Resolution-PC 93-26.~; r"'` A RESOLUTION OF THE ANI0.HEIM CITY PLAPJNINCi COMMI3SION THAT PETITION FOR RECLASSIFICATION N0. 92•93-0A BE GRANTED, UNCONDITIONALLY WHEREAS, the Anaheim City Planninp Commisslon dfd recelvo a varifled petitlon Ior Reclassltlcation for real property aRuato~ In the Clty of Anahefm, County oi Oran~e, State of CalMomta, descrlbod as ldlowa: PARC~L 2, IN THE CITY OF ANAHEIM, COUNTY OF ORANCiE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, AS SHOWN ON A PARCEL MAP FILED IN BOOK 10, PACiE 35 OF PARCEL MAPS, IN THE OFFCE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF $AID COUiVTY. WHEREA3, tha City Plannin~ Commisalon did hold a publla hearlnp at tha Cfvfa Canter In the Cfry of Anaheim on February 22, 1993 et 1:30 p.m., notice of aald pubUc hearlny havln~ i~¢n duly yNen as required by law and In accordance with the pr~vislona oi the Anah~im Municlpel Code, Chaptor 18.03, to heer and consldar evtdonce tor and ey7alnst aaid proposed rec~eatNicatlon end to lnvastlpate and meke f(ndinga a~d recommendattons In connection therawith; and WHFREAS, eald Commisalon, eker due Ins{~t(on, Invoat(yation and atudy made by itaalf and in its behelt, and aRQr due conskleratlon of all evidonce and repoRS oHored at safd h~rlnq, does Md and determine !h@ lollowlny iacts: t. Thet the petftbner proposea reclesaHicetlon of aubJect propeRy from the C~3 (Commerclal, Cieneral) Zona to tho CL (Commerclal, Wm~ec~ Zone. Thet tha Mahelm Qensral Plan desipnates subjact property for (ionetal Commerclat land ueas. 3. That tho proposod reclasaNicatbn of eub~ect proporry Is neceeaery and/or destraNA for the o~darly and propar divolopment of the community. 4. That the propoa~d roc~assHicatton o( wbject property doqe property relate to tha zonea and thotr pormittod uaea locally eatebllshed In clo~ proxtmity to sub~ect ixopeRY erxl to tha zones end 1h~ir permitted uses qenerntty ettedlthed throuqhout the communfty. 6. Thet no one indfcatod thelr p~os~ at ~aH publfc t~earln9 in oppo:Mlon; end that no corrosporxlance was recehrod in oppoattbn to subJact petRbn. ~ALFORNtA ENVIqONMEN?AL QUALITY ACT FlN~: That ttw Anaholm Clty Planninfl Cammisslon ha~ ~vim~red ttro propo~el to rodasslfyy wt~~tct proporty hom the CG (CommKClal. Genaral) Zone to thn CL (CornmorCal~ UmRec~ Zone end to po~m~ en automotNo repair and pe~u Instellation fac~Ry on A recta ularl •thapad percW ~f lerxf conslatfnq of approxlmately 10.48 ecros locata! at th~ northoett comor o! Lir dn Avenuo end Mul~:r Stroot, ha~-~rp epproximeto IronteQOS of 7bt toot on tho noRh sids d Uncdn Awnuo and 566 hwt on tho ~r± sido ot Muller St~M, and huthor descrfbod as 1Mt • 189D Wost Uneolr: AvonuQ: srxl doos ho-abY ePProvo th~ W~atNo D~a~atlon upon findlnp thet tho deda~etlon noA~ tfw IndepandoM JudgomeM ot tho load aqwuy snd that R h0s consldored tho NeQatNo Dadaratlon toqettar wRh any commenti c~e~oNr~od during tho publ~ rovbw Proce~ and lurthot Md(n~ on the be~ of tho Inklal ttudy end Any Cor:trMt~t: rocetvod thtt thero fs no tubstentl~l ~vldo~x~ thot Iho pro~aCt w41 haw a ~Ipnificant oMoct on Gu enWronm~nt. NOW, THEREFORE, BE R RE30WE0 that tM AnehNm dry Plannirq CommUalon doo~ h~roby approva tho waQCt PNhlon (or RodaasNkstlon to outho~tzf an amondmant to tfw Zonlrq Map ol tho Anahetm Munlclpei Code to axdudo the ahovo~descn'be~d propmY (rom the Ca (Commorc~l, C~rall Zora end to Incorporato ~eld da~cribed propoRy into tho CL (Commerciel, Lhnlted) Zorw. tn~r.ondbbnallY• `~, CR1745MS,wp .~. ~ BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that approvet of this applicatlon constft:ites approval of the proposad requast only to the sxtent that h complfos with the Anaholm Municipal Zcning CodQ and any other epplicable City, 3tate and Federel regulations. Approval does not Inalude eny ection or ilncfings es ta compliance or approval ot the request reparding any other appllcable onilnance, rApulation or requirement, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that this resotution ahall not constRute A rezoninq ~f, or a commitment by the City to rezone, the subject pmpany; any euGh zoninfl shall requlre 8i~ ordinance of the Ciry Councp which shall be a leytslative ~ct which may be ap oved or denied by tha Cky Counclt at Its sole discretion. ~ THE FORE(301N(3 AESOLUTIQN was ado th~- Pla q Commission rnesting of February 22, 1993. ~ ' ATTE87: ~O/IG~ SECRE ARY NAHEIM CITY PIANNINQ COMMISSION STATE OF CAUFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANt3E ) w. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) t, Marparka Sdor~o, 3ecretary ot tha Anaheim Ciry Piannlnfl C~mmisalon, do horeby cortiy that the torepotnp ~esdutlon wes pas~ad nnd adopted at a meetinq o! the Anahetm Ciry Planntnp Commkslon hetd a~ Febn~ry 22, 1993, by the fallowin~ vote ot the membors thoreol: AYE3: COMMISSIONER3: BOYD3TtJN, CAIDWELL. HENNINOER, MAYER, MESSE. PERAZA, TAIT NOES: COMMISSIONERS: NONE ABSENT: COMMIS810iVERS: NONE IN WITNE88 WHEREOF, I i~ave hereunto set my hand this ~ day of ~ 1993. ~O~ SECR . AR NAHEIM CITY PLANNINO COMM13310N ~' 1 t~ -2- PC93-Zb