Resolution-PC 93-133--~ ~. ,fi~SOLUTION ~1Q,, P~,q,3-1,~ A RESOLUTION OF THE ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING ~OMMISSIC~N THAT PETITION FOR CONDITIONAL USE PEFiMiT NO. 3646 BE GRANTED WHEAEAS, tha Anahoim City Planning Commission did recelve a verif(ed Petitfon for Condltional Use Permit for certain real proporty situated in the City of Anaheim, County of Orange, State of California, doscribed as: PARCEL A: PARCEL 9, AS SHOWN ON PARCEL MAP N0. i31-228, IN THE CITY OF ANAHEIM, AS PER IV1AP RECORDED IN 600K 161, PAGES 36 TO 4Q INCLUSIVE, OF PARCEL MAPS, IN THE OFFICE OF TWE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAID COUIJTY. WHEREAS, the City Plan~iing Commisalon d(d hold a pubilc haarinp at the Civic Center in the City af Anaheim on December 1, 1993 at 1:30 p.m,, notice ot 3aid publlc hearing having been dulv given as r~qulred by law and in accordance with the provlsions of the Anahelm Municipal Code, Chepter t8.03, to hear and considar ovidonce ior and against safd proposed conditlonal use permit and to investigate and make flndfngs and recommendationss in connection therewith; and WHEREAS, sald Commissio~~, after dua Inspoction, investigation and study made by itself and in its behaif, and pker due cons:deration of all evidence and reports offered at sald hearin~, doas find ~nd determfne the following fACts: 1. Thnt the propos9d use fa properly onA for whloh a conditianal uso permft Is authorfa.ed by Anahefm Mun;cfpal Coda Section to permit Indi.istrfallyrelated oftice uses (accounting and related protessfonal off(ce~.~ wkh records storaga and storage of peraonal eHects) in the ML (Limited Industrial) Zone; 2. That the ~~oposed u~e la properly one for which a conditiunel use permit is authorized by the Zoning Code; 3. That the proposed uses will not adversely affect the adJoinfng land uses and the growth and development of the area In whlch they are proposod to be located because said usos will primarfl~; serve commercia! and Industrial businesses and, turthermore, will bo comriatib~e with exlsting industrial tenants including contractors, smait aerospace related industries and an Insuranca oHice; a. That the size and shape oi the site (or the proposed use fs adequate to allow the full developme~t of the proposed use (n a manner not detrimontal to tha particular a~as nor to tt~e pence, heslth, safety and general weitare; 5. That the traNic generated by the proposed use will not impose an undue burden upon the stre~ats and hi~hways designed and Improved to carry the traffic In the area; 8. That the granting of the conditional use permit under the conditions imposed will not be detrimentai to the peace, health, safety and general welfare ot the citizens of the City of Anahefm; 7. That the petitfoner has domonstratecl that sufffcfent Code•raqufred pbrking spaces exist (or sublect proposal; and 8. That no one fndtcqted ihelr presence at ~ald publlc hearing In op;:~sitlon; and that no correspondence was received tn oppnsftlon to the subJect petftiqn. ,,~ '~,~,",~+ s CR 1961 MS.WP -1- PC93-133 CALIF~NIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUAL.ITY ACT FINDIN~: That the Anahefm City Planning Commission has reviewed the proposal to parmit industrlally-related uffice uses (accounting and related professional ofiFfces wlth record~ storage and storage af persanal offects) in the ML (Limited Industrial) Zone on a roctangularlyshaped p~rcel of land consisting of approximately 4,33 acres locate~ at the southeast corner of La Palma Avenue and Richfiold Road, having a approximate frontages of 350 feet on the south side of l.a Palma Avenue, and 535 feet on the east sfde of Rlchfleld Road, and further described as 4206 East l.a Palma Avenue; and does hereby epprove the Negative Declaratlon upon finding that the declaratlon reflects the Independent judgement of the load agency and that it has cAnsldered the Nag~tlve Decta:.,tion to~ethAr with any comments received during the publlc revlew process and further finding on the basis of the (nitial study and any comments rece(ved that there is no substantlal 9vldence that tho proJect wlll have a significant effect on th~e environment, NOW, THERE~ORE, DE IT RESOWED that the Anahelm Ciry Planning Cpmmission does hereby grant subject Petition for ~onditlonal Use Permlt, upon the following conditions ~Nhich are hereby found to be a necessary prerequfsite to the pronosed uso of the subJect property in ordo~ to preservo the safety and general welfare of the Citlzens of th~ City of Anaheim: 1. ThAt tha use of subJect bullding shall be Iimited to an accounting office, bookkeoping office, CPA firm or any use permitted under Zoning Code Sc~ction 18.61.020 "Permitted Primary Usos and Structures." 2. That subject pr~perty shall be developed substantially in acoordance with plans and specifications submitted to the Clty of Anaheim by the petitioner and whlch plans are on tile with the Planning Departmont marked Exhfbit Nos. 1 through 3. 3. That prior to commencement oI tha actlvity authorfzed by th!s resolution or within a period of one (1) year from the date of this resolution, whlchever occurs fi~st, Condit(on No. 2, above-mentioned, shall be complied with. F~tensions for turther t(me to complete said conditions may be granted in accordanae with Sectlon 18.03.090 of the Anahefm Municipal Cocie. 4. That appruval of this applicatlon constitutes approval of tho prcposed request only to the extent that ~ it complles with the Anaheim M~~nicipal ~oning Code and any otr or applicable Ciry, Stato and Federal regulat(ons. Approval does not Include any action or iindings as to compliance or epproval of the request regarding any other enpifcable ordinance, reguletlon nr requirement. BE I'i FURTHER RESOLVED thax the Anaheim Clry Plannfng Commissfo~ daes hereby find and determine that adoption of this Resolution i~ expressly predfcated upon applic~nt's compliance with each and all of the conditlons herefnabove set forth. Should any such condltlon, or any part thereof, be declarod invalid or unenforaeable by the `inal judgment of any couK of competent jurfsdiction, then this Rosolution, and any approvals herein contefned, shall be deemed null and void. THE ~OREGOING RE54LUTION was adopted at tho Planning Commfsslon meeti~g of Qecember 1, 1993. ~ ~:'..,F.~~ tiLc~ ~E~23~'.~-.".' ~ HAIRWOMAN PRO T MP RE ~^. ANAHEIM CITY PI.ANNING COMMISSION RTTEST: ~~0/t~ SECRETA Y, AHEIM CITY PLANNINQ COMMISSION .2- PC93-t ~3 STATE OF CALIFO(~NIA ) COUNTY OF ORANCiE ) ss. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I, Margarfta Solorlo, Sacretary of the Anaheim City Planning Commisslon, do hereby certify thai the foregoing resolutfon was passed and adopted at a meeting of the Anaheim City Planning Commission held on December 1, 1993, by tha following vote aF the members thereof: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: BOYDSTUN, CALDWELL, I-IENNINOER, MAYEFt, MESSE, TAIT NOES: COMMIS°,IONERS: NONE ABSENT: COt~iW115SI0NERS: PERAZA, ~ I,~_ IN WITNESS WHEREOF, ! have hereunto aet my hand this _~ day of ~~~L ~ 1993. /y~an~'~,ou.•~Zt. ~'o~4ru~ 8ECRETA'RY, ~IAhiEIM CI1'Y PLANNING COMMIS~ION -3- PC93-133 .~.'~i: `%{:':' ~ ~ ~~ ~: ~~i~ : 11,4~;i;: ~~ '2, ~.~:ii:~t. 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