Resolution-PC 93-4~ ~ A RESOLUTION OFTHE ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMIS510N THAT PErIT10N FOR VARIANCE N0. 4215 BE GRANTEO WFIEREAS, the Anahelm Cfty Planning Commisslon dld recoive a veeftiad Petitlon tor Varlance for certaln real property skuated in the Cky of Anahelm, County of O~ange, State of Ca~lfom(a descrlbsd ns: TWAY PORTION OF TWE SGUTW WAI.F OF SECTION 8, TOWNSWIP 4 SOUTW, RANGE 10 WEST, IN THE RANCHO LOS COYOTFS, IfV THE CITY OF ANAHEIM, COUNIY OF ORANGE, STATE nF GALIFORNIA, AS PER MAP REGdRDED IN BOOK 51 PAGE 10 OF MISCELLANEQUS MAPS, IN THE OFFICE OF TH~ COUNTY RECOfiDER OF SAID COUNTY, DESGRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEQINNING AT THE iNTEASECTION OF TWE SOUTH LINE OF SAID SECTION 8 WITW THE SOUTHERLY PROLONGATION nF THE CENTER LINE OF MULLER STREET, 80.00 FEET WIDE, AS DESCRlBED IN PARCEL 1 OF THE DEED TO1'HE CITY OF ANANEIM, RECORDED NAVEMBEA 1, 1957 Ihl B~OK 4089 PAGE 397 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS; THENCE NORTH 0 DE(3, 02' 24" WEST g35.43 F~ET' AI.ONC3 SAID SOUTHERLY PROLONQATION ANp SAID ~ENTER LINE TO A POIfVT SOUTWERLY 480.01 FEET FROM TWE INTERSECTION OF SAID CENTEP. LINE WITW 'l~IE EAS7ERLY PROL~NGATIOIV OF THE N~RTHERLY UNE 0~~ TRACT N0. 1775, AS PE(i MAP RECORDED IN BOOK 50 PAGE 15 OF SAID iv~SSCELLANEOUS MAPS; THENCE NORTH E9 DEG. 37' 14" WFST 361.68 FEF.T PARALLEL WITH SAID NORTHERLY LINE TO THE EASTERLY LIfVE OF &AID 7RACT N0. 1775; THENC~ SOUTW 1 DEa, 16 MINUTES 54" EAST 835.18 FEET ALONG SAID EASTERLY LINETO SO,ID SOUTH L1NE OF SAID SERTIQN; THEPJCE SOUTH 89 DEG. 31' 00" EAST 333.59 FEET ALONG SAI~ SQUTH LINE TO THE POINT AF ~EGINNING. WHEREAS, the Ciry Planning Commisslon did hold a public hearing at the Civic Center In the Cfty of Anahelm on Jenuary 11, 1 ~93, at 1:30 p.m., notice uf ~ald publlc hearing having been duly piven as requlred by law and in accordance wfth the provislons of the Anehelm Mun!cipal Code, Chepter 18.03, to hear and conslder evidence for and agalnst said proposed varlance and to investigate and meke flndinga and recommendatlons In connectlon therewfth; and WHEREA~, safd Commisslon, after due fnspectlon, fnvestigatfon and study made by Itssif and ~n Its behalf, and ~fter due consideratlan of all evldence and reports offered at sa(d hearing, dcx~s `ind and dalermine the following facts: 1. That the petftloner proposes welvere of the fdiowing to construct e 74-unk, 2•story dAtaohed condominturti complex: (A) Sactlon 18.34.0 0.020 - Parmitted rssideotia~ structu~s. (Atteciied or semi•attached condominfum unlts permftted; det c~ units proposed) (B) Sectlon - ,~~(~um ,~j~ctural helgbt wkh~~ 50-feet at slnale- tami~y reside I zone boundarv. (One.storv permftted; 16 two;~~y units proposed setback 20 f0et) ~~.. ~ ;,, ~ ~~ ~~ CR1716MS.wp -1 • P~93-4 F" ' /~i (C) $ectlon 18.~1.082.013 - ,~i1..{~n~~m ~R~Llfal 8l~b9Cbc nbt~!ina alnde iap~y f9SILI911I{8I 20~R L~OLIK~BN. t60-foc~t aot ck required for 2b-foot hiph atructursa; ~p tn 24•foot eetbacks propot~tl) (0) Sectto~.3?._o65.Oti - "Inim~m dlaLnce batvieen oe-allel welis. - ct9 to 2tteat requirAd; to to_ i3'~ taat propoead) (E) Sactien t y.08.038_ - . g s7.~ ~ one e d atreat ~squlred; 28 taot of ~me!n wlth no sldsv~lks proposed) 2. That walvero (A). (91, (C1 end (~) ere he~sby epproved b~cause tho~e are apeclal clrcumstartc~e applk~blo to ttee proporty auch aa alze, shape, t~paq~aphy, locetto~ ~r aurroundlnQa, w~~ch do not ePdY to ahe~ bA^ttcalty zo^~d p~°p°~~ In the vlclnlty; 3. That strkt applicntlon of the Zonlnp Code deprNes tha propeny ot prlvlleQaa anloy~d bY other propeKles undor idomlcal zonln~ dassMicatfon In the v~inity; 4. Thet walver (E~ Is hereby approved on the basis of tp~:lal Circumstancas which Mdude 11mitAd site, unuwat ahepe, extrems topog-aphy, domk~Mtnp dralneq0 prob~ems, end the Imprectk~bAly of employing a c~ntortninp plan or layout by raason ot prtor ~cistUp reco-dad eubdlvisiona d cornfpuous prop~rtias: and 6. That one (1) p~~on fn favor Indicatad hb presance at enld pudlc hearlnQ; and tl~et no corr~sparlonca was receNod M oppo~hbn to subJact potltion ~,-~LF~RNIA ENVIRONMEN'fA_ a~ ACT FlMDINQ: Thet ths 1lneholm CM P~n~q Commiulon has ro~riaw~d tho propooal for vireNAn d pormMad rostdontial structuros, m~udmum ~urel M~Ipht v~lthln 50•foat d~ejio IamAy rhideMfel zono boundarY~ mlMmum ~tn~rel ~Nback abuttlrq eh~gls famNy re~idorn~! zorw boundarY~ mlNrtwm dlstanco be~woon Psrall~l weus and roquirrd hnprorwn+~nt o( prlveta ~ to c~tnxt o 74unR. 2-stdy dMachod condanMlum canpox on ~ ro~an0u~a~1Y-a~ percal d land e~o~Ia~nO d aPPr~axkr~taN B.y scn~ locatad st t1re norlfMroat c~ner W Lhx~oln Avenua snd Mullor 8troat. f~eivh+0 epPnoximeto Ma~tep~s d 71~ iaet an h~ nath aide of Uncoln Av~x~e and 7701oat on th~ vroet elde ot MuIIK Stn~t, ~nd fuAMr dMCribed a t~'Zb Wost Lk~cdn Averwo: eu~d doa honbY epp~ov~ a mltl~tod Np~tNo D~d~rstfon and adopt tho Mldpatbn Monltak+0 ProRem Pu~w~M to Sectlon 21081.8 d tho P~bIIC Fi~lou~COa Cod~1 on ~M bef~ lhet lh~ dsCletatbn roilaCt~ tfw Ind~pN~dent ~ud~ertwM d th~ I~d ep~ncy and thet tla Plenninp Canml~elO^ he~ c~-~d ~ P~ ~h ~~~ @v ~ procots har~d JAt+or M~dkq~ t~mof tl~lnhlal8tud~, that~no subWntlal~ividorw tl~at tho pro~oct wiN havs a slprdf~nt N(ect on Itie orn+ir~onnwrtit. NOW. THEREFOitE. BE IT RESOWEO tl~t the Meneim CItY Pte~mirp Conwr~is~io~ does horebY FO ~raM wbJect PMidon for Ve~4snco~ upon th~ hoNowh+O oor~dklono wf~ich ar~ fwnbY fo~d ro br a necouarl~ prorequkito co tM popa+d wo a th~ r.,W~et proP~tY In ade- ro pra~s tM whey axl p~nonM w~llar~ ot tfu Cklzorn d tho Clty d ArnhNm: t. Thet pwtK ~hNl bQ wbrr~ltt~d to tlr~ Clty TrMle md Tre~aponetlo~ Manap~r for hl~ rwNw ~nd opprau~l showk,p conlon+wrr~ wIM th.1~c nvMfom a EnpN~+np 6t.ndard Plan r~a. ~.na eot p~+ino ro p.ricfnp wndora• snd drNow.y loc~on. SuDh~~ ProPMY ~"p ~f0r0~°f b' davtlop~d sna nwNntolnod In conloma~na wRh ~Id pl~ns. ~'y'•.. ,~. PCO3~4 ~u"' ~ 2. Thct plans sha~ring the opar~tion ot the vehlcular security getes and tum-around area ehull bo subm~ted to the Cky T~Hic and Trensportatton Maneqer for hfs revlew ancl appravel. 3. That ail drlvewaye shall be constntctr~l wkh fHtsen (16) taot radiua curb retuma es requlred by the City Hngineer In conformance witA Enylneerlnp StandArd No. 13?. 4. That a Plen 3heet tor adid west~ storaye and cdtectlon, and a ptan for recycliny shall be subm~ted to the Depertment d Maintenence !or revlew ar~d epprovai. 5. Thet clothaa washer ard dryer hookups ahall be Inducled In eech cor~dominlwn dwelilnp unk and ahell be shown on the plan~ submkted tor bulldtnq permRs. 6. That an unsubordinated covenant ahatl be recordod with the 081ce ~f the Orenqe County Racorder aqreulnp to provlde the buyer ot ~ch dwel!Inp unlt whh wrftten Intormatton obtalnad irom tha ~chcx~l dlsMcc(a) pertafninq to poselWe overcrowded conditions erxi the buslnp atatus of the school(s) aervirq thA dweltinp unlt. A copy of the covenent shall be submitted to and approvad by the Clty Att4moy prlor to recordetion. A copy of the recorded co~vennnt ahall be submltted to tho Zaninp Olvlsio~. 7. Thet the sldawalka on Mullar Street shall be dertaliahed end reconetructod prbr to occupancy, ad raqulred by the PuW~ Works•En~in¢erln~ QspaRmsnt. 8. Thet a~dltlonel ecreen IaMlscaptn~ ehall ba planted and melntalnod In irunt oi arxf elonp all sdid te-~cirp and buqdlnp watts vlslWe and acceasibte to tho panoral puWb to roduca praffitt oppoRUnltibs, In accordance wlth 8ectlon of the Anahoim Mun~lpal Code. 9. That eub~act propeRy stmll be developed apocNk~lly In accordanco with plene end elevetbna submMad to the Planninp Commisslon et the Januaey t t,1~ puWic haerl~p by tha patitloner arx! whkh plens aro on fie wlth the Plenning D~peKment marked Exhiblt Nos. 1 throuQh :7, provlded. hdw~vAr, that nny cherbes to said plene ~hatl be submlRed to tha Zonin~ DMI~Ia- ha re~~aw and approval by tha Plannirq Commbsbn as a`Aoporta and Recannrendatbns' ~em. t0. Thet prior to Ntuence of e bulWinp porm~ a wlthin e perlod d one (1) yaor trom tl~e deta d ~hla resolution, whlchever occun An~ Candhlon No`.1. 2, 4, 6 and 8, aboNO~mentlonsd, N~ali be complled wlth. Extenslons lor turthor qmo to completo ~efd cnnd~bna may be ~~ented In acc~~clanc~ with Sectlon 19.03.090 d the MahAim Munidpol Cade. 11. That prlw to finel bWdMp and zoninp Irnpoctlo~t, Condltlon Nos. 3, 7. 8 and 9, abo~vamerribnod, ~haM bo aompliod wlth. ~2. Thet a treMc audy ~F+a~ Da c~+duct~l by thn Ckys TroNfc EnQlrner DM~ton ~bc (~ rrwrnhs eRw oocupxncy to dotamina If s t-aMfc alpnel b w~nnM~d at the Intersection d Aladd(n DrNs and Llnootn Avanuo. 13. That tho dovolop~ ~f~eA b~ roiponslds tor comWlencs wtth aU mhlpedon measinrs whhin 1!w oalpnod tima Iramos and sny dfnc,t e~osts aaaistod wMh Mldy~don MonKorlrq Prop~am No. 810o amendod, es wtablisl~d by tho At~r d Mehobn ~nd e~ royukvd by Soctfan 21031.8 0l the Pudlc iiavun~s Cod~ to ornurs Im~t~tatlon of t~w~ Idornlliod rMtipetfon rn~suns. 14. That epproval d tMs applk;etlon ronetltuto~ sp~xowl W tho propaod -oquost oNy to tho ~dont that k complin v~th th~ Ar~hNm Munlclpd Zoninp Cod~ ~nd sr.y othor eppk,abN qry, 8tat~ md F~d~M rop~eGo~. ~PP~ doa not N~dud~ uy scdan or fkidMq~ iu ro con~plkrx» a~p~ovai ot tM ~ ~~~0 ~~I- ~ ~Icabl~ ordtrnrka~ repwetfo~ or nqukwna~t• '''",. ~3- ,++~, ~ i~ BE IT FURTHER RESOWED that tha Anahetm Clty Plenning Commfsalon daes Noreby tind aml detennine that adoption of thla Raedution Is expreasly predlcatad upon appl7cent's complianc0 wkh each arni all d the condklons hor~inabov0 sot inRh. 3hould arry such cor~dltion, or any part thereot, be declared Imrelld or uneniorcasble by the flnal Judgmont d any court of petar~t ju~ledfcNon, then Ihle Resotutbn, and any epRxovals hereln contatn~d, shalt be deert~ed nut! a . THE FOREGOINO RESOLUTION waa ad at f~e P Ing Commlaelon m~tinp of January t 1, 1993. ~~ CHAIRMAN, A?T~ST• ^ . ,rJ SECp ARY, ANAHEIM PITY LANNINd COMMI3310N 3TAT~ OF CI-LIFORNIA ) COUMY OF ORANGE ) as. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I, Ednh L Henta. 8ecretary d the Anahelm Chy Plannirq Commiselon, do haniby caRlry- that the torepofnq reaotutlon waa pataed and adoptod ~st a meetinp ot the Anaheim CCltyy Plannh~ ^omm~ he(d on January t 1, 1993. by the idlvwin~ vote of tf~e rtu~mban thereot: AYE3: COMMI$SIONERS: BOYDSTUN, HENNINQER, ME33~, PEAA7A, TAIT NOE3: COMMI831QNER3: NONE ABSEtJT: COMMitiSI0NER3: NON'` VACJWCY: TA~O SEATS IN WITNESS WHEREOF,1 hsve herounto eot my hend thle ~dey d , te93. ~ C Q~..t~- .~~~~ •~ 3ECRETARY, ANAHEIM CITY PlJ1NNINa COMMISSION `~ ~, ~4-