Resolution-PC 93-28I i `~~ ~ ~ I ~ g~,$0~„4,~T,1_ON N0. PC93•28 ~ A RESOLUTION OF THE ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMI8510N ~ 7HAT PETITION FQR CONDITIANAL USE PERMIT N0. 3590 BE GRANTED ; WWEREAS, the Anahelm City Planning Commission did recehre a vertfled P~tklon for Conditlonai Use Permk for certaln real properry sltuated In the Cky ot Anahsim, Coun.ry of Orange, State oi Callfornla, described as: THE SOUTI~1 223.00 FEET OF THE SOUTH 6 ACRES OF TWE EhST ONE-HALF OF THE SOUTHEAST f~NE-QUARTER OF TW~ 30UTWEA3T ONE-QUARTER OF SECTION 12, TOWNSHIP 4 30UTH, RANGE 11 WEST IN THE RANGWO LOS COYOTES, IN THE CITY OF ANAHEIM, CAUNTY OF ORANGE, S7A7E OF CALIFORNIA, AS SHOWN ON A MAP RECORDED IN BOOIG 51, PAOE 11 OF MISCELIJ~NEOUS MAPS, RECORDS OF ORANGE, COUNTY, CALIFORNIA. WHEREAS, the ~Ity Planning Commisslon did hdd a public hearing at the Clvic Center In the City of Anahelm on March 8, 1993 et 1:30 p.m., notice of aald public hearing having been duly givan as requir0d by lew end in accordance with tho provislons of th0 Anaheim Munlcipal Cod~, Chapter 18.03, ta hear and consider evidence for and agalnst sald proposad condklonal uso parmit and to Invastigat0 end make ffndfngs and recommendations in connection therawith; a~xi WHERFAS, sald Commisslon, atter due in~poctlon, inv0s~~gatlon and study made by i~self and In Its bahalf, end atter due consideratlon o( all avidence and reporta offerAd at sald hearing, does flnd and determine the lollowing facts: 1. That th9 proposed use is prop~~fy one inr which a conditfonal use pe~~. ' is authorizad by Anshelm Munioipal Code Sect(on 18.45.050290 to pormk a pawn shop; 2. That the prnposed use la pro~arly one for which a condittonet use parmk la authorized by the Zonin~ Codo; 3. That the proposed use wil{ not advsrsely eHect the edjolnlRg lend ~~ses and the growth and specifled bytthetoo ditlons here nitwlllpsorvegto sfgrslficantly~redu e anytpotenti(al~ior adveraep palcts on nearby residences; 4. That the size and shapo o. '~~ e for ths proposad use Is adequato to ailow the iult health, satary ~and ge eral wlfare and thatr~ o negetiverimpacts resultt g friom tha p oposed pawn ehcP have been IdentHied; G. That the trnHic qenerated by tha proposed use will not impose en undue burclan upon ths streets and highways designed and improved to carry the traNic In the erea; 8. That the granting of the conditfonel use pormR under the oonditions Imposed wfll nat be detrfinentai to the p~ace, health, satety and flenerel weliare of the ckizena of the Clty ot Anahaim; ',:4~ k ~~4~ CR1754MS.Wp "~' P~~2B 7. Tha4 the Planning Commission determined thot ft Is appropriate tor the Cfty to Initiate reolassificatlon of sub~ect property from the Ca "Commerclal, Generei" to the CL `Commercial, Limftod' zone; and 8. That two peopie in tavor and two peopie In oppositlon I~dicated their presanae at sald publlc hearina; and that no correspondence was recelved In opposklon to the subJsct potitlon. ~ALI ORt~IA ENVIRONMENTALLQIlAI.I~ AC'[ F~N.~1N-G; That the Anahelm Ciry Pta~ ~nlnA Commisslon has raviewed the proposal to psrmit a pawn shop on en Inaguia~tyahap~d parael of tand consisting of approxlmateiy .85 acre, having a irontage af approxlmately 230 tegt on the north aide of Lincoln Avenue, having a maximum depth of approximately 183 feet, being lacgted approxlmatoly 395 ic~ot west oi the cente~line of Magnolia Avenue and further doacribsd as 2825 West I.incoln Avenue; and does hereby approve the Ne~ative Declaratian upon finding that the declaratlon reflect~ the independent ~udgemant of the lead agency and that it haa considered tha Nagatlve Decla~ation tc~gather with eny comments recolved during the publla review praceas end funher (Inding an the besis of tf~e initlal study and any comments rec:elved that there Is no substantlal evidence thet the proJect wlll havo a slgnHicunt dffect on the snvir~nment. NOW, 7MEREFORE, BE IT RESOWED thet the Anah~lm City Planning Commisaion doss hereby gran4 sub~ect Petitlon ior Conditlonal Use Parmit, upon tho idlawing conditions which are heraby tound to be a necossary prerequisite to the proposad usa of the sub)ect property In order to preser~~e ths safety and general welfare of the Cltizens of tho Ciry of Anahelm: t. That the ho~rs of operatlon shell be Iim(tec! to the idlowing: Monday through ~rlday: 9:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. Saturday: f~:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Sundey: Closed 2. That plans shall be submitted to the Ciry TraN{c and Trenaportation Manaper tor hie revlow and approval showlnp contormance wlth the lateat revlsions o( Enpineerlnp Standerd Plan Nos. 438 and 602 pertaininp to parking standards and d~reway locatlons. Subject property ahall thereupon be dwAloped and mafntalned in conformance wkh sald plans. 3. That subJect prop0rty shall be develaped substantlatty in accordance with plana end speciflcations submftted to the City at Anahelm by the p~tftioner end which plane ara ~n 1110 with the Planning DepaRment marked Exhlbit Nos. 1 and 2. 4. That prlor to commdncement dt tho ectiviry authorized by thls resolution, or wftfiin a period of one (1) yoar (mm the date of this resotutlon, whichever xcure Nrst, Condftion Nos. 2 end 3, abave•mentlonsd, shall be complfed with. Extonalons for further tlme to completo s~id condkions may be granted in accordance wlth Section 18.03.090 of the Meholm hAunlclpel Code. 5. That apprcval of th(s applicatfon constkutes epprcvel of the proposed reguest only to the extent that k compllea wlth tho Anahelm Municipnl Zoninfl Cale end arry other eppltcable Gky, 3tate and Federe! ro~ulatlons. Approval does not Include any actlon ar tindinga as to complience or approval of tho requeat repardfnD any other applicabla ordinance, reguletion or roqulrement. BE IT FURTHER RESQLVED that ths Anahs(m City Plannin~ Commission does hereby tlnd and ~etermine thet adoptlon of this Resolutlon is vxpraaaty predicated upon eppllcaM's compliance with each and all of the condltfons herelnabove aot foRh. Should any such condhbn, or eny pan thereof, be daclared invalid or uneniorceable by the tfnel Judpmont oi eny cou~t of competent ~u-Isdfctfon, then thls Resolution, end eny approvnls herefn conta(ned, ahall be deamod null end vold. ~''~'~~ -z- PC93•28 ~ ~ ,. ~ TWE FOREGOING RESOLUTION waa ado th len g Commiealon meetinti of March 8, 1993. / . a CHAIRMAN, ANAHEIM CITY PLANNIN(3 OMM13310N ATTES7: 0 SECHCT RY, ~AHEIM CITY PC~ COMMIS310N ~~" STA7E l~F CAUFORNIA ) COUNTY OF OPANGE ) ss. CITY OF ~1NAWEIM ) 1, Margarita Soi~rlo, Secretary of the Anehelm Cky Plenning ~ommlaslon, do heraby cartHy that the 4oregoing resolutlan was passed and ~dopted at a maeting of tha Anahelm Cky Planning Commisslon held on March 8, 1993, by the ioilowlnp vote of the members thersof: AYES: COMMI3SIpNERS: BOYDSTUN, HENNINQEW, MES3E, PERAZA, TAIT lVOES: COMMISSIONERS: CALDWELL ABSENT: COMMISSIONEFiS: MAYER IN 'NITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto sat my hand tfila ~~~~ day of ~/~. , 1993. ~0 SEL'AE~ Y, AHEIM (:ITY ?LANNIN(3 COMMISSION ~~ `~~~, h ~: i ~. PC93-28