Resolution-PC 93-2~ ~' 9E~41.4ZT14KN9.~~ ~~ A RESOLUTION 0~ 7HE ANAHEIM CITY PLANPVING COMMIS810N ; THAT PETITION FOR CONDlTIONAL USE PERMIT N0. 3573 BE dRANTED j WHEREAS, the Aneheim Cky Planning Commlaslon dld recelva e verHied P~tltion tor ~ Condftlonal Use Permit for certaln real proparty skuated In the Ciry ot Anaheim, County of Orenpe, 3tate ~ i of CalNomia, described sa: ~ THAT PORTION OF LOT 25 OF ANAHEIM EXTENSION, IN THE CITY OF ANAHEIM, ~ A8 BHOWN ON A MAP OF 3URVEY MADE BY WILUAM HAMEI. AND FlLED IN ~ TFIE OFFICE OF THE C~UNTY RECORDER OF L03 ANQELC3 COUNTY, ~ CAUFORNIA, A COPY OF WWICH IS R~CORDED IN E3QOK 3 PAGES 183 ET SEO., ~ ENTITLED 'L03 ANdELE3 COUNTY MAP3' IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA, DESCRIDED AS FOU.OW3: eEGINNINCi AT THE NORTHWE3TERi.Y CORNER OF THE LAND CONVEYED TO NAT TAYLQR AND SONS PLUMBINa, INC., A CORPORATION, BY DEED RECORDED IN BQOK 2791 PACiE 113, OFFICIAL RECORDS OF SAID COUN7Y; THENCE SOUTIi 74 DEQ. 33' 15' WE3T ALONQ THE WE3TEFiLY PROLONOATION OF 'tHE NORTHERI.Y LINE OF LA3T MENTIONED L.ANO A DI3TANCE 0~ 9t.71 { FEET TO THE EASI' LIN~ OF CWUDINA PLACE AS SAID CL4UDINA PIACE IS ; DESCRIB[D IN AN FABCMENT DEED TO THE CITY OF ANAHEIM RECORDED IN 800K G848 PAGE 318 0~ OFFICIAL RECORDS OF SAID COUNTY; TWENCE SOUTH 0 DE(3. 03' 00' EAST ALONO 3AID EAST UNE A DISTANCE OF 167.18 F~ET Td THE BEGINNING OF A CIRCUlJ1R CURVE CONCAVE NORTHEA3TERLY !WD HAVINd A FIADIUS OF 1b FEET; THENCE SOUTHERLY AND 80UTHEASTERLY ALONC~ SAID CURVE THROU(3H A CENTRAL AN~LE OF 90 DEd. 00' 00` AN ARC DISTANCE OF 23.56 FEET TO THE NORTH I.INE OF BALL ROAD (108 FEET WID~; TNENCE NORTN 89 DEG. 57' 00' F.A3T ALONti SAID NORTH UNE A DISTANCE OF 73.42 FEET TO THE WEST UM1IE OF FlRST MENTIONED LAND; THENCE NORTH 0 DEt3. 03' 00' WE3T ALONO 3A101N~3T UNE A DISTANCE OF 186.53 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEQIN~JINCi. WHEREA3, the Ciry Plennln9 Commfsolon dld hdd a public hearin~ et tha Civtc Center in the Ciry o1 Anehelm on December 14,1992 at 1:30 p.m., not~e d eald puWic h~~in~ havMp been duty flivon ~~ ~haptar 18.03 as requlred by lew end ln eccordance wlth che ~n~vlslona of the Mahetm Munictpal Codo. ~ ; to heer end Consider ovldence for and eqeinst ank3 proposed conditlonal uaa peimR and to Inveatiqete end make tindlnps and recomm¢ndation: In connection therevulth; and thet aald public heeriny wes ccnt~nued ~~ to the January 1 t. 19~3 Plennfng Commisslon moetin~; arx! WHEREA3~ aaid Commfsabn~ aRo{I dav da ~ and reportstoNeired at aa t i~rmin~, d~s Nnd end ~ in 8s behelf, end aher due consldarntinn o a , deterrnine tha ~ollowinp facts: '~ "• ;.~ ~ ~~~.. 1. Thet ihe proposad uae te prop~lY one tor which e condfttonel use partnlt is autho-tzed by Anahelm Municlpnl Coda S~ctlon 18.81.Ob0.080 to pormh a 2,070 eq.ft. car wash facllMy wKh walvsr of the ~ fdlowln~: ,; ~ $~SlSV1.14.et.os3•o~t ' ' ti (~,Jg~ trom Ball Roed required; 4o i°et to cenopy proposed) t ~ :~ PC9C3-2 ~ ~ CR17t4M3.wp '~" `~~ , '- r ~ ~. 2. That the requested waivsr fa m(nimal, consisting oF a canopy which proJecta anly 10 feot into the requlred 50•toot setback area; 3. That thsre ara apscial alrcumstancss applicable to the propeKy conslatinp of ks Ineg~lar size and shape, whOch do not apply to other ldentlcally zoned propertles in the viclnky; 4. Thet strict applicatlan of tha Zoning Code deprlves the property of prhrllAges enjoyed by other propertles under ldantlcal zoning classHl~etlon in the viclniry; 5. That ~h~ propooed use I,a praperly une tor which a condftional usa permR (a autho~lzed by the Zoninp Code; 6, That the propos¢d use will not advsrsely eNect tha adJoining land use~~• and the prowth and devetopmsnt of the area In which R Is propased to locatad because the car wesh fectllty Is competible wlth the suRaunding Induatrisl nsighborhood and that the facilky has a comer locatlon wh~h wlll allow adequnte ecceas and circulatlon to end iram the two drlveways, one on Ball Fioad and the other on Claudfna Placo; 7. That the slze end shape ot the ske fur the proposed uae is edequata to eliow th¢ full devolopmsnt of th0 proposed use In a manner not datrtmantal to the paRicular area nor to tha peece, health, setary, and general weltare; g, That the trnlifc ganorated by tiie pmposed use wlll not impoae un unduo burden upon !he streets and hiphways daslynod arM Im~rovod to carry tho traHfc in the area; 9. That the granting of tha conditlonal uso ~rmk under tho condRions imposed wlll not be detrlmaMal to the p~ece, heaith, setety ar-d general w~liare c~f the cklzens of the Ciry oi Anahelm; and 10. That no ono Indica!ad thelr presenc~ ~t ssid ~ubiic hearing In opposltion; and that no co~respondonce wea receNad In opposNiQn to the aubjeM petkion. ~I I,FOP,hIA Eh"JIROhMEt~'*AL OUALi?Z_' ACT FI l~lty({: That the Anahelm Clry Plannln~ Commlasion ha~ revlewed 9ha proposal to penn~ a 2,070 sq.h. car wesh tecllity wlth walver ot minimum structural satbeck on en Irregutarlyehapad perc~l ot land co;~slsting ot approximately 0.37 acre located at the nonheast comer ot Ball Road end Claixlina Place, havinp epproximata irontape~ of 90 fest on the north side of Betl Rocd and 170 i¢et on the east side of Claudlna Plnce and turther describad ao 201 Eeat Bnll Road; end doeA hanby ap~r~vA the Negetive Declaratlon ~pon Bndinp tl~at the declaretfon reflects the Indapendent judgemAnt W the teed agency and that k has conaldered the Nego~tlva Decla~atfon topothor wkh any commorne rec~Nad durin~ the puW~ revlew pmcess end further flndinfl on the besia ot the inR~al atudy erx! any comments recelvvd thet there (a no substantiet evtdence that tha proJscs wnl have a slpni~cnM effect on the ernrironment. NOW, THEREFORE, 8C IT RESOWED thnt the Anaheim City Planning Commisslon doAS hereby qrent subJect PetRton for Conditl~nal Uss PsrmR, upon the (dlawing condkiona wh~h ere heroby found to bA a n~aaary pren~quieite to tho proposod uae ~f tF-e e~~oct property In order to presorve the selety and fleneral waltere of the Chizons ot the Ciry ol Anahelm: 1. Thet the lapal prope-ty owner ahall frrevocably oaer to dedlcate to tf~e Crty oi Anahelm an addklonsl easement alonp Ball Road, maea~~red irom the ultlmate rlp n~wa ~m ~~ (~~ ~~~ ta tho intarsectlon d Meh~im Boulevard erx! Bell Road~ and veryinfl ,, first three hundred (300) i~t s-~d then treruKloninp trom twelve (t2) feet to zero (0) ioet tor the next three hundred (300) fe~t. CAdfcatlon shall Include a tNteen (1S) foot comer cut-otf. s ~ , ~ -2• PC93'2 ~ ; . 'V ~1: i ~ ~ ~~ ~ 2. That a handicapped eccess ramp shall be constn~cted at the corner of Bail Road and Claudina Plaoe. The Improvemsnts shall be completad prlor to ~nal bullding end zoning Inapactlons. ~ 3. That In the avant tha oxisting pole slgn Is rernov~d, it may be reptacod only by a monument algn not ~ to excesd elght (8) feAt in halght, i 4. That thers ahall be no automoUlle dstaliing on-ske. 5. That ail driveways shall be constructed wlth ten (10) foot radius curb retums as requlrecl by the Cky Enginesr In confor-nance wkh Engineoring Standard No. 137. e. That an on•ske trash t~uck tum around area ~hall be provided In acconJanca with Engtneo~ng Stendard Oetall No. 810 ancl ea requlred by the Department of Mttintenanca. Seld area ahail be ahown on plane submittad for building pormks. 7, Thet the dealgn of ths car wnsh tunnel ahall be subJect to review and epprovai by the Ciry Tref!Ic and Transportatton Managar. 8. That a Plan Shsst for solid wa~ta atorage and collectlon, and a plan for recycling shall be submkted to the Dspartment of Melntenance for revlew and approval. 9. That a slgn program (ccnsisting of all slgnage Including ail price and guir.ie signa) ehall be submltted to the Zoning DNtslon, tor review and approval by the Plannin~ Commisalon as e'Repons end Recommendatlons' Itsri. 10. 7hat the owner of aubject properry shall submit a letter to the ~aning Divlalon request(ng terminntlon of Condklonal Use Pormk No. ~99 (permkting a hofbrau wlth on•sale baor). it. That sub~oct property shalt be develop~i subatamially In accordance wRh plans and specHlcations submiKed to the Cky of Anahelm by tha pstkionar and whlch plans are crn tilo wkh the Planning Department markod Ravlsinn No. 1 of Exhibft No. 1 and Exhibit Nos. 2 and 3. 12, That prior to Iasuance of e buildinq permit or wRhin a period oi one (t) yoar from the dato ot thls resolutton, whtchever occurs llrst, Conditfon Nos. 1, 8, 7, 8, 9 and 1Q, above•meMioned, ehall be complled wRh. Extanslons for further ilme to compiete sald conditlons mey be ~ranted In accordance with Sectlon 18.03.090 uf the Anahelm Municipal Caie. 13, That prlor to tinal bundfng and zonlnp Inspectiona, Condftion Nos. 2, 5 and 11, ebove~me~loned, shall be complfad wkh. 14. That approval of this applicatton conatkutea epproval ot tha proposed requASt only to the extsnt that ft compllAS wkh tho Anahefm Municipal Zoning Cade and any othor appt(cable Cky, Stete and Foderai repulations. Approvai doe~ not Include any actlon cr ifnd(ngs ea to compllance or approval of tlie raquost repa-dlnp any other ap;~itcable ordinance, reguletlon or requlramoM. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Anaheim City °lannfng Commission does hereby flnd and dotermine that adoption o~ this Rasotution Is expressly predicated upon appllcsnt's complfance wrh each and atl of tho conditiona herolnat~ove set ioRh. 3hc-uid any such condft(on, or any part thoreof, be declared Imreiid or unanfoncaable by the Met ~udgment of any couK of competent Jurisdiction, then thla Resolution. end any approvals hsroin contained, shati be deemad null $nd vold. , ~a> ~~ .3. PC93•2 ~ ~~ i ~~ THE FOR~QOING RESOLUTIqN wes January 11, 1993. ~ ..~ ~.,~~,,,,,~~., ATTEST: , ~ .~ . ~ , .(.litit~ct/ SECR ARY, ANr A~ CITY PWNNING COMMISSION Commisoion meeting oi STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORAN(3E ) ss. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I, Edith 4 Harris, 8ecretery oi the Anaheim Ciry Planning Commiaston, do hereby cArtHy that tha foregotng reaolut(on was passsd end adopted at a meeting of the Anahelm Cfry Plenning Commisalon hsld an Jenuary 1 t, 1993, by the idtowln~ vote af the members thereaf: AYE3: CQMMISSIONERS: BOYDSTUN, WENNINQER, M~3SE, PERA7J4, TAi7 NOES: v`OMM18810NERS: NONE ABSENT: COMMI$SIONERS: NONE VACANCY: TWO 3EAT3 IN WITNE3S WHEREOF, I have her¢unto set my hand thls ,~~ day ~f ~ _,, 1683. , ~ "' ' SECRETARY, ANAHEIM CITY PLAtdNINQ COMMIS3IQN 'ry, ,;~~ t 1 .,4. PC93-2