Resolution-PC 93-45~ ~ A RESQLUTION OF THE ANAHEINS CITY PU1NNItV(3 COMMISSION THAT PETITION FOR CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT N0. 3592 B~ DENIED WHEREA3, tha Anahaim Ciry Planninp Commission did recehre a vorNied Petltion tor CondRlonal Use Permit tor certaln real property sltuated in tlie Clty oF Anahelm, Counry of Orange, State o~ CelKornia, das~cribed as: PARCEL D IN THE CITY OF ANAHEIM, AS PER MAP FILED IN BOOK 33, PACiE 10 OF PARCEL MAPS, IN TFIE OFFICE OF THE COUMY RECORDER OF SAID COUNTY. WHERFAS, tha City Plannlnp Commission did hold a pubtic hearinp at the CNIc CeMer In the Ciry of Ai~ahetm on March 8, 1993 at 1:30 p.m., notlce oi satd publlc hearinp having been duly pivAn as requlrecJ by law and in accordance with the provisions of the Mahelm Munictpal Code, Chepter 18.03, to hear and consider evidonce tor and aeaf~rat sald propased conclltlonal use pertnR and to IrnrestlDate ancf mako flndinps and rocommendatlons !n connectton therewlth; and that sald publlc hea~tng was contlnued to the Apr. 5 and Aprll 19, 1993 Planning Commission meetfn~s; and WHEREAB, saki Commisalon, atter due inapectlon, trnestipetlon and study made by kself and In its bshalf, end aftar due conslderatton ot all avtdence end rsporta otiered et said hearinp, does tind and detertnine tho toilowinp facts: t. Thst the proposed use is praperly one tor which u condltlonal use pormit !s authorized by Maheim Munlclpet Code 5ectlons 18.44•050.080 arxl to conatruc: a self•aervice car wash facllity In conjunctton wllhin en exlstinp commerclal retall center with welv~r of the tollowing: (A) ^ecSlon 8.44.083.Ot0 - ~(nim~m lancl~cane sotback ebtrttina an end tEi.44.064.010 eReria hiahwav. ~g) g ~a tg,44,06~p4o - ~!tnim~m landsc~oa setbeck ab~~ln~e nin4lafemitv reaident I zone boundeot. (10 foot wide tandscx~ne eraa edJecent to tho sauS~ P74~^a requlrscl; ~.IQ]lL~SI P~oP~~l (~I ,$gcRlons ta.04.043.t • MAxfm~~+ oarmlttac~ fance hefaM. (8•loot h19~ wan pennltted alorsg south property Itne; e~.o68 ~;j~.h14h wal' ptoposed) 2. That thero ero no apoclal circumstances appiicaWe to the property such es slze, she,~e, topo~rephy, Iocation or aurroundlnps, which do not apply to othar ldemk~!!y zoned propoRlea In thu vicinlty; 3. That st~lct epplk;atbn of the Zon(nq Codo doee not deprive the properry of privq~es enJoyod by othAr propenles undar ldaMk~l zonlnp dasaNtcM~on In the vicinlty; 4. That tho proposod usQ wNl adver~e~y oNect th~ sdianlnp land uses and tho yrawch nnd devqopmant of ttw nrea ht whkh R It proFoeod to be Ixated; 6, That ihe proposed cnr wash Is no: en approprl~te use In auch close proximlty to the sinple- tamAy re~idontlel nel~hborhood to tho south; '`1yrw~~. CR t 778MS.wp .~. PC93~46 . ~ i' f? .~ 6. That, althouph the proposed landscaping and black wall may serve to viaually acreen the ~ car waah irom the residoncee, thls combinatlo~ wlll not adequateiy servs to buHer nolso emitterl by the proposed use; 7. That the slze ar~ ahape oi the site Is not adequate !o ~Ilow the tull devetopment ot the ~ proposed use in e msnner not detrlmentAl to adjacern sensitive tand usea nor to the peace, health, saTety, I and gdnerul wslfara; 8. That tho proposed'fencinp oiP of the rear portion of the rAtaA shops would exacerbate the accumulation of reluse bahind satd aommerclal bundtnp bac:ause access to this e~a would stllt be ~osslblo through the openlnQ between the auto ropalr buslness and the other retell bulldinqs; 9. That, although the petitloner aqreod to provide ~n on-sRo attendant tor the proposed aelt'• service cer wesh at all tlmos, lonp term Gomptlance wRh thts atfpu!atlon la unlik~ly end alter hours use of the tacility could sasny xcur; 10. That tha traHlc penerated by the proposed use wlll impose an undue burden upon the atreets and hiflhways deslgnod and Improvsd to carry the tratflc In the area; 11. That the praMlnfl ot the condftlonel use permR wtll be detrimental to the peace, health, setery and general w~liare of the cRlzens of the Cit~r of Anahelm; snd t2. Thst three (3) people Indicated thelr presencs et suld publtc hearinti tn oppositton; that a petition containinp slxty•three (83) signatures In oppositlon to subJect request wes aubmitted; and that correspondence was recelvod In opposition to the subJect patfti~n. GALIFOANIA EMLIRONMENTAL OUALIN ACT FMDIN(3: That the Anahelm Cfty Planning Commission ha~ reviswed the proposal to const~uct e seM•service car wesh iaalllqr In con~unctlon wRhin an exlating comme~clal retall contor wlth walvors of minimum landscape aetbeck abuttlnq an arterlal htghwey, minimum tendacepa eetback abutttng e slnple•fampy resldar~ilal zone boundary, and maximum permkted tonce helgM on en Irre~uisrlyahaped percei of lend conalattnQ of epproxtmetaiy 1.3+t acres, hev(ng e trontape of apprwcimat~ly 772 teet on tho aouth side a! Uncdn Avenue, hsvtn~ e maximum depth ot epproxlmateiy 150 f~N, balnp Ic~cated epproxlmately 330 leet eaat of ths ceMerllne ot Rlo Vista 8tntot arxl turther doscrlbec! as 2880 Eest Uncoln Avenue; end doss hereby epprove the Nepatlve Decla~ation upAn Bnding that the declsratton reeects the indopandent Jud~smerK ai tho lead aqency and tl~at It hes conaldored tho Noqative Declsratlon toQether wkh any commonts recehred durlnp the publlc revlew procese and funher Mdtng on the basis ot the inRtal atudy end any commenta receiv~d that there le no subotentlal ovldAnce thet the proJact wfll heve e alpniflcant atfect on the anvlronmant. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED thst the hereby deny subjact PotRton irn• Condkfonal Uoe Permit, on th~ Aprll 1S, 1993. THE FOREQOING RESOLUTION v~ns ATTEST: CRETARY, M CITY PLANNINCi COMMISSION •2- Im Ciry Plenninp Corrnnlsslon doas ot the aforementfoned itncilnpa. Commfsaion meotlnp oF CiTY PC93~45 : ~, .,~ ~. ~ STATE OF CALIFOHNIA ) COUNTY OF ~RAN(3E ) as. CITI' OF ANAHEIM ) I, Janet L. Jensen, Sacretary of the Anehalm Ciry Planning Commisalon, do heraby cartify that tho toreqoing resolutlon was pasaed and adoptad at a meeting of the AnahAlm Cfty Plannina Commission held on April 19, 1993, by the iollawinp vote of the metnbe~s thereoi: AYE3: COMMIS310NER8: BOYDSTUN, CALDWELL, HENNIN(3ER, MAYER, MESSG, PERAZA NOES: COMMI8SIONHRB: TAIT ~.BSENT: COMMI3SIOhER8: NONE IN WITNE88 WHEREOF, I have hereur~o set my hand thls,[~'~_day of , 1993. CRETARY, ANA CITY PLANfViN(3 COMMIB$ION .g. PC93~4b