Resolution-PC 93-254~- ~ 'i
R~SOL~~?ION NO. PC93-25 0
WHERFJIS, Canditional Use Permit No. 1823 to parmk a recreational vehicle storage yard with
waivers of (a) permitted locatlon of iroe•standing signs, (b) minimum structural setback, and (c) required efte
screeninp was approved, In part, by the Planning Commioslon undor Resolutton Na. PC78•tOb on May 24,
1976, with weiver (b) boing denled and waiver (c) granted for a two•year perlod on propoKy located on tha
southwesterly sfde of HowP~! Avenue approxlmateiy 520 feet northweste~ly of tho cento~line of Katella
Avenue, and furthsr describsd as 2222 Ea~: Howell Ave~uo; and
WHEREAS, subsequent tlme extenslons to complete conditlons of approval wsre g~anted by the
Planning Commisslon on June 19, 1978, to expire on May 24, 1980; May 19, 1980, to expire on May 24,
1982; and May 3, 198?., to expira on May 24, 1984; and
WHEREAS, s~id Resolution No. FC76•105 includes the tollowing conditlans oi approval:
" 1. That sidewalks shall be installed as raquircad by the Ciry Enginear and in accordance witli
standard plans and spectilcations on file In the OHice of the City Engineer.
12. That the wAfver of the required site screeninfl along the east, west and south proporty Iines
shall bs granted far a tfine period of two (2) yeare, subJact to roview and consideration for
extenslons of tlme by thA Planning Commissian, upon written roquest by the p0titloner."
WHEREAS, Resolutlon No. PC76-105 turther state~ that walver "c" partaln(ng to requlrsd sit~
scroening, is granteci ior a two•year tlme period subject to revlew and consideration for extenslons of time
in order to "determine whether the scr~ening of the outdoor use should be requlred H thA common
ownership of subJeci property and the adJacent property ceased and/or H the development of nsarby
propertles is such that adequate screening of subject u~e becomes necessary"; and
WHEREAS, the petitlonor has requested to modHy, delote or extend sald condftfons of appraval
In orcler to r~taln a recreational vehicle atorage fACllity and to expand sald use to Include rocreationei vehicle
rentals, sale and In:~tallation oi parts an~' 3ccessorles to the generai publlc (including cust~mers who do not
have a vehicle stored on the subJect property), and the use oF a motorhome or traller far the purpose of
provlding on•site carataker's Iiving quarters; end
WHEREAS, the Cfty Plenning Commisslon did hold a public hearing at the Givic Csnter In the
Ciry oi Anahelm on January 11, t993, at 1:30 p.m„ notlce ot sald publlc hearing having been duty given
as requlred by law ar-d In sccordance with tho provistons of the Anaheim Municipal Code, Chapter 18.03,
to hear and conslder ovidence for and against said proposed amendment and to imiestigate and make
iindings and recommendations in connection therewRh; and that seld hearing wAS contlnus~J to tho
February 8 and February 22, 1993, Planning Commfssion meetings; and
WHEREAS, sald Commfsslon, efter due inspectlon, Investfgat(on and study made by ftself ancl
fn its behal~, and after due considerat(on of all evfdence and reports oHered at sald he~ring, does f(nd and
determine the following facts:
CR1744MS.wp -1- PC93•25
1. That the petitior,9r requests an ~;mendr.;ant to or deletlon of cunditlons of approval to
retatn a recroatlonal vehlcie stcrape yard wifh on-site caretaker'a unit (Inaluding on•pror~~isos sales and
Installatian of recreatlonal vehicic~ parts and accessorles) with w~alver of t7~e follawing Code Ssotlon:
,^ZF„~]'16N t$. 1.0 - Porrnitteti acca,Q,g9~y ~ e an gtr ~ t~re~
(Single dwelling for carotaker's un(t wholly wlthin a building
perrnitted; trailar unit proposed).
2. That there are $pocla! circumstances applicable to the properry such as size, shapo,
topogrephy, lacatlan or surroundings, whlch d~ not apply to othar identir.a!ly zonod properties in the
3. That strict ap~+llr,ation or the Znning Gode 6xpih~es the property of privilepes onjoyed by
othor prope~tles In Identicai zoning classlfic~t(on ir. the vlcinity.
4. That the outdooi• sto~a~a, sale and/or rental of recreational vehicles is permltted fn the ML
"! im!ted Industrial' ~one, sub~oct to the approval cf a Condltlanal U3e Permit.
5. That Cc~de perrnits thg Instnllation of vehicle parts ar.d accossnrles, including tho incidontal
sc~les ti~areofi prcvicling such act~vitfes aro conducted wh~ily within a building and sub~ect to the epproval
uf a Condhl~nal Use Pennit.
B. That t-o one Indicated thelr prosa~nce at seld publlc hearing in opposltion; and thAt r,o
cu:'re^.~ondern:e wa~ received (n upposRlon to the subj3ct petftion.
CA__~FaRy,IH ENVIFC,)N(~ENTP.L O AL1TY ACT FINDIN~: Thet the Anaheim Cit~ Planning
Commission has r¢viewed tha prohosal toemerid Conditfon Nos. 'i and 12 ai Reso~ution No. PC76-1A6 to
reteln a recreatlonal veh!ole atc~rage yerd witii or~•slte caretaker's unk fnclu8ing on•premises salos and
instalit~tlen of rac:reational vehiclo parics and accessortes wlth wafvor of permitted accsssory uses and
structures And d~es hereby find that tha Negative Declaratfan prevlously approved In connaction with
C~ndlitonal Uso Permli No. 1823 is adequate to serve as the requfred envlronmentai documentation in
connectfon with this request.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that th~ qnahelm ~it;~ Plannin~ Commisslon does heroby
grant sub;ect request to mudify conditions of approval for f;onditlo~ial Use Parmit No. 1623 upon the
followiriQ conditlons which are hereby found to ba a nocessary prarequlsito to the proposed use of the
suhJect properry in order to prese~ve the safety and general weifare of the Citizens of the C:ry of Anehelm:
t, 7hat the asphalt "pads" located tn tho front sotback aroa shall be removed and the araa plantecl and
pe.~nanently malntafned with lawn, trees, ahruba, or other plant materials as shown on ~xhibk No. 2
(F;ovision No. 1) with(n sixty (60) days trom the date of thfs resolu~lon. Said aros shall bs equlpped
evlth a permanant Irrlyatlon system.
2. That Installatlon of perts Rrsd accessarlea sold on the premfses shall Ifmited to awnings, traller hkches,
genere:tors, tlre replacement, and Intsrior accessorles uniqua to recreatlonai vehicles, and ~t no time
and undnr no circumstance shalf such services axtend !o tha repafr or maintenonce of engines, enalne
parts, transmfssions, axles or drive tr~ins.
3. That ail ~~.s Installation activities ahall be conducted behind the alx (6) foot high block wall and shall
ba ade~ut~tely screened from public vtew.
4. Tha: no recreational vehicles, either privately av~~ned or oHered for rent, shali be parked, stor6d or
dfspiayod In tha required fiky (50) toot front yard setback along Howoll AvenuO.
,2. PC93•25
5. Thet only one (t) mobqe carAtaker's unR ehall bo xcupled on tho premises.
8. That euthohratlon tor sald use shall expfre on March 31, 1994, at which tima a naw ~etitlon for
condttional uae permk shall ba aubmitted tor ~~nstderatton should pstittonor, or hfs succosaor, chooae
to continue the recreattonal vahicle atorege and/or rental uso v~lth Incidental aales of pans and
accessorlas un the subJect propary.
7. That sto-aqe aheli ba Ilmitod to recreatlonal type vehlcle~ only and at no time shall eny racreationai
vehiclo be uaed or occuplei !or the purposa ot on•aite Ilvinp or o(tice use whh the exceptlon ot the
one (1) deelpnated caratokor's unk.
8. That sub~sct proaorry shall be doveloped substentla~ly In accordenco with pl~ns nnd specS(Icatlons
submiKed to the Cfty ot Anahe~m by the petRioner and v+filch ptens are on fie with the Planntnp
DapaRmeM marked Revislon No. 1 of Exhibh Nos. 1 and 2.
9. Thet CondRlon Nos. t and 8, above•mernionod, shell bo completed wkhin a porlod of atxry (60) days
irom the dete oi this readutlon.
10. That appro~val of thi= epplkndon con~tKutes approval of the propatod roquast only to tho extant that
R complios with tho Anahelm Mun~clpN Zoninp Code and any other oppitcabla Ciry, 3tate and Federei
raytdetbna. Approval does not Includo arry actbn or firtd(nyt as to compll~nCa or epproval o( tho
reyu9at reqardinp erry othor applic~ble o~dinence, reputatlon or raqulremeM.
BE IT FURYHER RESOLVED thet tho Anehelm Clty Planninp Commtsslon dooa haroby find
and dotermino that adopt(on ot thh Resohd(on Is exproastY Predicetad Pon apolcaM's complianco wkh
oach and eil ot the condhbns horetnebovo tot forth. Should any su cAndPti4n, or any paR tharoot, be
dodared tnvalW or ur~oMorcaaWe by the Mal ~udpmoM ot any of Compato Jurtadtction, then thlo
ResdtRbn, and arry approvala htrotn contalned, ehall b~ deem~fiu~ and void. ~
THE FOREQOINCi fiESOLUTION v-+as adapt~a~~o Pl~/inir~y/¢ommissbn mfoiln~ M
Fabruery 22. 1~D3. f ~ ~
dliti~ ~~~~
1. Merparlta Solorb. 8oCrotary d tM Anahelrtt C.:y Pltumin~ ~:ommisslon~ do lwroby Certay
th~t thr Ionepolrq nadution was Fess~d and sdopc~0 et a mo~ttnp cf tho Mehetm Gry Plenning
Conaniafon hNd ot~ Febtuary 22~ 19~C~. bY ths tollowinp vot~ of tha m~mbort tMnof:
IN WRNESS WHEREOF. 1 how Mrrunto at rtry Mnd th~s ~'~' daY d
~~~_' 190~-.
~. PC9~4-26