposkion to the aubJact petRlon. ~ ~~ ~, i i ~ CR1725MS.wp -1- PC93-13 .+~ iw`" t ~s~_IFORfvIA Eti".",RONti'ENTA~. ~llALm! ACT FlNDINd: That ih0 Anahelm Clty Plannlnp Commisalon h9s t~wed the propose~ to permR an aMmal hospitai with groominq sarvlces on an Inepule~lY•eheped parc~l of iand r:oraiatln~ ol app-aximately 11.9 acras locatad at tho aotAhwoet oomar ol W~ir C~nyon Road and 3Anano Avonue, hevlrq approxlmets nontepas of 700 foat on th0 eautharaet slde at Welr ~nyan Road and 324 toet on tho wegt ~a d 3erte~ro Avanue, enrl iurthe' deecrlbsd as 781 Wolr Ganyon Rceci, Suhe 197: and doea hereby appro~-0 the N~ysthre Daderatbn upon pndin4 that the dadarathn reflecte the indeperxlent ~udp~ment ot the tesd spancy and thet h hes coneld~ed the NepatNs Oeclaratbn to~¢ther wlth arri commenta ~colved durtnp the publ~ -e~A~uv procea~ and iurtfrer tMdlnp o~ the basls ot the Initial etudy and eny camrr~nts noceNad thet thare Is rx~ aubetantlel eviderx:o that thA pro~ect ~~III hnve a slqniNcant ~Itect on tha envlronnwnc. NOW. THEFiEFORE, B~ IT RE30WED that tha Aneh~m Clry Pler~nin~ Commiaelon doea ha-eby flreM subJect PatKbn hu Condltbrtal Ute Pertnlt, upon th0 followlnp caxlMions whlch Are heroby iound to be e necassary prA-aqutslto to the propoaad uso af tho wbjact proparty in ad~ to preearve tha aafety ara ~Anore~ ~yarare a en. cn~o~ a~ho cny a a,ane~m: t. That w~oct property efmn be dw~opod eubetant~y In ecc~rdanco wlth piarn and epacti~catbns gubmhted to tho Ckyy d~ by the petMoner and wMch plans are an fllo wRh tlw P~inni~ DapaRtnaM merked Exhiblt IVoa. 1 throuWh 3. 2. ?I~at a~c~nd dluHHk~q wall shdl bo cautnxtod al~xq ~ho ~tire lonylh end hdpM of wbJsct unK to lurther ~ound-proo! the propoeed aNmel hospKa~ hom th0 -~olqf+hc-kW optonwAtrY bu~tnoa. 3. YhM prta to cort-monamant d!he a~twlty twroln approvod, w prfor to flnel buWinp eM mninp Inspoctfor~, or wNfdn a perlod ot arn- (1) yeer irom ths date ol thls ro0alutlon~ whlch~rar occu~ tba, Condalon Na. t and 3. abov~•mentloned, shull bs complled whh. 4. Thet sppro~l d tMs apploetion oon~-Itut~ approval 01 th~ propo~od reqw~t oNY to tha .xtw~t thet h compUe~ w!th tM MehNm Munlcipel Zonhq Cc,do snd any etMr sppllcede Chy~ Stat~ arid F~dereJ req~,latlo~a. Appr~ova~ dae not w+dudo .rqr salon a lindln~ as so ~npl~nd~ a.pp~nd a eho requ~t ropebMD ~Y a~ aPP~k~blo oMkrnoe~ nytledon c~ r~qWnnrx~t. BE R FURTFIER RE80LV~D thot the Mel~oim ~~ PI~nO Connnlab^ doa haeby lkxl ard dntonNno tt+at odoptlon ol thb Rosolutbn I~ ooc~aly Predlc~tod upon aPpk~nt's ~oompllanoo vNth Nch and eu d ths oondhloru ~ sot lanh. ShaW any e~ondltlon~ ar any po+t tMnQf~ bo doctared Invdfd a unentoreoed~ by IM Ilnel ~ud~nt of any d oompor~nt ~abdk:uon, th~n th~e Rosdutlon, An0 a~y app~o~ala h~nrN~ eontekrod, she~ b~ and volA TFi~ FORE3~IN0 RESOWTION was th~~ Comn~lon~ rt~dn0 a Januluy ~b. t~D3. ATTEBT: ~/ $E(~Ef , ANAHEIM CRY MNO COMM18810N ; ~ti~ ,, ~. PC~1~ 0'°"''~ ~ STATE OF CAUFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANCiE ) ss. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) t, Edlth L FlaRb, ~c-efary d the A~mf~im Chy Plannlnn Commlaslon, do hareby ceRNy thex tha iorepolr-p resolWon wao paseod and edoptad ai a m~tl~ of the Aneh~im Clty PlenMn~ Commleaion hald o~ Jen:~ry 25, 1993, by the toAowln~ vota of tha membero thareol: AYE3: COM61l3810NER8: BOYDSTUN, HENNINa~R, MAYER, ME3SE, PERIIZA. Tl~IT NOEB: COMM13310NER8: NONE AFSENT: COMMISSIONERS: NONE VMCIWCY: ONE 3EAT IN WITNE33 WHEREOF, I havo herouMO sot my hetx! thie ~ day d ~ 19P ,. ~ ~ . .v~ .~/V1~(;s SECRETARY, ANAH CfTY UWNINd COMMIS810N _ - ~ ~. ~3. PG~10