Resolution-PC 93-37~ ~ ,~$~LUTION NO._PC93-37 A RESOLUTION 4F THE ANAHEIM CfrY PLANNINd COMMIS310N DELETINd CERTAlN CONDITION8 OF APPROVAL OF R~SOLUYION NA. PC88-257 AJOPTED IN CONNECTION WfTH CQNDi1'IONAI USE PF.RMI7 N0. 3058 WH~REA3, on Qctqbar 18, t984 the Anahe(m Clty CouncB approved Cond~tlortal Use Permit No. 28tG to permR a gymna$tic traininp centar with 29 perlclny apec3e, idlaw,np approval by tha Mahelm City Plannin~ Cnmmisabn, for a perlod uf thres (3) yeera, to ~cpire on Octobor 16, t987, on propaK~- located on the noKh side ot Eisanhc~war C3rct0 approxlmately 200 feet eaat ot the cer~erline nf Lakeview Avenue, a~u! fuRh¢r de~crined as 45t 1 Elsanhower ~~rc.4; nnd WHEREAS, on September t2, 1998, the Mehelm CnY ~larminp Commiselon aPprovaf Cor+dMionai Uee P~+rmit No. 3058 ~mder qea~tution No. PC88-257 to per.nR e pymruu~~c trnininq center wKh 2g parkinq speces; and WHEREA3. eald Rosdutton No. PC8g-257 includas thu tdlowing cartdttbn of epproval: 'A. That sub~ect u~w Is eppcovod for a ppri~c! W iour and one half (A 1/2) yeers, to expire on Februsry 28, 1993.' WHEREAS. thP petNioner has requeatod to am~a+~d or delata seid cotxi~ton of eppravsl to retain the pymnasNc tralntny renror, WHERFJ-S, the CRy Plannin~ Commisslon dW hold a~ublic heenn9 at tho Cwla CeMer M the Clty ot Mnholm on March 22. 1oiq, at tc30 p.m.. notic~ of ~ald publfc hearlnp hevirq boen duly pNan as requlred by law and M accordnnce wM tho pro~/~.lona d t a~~~m~nt and to ~m~tlgsta and ~mako tu haer and consWer ovfdenCO Mr And eqsirat aald propaod Ondinps and recommondationa In connectlon tMrrowlth; snd WHEREAS. sald Commbolon~ after duo InsRocllon. lrwostiq~tion ancf ttudy mado by its~lt and In Ms behalt. and ahar duo cornldwatbn ot dl avidwxa ena ropoRs ot(eral at ~nid honrin~. doos flnd and daonntrw -he fonowtno h~ts: ~. 'fhet the pra~sor u~ b proWeriY one lo- whk.h ~ condRional uso p~rmmlt b authorf=ed in tho M~(8~ (LirnRod Ind~~rlal. S~~nic ~'•aridor 4vode~ Zono locmtod v+rMhin tho Maheim Csnyon Induet~l At~; ~. 'fhat tho protx~od uso has oporexat tor ep~x~dmatdY aqM ~d one-hoU (8 t/z) Yoen ec subloc~ Prop~tY ~~ ~y b~~ ~ 9"~"~„ ot da+rolopnwird of sd~acont letxt uso~ or Impos~np boon ~atrlrt~+oMal p9uoo. hoeHh~ oMotY~~or~~rd wo~'ar~ d tM wrtoundln0 communllY• U+~ 3. Thet dllotlon ot tM tlmo Ihttltot~on b ~pptop~to W porm~ t~o~blt oporstlon utWot tho u~so p~ermit as q~antod: ar~! 4. T'. ,~ ~~ Ud~~ tP~~~ ~ hoAtkq In oppo~ldo~~ ond that no Cort~spondarxk .. :,~,~iY CA17~86M8.wp •1• POP3,17 ~+ C L_~pqN~~~~~~1ef1~-+-~~!~"~A ~UALITY ACT FINDIf~,Q: That the Anahelm Clty Planninp Commisaton has rovlewed tha proposal to delete Candition No. 9 of R^sduUon No. PC98-267 and doo$ hereby 11nd that tho Negative Declaretlon prevlously approved In connectlon with Co~dltlo-~al Use Permit No. 3058 Is adaquate to ssrve as tho rgquir: ' ernimnmental dxumontetton tn connection wkh thla request. NOW, THEREFORE, EE R RE80LvcD tha2 the Pnahelm City Ple~ninq Commlaslon does hereby delete Cond~lon No. 9 ot Resduclon No. PC88-257. THE FORE801N~ RESOLUTION was adopted at the Plann{np Commlaslon moetinQ ot Mnrch 22, 1893• ~ ~~'' CHAIRMA. PR •TEMPOPrE ANAHEIM. CITY PIANNINd COMMI8310N A1TE8T: /~~ CRcTARY, A A IM C~ NIN~3 GOMMISSION l~~ STA7E OF CAUFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANQE ) se• CITY OF ANAHEIM ) 1, Jan~t L Jensen, 3ecretary of the Anehsim City Planninp Commisafon, do heroby cortNy thet the iore9olnq reablutton waa pes~ad and adopted at 0 nsaet~rq of th~ lu~ehelm CRy Pta~n~n0 Commisslon hald on March 22. 1993, by tho fdto~win~ vote o1 the mambo~s the-eol: AYE3: COMMI3810NERS: BOYOSTl1N~ CALDVIIELL. NI~-lf~p~ ME88E, PEFIA7A, TAIT NOE3: COMMIS810NER3: NONE A83ENT: COMMISSIOPIF.RB: tiENNINdER IN WtTNE33 WHER~OF. I heve hereunto sot my hand thi~ ~f~dey d ~ 1993. i RE ETARY, ANAH 1 ITY PIANNINC~ COMM SSICW L~ ,~~ K, Pr'JiG.'f,'