Resolution-PC 93-35~ ~ QFSOLI~?ION N0. PC93~35 A RESOLUTION OF THE ANAHEIM CITY PIANNINCi COMMIS310N THAT PETITION FOR CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT N0. 35fl7 BE CiRAN7ED WWEREAS, tha Anahelm Clry Planning Commiselon did recelve a verlfled Patltion for Conditlonal Use Pem~lt for certain real property s"r.~atod In the City of Anahelm, Counry of Orange, State of Calitomla, de3crlbed as; LOT 16, BIOCK 38 OF THE YORBA UNDA TRACT, IN THE CITY OF ANAHEIM, COUNTY OF ORANGE, 3TATE OF CAUFORNIA, AS PEFi MAP RECORDED IN BOOK 5 PAGES 17 AND 18 OF MISCEI.LANEOUS MAPS, IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY FlECORDER OF SAID COUNTY. EXCEPT THE EAST 278.G0 FEE7 THEREOF. AL30 EXCEPT, THAT t~ORTION OF LOT 16, IN BLOCK 38 OF THE YORBA UNDA TRACT, IN THE QITY OF ANAHEIM, COUNTY OF ORANQE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, A3 PER MAP RECORDED IN BOOK 5, PAC3ES 17 AND 10 OF MISCELLANEOU8 MAPS, IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAID COUNTY, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT 7NE NQRTHWEST CORNER OF SAID LOT 16, SAID CORNER BEINf3 ALSO THE CENTERUNE INTER3ECTION OF LA PALMA AVENUE AND FEE ANA STREET; THENCE NORTH 89 DEGREES 49' t0" EABT, ALONG 7HE NORTH UNE OF SAID LOT tEi AND SAID CENTERLINE OF LA PALMA AVENUE, 471,83 FEET; THENC~ L~AVINCi SAID NORTH LINE AND StiID CENI"EPLINE 30UTH 0 ~E(3. 11' SO' EABT, 252.00 FEE'r; THENCH SOIiTH 6.4 DECi. 48' 10' WES7, 471,83 FEET 70 A POINT IN THE WEST LINE OF .~'iAID LOT 16, 3AID WE3T UNE BEING ALSO THE CENTERLINE OF FEE ANA STREET; THENCE NOR7H 0 DEQ.11' 50' WEST ALO~a SAID WE +T LIfVE AND 8AI0 CENTERLINE, 2b2.00 FEET TO THE POI~IT OF BEt31NMINa. WHEREAS, the Ciry Planning Commission dld hold a public hear(np at the Clvic Csntor in the Cfty of Anahotm on March 22, 1993 at 1:30 p.m., notice ot said publfc haarlnp hevfng baen duly given es required by law and In accordance wlth the provlsions of the P.naheim Municipal Code, Chapter 18.03, to hear and constder evidenco for end agelnst satd proposad conditlonal use permft and to Investleate and make tlndings end rocommendations in connectlon therewith; and WHEREAS, sald Commisslon, aker dua Inapectton, irnestipatlon and study made by ttaelf and In Its behalt, oncJ after due conslderetlon o( atl ovidence and reports aHered at sald hearing, dooa find and detsrmine the tollowlnq tacts: t. That the proposed uso Is propody one for wl~ich a condittonal uae permit is authorizvd by Anahelm Munict~l Code Sectlon 16.d1.050.601 to permit an 11,000 aq.ft. Indoor truck wash tacilfty tnciuding minor truck repelr and maintenance; 2. That the pmposed use, consistlnp of the sanitizing oi t~actor trellers that are deslgnated and used tor transportinp food•related products (no ~ther type oi iroctor trai!er~ would be serviced et sub)ect site), is properfy one tor whlch a conditlonal usa permR Is authorized by the Zoning Code; 3. That the proposed use wpl not fldversely aHoct the adJolninp Iond uses and the qrowtl~ and devalopment ot tha area In whtch It is proposed to be located because the propoeal Is compatfble use with the surrounding industrlal netphbofiood end uses ~nd It coMor-ns to the ML'Industriel, Umited" Zone sfte developmern standarcls and landscaplnp codes; •~"h f~~' CR1763MS.wp -t- PC83a5 ~ 4. That the slze and shape of the site for the proposed operatlon fs adequate to allow the full devolopmsnt of the proposal in a mann~r not detrimental to the partfcular area nor to the peace, health, safety, and general weltere; 5. That the traNic generated by the proposed use wlll nat Impose an undue burden upon the streets and highways designed and Improved to aarry the traHic In the area; 8. That the prantinp of the conditlonal uss permlt under the condltlons Imposed wlll not be detrimental to the pea~e, hoalth, safety and general wel(are of tho ckizens oi the C!ty af Anaheim; and 7. That no one indlcatad thelr presence at sald public hearing in opposftlan; and that no correspondence wes recelved In oppositlan to the subJect pethi~n. ,~ALIFORI~IA ENVIROt~MEPlTAILQUALITY ACT FINDINC3: That the Anaheim Ciry Planning Commission has revlewed the proposal tu permit an t 1,000 sq.it. Indoor truck wASh facllity includfng m~nor truck repalr and malntsnance on a rectan~ularlyshaped parael oi Innd conslsting of appraxfmately 2.13 acres, having a irontage oi anproximately 210 teet on the oast side of Fee Ana Street, having a mexlmum depth of approximately 442 teet, befng located approximately 240 feat south of the centertlne of La Palma Avenue end further described as t 180 North Feo Ana Street; and does hereby approve the NA~ative Doclaration upon tinding that the deciaration reflects the Independont judgement of the lead agency and that it has considered the N~gatlve Declaretion togother wkh any comments recelvod during the pubifc revfew process and further findfng on the basis of the Initlal atudy and any commonts received thet there is no aubatantial evidence that the proJect wlll havo a slgnlficant o}tect on the environment, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOWED that the Anahelm Ciry Plenning Commisalon daos hereby arnnt ~ubject Pet(tlon for Condit(onal Use Permit, upon the tollowing c mdltlons which ara hereby found to be a necessary preraqufs(te to the proposed use of the 3ubjact properry In order to preserve the ssfety and general welfaro ot the Cltizens oF tha City of Anahalm: 1. That ali ne~essary permfts tor above- and/or below-gmund tenka ior hazerdous mater(als ahall be obtafned from thA Fire Oepartment, as requlred by the F(re Ccx1e. 2. 'fhat tresh stnrage areas shall be provfded and mainteined In a location aaceptabte to the Depanment of Malntenance and In accordance with approved plans on ille wkh sald Departmont. 8uch intormatlon shall be spacHically shown on the plans submltted tor building permits. 3. That a plar. aheet for solfd waste stArage and coilactfon, and a plan tor reayclfng ahAll bo submitted to the Department o( Malntenanae ior revlew and approval. 4. That en on•site trash truck tum•a-ound area shall be provided and malntalned to tha satisfactton of the Departmont of Maintonanr. a. Safd tum~round area shall be specHically shown on plens aubmitted tor buildfng permita. 5. Tliat there shall be no ovamtght outdoor atoraga of vehicles on sub~ect property. 6. That there shali be no outdoor repair, mafntenance and/or deteiling of veNicles or vehicle parts on subJect propeRy. 7. That any proposed ireeatandinp sfen on sub(ect praperty shall bo a monument•rype not exceeding elght (8) teet in helpht and ahaN be subJect to th~ revlew and epproval of the City Tremc end Transportatian Manager to verify adequate Iines•of•sipht. e. That any tree planted on•site shall be reptaced In a tlmely manner In the event that It is removed, damaged, diseased end/or dead. y Y~~ .2. PC93~35 0~r"~' ~ 9. That subJect propeny shall be developed substantially In accordance with plans and specificatlons submltted to the Ciry of Anaheim by the petfttoner and which plans are on iilo with the Planning Department marked Exhibit Nos. 1 and 2. t Q. That prlor to Issuance of a building pormft, or priar to commencement of the activiry h0reln approved, or within a perfod of one (1) year from the date of thia resolutlon, whichever occurs fl~st, Conditlon Nos. 1, 2, 3 and 4, above-mentloned, shatl be complied wlth. Exienslons tor further •tlmo to complete said condftlons may be granted In ~ccordance with Sectlon 10.03.090 of the Aneheim Municipal Code. 11. That prior tc tlnal buliding and zoning Inspections, Conditlon No. 9, above-mentloned, shall be complfed with. 12. That Approval oi thls a~plicatlon constitutes approval oi the praposed request only to the extent that It complles with the Anehelm Municipal Zoning Coc1e ~nd any other applicable Ciry, State and Federal rogulatlons. Approval does not Include any actlon or flndings as to compliance or approval of tha request regarding any other applicable orcifnance, regulatfon or requlrement. BE IT FUR7HEfi RESOLVE~ that the Anaheim Ciry Plenninp Commisslon does hereby find and determine that adoptlon of this Resolutlon Is expre~sly predicated upon applic~nt's compllsnce with each and all of the conditlons herolnabove set forlh. Shauld any auch c~nditlon, or any part thereof, be dectared Invalid or unenlorceabte by the flnel Judgment of any court of competent Jurladlction, then this Resolution, and any approvais hore(n contained, shall be deemecl null and void. THE FORk(30~NG RESOLUTION was adopted at the Planninp Commisslon meeting of March 22, 1993. ~ ~~ CHAIRMr1N P 0 TEMPORE ` - ANAHEIM CITY PLANNINQ COMMISSIGN ATTES7: G1'o -- CRETARY, g!~(, IEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION ~ S7ATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ONAN(3E ) ss• CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I, Janet L Jensen, 3ecretary of the Anahe(m City Planninp Commlaslon, do hereby certlfy that the tore~olnp resolutton was pessed and adoptad et e maeting of the Anahelm Clty Pfanntnq Commission held on March 22, 1993, by the tollowfng vote oE the membera thereof: AYES: COMMISSIONCRS: BOYDSTUN, CALDWELL, MAYER, MESSE, PERA7A, TAIT DJOES: COMMISSIONERS: NONE ABSENT: COMMIS510NEAS: HENNINf3ER IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand thts ~9~-/,day o( ~ 1993. GRETARY, AN IM CITY PLANNINCi COMMISSION ~~,;,,, k ~~ ~- PC93~35