Resolution-PC 93-139r- , i~FSOLUTION NO PC93-13~ A RESOLUTION AF THE ANAF'EIM CITY PLANNI!VG COMMISSIUN THAT PETITION FOR CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT N0. 3649 BE GRANTED, IN PAF~1' WHEREAS, the Anaheim City Planning Commfssion did receive a verifled Pet!t(on tor Conditional Use Permit for ce~:ain real proporty sftuated in the Ciry of Anaheim, Caunty of ~rangd, State of California, descrlbed as; LUTS 1, 2, 3 AND 4 OF TRACT N0. 2701, IN THE CITY OF ANAhlEIM, COUf~T( OF ORANGE, STA7F pF CALiFOPNIA, AS PER MAP RECORDED IN BOOK 115, PAC3ES 5 AND e, MISCELWNEQUS MAPS, IN TWE OFi ICE OF TWE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAIO COUNTY. WHEREAS, the Cfty Planning Commission dld hold a publia ~Aaring at the ~:Ivic Cente~ in the City of Anahelm on December 13, 1993 at 1:30 p.m., notice of sak; public hearing having bean duly given as required by law and in accordance wfth the provisions of tha Anahefm Municipai Cade, Chapter 18.03, to hear and consider evidence for and against sald propoaed :onditional use parmit ancl to investigate and make findin~s and recommendations In connection therawith; and WHEREAS, sald Commisslon, aiter due Inspectlon, Investigation and atudy made by Itself and In fts behalf, and aker due conslderation of all ev(dence and rep~rts offered at eald hearing, does find and determino the following facts: 1. That the proposed use fs properly ~ne for which a condltional uae permit is authorized by Anahefm Municipal Code Section to permit a 2,609 aq.ft, church In an oxistinp commercial retall centor wfth waiver of the foliowing under authority oi Code Section 1~.08.080: Sectio • Minfmum numbsr of ,parkfng s a2ces. 18.06,05Q0235 ~ tequired by Code; ~, 'ecommended by the Ciry Traffic and and Transportatfan Manager; §g spaces existing) 2. That the parking varlance wlll not causo an increase in traffic oonpeatlon in the Immediate vlciniry nor adversely affect eny adJolnfng land uses and that the Cfty Trefflc arxl Tr~ns~artatlon Manager has approved the parking study which recommends that 87 parking spaces ba provided; 3. That the granting of the parking varlance under the conditians Imposed wilt n~t be detr(.mentai to the peace, health, safery or general welfare of the cit(zens of the Clty of Anahelm; 4. That the proposed use is properly one for which a conditional use parmft is authorized by thP Zon(ng Code; 5. 7hat the proposed use will not adversely aHect the adJolning lend uses end tt~e growth and development of the a~ea in which it is proposed to be located and because churchos have been approvRd in sfmilar commerclal retail centers without detriment to surrounding tand uses and tenonts; 6. That the slza and shape of the sRe for the proposed use is sidequate to allow the tull development ot the proposed use in a manner not detrimental to the partfc~iar area nor to tho peace, health, satery, and general weifere; 7. That the traHic generated by the proposExl usa will not Impose an undue burdon upon the streets and highways designed and improved to carry the traNic in the area; ,r,,~.. y~ CR1971 MS.WP -t - PC93-139 8. That the qrantfn~ of the conditlonal use permit under the corxJklons impoced will not be detrimental to the peace, health, satary and gene-al walfar~t oi the cRizens of the City cf Anehelm; and 9. Thet no one indicated thetr presence at said pubt~c heartnfl in oppoaRlon; ancl thet no correapondence was received In oppositinn to the sub~ect petrt(on. CAL~OHNIA ENVIRONMENTAL dllALITY A_ FINDING: That the Aneheim Clty Plenning Commisslon has revlewed the proposal to pertnR a 2,t3~09 sq.ft. church In an exlatln~ commercial retefl center wfth waiva of m(nfmum number o( parktnp specea on an Irre~ularlyaheped parcel of land cansfat{np of epproxtmately O.t~ icre located ai the aoutheeat corner of Colchester Drive and Colorry 3treet, heving apprexln~ate trontege•~ ot 119 feet on the south stde of Calchester Qfire and 312 feet on the aast side ot Colcny 3treat p^.d iurther described as 2230 West Colchost~r Driva (Suitea 13, 14 and te); and daes hdreby approve the NegetNe Oeclaretion upon Mding that the declaretlon reAecta the tndependent judqement of the lead egenr.y and that It has cunstdered the Ne~ative Oeda.ratlon together with ony commonta recelved durlnp the public review prxssa and lunher flnding on the beais of the initl~l atudy and eny commeMS receivad that there {a no aubs anttal evidence that the proJoct wNl have a slgi~flceM eHect on the environrnent. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that Ihe Anaheim City Plannin~ Commlaslon does hereby ~rent subJect PetRlon for CondRional Use PermR, upon the toilowing c~ndlUnns which ere hsreby found to be a nocassary prerequiske to the propossd use of the eut~ect property M order to preserv0 the aafety and ponerel welinre of the Cfllzens of the Clty of Anaheim: t. That plans ehAll be subm~ted to the Ciry TraHia end TranapoRetbn Manaper tor hia revlew end approval showing coniormance wfth the lataat revhlona of En~ineerinp Stendard Plan Nos. 438 nnd 802 pe~~ainin~ to parking standarda and drhreway Iocatidns. 3ubJect property eheil the-eupon be dsv~lopad and malMafned In coniormance vWth said plenn. 2. That a mG:lmum of aixty ~mren (8~ parklnp specea ahail be provided on subject proporty. ~ I 3. That the totai Iloor area of eub~ect churGh shall not oxceed two thousend six hundred nM~e (2,8A9) ~ squaro teat. ~ 1 4. 7het the hours oi church operetion and attendance ahall be Ilm;~ed to the follwWnp: j Sunday`: 9:30 a.m. to 11:30 e.m.: 25 peopie ~ Tuesdsys: 6:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m: 21 people ~ ~ Thureday: 7:30 p.m. to D:00 p.m.: t9 people ~ b. 1'hat tho oxtsrbr ot IJnh No. 18 (south buNding wsll) sheJ! be r~pafnted In order to dolete th~ dop + ~roominQ fiqn (~afd business ne lonpor exlsts). Tho watl shsll ba palntod to metch tha oxitHnq colc~ ! ol the buldfng. In sddRion, the church tenant shall be reapor.stWe ier ramovlnp eny yra}fM p~int~d ! on the e~cterlor well= of the unit~ occupled by the chu~ch. ~ ~ ,...,~;. e. That an aasttmmbly permR shall be o~lned irom thQ Flre Dapsrtm~nt. ~ 7. That subjoct propoRy ahall bt developed ~ubstaMf~lly ~n accordance wlth pans and epoclNcattorn ~ wbmRted to the Chy d AnahMm by tha petlUoner snd wh~h plans Are on fNe wMh the Pler-Mnp ~ Departmont merkad Exhlbh Noe. t nnd 2~ wccapt es othennl~o nqtdnd In connactton wlth CondMlon No. ^, stonrr~r-tlonad. e. Thet wb~~Ct up permR is hereby prarKed for e p~rfod d Mro (2) ye~n untA DeCOrtib~r 13. 19D6; p-avklod~ howovrtr. that tMw extun+~lona may ba ~oupht In amrwction wlth • duly notlad public hoorinps. -2• PCS9•199 9. That prlor to commencoment of the actlvfty euthorized by thls resolution o~ wlthin a period ot one (t) year Irom the date of this resolution, whir,hever occurs iirst, CondRion Nos. 1, ?, 5, 6 and 7, abova•mentioned, shell be compifed with. Extenslons for fuKher time to complete sald condrlons may be pranted In aacnrdance wfth Sectfon 18.03.090 of the Anaheim Munlclpal Code. 10. That approval of thls application constitutes approval of the proposed request only to the extent thet it comp{les wlth the Anaheim IUunfcipal Zoning Code and eny other applicable City, State and Federal ~egulat(ons. Approval does not inciude any actlon or fl~~dings as to oomplience or approval ot tho request regardlnp any other eppllcable ordlnanca, requlatlor. or requiremeM. 8E IT FURTHER RESOL.VEU thet the Anehefm Cfry Planning Commisston duos hereby tind and de!armine that udoption of this Resotutlon Is expressly predicated upon eqpll~nt's comullance wRh each and all of the condftlons hereinabove set forth. Should any such conditian, or eny part thereoi. be declered irnraiid or unenforcesble by the finel jt~~ipment of a:y couR of cumpoteM Jurlad~^.tion, then tlile Resclutlon, and any approvals heretn contalnod, ahell bo deemed null and vold. THE FORE(30INCi RESOLUTION wes adopted at the Planninp Commisalon meetlnp ot Decemb u 13, 1993. ~ ~ CHAIRMAN ANAHEIM C NNINQ CAMMI3310N ATfEST: S HE7ARY, ANAH CITY PLANNINa COMMIS810N STATE OF CAUF~FiNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANCiE ) ss. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) i, Janet L Jensen, Secretary of the Aneheim Ciy Piennlnp Commisaion, do hereby cartNy that thu fore~oinp reaolutlon was paased and adopted at a meetln~ of tho Anehaim CRy Plannlnp Commissbn hdd on December 13, 1993, by the fdluwing vote of the membero !horeof: AYE3: COMMI3310NER3: BOYD37UN, HENNIN(3ER, MAYER, MESSE, PERAZA, TAIT NOES: COMMISSIONERS: NONE ABSENI': COMMI8310NEfi3: CALDWELL IN WITy ESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto aet my hand thla ~~,+-L , d~y of /Y~ ~/u~i,,. 1A~1: RETARY, ANAHEI TY PLANNINd COMMISSION ~3- Pf;9d•139 ..;«~,,~4~.