Resolution-PC 93-23~ ~r^ A RG30LUTION OF THE ANAHEIM CITY PlJ11VNINt3 COMMISSION AMENDINt3 CERTAIN CONQITIONS OF APPROVAL OF CONDlTIONAL USE PERMIT N0. 2165 4VHHREAS, on January 12, 1981 the Anahgim City Plann(n~ Commisslon epprovod Conditional Use Permit No. 2185 undar Resolution No. PC81-11 to expand an oxfsting equipment rsntal yard to fnclude a concrete mfxing operation tor a period of 3 years on property located at the southwest comor of La Palma Avenue and Lakevfew Avenue and tunher desaribed as 4460 East La Palma Avenue; and WH~REAS, on January 9, 1984 tho Anaheim City Planning Commisslon approved a 3 year extenslon ol timo for Conditional Usa Permh No. 2185 to expire on January 12, 1987, and subsequantly approved a socond extension of time on Auguat 27, 1990 to sxpire on Jenuary 12, 1993; and WHEREAS, safd Rosolution No. i~C90-217 adoptad on August 27, 1A90 In conJunction wlth the readvert(semont of Conditionat Uae Permit No. 2185 tncludes the toltowinp condftlon ot approval: '13. That the proposed use is hereby granted for an additlonal perlod ot threo (3) y0a~s until Jenuary 12, 1993, with revieuv for possible extensions of tima, upon written request irom the petittoner and In connectlon with a duly nottced pubilc hearing, N(t Is datermined thet the use has not had en adverse aNect on noarby buslnesaes." WHEREAS, the patftloner has requested to amend or delete saM condltlon of approval to retatn the exlatinp equipment rentai yard end concrote mixfng operatlon wRhout A time Iimitatfon. WFIERF~4S, the Clty Planntnp Commts3lon did hoid a publfc hsering at the Clvic Center In the City of Anaholm on February 8, 1993, at 1:30 p.m., notice ot satd public hoarlnp having been duly gNen es requlred by lew and In acco-dence whh tho provistons ot tha Anaheim Munlcipal CodW, Chapter !8.03, to hear and cons(der evtdence tor and apalnst sald propased amendment and to Investlpate and ~nake 8ndfnga and recommendatlons In connectlon therewkh; and WHEREA3, sald Commisston, aRer due inspectlon, irnestipation and study mado by ftsel( and fn its behalt, and akor due conslderatfon ot all evidsnce an~ reports oHerod at sald hearinq, does flnd end dotermine the tollow(np tacts: t. Thet said conditlona! use permit is betn~ exercised In manner not det~lmentat to th~ particular erea and suROUndln~ lar~d uses, nor to the public peace, health, satety and ponerel wetfan; and 2. Thet no one Indtcated thetr presenca et said p~Wic hearing In oppoaition; and that no correspondence was recelved In opposKlon to tha aubJect petltfon. ^"~rORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL OU LI1Y ACf FINDIN~: Thnt the Anehelm City Plannlnp Commisslon has revlcRwed the propoaal to amend or delets Conditlon No. 13 oi Resdution No. PC90-217 to retein the existtnq equipment reMel yard end concreto mbclny operat(on without e t(me limitstion and does hereby flnd that the N~yallve Doctaratlon proviously epproved In connectlon with CondRional UsA Permlt No. 2185 Is edequate tu servo as the requfrod environmentai document~tton In connectlon with thia roqueat. ~,•. ~.,~~ .~. PC93-29 CR1733MS.wp i _. ~.,. NOW, THEREFORE, 8E IT RESOLVED that the Anaheim Clry Planning Commission doss hareby I amend Condftion No. 13 of Resnlutlon No. PC90-217 to read as iollowa: '13. Thet the proposed use Is heryby granted tor an addRional period o} three (3) y9ars untll January 12, 1998, w~th revlew for possible axtensions of time, upon written request from the potitloner and In connection with a duly noticed pubtlc haaring, Ii k Is determfned that the use has not had an adve~se aHect on nearby businesses.' and, tutther, that the Planning Commisslon adds the foHowing n condkfon: '~ "15. That the landst:aping along Lakeview Ave~u ah~til be malntoined by the pPtitioner." / TFlE FOREa01NQ RESOLUTION was adopt at thv~lar~/~ g Commisaton msetfng of February 8, 1993. % ~ ATTEST: ~ (~ ~ SECRETAR NAHEIM CITY PLANNIN(i COMMISSInN 3TATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANCiE ) ss. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I, Mergarita Solorlo, 3acretary o( tlie Anahsim Ciry Planning Commiasion, do hereby cartHy thet tho ioregoing resolution was pasaed and adopted at a maeting ot the Anahelm Cfty Planning Commisslon held on February 8, 1993, by the tollrnvlnp vote ot the members thoreot: AYE3: COMMISSIQNERS: BOYDSTUN, CALDWELL, HENNINGER, MAYER, ME38E, PER-17J1, TAlT NOE3: COMMISSIONER3: NONE ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: NONE IN WITNESS WHEFiEOF, I have hereunto set my hend this ,_,"„ day ot , 1A93. _. . , SECRET RY, AHEIM CITY PLANNINf3 COMMISSION ~;,~ ~, ~ -2- PC93-?3