Resolution-PC 93-135Q~SOLUTIO~f NO. PC93-~ A RESCLUTiON OF THE ANAHEIM CITY PIANNING COMMISSION THA7 PETITION FOR CONDITIONAL USF PERMIT N0. 3653 BE GRANTED WHEREAS, the Anaheim City Planning Commission did roceive a verf(fed Petkion ior ~ondittonal Use Permit tor certaln reat property situatod in the CRy of Anaheim, Counry of O~nge, State of California, descr"~ed as: PARCEL 1 OF TFIAT CERTAIN LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT PIAT NO. 240, IN THE CITY OF ANAHEIM, COUNTY OF OiiANGE, STATE aF CAI.IFORNIA, RECORD~U ON DECEh18ER t3, SP90 AS INSTRUMEN7 NO. 90•653d17, GFFICIAL RECORDS OF SI~~D COUNTY. PARCEL 2, IN THG CITY OF ANAHEI~A, COUNTY OF ORAN(3E, STAfE OF CALIFORNIA, AS SHOWN QN A MAP FILED IN 32, PAGE 50 OF PARCEL MAPS, IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECOP~JER OF SAID COUNTY. PARCEL C: PbRCEL t, IN THE CITY OF ANAHEIM, COUNTY OF ORANGE ,~',TATE O~ CALIFOFiNIA, AS SHOWN GN A MAP FILED IN BOOK 32, PAGE 50 OP PARCEL MAPS, IN THE QFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAIO CO~:NTY. PANCEL 3, IN THE CITY OF ANAHEIM, COUNTY OF ORANaE. SfATE OF CALIFORNIA, AS SHOWN ON A MAP FILED IN 800K 32, PAGE 50 O° PARCFL M~PS, IN THE OFPICE OF THE COUNTY FiECOFiDER OF SAID COUNTY. PARCELS t AND 2, IN THE CITY OF ANAHEIM, CUUNTY OF ORAN(3E, STATE OF CAUFORNIA, AS SHOWN ON A MAP FlLED IN Fi00K 75, PACiE 43, OF PARCEL MAPB, IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORD~R OF 3AID COUN1'Y. PARCEL3 ~ AND 3, IN THE CITY OF ANAHEIM, COUNTY OF ORANCiE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, AS SHOWN ON THAT CERtAIN LOT UNE ADJUSTMENT, PtAT N0. 240. PFCORDEO OEVEMBCR 13, 1990 AS INSTRUMENY NO. 90~853417. OFFlCIAL RECORDS OF ORANC3E COUNTY, CAI.tFARNlA. WHER~A3, the City Planning CommiPaion dkf hdd a public Ix~c+riny at the Clvic Center Ir~ the City o~ Anahelm on Dec:Pmber t~. t993 at t:30 p.m.. notice ot said publiC hearinp havirp been duly qNen os raquired by law and In eccordnnce wNh tho provfsbns M the A.hahefm Municipel Coda, Chepter t8.03, to hear and canWor evktunce lor Anc1 a~t+i~st s~,id proposed c~inditlo~a~ ~ue Pe~'K end to Inveatfflate and rnake findin~s ond recommendatlons In connectlon therewfth; and WHEREA3, eaM~ Commtsdfon, ener due inapectfon, (nvestiyetfon end atudy medv bY ksell and U Ha behatf, end eh0r due conaklatudon ol a~~ evkfence und rsports of(ered at aald hear'~~, cloes Ilnd 0nd awom,~~o ~na raiow~nA tecca: 1 7hat ttx~ prop~~sed use fa pro~.BrIY orx- for wfiich e corxfitbonal uae permH fu authorfzed by Anahnim Municipa! Coc1e SRCtion.s and 1g.66.050 to ~ermN a a9•taot hbh. Qf0 sq.tt., imernally Nlumh~ated. lroaatanding siqn. .,5~'i ry 4 CR 19ftl3MS.wp • 1 • PL'93•1 ~5 2. 7hat the proposed use is properly one for which a conditional use permlt is authorized by tho Zoning Code; 3. That the proposed sign wll! nat adversAly a(fact the adjolnfng land uses and the growch and development of the area in which it is proposed to be IocAted because it will serve as a landmn~~k identlfying the sports fecility; 4. 7ha1 the sizQ and ahape oi the sffe for th~ proposecl use is adequate to allow the full development o( the proposed use tn a manner not detrimental to the particular area nor to the peace, health, sefety end general welfare bocouse the des(gn of the slgn Is compatible wfth the existfng sports facilfty and that a readerbaard sign is an appropriate component ot a regional sports tacllfty; 5. That the traNic generated by :he proposed use wiil not tmpose an undue b~rden upon the streots and hi~hwaya designed and improved to carry the traHic tn the area; and 6. That no one fndicated their presence at said pubifc hearing In opposition; and that no correspondence was received tn oppositlon to tho sub(ect petition. ~ALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUAL~.TY ACT FINDING: 1'he Planning Dlroctor or hls authoritod represen;ative has de~ermined that the proposed project falls with(n the delinit(on of Categorical Exemptions, Ciass 11, as detined In tho Stote EIR Ciuidellnes end is, thereforo, catego-Icalty exempt irom the requfrpment to prepare an EIR. NOW, THER°_FORE, BE IY FiESOLVED that the Anaheim City Planninp Commisalon does hereby grant sub~ect Petition ior Condit!onal Uso Permit, upor the faliowing conditions wh{ch are hereby iound to bri a necessary prerequisite to tho proposed use af the sub~ect propercy tn order to presenre the safety and general weltare of the Cittzens ot the Gity ot Anahaim: t. That tha petltioner shali submit an ap~licatlon for an encroachrt~ent permit to the Publiv Works• Enqineertng Qepartment, Real Property Sect(on, end obtafn approval from the C(ry Council 2. That subJect prooeRy ahail bo developed substentfally In accorcfenca wfth plans and apeCtlicatlons submitted to the Cfty oi Anahefm by the petitionor and which plans are on tflo with tl~o Planning Department marksd Exhibit Hos. 1 and 2. 3. 7hat the sub~RCt sign ahall be the only (ree•standing sipn on the sub~ect property. 4. That p~for to Issuance uf a permit or within s poriod of one (t) year Irum the date o( thfs resolution, whichAVer occure Orst, Conditlon No. 1, abaNe•mentfoned, shall be complfed wNh. Extenafons for lurth~er time to cornplWe seld condRiona m~y be grantod in accoMance with 5ectbn t8.03.090 of 3he Anahefm MuniClpai Code. 5. That prior to tinal buildin~ end zoning fns{ractlor.s, Condhbn No. 2, ebove-rnerntoned, ahall be compliec) with. 6. Thnt approval ot thls appllceUon constitutee epproval d tho prupo~ed requeat only to the exteM thet it complles wlth tho Anaheim Munkipal Zo~~inp Code and erry other applicable City 3tate anc! Federel reroulatlons. Apnroval does not include any u~tlon or lindin~a as oo complfance or appraval ol the roquest reyardbw any other eppl~abie ordinenca, regWetfon or requfrement. BE IT FURTHER RE30LVEV thAt the Anah~im City Plarn~inp Cemmission does hereby firxf and determute tlUt edoption ot thia Fiosdution Is expres~ly predicated upo.-~ e pplicant's complia~ce wilh ,'~ ~:. ,2. PC93•135 each and all of the conditians horefnabove sdt forth. uhouid any such condition, or any part thereo(, be decl~red invaSid or unonfarceablA by the final judgment ot any court ot competent )uri~diction, then this Fiesolutfon, and nny approvals herefn contained, s~iall be deemed null and void. THE FOREGOING RESnLUTION was adopted at the Planning Commission maeting ot December 13, t993. CHAIPMF ~J AN HEI CITY PU1 ING COMMISSION ATTEST: ~ ~- E ETARY, ANAH I TY PLANNING COMMISSION STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF OAANGE ) ss. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I, Janet L Jensen, Secretary o( tho Anaholm City Planning Cammission, do hereby ceRify that the (oregoing resdutfon was passed and adopted at a meeting of the Anahefm City Plannfng Commission hetd on December 13, 1993, by the tollowing vote ot the membera thereof: AYES: COMMIS810NERS: BOYnSTUN, HENNINGER, MAYER, MESSE, PERAJI, TAIT NOES: COMMISSIONEFiS: NONE ABSENT: COMMISSIONER3: CALDWELL IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand thts /f~L dAy oi ~~a RETARY, AN M CITY PLANNIN(3 COMMISSION ~ ~, , .3. PC93•135