Resolution-PC 93-43~' ~ A AESO! .UTION OF THE ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION THAT PETITION FOR CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT N0. 3617 BE GRANTED WHEREAS, tha Anahelm City Planning Commisslon did receive a ver(fled Petitl~n for Conditlonal Use Permit for certain roal properry sitc:ated in the City of Anaholm, County oF Orange, State of Calitornia, described as: PARCEI ?., AS SHOWN ON A MAP FILED IN BpOK 92, PAGE 4 OF PAI~CEL MAPS. IN THc OFFICE OF THE COUPJTY RECORDER OF ORANCiE COUNTY, CAUFORNIA. WHEREAS, the Ciry Plsnning Commisslon dld hold s publEc haaring at the Clvic Center in the City of Anahoim on April 5, 1993 at 1:30 p.m., notfce of sald publfc hearing h~ving been duly glvon as required by law and fn accordance with the provfsions of the Anahelm Municipal Code, ChaptQr 18.03, to hear And consider ev(dence ior and against said proposed condltional use permit and to Investigate and make flndfngs and recornmendat(ons in cannection therewith; and WHEREAS, 3aid Commisslon, after due inspectfon, Investiga:lon and study made by itsolf and in Its behalt, and After due considoratlon oF atl evidence and reporta oHered at sald hearlnp, does find and determino the tollowing tacts: 1. That tha propasod use is prope~ly one i~r whlch a conditlanal use permit is authori2ed by Anahefm Munfcipal Code Soctlon 18.61.050,601 to permit the sale, Installation end aervicing of automotive alr conditioning, crufse control and power window/door lack eystems; and that subjer.t facillty is primarily a wholesale ousfness mainly servfng IocAI ~utomoblle dealerRhfps and, theretore, generates very 1(ttle retail ACIIVIty; 2. That the proposed use will not adveraety aHect t{~e adjofning Isnd uses and the growti; end development of the area In which it is propoood to bo 'ocated because no constructlun to expand ihe existing iloor area Is p~~posed and the use (s simllar to, end compatible with, surrounding lend uses ln the Immodiato vicinity; 3. That the s(ze and shepo of the site for the proposod use Is adequate to allow the full development of the proposed use In a manner not detrfinental to the particular area nor to the peace, heeith, ~afety, end Qenerel weiiere; a. That the trattic generated by tho proposed use wiil not Impose an undue burden upon the stroets ~nd highwavs designed and fmproved to carry tf:e traitic in the area; 5. That tl~e granting of the conditional uee permit under the conditions imposed will not be detrimental to the peace, heelth, safety and goner~i woifare of the citfzens oi the Cfty of Anahelm; and 6. That no one fnd(cated their presence at safd publlc hearing fn oppositi~ and that no correspondence was recelvad in oppositlon to the subJect petitlon. ~,,* ,~~ CR 1774MS.wp •1- PC93-~3 ~'~" (''°', CALI~O$NIA ENVIRONMENTAL OUALITY ACT FINDIN(3: That the Anaheim City Planning Commfssion has reviewed the proposal to perm(t the sale, Installati~~n and Rervfcing of automotive sir condltioning, crufse control and power window/cioor lock systems on a:rectan~ularlysh~aped parcel 03 land consisting of approximetely 0.88 acre having 9 frontage of approximatoly 170 teet cn tha west aide of KrAemar Boulevard, havlnQ a maximum depth a~ approximately 220 teet, being located approximately 530 feet south of the centerfine of Coronado Street, and further described as 1141 North 1<raemer Boulevard; and does hereby approve the Negatlve Declaration upon ilnding th~t the declaration reflects the indopendent Judgement of the Iead agency and that ft has considered the Negative Decleration together with any comments recoived during the pubiic review procesa and iurther finding on ~:he basis of the initial study and any comments rocefved that there is no substantiai evldence that thr~ proJect wlll have a ~Igniticant effect on the environment. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVHQ that tha Anaheim Ciry Planning Cornmission does hereby grant subJect Petition for Conditlonal Use Permit, upon the following conditions whfch are hereby found to be a necessary prerequlsite to the proposed use of the cubject property'~n order to preseNO the safesy and general welfare of the Citizens of th~ City ot Anaheim: 1. That subJect petition is granted for a period oE ilve (5) years frnryi the date ol t{iis resolution untll Aprll 5, 1998; provided, however, that the patitlon;~r mfly request t!~ro extenslo!~s or deletion of the time Iimitatlon fn conjunctlon with a public hearfng. 2. That a traftic signal assessment tee equaiing tha ditference between the industrlal and commErcial assessment fees ah~ll be paid to the Cfty of Ane.heim In an smount as establiahod by City Councll. 3. That plans shall be submftted to the City TraHic and Trsnaportatlon IJlen;., ~r (or his revlew and approval ohowing contormance with the current vorslons of En~ineering Standard Pl~n Noe. 438 and 602 pertalniny~ to parking standards and drlvewAy location. SubJoct properry shall thereupon be developed and maintalned ~n coniormence with said plans. 4. That subJect property shall be devetoped substantfally in accordency with plans and specltlcati~ns submittod to the City of Anahefm by the patitioner and which plans are on tlle with the Planning Deaartment marked Exhfbit Nos, 1 through 3. 5. That ell sa:es, instollation and servicing shell be conducted wholly tnsida the b~~lldin~. 5 That prfor to commencement ot the actlvfty herein epprovnd or wltfdn a perfod ot thirty (30) days from th9 date of this resolutlon, whichever occurs ilrat, Condltion Nos. 2, 3 and 4, abova-rrientfoned, shell be completed. 7. That approval of thls applfcatio~ constitutes approval of the proposed request only to the extent that it complies with the Analielm Munlcipat Zoning Code and any othor appllcable City, 3tdte and Federal regulations. Approval does not inoluds any action ar flndingii ~s to campliance or approval of th9 request regarding any othor appllcabi~ ordinance, regulatlon or requlrement. BE IT FURTHER RESOl.VED that the Anaheim Clry Planning Commisslor. ,,oes heroby ifnd and determfne that adoption of thfs Resolutt~n fs expressly praifcatecl upon applicant's complience with each and all of the cenditlons herelnabove set forth. Should any such condit(on, or eny part tharoof, be declared inva~id or uneniorceable by the final judgment of any couK ol competent jurfsdlctlon, then thls Resolutlon, and any appmvals hereln contained, shall be deemed null and vofd. .2. PC93~43 ~ ~ THE FOREGOINQ RESOLlJTION was adopt aJ~i4h~lanr~'~g Commisalon meeting of April 5, 1993. f ~ • A'f'1'EST: o~ ~ SEC ARY, ANAHEIM CITY ~IANNI'~~G COMMIS51n~1 ANAHEIM CITY PIAN STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) CQUNTY OF ORANQE ) ss. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) t, Edith L Harris, ~~~cretary of the AnAheim City Pinnoing Commisslon, do hereby cortify that the ioregoi~g rasolution was passed and adopted at a meell~p of the Anaheiin City Planning Commissfon held un Aprll 5, 1993, by the follo~ving vote of the mombbrs thereof: AYES: CQMMISSIONERS: BOYDSTUN, CALDWELL, HENNINGER, MAYER, M,'SSE, PERAZR, TAIT NOES: COMMISSIONEFiS: NONE ARSENT: CQMMISSIONERS: NONE IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I havo hereunto set my hand this ~ day of , 1 ~J93. . ~ l~~ . SECRETARY, ANAhIEIM CITY PLANNINQ COMMISSION J ~ .~. PC93-43