Resolution-PC 93-40~~ RESOLUTION N0. P(~Q A NUNC PRO TUNC RESOLlITION QF THE AN;,hIEIM CITY PLANNINa COMMIBSION AMENDIN~3 RE30LUT10N 140. PC92•124 QiiANTED IN CONJUNCTION WITW CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT N0. 3b~3 WHEREAS, the Anahelm ~isy Plannlnp Commleaion prentsd Condklonai Use Permlt No. 35be an October 19, 1992, to permR a service statlon and cer wash tacNiry wkh walve-s ot minimum structurel setback, required IandscaFed setback end ~rmkted roof•mounted ~quipment; and WHEREAS, the legal deacr(ption cuntelned In Resolution Na. PC9Z•124 wab Incnrrect and ehould be amended in Its onNrery to read as followe: March 22, 1993. PARCEL t OF PARCEI MAP N0. 83-237, IN TWE CITY OF ANAHEIM, COUNTY OF ORANCiE, STATE OF CAUFORNIA, A3 SHOWN QN A MAp FIi.ED iN BOOK 218, PAGE3 22 THROUdH 28 INCLUQIVE OF PARCEL MAPS, IN THE OFFICE OF ~IE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAID COUNTY. ~~. / THE FORECi01N(3 RESOLUTION was ./ ,~',{~ PWNNINf3 A17ES7: ETARY, AN CiTY PL.ANNING COMMlSSIdN meutln~ af STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANCiE ) ss. CI'1'Y OF ANAHEIM ) 1, Janet L Jens~n, Secretory of the Anahetm Cky Plenning Commlaalon, do Fwreby ce~tlfy tf~at the forepoing rssdution wao pgas~ d end adopted at a maetl~ of the Anaheim Ciry Plannin~ Cammisston held on Merch 22, t9~ii, by the lollowinp vote d tho rr~mbars tharoof: AYE3: COMMISSIONER3: BOYD3TUN, CALDWELI» HENNiNaER, MAYER, MESSF, PERAZA NOE3: COMMISSIONERS: NONE AB8CN7: COMMISSIONERS: TAIT IN WITNE33 WHEREOF, I heve hereunt~ ~t my hend thls ,~~day ot ,~j e~, _.~ 1993. CAETARY, ANAH CITY PLANNINQ COMMI8SION ,"t;~ ~k CR1752~~l.wp .1_ PC93~40