Resolution-PC 93-29~'~*, ,g~$Q~,,~~ON N0. PC93-29 A RESOLUTION OF 1'HE ANAHEIM CITY PLANNINa COMMISSION CLApIFVING 'dUTD00R ~70HAQE IN THE Ca (COMMERCIAL GENERAL) ZQNE' WHEREAS, Section 18.02.041 of the Anahelm Municipal Code spacNies thet If an ambigutty arises concerning thn epproprlate classl0catlon of a panlcuter use wkhin tha meaning or Intent of the Zoning Code, It shall be the duty of the Planning Commission to escertaln all portinant facta and set foRh its findlnfls and tho reasons therotor, and such tindings shall then be ~eferrad to the Ciry C~uncil and, iE approved by Co-mcil, thereafter such interpretat(ons shall govern; and WHEREAS, on Juns 23, 1980, the Aneheim Cky Piannina Commission denied Condftional Use Pormit No. 2017 tn retaln an outdoor atorege yard with waivar of minlmum number and area of parking spaces on proparty locatecl at 1205 Weat Center Street, ancl 11?0~30 Wost Llncoln Avenua. Denlal was partially based on the City Attorney's Oifice determining that the requested use was not an authorized conditior~al use I~ the C(3 Zona. Upon denlal, Code Eniorcement steff was direc!ed by the Commission to expedke the eliminatlon af the storage yard; and WHEFlEAS, on August 14, 1986, ths prnpsrry owners ~ppoarad In Nonh Orange County Municipal Caurt as a result of the first criminal compibint regarding the unp~rmitted outside storage In the Cf3 "Commercial, General" Zone. The ccurt disposition nf the ~rimina' omplalnt was a'clvll ~ompromise' and the property owners paid court costs and an invostigation fae; and WHEREAS, as a result of a cltizen's camplalnt and noncompliancA regarclinp outalde atorage !n the CG Zona, the property ownors had a sacond criminal complalnt flled against tham on September 29, 1986. On June 19, 1987, tho property owners appeared in North Orenge Counry Municlpel Court and the case was dlsmissed as a result of a clericat eno~; end WNEFiEAS, on June 30, 1987, a third cr(minal complalnt was fited and tha property ownera appeared in Nurth Oranfle County ~Aunialpal Coun on January t t,1988~ a~was~in aompleanco on Janpuary owners were placed an 4wo years probation and peld a flno. The property 11, 1988; and WHEREA5, aerial photographs, deted Decomber 30, 1992, end provided by the Code Eniorcomdnt Divlslon, show the open lot area Is now agair completely utilizod for outdo~r storage, necessit~tlnp on•street loading and unlaadir-y of materl~ils; and WHEREAS, tollowinp are pertfnant excerpts irom the C(3 Zone es contalned in Chepter 18.45: (A) 'Applisnce stores "and "roconditlonsd usud merchandlae salea' ars eermkted orlmarv ussa In the CCi ,, Zone ( and ~ (B) 1 H,45.026 (IIMITA710N.i AND EXCEPTIONS TO PE~MITTEG USCS ANQ STRUCTURES) indlcates tho i following: ~"'ti~,, 'NotwithsWndln~ any other provfsions of this chaptAr, the fdlowing addittonai Ilmltetlona shall apply lor the conduGt of any use permftied fn tho'Ca" Zone. 010. No warehousfng or storape other than acl~esso~y atorape of commodities add at retall on th0 premises shNl be permitted ~xcspt as otherwlsA p-ovldad herelnaftar. ~ 070. A~i ~seg~QilLf14lm ~~1-="'"~~-° Stetlon oQeretions and thosa ~ses sce.~cal~v e~eDSQd. hereinane~ ~helLbe gQnd ~r~~+ ~yhollv within e buildlnn' .~ . PC93•29 CR1755MS.wp (C) 18.45.080 (PERMITTED ACCESSORY USE5 AND STRUCTUt~ES) tnd~cates the followin~: ~ `The foltowing accossory usae may bs conducted where clea~ly incidentel to, and Inte~retad ~ ~^~ithtn a orim~rv use str~ctura except as otherwise provkled hereln: : ~ .050 The rnanuiacturing, procesal~g, repeir, tre~tment or,~~.~ of pradu~ts whlci~ is I ~Iearly Inciden~l to t_ e retalt husiness aonductod on the premlaes shali be parmitted provided that such operetiona are~ not objactlonable due to nofso, ~dor, dust, smoke, vibrations or other sfmllar causda. .OB(1 The wholesaling af products, whsre ciea~,y Incldentai to an•, mt ed wlthin a ~ ,pllmacv use sttuctu..rg," I WHEREAS, the property owners feel thai the atorage activky being cond«ctsri on thelr lots is a pormltted acc~ssory use and requost Planning ~~ommisscion Int~rprotatlon partaining to outdAOr atora~ie In the CQ Zone; and WHEREAS, the Anahefm Cfty Pianning considered the aforamentloned metter as a Reporta ani Recommendations item at thelr March 8,199~ Planning Commlasfon rneefing, and after dus inspoation, 'I Investigation ancl atudy made by itself and In ka behalf, and ai<<r due cunaldaratlon of all evidencs and , ~ reports off~red does hersby tind and det~rmfne the following fact~: ; i 1. That tPie uses I~ the CG 2one (other than eervica statb~s) have alwaya beon Inte~prsted as belri~ requfred to be conducted wholly within a building unlasa htha:wlse Indicated i~ tha Code or unleas the use is one which fb traditlonally conducted outdoors (I.e. bitlboerds, equoatrlan facUitlas, gdf aourese, fishing facliltios, plant nursories, parking lots, signs, auto sales lots, csmeterles, mobllehome p~rka, rec~eatfon 1lelds, drive•in theaters, transmissien towe-s); 2. 7hat the CCi Zone does,aq~ apacHicaily eacept restaurant equfpment irom being atored In an enclosod buildlnp; and ~. That th9 ~. (Llmited Industrial; Zone permks acceasory outdoor storags provldAd k Is II sc~eened from public viaw, therefore, an accessory outdoor ato~age use can,~,~ be conaldered a'permitted unlisted use' for conditlonel use permit ~urposes as outlfned In Code Sectbn, NGW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Anahelm City Planning Commissfon doea heraby datormine that outdoor storage of inerchandise (In perticul rest~urent oquipment) is.p,~ psrmittad In the CLi Zone, as I~dicated in Zoning Code Sectlon 18.bb.030 o the besta of the aforementl4ned findings. THE FOREGDING RE5QLU~lON wes ado th$ Plar~hi g Commlaston ma~ting of Merch 8, 1 ~93. ~ ~ ~ CHAIRMAN, ANAHEIM CITY PUINNINC~OMMI3SIGN ! ATTEST: ~ '• : ~~`~ ~~~ .> SECA~TA~N EI1fl CITY PIANNING COMMISSION .2. PC93•?9 } STATE OF CAUFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANQE ) ss. QI'fY OF ANAWEINA ) i, Margarita Solorio, Secretary ef the An~hetm Clty Plann!ng Commlaslon, do hereby cortHy that the toragaing resolutlon wag passod and adopted at a meeti(ng of th0 Anahelm City Plenning Commisslon held on Merch e, 1993, by the following voto ol the mema~rs thereof: i AYES: COMMIS310N~RS: BOYDSTUN, CALDWEU., hlENNINaER, ME~SE, PERAZA, TAIT NOES: COMMISSION~RS: NONB ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: MAYER IN WITNESS WHER~OF, I hava hareurnn r~st my hand this ,~~day of ~ht~~ ~ 1993. - ,K SECRETAR , A EIM CIYY P~ IN4~w~sSlON ~- PC93-29